Monday, 30 November 2015

Treatment of acute bronchitis

 Treatment of acute bronchitis


  • Symptoms
  • Drug treatment of acute bronchitis
  • Treatment for bronchitis traditional methods
  • Treatment of acute bronchitis in children

Acute bronchitis - an inflammation of the bronchi, occurring in the first place because of the ingestion of infection or virus.

Less common cause may be allergic or chemical factors, even a fungal infection.

If too cold, wet feet, the probability of the disease will increase significantly. That is why the most ill in autumn and spring. Predisposed to acute bronchitis people with chronic nasal infections, such as sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. Very often the flu, acute respiratory infections, whooping cough, measles, bronchitis occurs. The appearance of the disease contributes to alcohol consumption and smoking. Also, the development of acute bronchitis can cause irritant action of essential oils, toxic gases and dust.
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Acute bronchitis does not develop immediately. First, there are early signs that go into a more complex form, if time does not begin treatment.

  1. First, runny nose, hoarseness in the voice, throat starts to tickle. Chest appears mild aching.
  2. Then there is a general malaise, sore back muscles, weakness.
  3. The next stage - a rise in body temperature.
  4. A sure sign of the disease is developing a cough. As a rule, initially dry, painful. Because of bronchospasm cough becomes paroxysmal.
  5. After 2 - 3 days, when the patient coughs, phlegm starts to move away, the mucosa with an admixture of pus. Now cough becomes less painful. It begins the path to recovery.
  6. With prolonged paroxysmal cough begins dizziness and headache.

Cough - a protective function of the body, it helps cleanse the bronchi by mucus, sputum.   During the illness of accumulated mucus in the bronchi, which irritates the mucous membranes of the trachea, larynx and bronchi. At the moment of irritation of the mucous membrane mucus causes severe breath and then exhale jerky. At the beginning of the exhalation glottis is closed, so in the bronchi dramatically increases air pressure and at the time of expiration, this gap is opened with force.

The clinical picture of acute bronchitis has three phases:

  1. Midst
  2. Intoxication
  3. Resolution

The first phase - the height of the disease. During this period, growing clinical signs: dry cough, runny nose, fever, headache, and weakness.

The second phase - intoxication, poisoning the body begins when waste products of the causative agent (bacteria, virus), as well as toxins produced by the body of the patient. During this period, it begins to cough up phlegm.

The third phase - the resolution of the disease. In this phase of recovering the function of the respiratory tract.

The disease can be mild, moderate and severe. All depends on the resistance of the organism and the activity of the causative agent (microorganisms).

The diagnosis of "acute bronchitis" set, based on common symptoms described above. However, only when there is no change in the light detected radiologically. Therefore appointed physician in this case an X-ray light allows to exclude other serious diseases. For example, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.

By the end of the 1st week of illness symptoms begin to fade. However, the cough persists longer, up to 10 - 14 days. Finally the air-conducting ways and bronchial mucosa are cleaned after 2 - 3 weeks.

 Treatment of acute bronchitis
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Drug treatment of acute bronchitis

Treatment of acute bronchitis complex and is aimed at:

  • the fight against the virus infection;
  • restoring patency of the bronchi;
  • Addressing the negative influencing factors (domestic and industrial);
  • a full course of treatment to prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Treatment medicines prescribed to patients, depending on the symptoms of the disease. This makes the only doctor. Appointed antipyretics, anti-inflammatories and painkillers. If both amazed nasopharynx and throat are very useful aerosol formulations, such as kameton, ingalipt, kamfomen; Splashing 3 - 4 times per day. They contain streptocid, menthol, norsulfazol, camphor, etc. Aerosol preparations have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and mestnoobezbalivayuschee action.

It is necessary to take vitamins A, B, C, 3 times per day.

If symptomatic therapy is ineffective, there is a purulent sputum, the prescribed antibiotics. This tetracycline Biseptol, semisynthetic penicillins, etc. They affect the bacterial flora. Also, to suppress microbial used sulfonamides. Alternatively, they are administered in combination with vitamins A, B, and C (1 mg. To 100 thousand. U antibiotic). Antibiotics in this case is the prevention of pneumonia.

Antibiotics do not completely eliminate bronchospasm and restore patency of the bronchi. For this reason, if necessary, prescribers that extend bronchi. This can be ephedrine, aminophylline, etc. izadrin.

If the inflammatory process and can not be prolonged antibiotic therapy, it is recommended to combine it with the introduction of aerosol prodigiozan (using ultrasonic nebulizer). Assign 4 inhalation, 2 times a week for one inhalation using 1 mg. drug.

For medical rehabilitation use warm alkaline inhalations with sea salt or mineral water, for example, "Essentuki" or "Borjomi".

For the general strengthening of the organism and its hardening recommend ultraviolet irradiation, ionotherapy and electrophoresis on the chest. It is used a special method of physical therapy, it consists of breathing exercises and sound, special training. A stay in a sanatorium or rehabilitation of country offices is very conducive to the recovery of patients.

 Treatment of acute bronchitis
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Treatment for bronchitis traditional methods

  1. At the beginning of the disease is very good effect gives mustard, banks, hot foot bath.
  2. Cough soften alkaline inhalation, excessive drinking of tea with lemon, hot milk with soda or "Borjomi".
  3. Gargle with warm water and baking soda solution, iodine, salt.
  4. Very useful cranberry juice. Boil water, pour off and cranberries. A few minutes later, when the berries swell, crush them. This Morse all the vitamins remain.
  5. Use herbs and fees, which have antipyretic, diaphoretic and expectorant.
  6. Drink vitamin charges.

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Treatment of acute bronchitis in children

Dear parents, please note that acute bronchitis in some cases can give complications and develop into pneumonia or bronchiolitis. There are certain signs pointing to an unfavorable course of the disease, when you should contact your doctor:

  • Consistently high temperatures above 38 degrees.
  • The general condition of the child severe, lasting more than 3-4 days.
  • Shortness of breath at the kid: 60 breaths per minute in infants under 2 months, 50 breaths per minute in children from 3 months to a year and 40 breaths per minute in children up to 3 years.
  • With inspiration drawn much skin on the intercostal spaces

In these cases, the child should be immediately hospitalized.

 Treatment of acute bronchitis

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