Saturday, 29 October 2016

What is the secret Dukan Diet-Lebedev?

 What is the secret Dukan Diet-Lebedev?


  • What is the Dukan Diet, Lebedev?
  • Diet Pierre Ducane: achieve and maintain results

Every woman dreams of, to have a good figure. And it's not only that the beautiful appearance attracts admiring men and women envious glances. Slim figure enables you to transfer the optimal exercise, do not think that you will not want any thing. In addition, consistency in size and weight allows a lot easier to buy clothes. What to take to those who dare to achieve a slim figure? Options may be few. All of them are quite common and are subject to change from time to time. For example, the majority of women who have decided to lose weight, resorting to diets. It is not always correct, as each diet should be approved by a health worker.

Exhausting diets that involve fasting as a way to buy the cherished harmony, no longer considered effective, as it promotes the breakdown of many internal organs, including mental health problems related to lack of food. Perhaps these data allowed dietitian to develop a set of measures to introduce a new version of the diet. They, unlike those that limit food intake, compiled by specialists and suggest a comprehensive solution. Indeed, in many cases, overweight is the result of hormonal failure.

 What is the secret Dukan Diet-Lebedev?
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What is the Dukan Diet, Lebedev?

The Internet has long been widespread such a diet, which involves at once the two authors have developed a new way to lose weight. The first - a recognized master of not only medicine, but also nutrition, which developed their offspring for 4 decades. It is known for its productive variations in the use of food P. Duc. The second author, attach their own efforts, not only in the creation of the menu, but also on their own to try it on himself - designer Lebedev. He is 5 months was able to lose 20 kg. Therefore, the diet has become very popular and is named Ducane-Lebedeva.

So the secret of miracle diet is, first, in strict adherence to the diet, developed by the French master.

The second element (which refers to the second co-author) is the ability to occasionally drink alcohol. That this is the key element, according to which the name of A. Lebedev, and was included in the co-authorship, because he did not recommend AP Ducane had his players drinking alcohol. Although the issue of journalists worried about a large number of almost every press conference. In all other cases it is sufficient to adhere to strict rules designed Dyukanom.

 What is the secret Dukan Diet-Lebedev?

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Diet Pierre Ducane: achieve and maintain results

This diet is not only aimed at you to quickly get rid of the extra kilos, but also to retain the achieved result. It allows you to not gain what was lost again after some time. To do this you need to go through two stages, which will take you 4 months. During the first two months, you're working hard to make the extra weight is gone, then start to work on maintaining your proper weight.

The first phase of Dukan Diet

This method of weight loss is very unusual. It allows you to eat as much as necessary, and not some empty vegetable or fruit, and meat products. They, of course, should be meatless (fish, chicken, veal or beef). Do not forget that the meat should be cooked without the use of animal or vegetable fats. Nutritionist in any case does not exclude them from the diet, but the amount of animal fat is limited to 30-40 g and vegetable - 2 tbsp Within 4-6 days allowed to use portions, which should be evenly distributed throughout the day.

But do not forget that the first meal should not be earlier than half an hour after waking up, and the last - not later than 3 hours before curfew. Up to 14.00 are allowed to use as a garnish complex carbohydrates such as: buckwheat, brown rice, cooked in water.   All this leads to the fact that, despite the satisfaction of hunger with savory products, body lacks energy derived from them. So he has to break down body fat.

The second stage - the preservation and consolidation of results

Once the weight has dropped to the desired, you can begin to change the diet. Now you can add a little bit to eat vegetables that do not contain starch, and even later, you can eat almost everything. However, leave some day purely for the use of protein foods (Council Thursday). Do not forget that physical activity also contributes to your appearance. Therefore, do not avoid having to go to the apartment on foot, did not come out at my stop, and a little earlier. Doctors advise every day to be active in the fresh air for at least 20 minutes. Finally, it is recommended daily consumption of 2 tbsp. l. oat bran.

 What is the secret Dukan Diet-Lebedev?

Effective watermelon diet: menu for 4 days

 Effective watermelon diet: menu for 4 days


  • What should I look for when buying a watermelon?
  • Driving watermelon diet
  • How to go after the diet to a regular diet?

It has now become quite popular watermelon diet. Many believe that using it can get rid of excess weight quickly and easily. But doctors believe that watermelon diet can not sit long. Otherwise, the consequences can be sad: frequent headaches, forgetfulness, irritability, and even fainting. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to stick to watermelon diet for 3-4 days. During this time, you can lose 3 to 5 kg. Moreover, with the help of watermelon diet have the opportunity to improve your metabolism and excrete toxins.

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What should I look for when buying a watermelon?

Nutritionists advise to sit on a diet, in August or September, because during this period are ripe watermelons. Experts who participated in the program "Test purchase" say that after buying the watermelon should definitely check it out for nitrates. To do this, put a piece of flesh in the cool water. If a piece of 40-50 seconds will peel off, it means that the nitrates in it. The flesh in water must always retain its shape. It is worth noting that the best place to buy a watermelon weighing 6-7 kg. If less, then it can be unripe. If more then 100% of it was added chemistry. Typically, this is done with a syringe.

Wash watermelon carefully. Otherwise, after the use of large berries can appear nausea. This is due to the fact that watermelon peel contains a high percentage of bacteria destroying human body. It is strictly forbidden to buy sliced ​​watermelon! Statistics show that it is in the halves of watermelon contains a large number of microbes. Moreover, watermelons may be carriers of various diseases. After the watermelon have bought, you can start drawing up a diet for 4 days because your body can not be restricted in the use of other products that contain nutrients.

 Effective watermelon diet: menu for 4 days
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Driving watermelon diet

Of course, it is better to start a diet on Monday.

On the first day at breakfast need to eat 2 slices of watermelon (small size) and a glass of mineral water. At lunch should eat a peach. But at lunchtime, you can not afford to only 3 slices of watermelon, but also glazed cheese. Need to drink only water. Snack will miss. But dinner can be a slice of watermelon and a slice of rye bread. Dinner has to be exactly at 19:00, not before and not after. It should be noted that hunger occurs in 2-3 hours. Many break down and begin to eat all the food in the house. So do not. By the process of weight loss should be treated seriously and thoroughly.

Of course, on Tuesday it will be much harder. Breakfast can be enjoyed only a slice of watermelon. But at lunch, to be consumed banana. The dinner allowed to eat rye toast (no more than 200 grams) and 3 slices of watermelon. Until mid-morning snack is not much time. After at 17:00, you can eat low-fat yogurt (150 g). For dinner, better to drink a glass of watermelon juice. On this day hunger will be felt. However, if you take yourself interesting work, then the person does not even realize that he is hungry.

Wednesday is considered the day for heroes. After all, 87% of women drop out of the diet is the third day. Of course, if you fail, you should not blame yourself. After all, you can start from the beginning. And preferably in advance to prepare yourself for a diet. For example, do not eat after 18:00. Or, stop using pastry. On the third day of the diet, you can eat a little more.

For breakfast, should be consumed 3 slices of watermelon, 5-6 pieces of dried apricots and grape juice. Lunch is almost no different from the breakfast in the past 2 days. Just Wednesday to eat an orange. The dinner is already allowed to eat 5 pieces of watermelon and 100 grams of black bread. Snack will miss. But you can have dinner with three slices of watermelon and raisins (no more than 200 g). Drink only water. But it is advisable not to drink before going to bed fluid. Otherwise can appear under-eye circles. In one of the diaries slimming man had written that from the excessive use of water, he developed severe swelling on the face . So the water will have to limit myself too. No more than 2-3 liters of water per day.

Finally, the last day - Thursday. He is final, so you should limit your diet. For example, for breakfast, you can eat only one slice of watermelon. When the time comes second breakfast, you have to eat only half a pear and nothing more. The dinner allowed 2 slices of watermelon. Of course, to skip lunch in any case impossible. When his time comes, you need to drink a glass of watermelon juice. Some do not know where to buy it. Although it is sold in all stores and is known as "good". Almost every supermarket has a drink. So it is unlikely that this difficulty arises. For dinner, the three pieces of watermelon and rye crackers. We can only sustain the evening and night.

Done! It is safe to get up on the scales and see how much you dropped. A high probability that in 4 days gone 5-6 kg.

 Effective watermelon diet: menu for 4 days
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How to go after the diet to a regular diet?

After the diet should not eat everything. Otherwise, the lost weight will come back double. Therefore, you must first "go" on dairy products. That is the first 2 days to eat cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir and yogurt. It is important that these products are free of grease. Then gradually have to eat soup with chicken broth, cereals (buckwheat, rice and barley), fruits and vegetables. It is not advisable have something salty or spicy. This may cause appetite. Just should limit their portion and not to impose on the plate too much food.

Doctors say that this diet is not for everyone. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to consult with a specialist. Watermelon diet is very complex, and it is able to withstand not everyone. So do not overestimate your strength. Experts have found only one drawback watermelon diet for weight loss. It is prohibited to use for people who have kidney disease is present. This is due to the fact that the severity of the kidney goes to rid the body of any toxins. For those who have diabetic disorders, it is not recommended to sit on such a diet.

