Wednesday, 5 April 2017

The bath with the child

 The bath with the child

Even in ancient Russia it was made to give birth in a bath, and that life began in the bath .  Of course, in ancient times there was no maternity hospitals so expectant mothers were forced to give birth in a place where there is warm water, suitable for a newborn temperature and hot steam, which kills disease-causing microbes .  Our ancestors bath accompanied by a lifetime, and so they were healthy and body and spirit .  Since then much has changed, and today there are many different baths and saunas for every taste - Roman baths, Turkish bath, Japanese ofuro, etc. . d .  All these types of pairs of different useful for the body of the adult and child .  But if you are a supporter of our traditions, the Russian baths in Moscow is quite suitable for a holiday with your baby .  They belong to the group of steam, not dry saunas as Finnish sauna, eg .  In Russian bath is much higher humidity and it is not so hot - 40-60 degrees, but it is carried heavier than dry, in which temperatures can reach up to 120 degrees .  So, if you are a beginner, it is better to start with dry steam .

If you are preparing to become a mother and want to start as soon as possible restore the health of your baby, begin bath treatments before conceiving a child .  Obstetrician-gynecologist proved that bath treatments help with infertility, amenorrhea, and violation of ovarian function in many diseases of internal female genital organs .  During pregnancy, you can also go to the bath .  This will help you in the future is less painful and easier to endure childbirth and expectant mothers, lovers of steam, with much less labor is required analgesics and spazmalitikov .  Of course, a pregnant woman a little hard to get out in a bath regularly, but today there are saunas in every district of Moscow, so far do not have to go .  For example, a sauna in Printers perfect for expectant mothers, who live in the area and they do not have to overcome a long way to useful treatments .  Regular visits to the baths during pregnancy reduces excessive muscle tension and increases the elasticity of the ligament apparatus .  But be aware that in some cases the bath is not recommended .  If you have any inflammatory disease, pregnancy complications or you have recently had surgery, be sure before going to the sauna consult your gynecologist .  And if the doctor did not find you have no contraindications, I feel it, darling, but do not forget that you need to watch out for steam-being .  You should not feel any dizziness or nausea .  Strive not, do not sit in the sauna too long, and get plenty of rest .

How to go to the sauna with a child .  For the first time, you can take your baby to the bath in the three months .  But this is only if your child is already attending a steam room, while still in your tummy, then for him it would not be a shock .  Previously, a child with you too experienced in the bath is almost the same feeling as you, only now they will become more vivid .  Some doctors believe that the best age for a bath is 7-8 months, but this age to visit the steam room is only suitable for the previously prepared children whose mothers went periodically soared pregnant .  In order to prepare the baby to temperature changes, while not changing in a hurry .  Give him the opportunity to move my naked legs and handles a little to stay naked .  And while bathing, prepare the other basin water, which is a few degrees lower than in the bathroom, and after a bath soak it to not last long, and then wrap in a towel .  These procedures will help to temper the child and adapt more quickly to temperature changes .

 The bath with the child

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