Tuesday, 4 October 2016

How to make your eyes beautiful?

 How to make your eyes beautiful?


  • How should I paint eyes
  • How should I choose a pencil
  • How to make up eye liner
  • How to make up eyes ink
  • How should I paint brown eyes
  • As the painting green eyes
  • How to make up blue eyes
  • How to paint gray eyes

Beautiful eyes, who skillfully summarized black pencil is the dream of every woman. Exquisitely made-up eyes attracted admiring glances of men. This art of make-up is subject to every woman, and expert advice on this will help. In this case, you must take into account a lot of nuances, for example, is set to form the eyes, their color.

You must first apply on face make-up tool which will give the skin the necessary moisture and protection. Then, under the lower eyelid applied concealer several points that need to be immediately grind, and should closely monitor the fact that the means do not fall into the eye. Function concealer is very important because with it disguised wrinkles and under-eye circles. Then you should use the powder. As for eyeliner, it must be of high quality.

It is best to use eyeliner medium soft, as it does not cause skin damage.
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How should I paint eyes

Soft pencil (it should be pre-sharpened) at the base of the eyelashes on the upper eyelid held smooth line, which should be identical to the natural contour of the eye and go from the inner corner to the outer. At the same time it is not necessary to carry out a broad line, and better to draw a fine, and then shade it. Keep in mind that you need to paint the eyes, so that was not the impression that a lot of makeup, this is the main feature of a quality makeup.

At the end of a pencil line is a slight bend upward, giving the eye some openness. Lower eyelid eyes also can be painted with a pencil, but this should be done in a way to draw the line did not reach the inner corner of the eye. This way you can be painted, but when it comes to evening makeup.

If the eyes are close together, the line of the pencil begins in the middle of the upper eyelid. The arrow in this case, a softer, do not try to allocate it. If the eyes are close together, then paint the lower eyelids is not necessary.

If the eyes are large and well planted, it should display line to the temple, which contributes to the visual change in the eye, so they become more almond-shaped. It is not necessary to draw toward the temple very long line, as it does make the calling, so the line should be somewhat lower. Eyeball visually becomes smaller, all the lines are softened, that looks very attractive. The line drawn in pencil, should not be too narrow, it should draw, to take over the edge of the eyelashes.

 How to make your eyes beautiful?
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How should I choose a pencil

Some of the girls are not too closely related to the choice of a pencil, which is absolutely unacceptable, as if painted pencil poor quality, it can cause an allergic reaction. When choosing a pencil, which will paint the eyes, it should give preference to products made of solid wood as well as pencils sawdust is not only lower quality, but also badly sharpened. When choosing a pencil should carefully examine the lead if it has a white coating, then this is not the place pencil in the beautician. The line, which leaves the skin pencil should be uniform and clear. Too soft pencil to choose not worth it, because it is poorly applied.

When choosing colors it is best to give preference to black pencil, which is a classic of the genre. In order to win the hearts of men expressive and passionate eyes, you need to paint them properly. It should paint over black pencil lash line, then they will be more visually lush. Then the arrow is drawn and gently shaded. Under no circumstances should such a pencil to paint over the entire eyelid, as the opinion in this case is as aggressive and heavy. The lower eyelids can be brought only slightly and only for those who have big eyes.

If you do not want the line drawn in pencil, was clear, shade should be deposited line applicator for eyeshadows and should try to ensure that it ran up. For the brown-eyed black pencil is perfect for the gray-eyed fit gray, green-eyed should choose brown and blue-eyed girls are perfect for all shades of gray.
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How to make up eye liner

In addition to the pencil, eye liner liquid can be painted, then the color will be more crowded, and make-up - more resistant. Contour line looks more attractive if it is located close to the line of growth of your eyelashes. If the eyes are large and planted close, you should choose a very intense eyeliner and start it for the outer corner of the eye. The eyes should be painted very carefully, then you can avoid the effects of slanted eyes. Line large eye liner should be very thin, you can bring more and lower eyelids.

If the eyes are not very big, the line should be broader, but it should be discreet. Lower eyelids with small eyes should not be painted, otherwise they will look visually more small. When selecting a shade liner should consider the type of skin. If your skin is dark, it is best to choose the eyeliner blue, brown or green. Eyeliner blue, bluish-green and gray is perfect light skin.

 How to make your eyes beautiful?
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How to make up eyes ink

In order to make up beautiful eye mascara, you will need a comb for the eyelashes. With it, not only the eyelashes are separated properly, but lifted that looks very nice. Comb the lashes to be when the ink is still wet, so you can get rid of the remnants of the carcass, various lumps. The eyes in this case a natural tone. Need and tweezers for eyelashes, which will make the eyes look more open, and his eyes will look bigger.

Mascara should start to apply multiple strokes of the brush, ranging from lash line up. When the ink dries a little, you should paint the tips. Then, when the ink dries completely, it is necessary to paint the eye again from base to tip.
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How should I paint brown eyes

In order to make up beautiful brown eyes, you must first select the appropriate shade. These eyes will look more expressive, if you use a complex makeup shade. It should start with olive shade, and bronze finish or charcoal black, but also perfectly suited chocolate, gray and purple hues. Pink and orange shade is quite appropriate.

Application Technique

  1. First apply a lighter shade of shadow applicator lid at all;
  2. Apply a darker shade, you should start with the outer corner of the upper eyelid to the center;
  3. Is allowed to apply a small amount of dark shadow on the lower eyelid in a similar way, that is, from the outer corner to the center;
  4. Brush gently shaded dark shadows at the edges;
  5. Now we should paint the eyes mascara. For brown eyes is best to choose a mascara in black.

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As the painting green eyes

The green-eyed girl in the eye make-up can safely experiment with shades of brown (sand tones fit perfectly, you can opt for a deep shade of chocolate). Shadow blue eyes give incomparable depth and emphasize the incredible beauty of the emerald eyes. Excellent shade will look purple shades. To create a daytime makeup are ideal shade light shades. To make the day make-up, green-eyed girls should be applied shade with a hint of pearl in the upper eyelid, and the top carefully shade shade more saturated color.

Technology sharper makeup is as follows: light shade applied between mid-century and the lash line. The dark line extension is applied, starting from the inner corner of the eye to the outside.
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How to make up blue eyes

Shadows of silver, pale pink, purple and gold shades are ideal for make-up blue eyes. Appliances makeup for a girl with blue eyes is different in that the less makeup, the better.

  1. On the eyelid applied silvery shadows and carefully shaded.
  2. Now, apply the shadow more saturated colors (lavender is perfect), but this is done so that the transition between the shadows was imperceptible.
  3. Circuit blue eyes emphasizes dark gray pencil or eyeliner.
  4. Cilia in prison should make up the dark gray ink.

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How to paint gray eyes

In order to make up gray eyes, use shades of gray, gray-beige or gray-blue hue. In any event group should be several shades darker than the color of the eye.

In order to make up big eyes, you should stop your choice only on the dark shadows, black or dark gray. Perfect so-called smoky makeup.

Small eyes is best to paint the light shadows. Another important role is played fine work outline with a pencil. It is best to opt for shades of pearly shades, but without a strong finish. Those women who have eyes narrow, it is important to visually expand them. Here's how: outline with a pencil held strip just below the eyelids, and then just above the eyelid, then very carefully all the shade.

If all of the above recommendations of experts to note that there is no doubt that the eyes become quite fascinating, incredibly attractive and blow your mind is not one man.

 How to make your eyes beautiful?

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