However, despite this, the watermelon diet still is effective. Thanks to her, really really lose weight. Why is that? Perhaps we should say that watermelon is a low-calorie, in fact in 100 grams contains only 36 calories. Moreover, this large striped berry has a diuretic effect. Simply put, perfectly displays the body of excess fluid. But it adds a water person 2-3 kilos. Even watermelon interrupts the feeling of hunger, because its juice that fills the stomach. Therefore I have full confidence that the diet will help. She also has a lot of good and positive reviews that it was motivated to try this method for weight loss.

It is better to do preventive maintenance for your body at least four times a year. That is to diet and do fasting days. After all, it helps to improve metabolism and excretion of toxins. However, before you sit on it, you should get tested and see if any contraindications. Otherwise, there may be side effects. So it is better to be safe. And if it turns out that watermelon diet is right for you, then this is a great success, since it is possible for only 4 days to remove a couple of extra kilos.

 Effective watermelon diet: menu for 4 days

Lose weight without starving

 Lose weight without starving


  • Basic principles
  • Types of protein-vitamin diet
  • What prefer vitamins
  • Positive aspects of diet
  • Negative sides

The right thing to maintain the figure in perfect condition to opt for a healthy balanced diet. However, not everyone is able to for a long time to adhere to the decision to give up canned food, convenience foods, fried. Then one way out - a short-term diet torture. A perfect diet, as we know, does not happen.

Even protein-vitamin diet, recognized intrusive option, does not meet all the requirements of healthy eating. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for longer than 10 days, or even better - a week.

 Lose weight without starving
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Basic principles

The very name of the diet speaks for itself: the menu includes only protein and vitamin ingredients. Moreover, they need to use separately: one meal consists of protein products and other fruit. We can not say that the protein-vitamin diet earned him popularity among dieters as one of the most effective ways to reduce weight. There are many other diets, no way inferior to that of the duration and rate of drop extra kilos. Rather, it attracted by the fact that the amount of meals is not limited to three conventional, and stretched by 6 (every 2, 5 hours), and the use of raw fruits and vegetables do not require cooking.

In short, such a diet is quite suitable to everyone who likes to cook or long busy at work. After having breakfast at home or low-fat curds pair of eggs, you can take with them as a second breakfast orange or apple. And best of both, for snacking during the work have repeatedly observing the proper intervals between meals. The exact time of supply nutritionists do not set, so the time can be shifted in any direction desired slimming. Important to between meals do not exceed 2 to 5:00 and the number of receptions was not less than 5 times in dne. 6 times - ideally.

As protein foods are not only eggs and cheese, and lean meat or fish, ham, boiled sausage, low-fat hard cheese. Fats and carbohydrates to diet period are excluded, and a salt is limited to a minimum. Although experts say that even in lean meat boiled least fat still present, and the most low-calorie fruit is deprived of carbohydrates. Just this fact makes sparing diet. Sausage is also ambiguous attitude, because to find a quality sausage product that does not contain fat, preservatives and colorants, is extremely difficult.

Sample menu will be as follows:

  • Breakfast: 200 gr. fat-free yogurt with no sugar or 2 eggs;
  • Lunch: 1 fruit or vegetable;
  • Lunch: 200 g. beef or chicken breast;
  • Lunch: salad of grated carrots with apple, seasoned with olive oil;
  • Dinner: 200 gr. steamed fish;
  • Before going to bed: a cup of yogurt or sour milk.

Sports drinks plentiful, and more than 2 liters per day of herbal or green tea, mineral or ordinary water (preferably hot), fruit fresh juices. However, the need to drink, not drinking liquid food, and for 20-30 minutes before meals or half an hour after. Coffee, milk, spirits and beer is strictly prohibited. Must eliminate flour, sweets, cereals, pasta, potatoes.

 Lose weight without starving
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Types of protein-vitamin diet

Before you venture on a voluntary deprivation for the sake of beauty, you need to carefully study the protein-vitamin diet menu offered separately, because the opinions of different nutritionists disagree . In some cases, strictly prohibited products such as cheeses, fruits, potatoes, carrots, beets, liver, and even all of sour milk. In other recommendations cheese, 1% and 2, 5% yogurt, etc., of the above, in small doses allowed.

Involuntarily the question arises, why can not the carrots and how to eliminate the fruit of vitamin diet. In fact, we must distinguish between types of protein diets. After all, the same protein-vitamin may involve protein-vegetable menu, and can be a protein and fruit. There is also a protein and vegetable diet, which is similar to the diet of vitamin A, but alternate protein meals and vegetable no bounds and leaps.

Robert Atkins protein diet is also characterized by the use of lean meat, eggs and fish with a small amount of vegetables and fruits. A well-known TV presenter Elena Malysheva offering its fiber diet that includes all kinds of classical protein-vitamin diet, but resolving the morning portion of oatmeal.

Therefore, choose a suitable protein-vitamin complex is possible only after studying all proposed variations of the protein, as well as talking to your doctor.

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What prefer vitamins

In classical protein-vitamin diet allowed all the vegetables, except potatoes and vegetables should be excluded from a high-calorie, such as bananas, persimmons, grapes.

It is better to prefer green apples, pineapples and citrus varieties. Of the latter, most grapefruit diet is recognized as due to substance naringin, which is available in mezhdolechnoy film accelerates metabolism, helps burn fat. The fruit contains almost the entire range of vitamins and minerals so necessary for everyone. Grapefruit tones, improves mood, removes toxins and harmful cholesterol, improves heart and liver.

Given that some instances of this fruit can reach a half kilogram, as a snack rather eat ½ grapefruit. It shows the strength of 35-39 kcal, depending on the variety: yellow fruit sweet and less caloric and red flesh indicates a more sweet varieties. If you squeeze the juice out of it, it is necessary that he has not been deprived of the pulp, which just contains naringin. Precautions to consume grapefruit should approach people with chronic diseases of the stomach and liver.

Good for a snack apples and pears. They are low-calorie, and in them a lot of pectin. Pear is a very difficult product for the digestive system, so it is right to eat it no earlier than 2-3 hours after the main meal. With regard to varieties of apples, you need to choose exactly green. As a positive signal light, this indicates that the fruits of that color can be easily sent to the stomach - they are dietary purposes.

Super Fruit for protein-vitamin diet is considered to be a pineapple, because it is easy to cope with a heavy protein diet. This occurs due to a substance such as bromelain, which is contained in large quantities in the fetal heart. In the same enzyme that breaks down proteins and fats are heavy, have a kiwi and papaya, while the second is particularly exotic fruit to Russia.

Between protein meals except fruits supposed to eat fresh vegetables. They can be eaten as a salad and a whole. Preferring salad vegetables, remember that sauces and condiments eliminated in the diet. The only advantage that can be a bit of salt, and vegetables at the same time gave the juice, it will be easier to absorb. If it is very hard to eat vegetables without dressing, you are allowed to add a bit of olive oil or, better yet, simply sprinkle the salad with lemon juice. From hot spices may be a little red pepper.

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Positive aspects of diet

A diet containing usually 2 parts protein foods, and 1 part of vitamins, fruit and vegetables, aims to ensure that the body, the new armed forces, let them destroy fat. One of the good things - this is an opportunity for frequent admission of food does not suffer from hunger. Dulls the senses and high-protein products.

Unlike many diets, where, after 18 hours is not recommended to take the food in the diet can make a meal even at 20.00. It is gratifying that the protein-vitamin diet has a lot of raw foods, which contributes to the revitalization of the gastrointestinal tract. After all, during heat treatment, even the lowest, in the products of virtually nothing useful it has no choice.

It is not unreasonable and that the diet is based on the principles of a separate food. Protein products are better processed in the acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract, and the vegetables and fruit - in alkaline. Meal schedule can be shifted depending on the mode of the day. The main thing that the last meal accounted for a time when it will be followed a couple of hours of wakefulness.

The amount of absorbed calories per day should not do less than 1200. In such menu, you can organize a range of quite varied. Nutritionists recommend to eat during the diet with additional vitamins and minerals, because the forbidden foods still deprive the body of many of the missing components. During the 10 days of protein-vitamin diet dieters usually shed 8-10 kg. It is important that there is a loss of fat tissue and not muscle. If there have been violations of the power, then reset it turns half. If necessary, the diet can be repeated 2 times a year.

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Negative sides

Avoid protein-vitamin diet should be the people who have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. Precautions need to be suitable for all who are prone to allergies to eggs, some fruits. The disadvantages include the fact that to begin such a diet can not be in the winter, when fresh fruits and vegetables are expensive and contain many vitamins in the summer.

In people who are prone to constipation, may have problems with a chair because of the large consumption of protein foods. In this case, you need to eat protein foods along with lettuce or choose another option protein diet, which allowed some carbohydrates. The protein leads to increased blood clotting, which is dangerous formation of blood clots. This warning is especially important for obese people with a large overweight. Chronic pancreatitis, colitis and dysbiosis - these are diseases in which protein diet clearly contraindicated.

