Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Mycoplasmosis: features of the disease in women

 Mycoplasmosis: features of the disease in women


  • Causes of mycoplasma in women
  • Symptoms and diagnosis of mycoplasma in women
  • Treatment of the disease
  • Prevention of mycoplasma

Under mycoplasmosis understood disease of the genitourinary system, as the causative agent of which are the mycoplasmas. This micro-organisms that occupy an intermediate between unicellular and multicellular (viruses and bacteria) organisms.

Depending on conditions, it can be treated as a pathogen, and to opportunistic pathogens.

Mycoplasmosis women can have serious consequences, so if necessary, it is important to go through the appropriate course of treatment. In order to identify the infection as early as possible, you need to know what mycoplasmosis has symptoms and signs.
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Causes of mycoplasma in women

Mycoplasmas are considered opportunistic pathogens. This means that they can exist in healthy humans, without causing infectious diseases due to lack of pathogenic properties.

However, mycoplasma is not always harmless. According to some scholars, this against the background of the presence of infection in the body of other disease-causing bacteria may lead to the development of the disease. Transmission can take place through unprotected sex, as well as during birth from mother to child.

 Mycoplasmosis: features of the disease in women
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Symptoms and diagnosis of mycoplasma in women

In most cases, mycoplasmosis proceeds with hidden features. However, the first symptoms in women can manifest itself in the form of lean, almost transparent selections. Subsequently, there may be pain when urinating. With the further spread of infection to these symptoms mycoplasma joins inflammation of the uterus and its appendages, can be observed emerging from time to time not intensive drawing pains, worse before the critical days.

With long-term inflammation of the ovaries weaken local immunity and, consequently, in the pelvic organs begin to develop different pathological processes (salpingitis, abscesses, adnexitis, endometritis, etc.). Strengthening mycoplasma symptoms may occur when hormonal crash.

For detection of the disease is most commonly used DNA diagnostics. Its validity is approaching 95%. However, this method is not informative in the presence of purulent secretions. In these cases, a sowing procedure or ELISA.

The advantage of the ELISA is the speed of its implementation, as well as the results (several hours). However, the validity of this study only 70%. Carrying sowing takes longer - about a week. But its validity up to 100%.

 Mycoplasmosis: features of the disease in women
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Treatment of the disease

Treatment of mycoplasma in women should be mandatory, even if the disease is not worried. Infection during pregnancy is extremely dangerous, as can occur in utero fetal loss, which may cause its pathological development, miscarriage, stillbirth, premature delivery.

Treatment of the disease should be complex. And should be treated not only infected woman and her sexual partner. This may prescribe drugs for local and general action, immunomodulators.

The main group for the treatment of mycoplasma are antibiotics. First of all - a drug tetracycline, fluoroquinolones and macrolides. Selection of a particular medicament performed by a doctor based on analysis results. Take antibiotics should be exclusively assigned to the scheme. The course of treatment may last 7-10 days.

Local can be used candles containing metronidazole and preparations intended for irrigation. For the prevention of fungal infections in patients receiving antibiotics is appropriate receiving antifungal medications.

To prevent the development of intestinal dysbiosis, again at reception antibiotkov can be assigned eubiotics. These are preparations, which contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Reducing local event after antibiotic treatment is necessary and in the vagina. For this purpose appointed candles with lactic acid bacteria.

When mycoplasmosis usually reduced immunity. It is therefore necessary to strengthen it. For this purpose, patients are assigned multivitamin complexes and natural immunomodulators.

During the treatment should refrain from sexual intercourse, or used with the barrier methods of contraception. When receiving antibacterial drugs is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages.

Upon completion of the course of treatment must be examined to assess the effectiveness of the therapy. Not earlier than 10 days after receiving the medication, should be returned to the gynecologist smear on the study. This procedure must be repeated 3 times in the middle of each subsequent critical days. About healing would indicate a negative result of bacteriological research in each stroke.
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Prevention of mycoplasma

In order to prevent contamination of mycoplasmosis, to avoid casual sex. The sexual life is recommended to live with a sexual partner. If unsure it should use barrier contraception. Every six months should go to the gynecologist with the purpose of baseline medical examination. If you find any infections they must be treated immediately.

In order for the organism was able to fight the negative factors, it is important to maintain a high level of immunity. When planning a pregnancy should be screened for sexually transmitted infections.

 Mycoplasmosis: features of the disease in women

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