- Underwater rocks
- What vegetables are allowed?
- Drink plenty of fluids!
Surely you have heard about the Kremlin diet - the one star lost weight on it, the other transformed beyond recognition. However, everyone knows what the Kremlin diet? Let's deal together. The name she bears, because this type of diet used prominent politicians - the inhabitants of the Kremlin. Very often you can find rave reviews from men of the Kremlin diet - meat eaters and lovers of alcoholic beverages.
So, did the Kremlin diet for weight loss allows unlimited consumption of meat and spirits? How can you lose weight, practically limiting itself in the diet? After all, the very fact that it is possible to eat tasty and lose weight, it seems to us a fairy tale. But the Kremlin diet dispels our most cherished notions about weight loss.
Indeed, all sorts of goodies and delicacies are part of the daily menu that nutritionists called the Kremlin diet. Recipes offered by the Kremlin power system include four basic postulates:
- plenty of fluids
- all kinds of meat and cheeses
- lots of vegetables
- the almost complete absence of carbohydrate-containing foods
You are willing to tolerate such restrictions? Then it's settled! It is for you - the notorious diet. Menu for the week you will make easily. Moreover, it will be quite varied, and most importantly - delicious menu. After all, you can eat everything meats. Poultry, pork, beef, lamb, fish, sausages and other deli meats - choose whatever your heart. Shrimp, mussels, oysters and other seafood delights, hard cheeses and cottage cheese, mayonnaise! And butter - on a diet of the Kremlin has not dreamed of just lazy!
But remember, moderation - if you have all of these products in large quantities, it is unlikely you will achieve the desired result. Recommended by dieticians portion should not exceed the size of a fist person. Of course, the first time you can experience the feeling of hunger - this is normal, because your stomach is stretched over the years because of the huge portions. Fortunately, the reverse process is not as time-consuming - the stomach will return to its normal levels within a few weeks. So, and hunger will disappear almost completely.
Underwater rocks
But there are also "pitfalls". Typically, the most difficult thing for lovers of meat food - a rejection of bread and potatoes. And for the ladies - from sweet. Deciding to choose the Kremlin diet, remember that carbohydrates you have to give! After all, to achieve the desired effect, and lose weight, you can only strictly following this rule.
The meaning of the Kremlin diet is to force your body to draw energy from carbohydrate foods are not, but because of body fat. So now forget what bread, potatoes, cereals, sugar, all kinds of sweets and pastry. All this diet strictly forbids.
In addition, so many people barely given a prerequisite Kremlin diet - fluid intake. If you do not drink about two liters of water a day, the process of losing the extra kilos will be extremely slow. Please note that we are talking about clean drinking carbonated water - tea, coffee and other beverages at the expense of not going.
At first you will not be easy - often have to drink through force. By the way, many are advised to put in a glass of water, a slice of lemon - drink is so much easier. But after about two weeks, like drinking regime will have the habit and had no problems with the water you will experience.
This is a must - you must take into account the fact that during the observance of the Kremlin diet increases the load on the kidneys. Therefore, such an important role in this system, the liquid supply is given. It helps the kidneys to cope with their work. Drink as much as you want!
But not those containing sugar. Tea - black, green, herbal, coffee, sometimes you can afford, and Coca-Cola light, contains no sugar in its composition. And now the best of all men - alcohol can be, but within reasonable limits, and only strong drinks without sugar. Can vodka, whiskey and cognac. Permitted natural glass of dry wine.
But on beer and low-alcohol beverages with liquor - did not even think. The same applies to juices, lemonades and fruit compotes. All of this is strictly forbids Kremlin dieta.Kstati speaking, people suffering from hypertension or any problems with the urinary system before starting this diet be sure to talk with your doctor.
In addition, you will have to follow the schedule and the power supply - to eat when you have to, as before, you will not succeed. Power should be drobnym- small portions over a short period of time. A person must have at least five meals a day. And it does not excuse the fact that you're working - you can take a meal with him.
What vegetables are allowed?
Menu combined lack of cereals and other foods containing carbohydrates, you will be able to compensate for the consumption of vegetables. Especially that, according to the Kremlin diet, carbohydrates should be consumed in an amount of about 40 grams per day. Vegetables contain just a small amount of carbohydrates, but most importantly - they contain fiber, essential for the normal functioning of the intestines.
The most useful are the green vegetables: zucchini, cucumbers, lettuce and cabbage - your best friends. It is also recommended to eat radishes and radish. Incidentally, it is desirable that all the vegetables are grown in your area of residence - they are much more useful than all imported from abroad. Vegetables are equally useful in cheese, and in the heat-treated form. Better yet, use those and others.
Such overseas fruit like avocados - the only solution of the Kremlin diet of all vegetables. On the rest have yet to forget. Bananas, apples, grapes - all of them contain a large amount of carbohydrates that you are strictly prohibited. If we would be completely unbearable - Eat a small apple. But not more often than once every three days!
Drink plenty of fluids!
You have not decided whether you fit this diet? Reviews, read and heard you, make you think? Then we'll show you exactly who will benefit from the use of this power supply system. The first applicants - a meat-eaters. People who can not imagine their life without meat in the diet. The second contender - the athletes. A huge amount of protein in the diet contributes to the development and building muscle mass. Still others - people with a lot overweight.
If you - just a few extra pounds - most likely, this diet is not for you. It is designed for a very long time - it is unlikely you will agree to wait a few months? The fact that the Kremlin diet is very effective in the fight with dozens of kilograms. Strictly speaking, it is not even a diet, but a way of eating, which a person must adhere to until it reaches the desired weight. And then it would be nice to respect the basic principles of this power - at least for so hard dumped kgs not returned.
There is the "Kremlin hospital" and their contraindications. This diet is not suitable for people suffering from kidney disease and gastrointestinal tract, pregnant or lactating. Also, it will not sustain a sweet tooth, and those who will not be able to give up beer for any good - they just do not have enough willpower to try though, of course, possible. Everyone else - welcome to the Kremlin diet! Moreover, unlike other diets, "Kremlevka" permits and ostrenkoe and salty, fatty and smoked. Just do not forget about moderation. Lose weight on health, enjoying delicacies and other goodies!
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