Women may notice a lack of carbohydrates in the begun hair loss, frequent changes of mood, increased irritability. Pregnant and lactating women also need to wait, not only with the diet, but also with any other. Naturally, any restriction in the diet leads to negative consequences. Began hormonal imbalance, indicating the beginning of menopause, can only worsen during the protein diet. Therefore, consultation with a physician is required to choose the optimal protein diet. This may not be so quick to melt weight, but it will not lead to serious health problems.

Since over 10 days body gets used to other food can not be immediately on the next day after the diet is actively lean on carbohydrates. It requires a gradual way out of the diet. It is better to enter the menu other products gradually at least for a week.

 Lose weight without starving

Recipes and diet for weight loss

 Recipes and diet for weight loss


  • Diet onion soup: recipe and reviews
  • Diet cauliflower soup: recipe and reviews
  • Diet cream soup of celery Recipes & Reviews
  • Diet tomato soup: recipe and reviews
  • Diet carrot soup: recipe and reviews

Holidays, especially Christmas, are able to disrupt any girl, even the most resistant. After a lot of output, as a rule, people are gaining weight, which is very difficult to lose. In this case, definitely need a diet. But do not sharply after heavy feasts to sit on a rigid diet. It is enough to arrange a week unloading, which will not have the stress on the body. To do this, you can just eat the soup diet, which quickly and effectively help solve the problem

Many modern women prefer to lose weight with the help of salads that contain very little calories and have good reviews. But as a rule, this diet is usually calculated on the strong and strong-willed people who are able to cope with his hunger.

For people more "nervous" nutritionists have created a course that consists of soup with low calorie.

 Recipes and diet for weight loss
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Diet onion soup: recipe and reviews

Modern soup diet has several varieties that can vary throughout the week. Above all, this onion soup, which is called differently Bonn. Reviews of this recipe positive.

To prepare the onion soup, it is necessary to collect the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of cabbage.
  • Six large bulbs.
  • Five tomatoes. Suit both fresh and salty.
  • A couple of carrots.
  • A couple of sweet peppers.
  • A few stalks of celery.
  • A bunch of green.
  • Spice to taste.

Once all the ingredients are assembled, you can begin the process of preparing food for a diet that does not take so much time. First of all you need to finely chop the onion and fry it in olive oil. Then you have all the basic diced vegetables, including cabbage. Then you need to add all the vegetables and cover with cold water, slightly salted to taste. You need to add low-fat broth to the recipe was a success.

The following is the contents of the pan to put on fire and bring to a boil condition, then cook for at least 10-15 minutes to give the dish a rich flavor. After 15 minutes, you need to reduce the heat and cook until the state of full readiness of all vegetables. Normally, it takes not much time. Before you file a soup diet to the table, it is best to sprinkle it with greenery, to give an unforgettable flavor. This also contributes to a variety of spices that can be used in the recipe, such as curry, coriander, ginger and cumin. They are able not only to impart flavor and aroma, but also the detrimental effect on fat cells, destroying them.

 Recipes and diet for weight loss
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Diet cauliflower soup: recipe and reviews

The soup diet is not only beneficial properties, but also very fragrant taste that will amaze even the most demanding gourmets. Reviews of this soup, as well as on the onion, give hope for a rapid weight loss. Recipe soup consists of the following ingredients:

  • One large carrot.
  • For this recipe you need a couple of celery stalks useful.
  • Approximately 100 g of turnips.
  • Quarters of cauliflower.
  • Large and juicy onion.
  • A small amount of spices, such as turmeric and pepper and salt.
  • Olive oil and vegetable broth.

To give a pleasant aroma and rich taste of the soup, you must diced vegetables to brown around a few minutes in olive oil. Then you need to add spices and broth, which will give extra flavor and taste. Brewed this creature no more than twenty minutes to avoid losing flavor.
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Diet cream soup of celery Recipes & Reviews

Soup for weight loss Celery is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • First of all, you will need one large stalk of leeks, to give a surprising poignancy and usefulness.
  • By recipe perfect small bunch of celery, which will set the desired consistency.
  • A bit of sage, which will give a pleasant aroma.
  • Half a liter of low-fat chicken broth to the soup has not turned out monotonous.
  • You must also add a small amount of low-fat milk, about 1%.
  • And spices to individual taste.

To make a great soup for weight loss celery, cut into small slices required onion and fry it in olive oil for 10 minutes. After ten minutes you need in a pan with butter and onions and celery send sage and continue sautéing no more than five minutes. You then need to add all the remaining ingredients and cook until cooked, that is, as long as the stalks of celery are tender. After that, be sure to skip the soup through a blender to ask him the consistency of mashed potatoes. Serve the best warm, decorated with leaves of basil or parsley. A diet based on cream of celery soup has a very positive feedback.

 Recipes and diet for weight loss
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Diet tomato soup: recipe and reviews

Soups slimming recipes which can be found on any website devoted to useful and proper diet, there are positive reviews due to its effectiveness. Recipe of tomato soup includes such useful components:

  • Four large sweet red peppers.
  • A liter of salted tomato juice.
  • A pair of highly ripe tomatoes.
  • Fat-free chicken broth little to give the rich taste and aroma.
  • Half a liter of fresh orange juice, to taste acuity.
  • Spices on individual taste.

It is necessary to pass through a blender pepper, rosemary, sugar and half a liter of tomato juice, a little tomato. The required consistency - mashed potatoes. After that it is necessary to prepare mashed potatoes mixed with orange and tomato juice and send to the plate. Cook should not be less than ten minutes after boiling. This soup is best served warm and decorated with cilantro or parsley.
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Diet carrot soup: recipe and reviews

Excellent reviews on diet enjoys carrot puree soup. In addition to carrots promotes weight loss, it also improves vision.

The unique recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • One large onion.
  • Five large carrots.
  • A couple of small potatoes.
  • A tablespoon of olive oil.
  • A liter of low-fat chicken broth.
  • And a small amount of spices that person defines for themselves individually.

To prepare the soup for an unusual recipe, you need to add the oil in a pan, cut into small pieces the onion and fry it no more than five minutes to give the flavor and richness of the whole soup. Then you need to cut into small dice carrots and potatoes and add to the onions. Fry, and then gently stir, add broth and boil after boiling for twenty minutes. Once the soup has cooled, you need to run it through a blender and add a little lemon juice and spices to taste. Before serving this dish is necessary to heat and garnish with greens.

Soups can lead any figure to perfection, giving the bends nice shape.   It should be noted that this diet for a month can help you lose five to ten extra kilos. Not surprisingly, the reviews about it only good.

 Recipes and diet for weight loss

How to choose a fur coat

 How to choose a fur coat


  • So, how to choose a fur coat?
  • Fashion trends in the world of fur
  • Sheared fur and colors
  • A few rules of successful purchase

Very soon the winter, which means that many of you are already thinking about the purchase of a fur coat. This clothing made of natural fur should not only be beautiful and warm, but also quality. Therefore, we show you how to choose the option that is right for you.

So, how to choose a fur coat?

By buying a fur coat should be treated seriously and responsibly, because it is quite expensive pleasure, which should last you far more than one year. Therefore, if and to purchase a product that is to be made of quality material and sewn by skilled craftsmen. How to choose a coat - he knows not every woman, therefore, not to make a mistake and do not throw your money away before going to the store to check out our recommendations.

Everyone has their own priorities: one focuses on the style of the product, focusing on fashion trends for other important fur or country of origin. How to choose a quality coat - do not know everything, but you must understand that the main parameter of a good thing - its durability.

How long do you serve the product - it depends on the wear resistance of fur from which it is sewn. You need a coat for a few seasons? The longest, 20 winters, you sneaked otter fur coat. It will retain its perfect style for two decades. Also, "dolgoniosimymi" are the coats of seal and beaver - they are designed for 15-18 seasons. Raccoon fur, sable and mink will serve you for 10 seasons, the 6-8 will delight in fox fur, Persian lamb, muskrat, fox and sheepskin. The most fragile coats chinchilla, rabbits and marmots - they you can carry only 2-3 winter.

Warmest sable coats, Mouton and foxes, as well retain heat variations of chinchilla, beaver, fox, mink and nutria. And the most "cold" are considered to be the coat of marmot and ermine.

Good coat you will wear more than one season, maybe in a few years it will be able to put even your daughter. Qualitative fur is not wiped when walking, does not fade with age and bald, he is not afraid of no rain, no snow, no stampede in an overcrowded truck. Assessing the quality of the pile, you should consider the following characteristics:

  • density and height of the fur;
  • the strength and brilliance of color;
  • defects;
  • softness and color of the hair;

how strongly the fibers behave when pulling a leather base.
If you do not know how to choose a coat that will last for a long time and still retain their original appearance, will learn a special table displaying indicators wearability fur. However, keep in mind that all of these terms is quite relative, as some of the ladies are very sensitive about their clothing, so sometimes astrakhan fur coats in the family are transmitted from one generation of women to another.

