Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Types of diets for weight loss

 Types of diets for weight loss

Diet - is matched with a view to the diet food and diet. Diets can be therapeutic for weight loss. About therapeutic diets say it makes no sense, they are prescribed by the doctor in each case individually, and nothing to do with weight loss, they do not have.

But weight loss diet is now so widespread that there is hardly a person who does not know of any. Consider the main types of diets for weight loss, the effectiveness of these diets, advantages and disadvantages.

The following types of diets:

Low-calorie diet - probably, this group includes most of the basic diets. It is characterized by the use of low-calorie food.

Diets low-fat - the name. Diets that restrict the flow of oil in our body.

There are also malouglevodnye diet - they are harder to sustain than the low-fat. One of the most publicized malouglevodnyh diets, this diet The Kremlin.

Monodiets. Enough hard diet, based on the use of a single product. For example: apple diet, kefir, rice and so on.

Protein diet. It is very effective and at the same time strict diet.

Vegetarianism. Overall, not a bad diet, but it is not quite suitable for our climate and our people.

Recently, a number of trendy diets, however, are uniquely characterized by doctors. These include diet, based on separate nutrition, diet by blood group. It is not even a diet and certain nutritional guidelines, which observed a long period of time.

 Types of diets for weight loss

We recommend that read: vinegar for weight loss

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