- Basic principles
- Types of protein-vitamin diet
- What prefer vitamins
- Positive aspects of diet
- Negative sides
The right thing to maintain the figure in perfect condition to opt for a healthy balanced diet. However, not everyone is able to for a long time to adhere to the decision to give up canned food, convenience foods, fried. Then one way out - a short-term diet torture. A perfect diet, as we know, does not happen.
Even protein-vitamin diet, recognized intrusive option, does not meet all the requirements of healthy eating. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for longer than 10 days, or even better - a week.
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Basic principles
The very name of the diet speaks for itself: the menu includes only protein and vitamin ingredients. Moreover, they need to use separately: one meal consists of protein products and other fruit. We can not say that the protein-vitamin diet earned him popularity among dieters as one of the most effective ways to reduce weight. There are many other diets, no way inferior to that of the duration and rate of drop extra kilos. Rather, it attracted by the fact that the amount of meals is not limited to three conventional, and stretched by 6 (every 2, 5 hours), and the use of raw fruits and vegetables do not require cooking.
In short, such a diet is quite suitable to everyone who likes to cook or long busy at work. After having breakfast at home or low-fat curds pair of eggs, you can take with them as a second breakfast orange or apple. And best of both, for snacking during the work have repeatedly observing the proper intervals between meals. The exact time of supply nutritionists do not set, so the time can be shifted in any direction desired slimming. Important to between meals do not exceed 2 to 5:00 and the number of receptions was not less than 5 times in dne. 6 times - ideally.
As protein foods are not only eggs and cheese, and lean meat or fish, ham, boiled sausage, low-fat hard cheese. Fats and carbohydrates to diet period are excluded, and a salt is limited to a minimum. Although experts say that even in lean meat boiled least fat still present, and the most low-calorie fruit is deprived of carbohydrates. Just this fact makes sparing diet. Sausage is also ambiguous attitude, because to find a quality sausage product that does not contain fat, preservatives and colorants, is extremely difficult.
Sample menu will be as follows:
- Breakfast: 200 gr. fat-free yogurt with no sugar or 2 eggs;
- Lunch: 1 fruit or vegetable;
- Lunch: 200 g. beef or chicken breast;
- Lunch: salad of grated carrots with apple, seasoned with olive oil;
- Dinner: 200 gr. steamed fish;
- Before going to bed: a cup of yogurt or sour milk.
Sports drinks plentiful, and more than 2 liters per day of herbal or green tea, mineral or ordinary water (preferably hot), fruit fresh juices. However, the need to drink, not drinking liquid food, and for 20-30 minutes before meals or half an hour after. Coffee, milk, spirits and beer is strictly prohibited. Must eliminate flour, sweets, cereals, pasta, potatoes.
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Types of protein-vitamin diet
Before you venture on a voluntary deprivation for the sake of beauty, you need to carefully study the protein-vitamin diet menu offered separately, because the opinions of different nutritionists disagree . In some cases, strictly prohibited products such as cheeses, fruits, potatoes, carrots, beets, liver, and even all of sour milk. In other recommendations cheese, 1% and 2, 5% yogurt, etc., of the above, in small doses allowed.
Involuntarily the question arises, why can not the carrots and how to eliminate the fruit of vitamin diet. In fact, we must distinguish between types of protein diets. After all, the same protein-vitamin may involve protein-vegetable menu, and can be a protein and fruit. There is also a protein and vegetable diet, which is similar to the diet of vitamin A, but alternate protein meals and vegetable no bounds and leaps.
Robert Atkins protein diet is also characterized by the use of lean meat, eggs and fish with a small amount of vegetables and fruits. A well-known TV presenter Elena Malysheva offering its fiber diet that includes all kinds of classical protein-vitamin diet, but resolving the morning portion of oatmeal.
Therefore, choose a suitable protein-vitamin complex is possible only after studying all proposed variations of the protein, as well as talking to your doctor.
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What prefer vitamins
In classical protein-vitamin diet allowed all the vegetables, except potatoes and vegetables should be excluded from a high-calorie, such as bananas, persimmons, grapes.
It is better to prefer green apples, pineapples and citrus varieties. Of the latter, most grapefruit diet is recognized as due to substance naringin, which is available in mezhdolechnoy film accelerates metabolism, helps burn fat. The fruit contains almost the entire range of vitamins and minerals so necessary for everyone. Grapefruit tones, improves mood, removes toxins and harmful cholesterol, improves heart and liver.