Pick a product that will not only durable, but also warm you even in the most severe frosts. So, in terms of the heat resistance of the pile coats can be arranged in the following order: first place is the arctic fox and deer, followed by raccoon, fox, wolf fur, hare, marten, less heating turned sable, mink, astrakhan and columns. In severe cold sheared rabbit fur, ermine, marmot and goat will not save you, and certainly did not look for a hamster or a gopher.

Many sellers, prompting the customer how to choose a fur coat, offer to stay in the warm and lightweight product. Do not fall into this trap! Indeed, in pursuit of relief and weight saving fur coats furriers are often very stretched skin. As a result, the thickness of the skin decreases, the distance between the hairs is significantly increased and as a result a fur coat you can wear just not cold in the winter. The weight of the finished thing depends on the length of the pile, the quality of manufacture, and the availability of additional insulation, which, incidentally, recently manufacturers almost never used. As an exception, they can only close his back and chest area.

The warmest fur coat out of the males and females are too expensive and, moreover, cold. If you drive a car, then your option - it is shorter coat or jacket of otter or mink. Well, if you love hiking, buy a fur coat of medium length or floor fox fur, raccoon, beaver, sheepskin, wolf or wolverine. If you need a fur coat is not for every day, and for the publication, select fur mink and those who are subjected to the processing of fashion today, such as engraving or laser trimming, dyeing, vyschipke under velvet, combined with leather, fabric, lace.

 How to choose a fur coat

Fashion trends in the world of fur

How to choose a fur coat - we already told you, and now tell you what trends prevail today in the world of fur coats. So, the most popular material is still mink. Category luxury furs heads sable, many women prefer lynx, chinchilla and martens. Less expensive are the fur coats from beaver, mole, rabbit and goat - this outerwear is available virtually every person with average incomes.

As for style, now at the peak of popularity are "wild skins." These products differ in their sleeves, hem and sides are processed, so that a sense of ragged edges. Another novelty from the manufacturers of fur coats - mink coat without lining with careless slices.

To the joy of a true lover of shopping stores are full of fur coats most unexpected colors. You can opt for a bright blue or pink, light purple or bright red. The main trend of the season is the mink, which is made up of different colors, such as beige, brown or green-gray.

For the second season does not give up its position trend of combining fur. Pacing the catwalk, slender models show viewers coats made of materials that differ both in color and in texture - chipmunk, squirrel, hamster. Creative thinking designers combine with pale fox mink and sable - a trot. Also today, even fur combined with conventional fabrics: lace, velor, suede.

The subject of women's desires remain knitted coats. This technology is developed and implemented a Canadian designer Paula Lishman name, which proposed a special way of weaving on a special flexible basis in the form of a grid. Initially it was used only for beaver skins, but today the most famous brands in their collections are the product of mink and other furs.

Sheared fur and colors

Choosing coat, pay attention to the processing of fur, because it affects the overall appearance of the product, how well it will look and how to behave in everyday life, that is to wear. Apart from staining the skin is treated in several ways:

  • Using a special device specialist pulls fur long and too hard hairs, while the undercoat remains intact, which feels like velvet. As a result of such manipulations coat turns "plush";
  • Another type of treatment - haircut fur. It is produced in different ways: a fabric basis or under mohair;
  • Today, manufacturers often combine the two above-mentioned technologies. So, after the haircut, "velvet" cut to the desired height, or from the "plush" make "velvet";
  • In recent years become increasingly popular "high" technology, such as laser cutting, as well as through holes. The latter method is quite rare because of its high cost. In this case, the hole or the South African fashion today scrawl laser is applied to a very small figure, which gives a kind of elegant fur lace. However, the cost of such products will be affordable units.

For the benefit of its clients, employs strong army of designers, cutters, seamstresses and other professionals every day coming up with new methods of handling fur and paint. Besides the usual rendering a huge number of multi-layer options. One of the latest developments is the procedure coloring material in conjunction with the bleaching, which are the result of color effects - hairs along the entire length of a different color. For example, "Snow-top" - a dark fur with light tips, and "Brisa" - is at the bottom of the pile when painted in light tone, gradually turning into a darker shade. In the arsenal of furriers are many different solutions: for example, on the surface of mink or rabbit using a stencil is applied ornament imitating coloring of a leopard, tiger and others.

 How to choose a fur coat

A few rules of successful purchase

Now that you know how to choose a fur coat. However, to acquire and consolidate the material covered, we note a few rules that will help purchase a high quality item:

  • Wherever you buy a fur coat - on the market or in a store - is bound to ask the seller to show a certificate of conformity. This document confirms the quality of the product and indicates that it has passed all the relevant tests and is safe.
  • On the expensive designer coat in several places should have a uniform label (lined), as well as proprietary tag that contains information about how to take care of the product.
  • Pay attention to the condition of fur. The cost and quality of fur depend on tailoring and material. If the fur is healthy, it will always look beautiful. It is characterized by density, gloss, elasticity, softness, silkiness, it should not be oily to the touch. Before buying a stroke coat against the grain, tug pile - the hair should not fall out and break. Good fur has no unpleasant odor.
  • If the reverse side of the skin is yellow, it has cracks, creases, then such a purchase should be abandoned. Good coat has a white reverse side.
  • On the wrong side of quality products at the lining will never stitched. Remove it and check the seams well - they should not be careless and crawling, as they just have to be free of sizing. Remember - the whole skin is considered to be the size of the material 15/15 centimeters. If the coat is made of pieces, then its price will be cheaper, but at the same time and so warm coat will be less.

The fashion for fur coats conservative, so it is important not one winter. The classic model - direct or close fitting coat of medium length cut, with a belt and a hood.

Remember that the product must be suitable for the type of figure you. Tall and slender ladies can choose any style coat, for them there is no limit. If you are the owner of a lush figure, then give preference to fur coats with a short nap - long-haired fur enhance your figure several sizes. If your figure type "apple", then pay attention to the broad product A-line medium length. If you have the figure of "pear", then you fit coat with belt, where the emphasis is on the waist. Fragile girl of medium height fitting suit coat length just below the knee. Lush fur coat in this case would be a bad choice - it has tiny girl just lost.

 How to choose a fur coat

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Shirts: types and combinations of options

 Shirts: types and combinations of options


  • Shirts in the style of Casual
  • Classic Shirts
  • Shirt dress
  • Long Shirt

Every day the world around us is changing and improving. If earlier the clothes clearly divided into male and female, now strict framework almost nonexistent. It is for this reason, it is often girls borrow different items of clothing for men and women's shirts, too. A similar thing is becoming a major component of many stylistic combinations.

A wide variety of women's shirts from time to time appear on the catwalks of the world, then disappear with them. Like any other thing in the classical style, the subject of women's wardrobe may experience periods of incredible popularity or oblivion. But still have such a thing as necessary, such as the little black dress.

Shirts style sasual

Like everyone else, it saves the most important elements of the rules and cut, but by itself is getting a bit "licentious": deprived of arms, military and combines the features of a safari-style, can be translucent or transparent. Shirts retro is very relevant in this season. These are complemented by a variety of elements that you will return to the era of hippies or even deeper, at the time when they were fashionable bows, frills, lace, wide sleeves. Shirt in a style easily become the main component of an evening dress, and it can wear leather pants or leggings.

This style is represented by women's shirt in the box, which is already quite a long time is one of the most vibrant and integral parts of the female wardrobe. The history it begins since the days of the Wild West and carries a combination of several different styles: country, grunge, hippie cowboy. Naturally, the girl in a plaid shirt does not look so romantic and feminine, such as classical or silk. In order to diversify this thing, almost every season of the world's fashion designers offer some new styles, fashion fabrics and finishes. It is thanks to this approach, this shirt is always considered up to date and relevant.

Replacing the standard office blouse, plaid shirt easily revive the whole outfit, especially if you choose a bright color of the summer sun and greenery. New paint will make the normal working day with fresh energy. It is necessary to create the right image, picking himself such a thing, for example, the appearance of an active girl in a light plaid shirt, and jeans with a big bag or a look of business lady in blouse with a tie and a narrow skirt to the knee.

From what to wear a shirt in a cage?

  • This item classical length blends perfectly with skinny jeans and running shoes or sneakers, creating a sexy independent manner.
  • Long shirts look great with tights, leggings. Above you can put on a strap to complement the entire look of a massive jewelry. To create a cocktail dress safely wear leather leggings, and as an accessory, you can take a fashionable handbag in spikes.
  • This shirt goes well with short skirts in different fabrics. If you are the owner of a slender figure - safely wear a denim mini skirt, shirt and tie under the bust. Moreover, such a combination does not require any complementary accessories - and so you'll look great.
  • If you have not already purchased a convenient and necessary thing, take a shirt from her husband, boyfriend or dad. Slightly unscrew the hoses, undo the top buttons of - you get a great shirt that you can wear to a party or a picnic.

Also, it is worth remembering a few secrets: slender girls had better pay attention to the model in small cells that highlight and accentuate all of your dignity. Girls with the types of apple or pear shape better to choose a large cage.

 Shirts: types and combinations of options

Classic Shirts

They have a straight cut and strict lines. They are completely absent decorative elements, the maximum that is allowed - lengthening or increasing the height of the collar cuffs. Strict classic models are made of natural thin fabric, sometimes it is added to the elastic material in order to better "sitting" on their owner. Colors often pastel tones, but there are also dark.

