If soiskatelnits has extensive experience in the education of children, it does not mean that the experience associated with the work as a nanny. Is it important experience in the family? Of course, you see the cons of such candidates, but we propose to study the pros.
Among the advantages are the following:
- You will become the first tenants, so the nurse can not compare you with someone from former employers.
- Soiskatelnits, which first appears in this role, will work with a greater desire than her more experienced colleagues. The novice worker characteristic zeal and enthusiasm, as he masters a new profession for himself.
- Despite the lack of experience in the family, the nurse may have a different specialty, which will help in the development of your child, for example, be a teacher of literature, translator, musician, etc.
- Option novice suit parents who want to save: a babysitting service will cost less than the more experienced. But it must be taken into account and the presence of other skills of the applicant. For example, knowledge of foreign languages, higher pedagogical education, residence in your town, all of which can add value to the fare and may be such that it will be identical to the rate experienced nurse, but without education, without a residence permit, etc.
Pomogatel.ru Tip: If you select the employee without experience note, if she has a child, or a minimum of experience in child care. Enough risky to leave your baby with someone who has only theoretical knowledge. In cases where the responsibility of the nurse will go only to the child's support and back garden, a special experience is required.
Among the most important qualities of the worker is present dexterity, wit and good memory, thanks to which it will be able to quickly find and do their job perfectly. About these people say that they "grab everything on the fly" or "in her hands all the controversy." If you got just such a nurse - is accustomed to it. The more that the value of its services is much lower.
If, among the duties which you want to charge the assistant, only the general child care, the meeting of the garden, walking and feeding dinner experience can play a major role far. In this case, you should look at the other skills soiskatelnitsy: the ability to communicate with your child and find a common language with him.
Of course, if you lay on the development of the baby sitter by different methods, it is better to turn to a man with a similar experience.
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