Given that some instances of this fruit can reach a half kilogram, as a snack rather eat ½ grapefruit. It shows the strength of 35-39 kcal, depending on the variety: yellow fruit sweet and less caloric and red flesh indicates a more sweet varieties. If you squeeze the juice out of it, it is necessary that he has not been deprived of the pulp, which just contains naringin. Precautions to consume grapefruit should approach people with chronic diseases of the stomach and liver.
Good for a snack apples and pears. They are low-calorie, and in them a lot of pectin. Pear is a very difficult product for the digestive system, so it is right to eat it no earlier than 2-3 hours after the main meal. With regard to varieties of apples, you need to choose exactly green. As a positive signal light, this indicates that the fruits of that color can be easily sent to the stomach - they are dietary purposes.
Super Fruit for protein-vitamin diet is considered to be a pineapple, because it is easy to cope with a heavy protein diet. This occurs due to a substance such as bromelain, which is contained in large quantities in the fetal heart. In the same enzyme that breaks down proteins and fats are heavy, have a kiwi and papaya, while the second is particularly exotic fruit to Russia.
Between protein meals except fruits supposed to eat fresh vegetables. They can be eaten as a salad and a whole. Preferring salad vegetables, remember that sauces and condiments eliminated in the diet. The only advantage that can be a bit of salt, and vegetables at the same time gave the juice, it will be easier to absorb. If it is very hard to eat vegetables without dressing, you are allowed to add a bit of olive oil or, better yet, simply sprinkle the salad with lemon juice. From hot spices may be a little red pepper.
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Positive aspects of diet
A diet containing usually 2 parts protein foods, and 1 part of vitamins, fruit and vegetables, aims to ensure that the body, the new armed forces, let them destroy fat. One of the good things - this is an opportunity for frequent admission of food does not suffer from hunger. Dulls the senses and high-protein products.
Unlike many diets, where, after 18 hours is not recommended to take the food in the diet can make a meal even at 20.00. It is gratifying that the protein-vitamin diet has a lot of raw foods, which contributes to the revitalization of the gastrointestinal tract. After all, during heat treatment, even the lowest, in the products of virtually nothing useful it has no choice.
It is not unreasonable and that the diet is based on the principles of a separate food. Protein products are better processed in the acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract, and the vegetables and fruit - in alkaline. Meal schedule can be shifted depending on the mode of the day. The main thing that the last meal accounted for a time when it will be followed a couple of hours of wakefulness.
The amount of absorbed calories per day should not do less than 1200. In such menu, you can organize a range of quite varied. Nutritionists recommend to eat during the diet with additional vitamins and minerals, because the forbidden foods still deprive the body of many of the missing components. During the 10 days of protein-vitamin diet dieters usually shed 8-10 kg. It is important that there is a loss of fat tissue and not muscle. If there have been violations of the power, then reset it turns half. If necessary, the diet can be repeated 2 times a year.
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Negative sides
Avoid protein-vitamin diet should be the people who have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. Precautions need to be suitable for all who are prone to allergies to eggs, some fruits. The disadvantages include the fact that to begin such a diet can not be in the winter, when fresh fruits and vegetables are expensive and contain many vitamins in the summer.
In people who are prone to constipation, may have problems with a chair because of the large consumption of protein foods. In this case, you need to eat protein foods along with lettuce or choose another option protein diet, which allowed some carbohydrates. The protein leads to increased blood clotting, which is dangerous formation of blood clots. This warning is especially important for obese people with a large overweight. Chronic pancreatitis, colitis and dysbiosis - these are diseases in which protein diet clearly contraindicated.
Women may notice a lack of carbohydrates in the begun hair loss, frequent changes of mood, increased irritability. Pregnant and lactating women also need to wait, not only with the diet, but also with any other. Naturally, any restriction in the diet leads to negative consequences. Began hormonal imbalance, indicating the beginning of menopause, can only worsen during the protein diet. Therefore, consultation with a physician is required to choose the optimal protein diet. This may not be so quick to melt weight, but it will not lead to serious health problems.
Since over 10 days body gets used to other food can not be immediately on the next day after the diet is actively lean on carbohydrates. It requires a gradual way out of the diet. It is better to enter the menu other products gradually at least for a week.
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