The brightest representative of this species - a female white shirt - a mandatory part of every woman's wardrobe. As a rule, it is irreplaceable by anything, because it was she able to help out in different situations. Often, it is put on work or business meetings. However, she finds many applications that allow you to always have a spectacular view. This thing is easy to make a harmonious combination with a long skirt, cowboy boots and beach Panama. This versatile shirt to fit any style, the main accents and well-chosen accessories.

What goes white shirt?

If you think that the possibility of this thing are limited business dress code, then you are very wrong. Of course, office style most suitable for the demonstration of this article of clothing, but there are many other images, in which structure will allow such a thing to look fresh and flawless.

  • If you want to create an image of the Hollywood star of the black-and-white movie, remember the main mix: black skirt medium length cardigan or bolero, ballet flats or classic pumps, silk scarf, elegant handbag, delicate earrings in the form of pearls, and of course , White shirt.
  • To create a recreational way is to combine black or white jeans with a white shirt. Also, we are discussing the excellent article of clothing will be a pair of sports t-shirt that can be worn over or under it.
  • Free model elongated jacket can be worn on a bright dress, sundress or a T-shirt without buttoning. All this is supplemented by a thin lacquered strap. This shirt can easily replace cardigan in the cool evening.
  • Classic option would be the ensemble of white blouse and a narrow pencil skirts. To him also perfect patent leather shoes with high heels. To work in an office you can wear low-heeled shoes, and a wide belt to emphasize the waist.
  • Unusual effect is, if you wear a white shirt over a black turtleneck, sleeves in this case, you can tuck. This option is perfect and under shorts and skirt. With it will look great as a ballerina, and high-heeled boots.
  • Shirt is in harmony with classic trousers, a tie and a hat that gives the appearance of a woman a special piquancy.

With a part of the wardrobe such a thing, it can be worn in very different ways, as described above. Buttoning a shirt all the buttons, you get an elegant way; seductive - it unbuttoned buttons of one more than normal; naughty - jeans shirt, knotted stomach.

If you prefer just to wear a shirt with pants, then there also have options: trousers or seasoned. But remember that the last option will always be to emphasize the shortcomings of your figure, such as a small tummy.

Now you know how many ways to use have seemingly ordinary things. Therefore, if you have a beautiful shirt, do not delay it for special meetings and trips to work and safely experiment with their wardrobe.

 Shirts: types and combinations of options

Shirt dress

Most recently, such an unusual and brave thing to become the subject of creativity and admiration of many world fashion houses, but the creator of the dress became Coco Chanel, and even half a century ago. Now it blows again shows enthusiastic comments. This shirt is present subtle blend of femininity and masculine brutality, which causes so much attention from the public.

This item is characterized by a short-cut silhouette, free cut and buttons throughout. Mandatory emphasis is strictly male collar, sleeves and the presence, shape and length of the skirt defines the creator. Used for sewing lightweight fabrics such as linen, cotton and viscose. Yet the possible options of models made of silk, denim and other materials.

What goes shirt-dress?

Hard and fast rules, as such, does not exist. This shirt can easily be combined with tights, leggings, colored stockings, with or without a belt. Fashionable interesting image is obtained if a dress to wear the vest or jacket, black leather jackets. If the shirt-dress accessorize pastel shades, it instantly acquire the noble glamor style casual. Also, this version looks great in combination with short shorts, trench coats, denim jackets, blazers, lightweight cardigan. From shoes to it, you can choose shoes with stable massive heels, platform sandals, imitating wood or heels with thin straps, cowboy boots.

Long Shirt

Like many others, this model more recently also considered a part of the male wardrobe. But today, it can be seen on almost every girl and woman. Long shirt is appropriate in almost any way, it is convenient and comfortable, it emphasizes all your dignity, hiding flaws.

How to wear a shirt?

  • First of all, long shirts - a real godsend for women of small stature. You can safely choose a model in a thin longitudinal stripes, visually lengthen your silhouette. At the same time it should be as easy as possible, without pockets or decorative ornaments.
  • Such a thing will hide every flaw shape, so it can be worn and full of girls and women. In this case, it can be worn with leggings or trousers. Best of all would look plain colors, body-colored tones, as well as the vertical rim. Complement the image of such pumps on a small heel or ballet flats.
  • An interesting option is the following combination: a long shirt, buttoned up, on top of a massive short collar necklace. In front you can tuck shirt into pants or skirt. To give flavor to this image can be a strict jacket.

In the wardrobe of each of the fair sex have long been and shirt dresses and accessories. In a restaurant, office, on vacation - well-chosen shirt will complement your favorite image. Romantic, sophisticated, sexy, feminine or hooligan - each of them is unique and beautiful.

 Shirts: types and combinations of options

We strongly recommend to read: How to alter a man's shirt Women

What's to celebrate the New 2010?

 What's to celebrate the New 2010?

Every December women spend in pleasant bustle, the lion's share of which is related to the selection and purchase orders for the Christmas party. Depending on where you are planning to celebrate the New Year, and will depend on your festive attire.

 What's to celebrate the New 2010?

If you are waiting for a party in the restaurant, it is better to wear comfortable and beautiful shoes for dancing, perfect for the holiday dress geometric style.

 What's to celebrate the New 2010?

In the unfamiliar company not afraid to surprise everyone dress bright and garish colors and a symbol of next year - the tiger is favorable to you.

 What's to celebrate the New 2010?

New Year's Eve at the club requires a bright and noticeable accessories and outfits, to better take care of the original, but comfortable shoes.

 What's to celebrate the New 2010?

Even at home bother to present yourself in the best light: for that perfect dress with fringe and stylish decorations.

 What's to celebrate the New 2010?

If the New Year you are invited to a secular party, you will gain a beautiful bustier dress with a lush bow and a long skirt. Please add it better exquisite accessories, and be sure that you do not lose face among the other socialite.

 What's to celebrate the New 2010?

Romantic New Year's Eve with your loved one will be a memorable experience for both of you, if you put on the air a silk dress, and do not forget about the beautiful underwear.

 What's to celebrate the New 2010?

On a night over the New Year you will be able to stand out favorably because of tight dresses-cases and accessory brilliant gold color.

 What's to celebrate the New 2010?

Fans celebrate New Year outdoors and those who prefer the Red Square noisy clubs can offer, in addition to the dress warm down jacket and shoes - this is though not very aesthetically pleasing, but the warmth and memories of holidays will be in a good mood, not cold .

 What's to celebrate the New 2010?

If your New Year's plans related to travel outside the city to the country, it is best not to dress up in evening dress and comfortable jeans and a warm sweater. Surely you want to frolic in the snow, but it needs to prepare a jacket and boots.

 What's to celebrate the New 2010?

If New Year's party will be for you, and even a first date, you need to select a light and feminine dress that will accentuate your figure and beautiful accessories. For such a case is perfect for exquisite lingerie.

 What's to celebrate the New 2010?

We recommend to check out: New orders in 2012

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Fruit diet for weight loss - grow thin with taste

 Fruit diet for weight loss - grow thin with taste

Dear women, our rhythm of life today is not much different from the image of a man's life. Constant stress, work, household chores. It is no time to give due attention to nutrition. This is not about high-calorie fast food snacking, which have an effect on our waist and hips. Now we are talking about a balanced, healthy diet.

Bailout in this case are the fruit .  They are rich in natural sucrose and fiber, easily digested and absorbed by our body .  And when you consider that many women are in the eternal search for quick weight loss, the diet of fruits - the best option for this purpose .  This low-calorie diet and not one of the so-called "liquid diet" because of you do not need to drink only juice for days .  Fruit diet menu is designed so that you do not exclude from the diet of solid foods, therefore, does not reduce the level of metabolism .  If you have plans easily and without risk to health goodbye to their extra inches at the waist, you will best fit fruit diet for quick weight loss .  A wide variety of menu due to dietary multivariance products, and at the first sensation of hunger you do not block the access to the fridge, it is also possible to choose the long-term course .  All this, ladies, no doubt is one of the advantages of this diet .  A melting in front of kilos - only addition to this delicious food .

Good fruit diet - a diet that does not threaten you decrease metabolism (metabolism) of the conservation of energy resources, as is the case in compliance with the diet low-calorie diets. Fruit diet for weight loss - a decrease in consumption of calories, combined with beneficial cleansing of all systems of the body of toxins, the combination effectively burns fat and heals. After completing the course of your main task will be a gradual entry into the usual menu giving up sweet, moderate consumption of food. Efficiency fruit diet proved example of many women, including Hollywood stars.

Fruit diet. Arguments and Facts

There are a variety of options and fruit diet menu. Some women preferred to select one fasting day a month and eat only fruit. Others use a fruit diet for a week while eating only one kind of fruit for a day, 7 days a week therefore implies acceptance of different 7 kinds of fruits. However, the most common today is the fruit a week for 3 days, in case people are deliberately discharged three days a week and eat only fruit. Many women prefer the combined version of a fruit diet, without excluding from the diet yogurt or adding fruit vegetables.

