Thursday, 20 October 2016

Prepare a surprise favorite wedding anniversary

 Prepare a surprise favorite wedding anniversary


  • Erotic option
  • Extreme option
  • Comic-romantic option
  • Romantic retro options

Many believe that family life newlyweds every year becomes more and more boring and monotonous. The reason for this becomes a way of life, financial problems, troubles associated with raising children. But as you want to return the fairy tale, which was like to live together in the first year after the wedding. Perhaps that is why mankind has invented, that the anniversary of the wedding should be a special day for the couple. That same day, between husband and wife again, she skips the spark that allowed them to be together. Well, what holiday without gifts?

Sometimes it is very difficult to determine at what to cook surprise your loved one on your wedding anniversary.

Undoubtedly, every woman wants to give her husband something quite extraordinary, is, that there were no others.

Of course, this is a very difficult task, because the girl to make a gift is much easier - there are so many beautiful, useful and interesting things that can please her. But the choice of a surprise for her husband many of us leads to a deadlock. Therefore, some women are limited to verbal greetings. Others spend weeks preparing a gift, because they want to do something really incredible to have their wedding never forgotten. Among the myriad variety of gifts and souvenirs so you want to choose the one that is most like the beloved and dear person. In fact, no matter what you give to her husband on the anniversary of your relationship - important as this surprise will be served.
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Erotic option

Every woman knows that men often visit the erotic fantasies, which often do not coincide with the chastity of their wives. But wedding anniversary can make an exception. Try to remind her husband how beautiful you were on the day of the wedding. Meet him at the beautiful snow white lace lingerie and a veil that was on your wedding day. Do not forget about a romantic dinner. Let the table will be decorated with white roses and wedding candles, and champagne by the glass foams. Your man sure to remember what you were before, and the new notes in your way on the anniversary only strengthen his confidence in the fact that his wife is the most charming and attractive.

 Prepare a surprise favorite wedding anniversary
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Extreme option

This is probably the most unusual surprise that you can do on your wedding anniversary husband. In this case, you can meet her husband after work and offer him a mysterious trip to the country. The main thing is not to tell him exactly where you want him to go. You can even ask him to be blindfolded not to see the way. Take him to the airfield, if in the vicinity of your town has a flying club, and there tell him that you want to mark the date of your jumps. Congratulations, it is desirable to think in advance to avoid confusion with the greeting in their thoughts.

In his speech, think about how your relationship originated, he decided to make you an offer. Can you compare your family life with that jump. However, do not forget to add that in this anniversary you trust him themselves and their lives as well as in the year when you combine the knot. Of course, this option is suitable only if you are not afraid to jump, since it will have to make sure two of them. To be confident, visit a couple of sessions in advance at the flying club.
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Comic-romantic option

Arrange husband romantic evening, which told him that all the time lived with you, he will take tests on family life, and you were his examiner. Depending on the years lived together, come up with humorous names of objects, to settle on which you have already put it. Remind about those things that he would have to hand over to the next wedding anniversary.

This option can vary, making the beloved original gift that will surprise and it will be an occasion for pride and good humor. As such, you can use a souvenir gift with a fun pattern that will characterize your husband. You can also order in the studio with a funny figure depicted in her scene from your family life.

 Prepare a surprise favorite wedding anniversary
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Romantic retro options

Remember the saying that every man should plant a tree, build a house and raise a son, and then use these words to make a surprise to her husband. This option is most suited to couples celebrating first wedding anniversary. Give her husband to the place where you first met (kissed a declaration of love) and handed him a shovel and a sapling tree. Ask him to plant this tree, and let it grow with each year you lived together. It is a tree of your love. And each subsequent anniversary of you will come to this place and remember how it all began, and make a wish to live more than a year in love and harmony.

Remember how not so long ago it was fashionable to greet relatives and friends, giving an advertisement in the newspaper. You can also use this method. Look closely to what your husband reads the newspaper more often and make the romantic greeting with your wedding photos in the edition of the newspaper. In addition to joy, your husband will test even the pride of this surprise, because for sure, and many of his friends see this greeting.

If your man is quite conservative and does not like surprises, you can teach him a memorable gift. For example, fulfill his deepest wish and give him the thing that he had long dreamed of, but could not buy it himself. As a gift, perfect for a good book, but it is, of course, assuming that your husband likes to read. Presented it in a beautiful holiday package, which can be ordered at the bookstore.

A great gift would be a family membership to a gym or a diving club. This is your gift will be not only pleasant but also useful.

Gift husband that day can be anything. No matter big or small it is. The most important thing - to give him heartily. A loving man will appreciate even the simplest trinket, the main thing - that gave it a lovely woman.

 Prepare a surprise favorite wedding anniversary

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