Saturday, 8 April 2017

How to develop self-confidence

 How to develop self-confidence


  • A bit of psychology
  • Keep a journal
  • Find the positive
  • Speak correctly
  • Drinking appearance

Self-confident woman - self-sufficient, it does not hide from the problems and solve them.   Confident woman faces the truth, she did not need to raise your voice to someone to put in place.   Self-confident woman is not looking for praise and acknowledgments its merits and skill to treat them and their drawbacks.
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A bit of psychology

Why do some go through life with head held high, and others even lift his eyes from the ground hard? In psychology, there is the concept of "self-esteem". This is how a person evaluates himself with the professional, intellectual, sexual, attractive sides. From the amount of self-esteem and self-evaluation develops attitude toward themselves as a person. The owner of a high self - confident person, low - uncertainty. If it is too high, then we call such a person overconfident. Our psychological comfort depends on our self-esteem. You can change your life beyond recognition, finding self-confidence, but how to do it, if you're shy of his own shadow. What is confident man! How to develop self-confidence?

As psychologists say, self-confidence - confidence is a special case. Self-confidence - is the ability and the ability to govern themselves and their fears. Psychologist Jos Volpe, watching his patients, a detailed description of all of our inherent fears: fear of rejection, fear of getting into new situations, fear to be in the spotlight, the fear that you criticize, fear of inability to refuse, fear of being inferior. The development of all these fears can lead to serious psychological illness.

All these fears are in the psyche of every woman, but some are able to deal with them, and in others they are dominant behavior. Their development leads to the fact that women are constantly experiencing guilt and shame, become inactive and eventually, even stop trusting yourself and your feelings. Why is this happening?

We are all from early childhood inspire her children that they have the cleverest, boldest, most beautiful and talented. We are trying to develop their self-esteem. Children grow up and start their independent life. In some things work: love, friends, work. Others, on the contrary, can not find themselves in life, afraid to meet new people, to look for an interesting high-paying job, believe in love. How to help them if there is such a pill that can make a person self-confident? Psychologists agree on one thing: there is no fear of pills and there is no powder to be confident and self-sufficient. I'm sure you can help! It must do ourselves, the main thing - to want and move in the right direction, without fear to do what is most afraid of. Let's start right now. We will act decisively, without looking back, even if it is very scary.  How to develop self-confidence
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Keep a journal

Most of the girls in my childhood kept diaries where they recorded what they saw for themselves the most important. So we wound up a notebook that will help us to cope with uncertainty and indecision. Daily record to all of its successful business, even the most insignificant: Get a delicious soup, visited the dentist. At a time when uncertainty rolls, like an avalanche, take and read my notes - is sure to help. And do not forget to praise yourself for all that whatever you do. Praise always increases their self-esteem.

If during the day you took an unpleasant situation and you could not get out of it with dignity, in a relaxed atmosphere, try to rethink it and beat with a positive ending. For example: you were treated rudely and you suffered this problem for the rest of the day. Stop, take a notebook and write as though behaved in this situation, your confident friend. The next time a similar situation, you will have a kind of blank out of this problem. Gradually, these pieces will be more and more, and then the day will come when you will not need to look at your records, you will learn how to solve the problem immediately.
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Find the positive

Try to find a negative incident its positive side. Lost in the underground gloves - do not blame yourself. Tell me, what have long wanted to buy new ones, but these have gone out of fashion. The hairdresser made too short haircut? Do not worry, the hair grows back quickly.

Since childhood, parents no time telling us that we must learn from the mistakes of others. And we learn from others' positive examples. A colleague talking to the chief, boldly defends his view of the problem - take the pencil.

Learn not to be afraid to ask, ask questions if you do not understand something, have their own opinion. Better once to feel stupid than to suffer this feeling for the rest of life. There is no one who knew all the answers, so almost everyone from time to time falls into a similar situation as you.

 How to develop self-confidence
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Speak correctly

In order to feel confident, you need to learn how to speak. I mean not only the correctness of your speech, that is, the absence of word-parasites (learn to fill their "silence"), and the use of specific words. The proposal must begin always with the pronoun "I". I want to see, I want to go, I need it ... And do not be amiss use of verbs in the imperative mood. Show me, tell me bring. Your speech should be emotional, so do not hesitate to learn to talk about their feelings clear, without a hint. Do not be afraid to say "no" if you do something you do not want to do or do not like.

A huge role in our lives plays humor. Man is almost impossible to hurt and off balance when he has a sense of humor. As the great Beaumarchais: "If I was not laughing at all, I would cry all the time." So, if you learn to laugh at all the negative manifestations of life, you will feel more confident.

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Drinking appearance

Well, the most important aspect that will undoubtedly increase your self-esteem and confidence in themselves - this is your appearance. Once you have selected a proper haircut, buy a fashionable, well-cut thing that will get you to go look in the mirror and say, "Good-devil! ". Confidence does not take long - you are on the right track. But I want to warn you that none of the beautiful dress will not protect against cad, and for this it is necessary to do all what is said in this article.

In conclusion, a few short tips everyday. Firstly, Pick encouraging slogan. Many ladies can help to choose for themselves the phrase, repeated every day several times. For example, "I can do everything, I will succeed."

And yet - to cease to hesitate and be in the spotlight, we must first learn to get up in the middle of space, and not somewhere on the edge. Then soon you will not only be of interest, but you will become the soul of the company.

Dear girls, when you get rid of the misconceptions about yourself, your life will change. Self-sufficient woman - a confident woman. This should be your men, your children, and especially you yourselves! Self-importance, feeling it is much more important than any ambition.

 How to develop self-confidence

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