Each diet - it is a certain risk to your body .  Although subject to the rules of a fruit diet, he minimized, stands alone say a few words "for" and "against" this method to combat obesity .  First, the menu fruit diets is temporary .  It is forbidden to restrict your diet for a very long time or permanently, because fruits are unable, because of their chemical composition to ensure your body due microelements .  One of the biggest disadvantages of the diet of fruits is the lack of B vitamins B12, and a number of other essential trace elements .  Therefore, the diet with the time required to enter traditional foods .  We should eat a balanced menu, including fats, proteins and carbohydrates .  Attention! This does not mean that at the end of the course, and you are sure the first day back to the "racket", otherwise it could face a slowdown in the process of detoxification of your body .  And all the beneficial effect that was obtained from the fruit diet for quick weight loss, will be flattened to nothing, kilograms return .

In order to lose weight quickly, efficiently, but not at the expense of taste, fruit diet will provide the ideal choice, but to secure the effect need to revise its traditional menu, including sport in your everyday life, and we guarantee your irresistibility and charm!

Research shows that in order for the result affects not only you but also others, it is important not to just follow a fruit diet for weight loss and its menus, more important is the psychological factor, optimistic, setting the loss of kilograms. Only when a person makes a plant that will increase in the diet of one type of food - fruits in our case - the desired result is achieved. Scientists conducted the study, which were taken as a basis of fruit weight loss diet. Test was divided into two parts: the first group followed a diet of positive, which implies an increase in the consumption of fruit, and the members of the second group focused myself to eat as little as possible of harmful products. The results were striking: the people from the first group dropped 3 times more weight than those in the second group, who ate the same fruit, but not the system.

Dear women, we all want to eat tasty food, not limiting themselves in numbers, but it does not put on weight? So should submit this request and consume a lot of useful, tasty fruit, especially if scientific evidence that this will only increase the installation progress. Here is an example of how to include in your diet as many fruits to enhance the effect of such diets.

 Fruit diet for weight loss - grow thin with taste

"Seven Commandments" good fruit diet

  1. In acute feelings of hunger, desire to consume something sweet and sverhkaloriynoe, pay immediate attention to their fruit desserts (they are safe and delicious and sweet)
  2. Throughout the day, the need to observe the snacking apple, any dried fruit (should avoid eating bananas and dates) to eliminate the upcoming hunger. It would be beneficial for the value portion, you will eat for lunch - snacks such significantly reduce it, and you get rid of the bad habit of overeating.
  3. If you close the evening or night hour you unbearably wanted ice cream, replace it to use frozen or chilled fruit juice. We assure you that this delicacy discourage you hunt for sweets.
  4. To acquire a greater number of healthy habits, eliminating the negative. If you during the day is irreplaceable nutritious snack sandwich, then take with grapefruit, try to eat it on his lunch break, and you will soon feel the saturation, and not having finished a piece of bread. In order to transition to good habits is smooth, take sandwiches to work, eventually you will feel that you no longer need them and be able to give to their colleagues, and then completely abandon the use of bread.
  5. Fruit diets and recipes for them Multivariate, so your power to treat yourself to some breakfast treats. Perhaps it will be low-fat yogurt with fresh fruit, dried fruit with oatmeal or a glass of any juice.
  6. If you without fail require baking - please! Let it be cottage cheese casserole with lots of fruit and sugar. Lose weight with style!
  7. Put in a large flat bowl of fruit. With a sharp sense of hunger you will be unconsciously attracted to him, and bite with only one use!

Fruit diet for 3 days. Option №1

You want to improve the body, cleansed of harmful toxins and thus lose up to 3 kg? Fruit diet for 3 days there is nothing easier! The main rule - to use them as much as possible, in turn alternating fresh or fresh-frozen vegetables with dried fruits. Start each day with a glass of juice. Special instructions: consume at least 2 liters of water a day. If you choose this an easy, tasty, short-lived diet, you should completely eliminate fruit varieties such as bananas, figs or excessive calorie dates.

Fruit diet for 3 days. Option №2

  • The first day. For breakfast any fruit (exclude the banana), a glass of fresh juice. Fruit salad, you can skim yogurt or cottage cheese for lunch. All washed down with a glass of water. A glass of juice and fruit dessert in a salad for dinner.
  • Second day. Oatmeal with dried fruit, a glass of cold water. Salad vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil for lunch. All washed down with a glass of cold water. 2 fruit (preferably grapefruit) and boiled vegetables (but not beans).
  • Day Three. Average fruit plate (exclude the banana, figs and dates), a glass of freshly squeezed juice for breakfast. Lunch includes a salad (no potatoes) and a glass of cold water. Vegetable soup for dinner washed down with a glass of juice.

This three-day diet can not be used more than once a month. It perfectly cleanses the body, improves metabolism and vitaminiziruet it. Fruit - it is the main product, which is based on fruit diet, the recipe of which, however, excludes the use of the same bananas, figs, grapes and dates in all its variations.

Fruit diets are very diverse .  There is a fruit diet for 2 weeks, fruit diet for a week, and many others .  So what caused such a variety and such popularity of this method of struggle against excess weight? The fact that the fruit diet - it is recognized the most comfortable and tasty way to fight fat .  It is good that the body receives an abundance of cellulose (plant fiber), which is able to normalize the process of digestion, cleanses the body from all kinds of bacteria and even can help in the fight against dysbiosis .  Plant foods designed to cleanse the blood .  The duration of the diet, the more it is able to relieve the body .  In this case, the most effective are fruit diet for 2 weeks .  Reset 7 kg, making the silhouette more slender and sexy helps fruit diet for 7 days .  However, the duration control methods may provoke fat gastritis, due to the large amount of the chemical composition of the fruit acids .

 Fruit diet for weight loss - grow thin with taste

Increases the effectiveness of diets of fruit!

Do not overeat, eat in moderation, even if you eat only fruits allowed

Drink plenty of water: fiber - is the main component of the fruit, and it requires an abundance of liquid. High purity organism can be achieved only when swollen by water in the body tissue is derived, wherein the slag seizing

Refrain from eating grapes - is a fruit that contains a lot of sugar. Fruit diet, a menu that develops nutritionists, though consists of all fruits, but they have some limitations. Bananas can be eaten no more than once a day, but advised not

Put emphasis on fresh fruits, canned forbidden to use, because of the large amounts of sugar, limit the use of stewed fruit. This is for several reasons: firstly, this extra calories, secondly, a small amount of vitamins and minerals

The diet allows fruit diet pear, citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, tangerine), peaches and apples. Obligatory fruit juices.

Fruit diet for 7 days

There are several variations of this diet, but we will consider options for a fruit diet for 7 days of this type:

  • Breakfast: 300 g strawberries, cherries / cherry without sugar, a tablespoon of sour cream. Toast with yogurt. A glass of juice or tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: Mix fruits and vegetables. Eat a small bowl of vegetable soup, mashed potatoes, 200 gr. lean meat diet varieties (rabbit, turkey, chicken) or fish, a plate of fruit salad of kiwi, pineapple. A glass of fruit juice
  • Lunch: Grated carrots with apples, season with 1 tsp sour cream
  • Dinner: Fruit salad (apple, pear), fill nonfat yogurt or kefir. Drink water or juice

Fruit diet for a week allows the alternation of fish meat, but do not increase the servings. Allowed to combine fruits and vegetables at lunch indulging vegetable salads or soups, puree diet.

Fruit diet for 10 days

Consider a fruit diet for 10 days, nutritionists allowed different menu options, but one of the most common is this:

  • Breakfast: salad of pears, peaches and apples. All dressed with lemon juice
  • Lunch: baked meat (no more than 200 gr.) With vegetables, dessert - fruit salad (all except bananas and grapes). Within 10 days of alternate meat and fish. Permission is granted to add vegetables
  • Dinner: fruit with low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese. You can make a fruit salad with yogurt and season.

Fruit diet for 10 days should be suspended in case you feel a sharp discomfort in the stomach, because the abundance of fruit can cause gastritis. On this diet you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight and make the body more sexy curves.

Fruit diet for weight loss in two weeks

Menu of this method to combat obesity is not much different from the previous recipes beauty. Firing more kilograms achieved to a greater extent by increasing the duration of the course.

Attention! Required 20-30 minutes before breakfast, drink a glass of cold water!

  • Breakfast should be hearty: oatmeal with dried fruit and nuts. A glass of fruit juice. 1 grapefruit
  • For lunch, we recommend 350 grams of steamed or boiled meat diet, low-fat varieties (rabbit, turkey, chicken - without the skin!). Fruit salad with low-fat yogurt. Tea without sugar
  • After 18.00 you need to drink plenty of water. The day is recommended to drink up to 2 liters.
  • Dinner includes only fruits (bananas, grapes, figs or dates are forbidden to eat).

Dear women, you now know that not everything is bad tasty. Lose weight and eat diverse, with advantage and with taste can be! If you wish to improve your health and get in shape, but not to the detriment of the diversity of the diet, the fruit diet - an option for you!

 Fruit diet for weight loss - grow thin with taste

We recommend that read: fish diet for weight loss

Fish diet for weight loss: fast, easy, efficient!

 Fish diet for weight loss: fast, easy, efficient!

Fish has always refers to a specific type of diet foods low in fat and calorie levels, but high in protein.

Talk about fish diet, which is becoming increasingly popular among the people who follow the postulate of "mens sana in corpore sano." The main ingredient on which to build a system of this diet diet is fish.

Fish - difficult fungible product which contains large amounts of fatty acids (omega-3), these in turn affect many body systems, have preventive effects on diseases of the heart or blood vessels. Substances that are included in the chemical composition of fish, namely calcium and phosphorus, can strengthen bone tissue, improve the condition of the teeth, are beneficial to the skin, but most importantly - promote weight loss. It is for these reasons that the fish diet gained today so popular.

There are plenty of variations of fish and vegetable way of losing weight, but the diet is considered the classic period of 7 - 10 days, fish diet for 3 days and the diet version, designed for 2 weeks .  By choosing this method of weight loss, you will be able to optimally short time to rid yourself of 3 to 5 kg of excess weight and give your silhouette grace .  If you choose the fish diet to lose weight, do not forget to expand the range of fish that will be consumed in the diet .  Give preference to fresh fish, as an option, using frozen, sometimes recommended to include in the menu canned fish .  In order to achieve a rapid effect, eat low-calorie diet varieties: tuna, cod (which is very useful), and walleye .  But salmon and trout should be avoided - fillet of fish rather fat, but if you cook it without oil, you can put in your menu .  It should be noted that canned and fried fish is much inferior to their beneficial properties to the one prepared on the grill or baked .  Below we give you the options of fish and vegetable diet, as well as making it easier for compliance with a menu designed for a shorter timeframe than 2 weeks .

Option fish diet for 3 days:

 Fish diet for weight loss: fast, easy, efficient!

  • Breakfast. If you stick to this type of diet, you can eat one egg and low fat cottage cheese and 16% fat, consume yogurt without the inclusion of sugar. You must wash down with green tea. Nutritionists recommend taking pills of ascorbic acid after breakfast, if you set out very precisely follow the instructions of such a diet.
  • Lunch. If you have experienced a slight feeling of hunger and the need to snack, the fish diet for 3 days is allowed to do lunch. For such snack is recommended to use no more than 200 grams of fish and drink a glass of water. Not earlier than 15 minutes after lunch, you can have a snack fruit (preferably citrus).
  • Lunch. Before you take for lunch, nutritionists recommend drinking 2 cups of cold water, or to use green tea, then you need to eat 250 grams of boiled fish fillet can be replaced by any other seafood: shrimp, squid or mussels. If you have limited access to cooking (perhaps you are an office worker), in this case, the optimal use of all canned fish. It is recommended to add vegetables to the menu, which does not contain starch: beans (beans), cucumbers, peppers, all the usual cabbage. Allowed to make vegetable salad, season with his fat yogurt. After dinner, you can use a liquid not earlier than 2 hours.
  • Dinner. At about five o'clock in the evening to drink a glass of water, then at your disposal all kinds of products, which are described on the menu for dinner.

Fish diet and reviews about her often drawn up in an approving manner. Many stars have resorted to such methods of struggle against excess weight, they include Victoria Beckham and Eva Longoria literally "made a name for himself," lose weight sitting on it. The popularity of this diet the "powers that be" is not only its effectiveness, but also in sufficient satiety diet: eating a menu for a long time you will not feel the need to eat, by the way, the fish - a great way to combat depression. Try to make a request: fish diet reviews, and you will see the effectiveness of this method of losing weight. Fish - a product that is getting us into the body is absorbed almost 100%. Why so many supporters who want to feel at the same time ease the stomach and a feeling of fullness, plus - everyone can choose for themselves the best option on the menu, and the duration of the diet.

Fish and vegetable diet to lose weight for 2 weeks:

 Fish diet for weight loss: fast, easy, efficient!

    First week

Food is monotonous, the basis of it - the fish. The number of calories consumed should not exceed 1500 with the expectation for a day (this also applies to the second week). Strictly eat fish, in small portions, beginning and ending with the breakfast meal (about 4-5 servings a day). Fits any - frozen or fresh, river or sea, but it is desirable dietary varieties: carp, flounder, hake and pike (the content of calories in these varieties of fish not exceeding 90 per 100g). Preparation: bake in the oven, foil or boiled in water. And here is the fish fry gently, best grilled, without the use of fat oils. If you diet seemed unbearably monotonous, replace it partly on seafood.
Recommended drink: tea, preferably green varieties, herbal teas, beverages, dried fruit and coffee. It is unacceptable to use sugar, if desired, can take a sweetener.

    The second week

Gradually and in strict sequence diet change: add vegetables, then fruit, bread (preferably black), potatoes, sour-milk products, dietary meat. Begins to use fats: margarine, vegetable or olive oil, butter (not exceeding 30 grams of fat per day).

Fish and vegetable diet, the menu of the second week:

  1. day: vegetables + fish no more than 1,200 calories, eat fruits
  2. day: vegetables + fish consume no more than 1000 kcal + boiled potatoes, brown bread
  3. day: vegetables + fish, does not exceed 800 kcal + boiled potatoes, add the black bread + cereals, fruits
  4. day: vegetables + fish + 600 kcal boiled potatoes, cereal + milk, brown bread + low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese, fruit
  5. day: vegetables + fish 400 calories, bread, boiled potatoes, whole grains, low-fat cheese + milk
  6. day: vegetables + fish per 200 kcal, potatoes, black bread, any cereal + chicken, fruit
  7. day: vegetables + fish per 100 kcal, boiled potatoes, brown bread, red meat + any cereal

At whatever version you have not stopped, fish diet for losing weight requires a clear agreement with the recommendations of nutritionists, without consulting a doctor or dietician to use a safe way to lose weight. The greatest damage to fish diet can cause kidney or liver disease, so if you suffer from chronic forms of destruction of these systems, then such a way to combat obesity is best not to "sit."

And now we can offer you another strictly regulated menu options fish and vegetable diet. Attention! It is unacceptable to exclude ingredients to replace them with others, you comfortable.

"Strict fish diet for 1 week"

 Fish diet for weight loss: fast, easy, efficient!


  • Breakfast: pollack cooked in a double boiler (or boiled) - 150 grams of cabbage - 150 g Coffee or tea without sugar
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, and salmon - 150g, garnish - rice
  • Lunch: 150 g of fruit, with the exception - bananas and figs
  • Dinner: Korean carrots and 150 g cooked squid, a slice of black bread. Coffee or tea without sugar, a piece of chocolate
  • Tuesday:

  • Breakfast: fried flounder with fat-free margarine. With a drink (coffee / tea) 3 eat any dried fruit, other than a date
  • Lunch: 2 burgers from low-fat varieties of fish (tuna, for example), pickle - small plates, 2 slices of brown bread
  • Snack: any kind of fruit in the amount of 150 g, except for dates and bananas
  • Dinner: polbanochki canned fish, a slice of black bread, a few nuts (not peanuts), drinks without sugar
  • Wednesday:

  • Breakfast: black bread (2 slices) with dietary fish - 150 grams, with tea or coffee eat 4 walnuts
  • Lunch: vegetable soup (preferably green, with sorrel or nettle), an egg with a small amount of tuna
  • Lunch: 150 grams of fruits (all except bananas and figs)
  • Dinner: shrimp - 300 grams of coffee or tea without sugar, 1 teaspoon honey
  • Wednesday:

  • Breakfast: pollack cooked in a double boiler (or boiled) with radish. One slice of toast with coffee or tea
  • Lunch: soup of dietary varieties of fish, 100 grams of salted salmon (any) 2 medium baked potato
  • Afternoon snack: fruit - 150 grams
  • Dinner: Boiled squid with eggs and cucumbers - 200 g slice of black bread
  • Wednesday:

  • Breakfast cod (for a couple) and cabbage. Toast with a small amount of jam with coffee / tea
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with meatballs from minced fish, flounder - 100g, a side dish of rice
  • Afternoon snack: fruit - 150 grams (no bananas)
  • Dinner: 50 grams of carrots in Korean, 200 g cooked squid slice of black bread
  • Saturday:

  • Breakfast: rye bread - 2 pieces with red caviar, 1 tablespoon honey and tea
  • Lunch: lean ear and mackerel with a salad of seaweed
  • Dinner: fish cakes - 2 pieces, braised carrots and onions as a garnish, fruit sherbet (70 grams)
  • Sunday:

  • Breakfast: boiled catfish, no more than 150 grams. Tea or coffee without sugar with 4 dates
  • Lunch: soup of red fish tails, a slice of bread
  • Dinner: 300 g boiled shrimp, served with rice (150 g), tea / coffee without sugar

Ladies, if you want to quickly and without harm to health, with the greatest sense of satiety, but the ease to lose weight, the fish and vegetable diet will do the task at 100%. Follow the advice of nutritionists, and you are guaranteed to reduce its volume and 5 kg for 10 days. With this you not only inflict damage on your body, but feel the general improvement - to grow thin advantage.

 Fish diet for weight loss: fast, easy, efficient!

We advise to check: a slimming tea is better

Diet for Hair Growth: Secrets sensitive care

 Diet for Hair Growth: Secrets sensitive care

All girls and women are no doubt want to be the happy owner of luxurious curly locks or chic long hair - in the old days do not say nothing about the beauty of the girl's braids. But given the current environment and the modern pace of life, this dream, unfortunately, is not marketed in each of us.

The causes of hair loss or weakening of the set: this may be due to various diseases, hormonal changes, bad heredity or a weakened immune system because of a lack of attention to itself. Moreover, such a problem frequently encountered and those girls and women who carefully monitor their appearance: go to the gym, visit the gyms and beauty salons.

And all because our struggle for harmony often accompanied by diet, sometimes very strict. Along with the intense physical training they can significantly weaken the body. As a result, need to diet to strengthen the hair - it will help compensate for the lack of vitamins in a healthy and figures.

Eliminating from your diet certain foods can cause serious damage to its lush curls, you must remember this. That is why we want to tell you about the consequences of one or another diet is that you can lose weight with the mind, without any risk to their own health and beauty.

  • By following a strict vegetarian diet, be prepared for a lack of iron and silicon, as well as all related issues. After all, if the body lacks iron, hair ends will always posechennymi. A drawback of silicon, mostly with digestible animal proteins leads to a thinning of the protective layer and, as a consequence, hair breakage.
  • When you exclude from the diet of seafood, eggs or nuts, the body begins to experience a shortage of copper. In this case, you need to have to worry about reducing diet for the beauty of hair, because there is a loss of elasticity, causing the locks are very naughty.
  • If your diet consists mainly of dairy foods, supplemented eggs, nuts, seafood (in small amounts), be prepared for a lack of zinc. Assimilation of this element is reduced by 2 times, and as a result hair grows half as fast.

A separate discussion deserve all kinds of "super-fast" diets: for skin and hair is a real punishment, because with serious limitations in food come stress and changes in the exchange and distribution of nutrients. If necessary minerals our body rapidly start to arrive in small quantities, the body spends to ensure their most important needs. Support for healthy hair growth does not belong to the main functions, which is why during the "voluntary fasting" state head of hair can significantly deteriorate.

By the force of the negative effects on the "super-fast" diet can be compared to a great loss of blood, intoxication, temperatures above 39 degrees. Think twice about whether to pace yourself, endanger their health by using such radical measures.
Of course, from the current situation there is a way - you need to pay attention to diet for skin and hair: it will have a reducing and firming effect. Remember, just eating right, you can take an important step to health and beauty.

Diet for hair loss: What should be our diet?

 Diet for Hair Growth: Secrets sensitive care

If you want to lose weight while maintaining their luxurious locks, you must pay attention to the following important points:

Protein should be consumed in sufficient quantities, because it gives the body the amino acids that build new cells. If the proteins will not come for a long time, you will see that the hair growth has slowed significantly, which began their loss. Therefore, when drawing up your own personal menu, you must not forget the lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, cereals - it is this protein foods should give your body at least 15% of calories.

Also, care must be taken on receipt of a sufficient number of useful carbohydrates, because they are a source of energy. It is because of the different tissues of the body carbohydrates are growing more active - they help to restore hair shedding. So you need to include in your diet fresh fruits and vegetables, be sure to supplementing it with brown rice, whole grain cereals and crops and potatoes, which is the most carbon-containing products. But on flour and refined sugar can be forgotten - they are not useful carbohydrates.

Any diet for beautiful hair can not do without fat - they are essential to the body. It must be remembered that the need to be actively involved both animal and vegetable sources, so it is important to balance the revenue fat.

Diet for Beauty Hair: some important tips

Those girls and women who look after themselves and strive to maintain a good shape and perfect health, are well aware that the amount of food consumed depends on many factors. In the formation of the diet is necessary to take into account the age, current condition of the body, physical fitness level, activity level.

Considering each of these factors when drawing up its menu, it is necessary to adopt a few simple secrets, and give the result - let's look at each of them:

  • Try to eat a variety of foods even contain an equal amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins. Then you can be sure that the body will be in full flow all the right ingredients: for example, if the fish do not have any amino acid, it will be contained in the bird.
  • In drawing up the diet menu for hair growth need to choose only natural or minimally processed foods. This is understandable, because you need to not only restore hair, but did not cause serious damage to health, protect the body from pesticides, herbicides and other chemical pollutants.
  • Also it is necessary to minimize the consumption of various semis: desired body proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained therein in the minimum amount. Do not forget that stores frozen patties and dumplings is hardly a good impact on your slim figure - with the power of lightness and elegance, you can not remember.

Diet to strengthen hair: maximum efficiency

If a girl loses weight with the mind, she would not have to choose between perfect health, lush curls and seductive figure. The main thing to balance your diet, supplemented by a hair care program - it will not only help the girls losing weight, but also by the fair sex, who have problems with thinning hair, brittle, posechennyh tips and even baldness.

To do this, simply remove from your menu several important products, as well as to exclude those from whom more harm than good. To facilitate the selection, we present you with the easy and quite effective diet for hair loss. Following its provisions, and by consuming a minimum of food, but not much limiting themselves to food, you can keep a slim figure and provide the body with all the essential vitamins and minerals.

  • You must include in your diet a sufficient amount of seafood - it is possible to focus on fish and seaweed, because they contain a large amount of nutrients. For hair to be healthy, a weekly menu should be about 500-700 grams of seafood.
  • Contrary to popular belief, you can not limit yourself to the meat, on the contrary, we recommend it to eat. Just choose something easy, such as chicken and actively combine it with other products. To diet for skin and hair gave a result, it is possible to eat 500-1000 grams of meat per week.
  • Their diet is supplemented with beef liver and blood sausage - for good health need quite a bit of these products. Enough to eat their 50 grams a day - and over time you will see the beauty and power back hair.
  • Included in the menu meat and seafood, you must not forget about the green vegetables. Enrich your diet is pepper, lettuce, broccoli - they contain lots of vitamins the body needs, so use these products should be 100-200 grams per day.
  • In drawing up the diet for beautiful hair can not do without fresh and dried fruits. Here every girl opens a large enough space for choice: you can eat as is well known to all the bananas and oranges, and quite exotic mango and avocado. It is important to have different fruits: 100 fresh and dried to 20 g per day.
  • In any diet to strengthen hair pride of place given to porridges: we recommend eating wheat and oatmeal. To maintain healthy growth, strength and shine chic curls, we recommend that they have half a glass a day.
  • Very important cheese, because dairy products are rich in protein, essential for the body of any active and athletic girl. Therefore, it is necessary to eat a lot - 100 g per day.
  • Supplement your diet for many essential amino acids and minerals necessary to nuts. Peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews - can take any nuts, even cedar, it is important to eat them 1 tablespoon a day.
  • You should also not forget about olive and vegetable oil - to diet for hair and skin brought the desired results, they need to use 1 tablespoon per day.

We advise you to make your own menu of these products: as you can see, the food is varied and you will not have to limit myself seriously. This makes it easy to take care of their health and attractiveness, to maintain graceful figure and lush curls.

Diet for Beauty Hair: what is to refuse?

 Diet for Hair Growth: Secrets sensitive care

Naturally, one must not only enter into your diet useful products, but also to exclude from it unnecessary and even more junk food. It is necessary to forget the salty, spicy and fried foods, canned goods, and in general about all that hard to digest.

We should not forget about the dangers of hamburger chebureks, pies, hot dogs and other "masterpieces" of fast food - they only violates the metabolism, degrading the shape and hair. Eating in this way, you will soon find that your locks have lost their luster, their roots quickly become greasy.

In this case, you need to revise your menu and withdraw fatty foods from the diet, but we do not recommend it too sharply. Before you start a diet for beauty hair can be over a month to arrange a fasting day. Eat light foods just one day a week, and you will see the result.

Diet for beautiful hair: vitamin complexes and dietary supplements

Today, virtually impossible to recover gorgeous hair using only natural products. Even modern agriculture works that supplied food to markets with low content of minerals and vitamins. It makes its own adjustments and bad environment: our health is almost constantly under threat, which, of course, have a negative impact on the hair. And that while the busy pace of life with the constant stresses and pressures leaves its mark, causing the body to actively consume vitamins and minerals.

Therefore, any diet for hair loss is not without vitamin complexes and bioactive supplements: need to seek care with keratin, chitosan, cyclomethicone, dimethicone, silk proteins. You should also not forget about vegetable oils of coconut, peach, avocado, shea butter, jojoba oil, orchid, remember about ceramides and phospholipids using linolenic, linoleic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids.

And thus we recommend not even recall universal membership - choose only those shampoos, conditioners and other care products that are designed to solve exactly your problem.
Submitted to the Board should use; they are simple and effective - take them into service, even a diet for hair growth gives the desired result.

 Diet for Hair Growth: Secrets sensitive care

We strongly recommend to read: the most harmful food additives