Thursday, 2 February 2017

Honey cake with cream of condensed milk

 Honey cake with cream of condensed milk


  • Classic honey cake with cream of condensed milk
  • Items needed for the test
  • The technology of baking cakes
  • Honey Cream of condensed milk

Confectionery departments of supermarkets and tea rooms offer a huge selection of cakes, muffins, rolls and other goodies. But somehow, homemade cakes eaten with great pleasure. Tens of thousands of women bake house Napoleon Smetannikov, muffins, etc. Due to the ease of manufacture and taste favorite homemade cakes became a honey cake with condensed milk.

Thanks to the rich taste of the unique, and it is a favorite of children and adults treat for a long time attracted the attention of confectioners all over the world. When baking condensed milk is added in the dough, and the cream. In cakes, it is used only in conjunction with other products: butter, sour cream, custard. The addition of these products make cream more ductile and reduce the sweetness.
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Classic honey cake with cream of condensed milk

Each woman chooses a recipe baking cakes with honey. There are many, as the prescription cream from condensed milk. But one of them is a basic, classic, and the rest - its modifications. Prepare a classic version of the cake is easy and taste it turns out very tender. Before it is impossible to resist.

From inventory required:

  • oven,
  • saucepan in which to prepare the dough,
  • bowl or pan for larger water bath,
  • mixer and whisk for whipping,
  • a knife for cutting cakes irregularities,
  • a sieve for sifting flour,
  • rolling pin for rolling dough
  • tablespoon for putting some cream on cakes.

 Honey cake with cream of condensed milk

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Items needed for the test

For the preparation of cakes need to prepare the following products:

  • 3 eggs,
  • 200 g of sugar,
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey,
  • 50 g butter,
  • 600 g flour
  • 1 tsp. Baking soda food.

To produce warmed to room temperature, they need to control the advance of the refrigerator.

Under this condition, the cakes are obtained tasty.
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The technology of baking cakes

In a large pan pour water and put on fire. When the water warms up, a smaller pot of honey is placed in a water bath. For honey, according to the recipe, add sugar and stir everything thoroughly whisk. Then there is put butter, which was soft at room temperature. Soda need to pay off with vinegar, and also add to the total weight of all the mix.

Saucepan, remove from the water bath. In the warm mass break the eggs and whisk well. Now you can pour the sifted flour, but not all at once the quantity specified in the recipe, and parts. All the mix, whisk first, and when the dough becomes steeper hand. I must get someone, but not too steep. The total lump test is divided into 6-7 parts, roll up balls of them and lay on a plate.

Turn the oven and preheat. The surface of the table, where they will unroll crusts, sprinkled with flour. Take one ball and a rolling pin to roll the dough into a table the size of a layer a little more average plates. To honey formation did not stick to your hands, it slightly pritrushivayut flour. Korzh get thin, transfer it to the pan, twirling on the rolling pin. You can just roll out the dough into a greased and floured baking sheet or on a table on oiled sheet of paper, cut to size slightly larger than the average dish. The dough is put together with the paper on a baking sheet.

The oven is heated to 190 ° -200 ° C. Time baking honey cakes for 5-6 minutes, golden color cakes will tell about his readiness. While the cake is baked first, second unroll and shift it to another pan. Ready cake spread on the table. The second plus baking dough on paper - is ready cakes are easily removed from the pan. You need to quickly turn the cake baked up the paper and remove it. You can not give the paper to cool, otherwise it will be bad to keep up with cake.

Ready-made cakes are very fragile, and transfer them to take the necessary caution. Korzh cut shaped plates should only be hot, they can crumble. Trimming will go on dusting cake. So do all the other Korzh. Now you need to prepare a cream. Its preparation is typically easy.

 Honey cake with cream of condensed milk
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Honey Cream of condensed milk

Cakes with honey cake honey obtained by sweet, condensed milk is also a product with a high content of sugar. Therefore, the classical recipe for cream is suggested to use, in addition to 150 g of butter and condensed milk 1 jar of jam, and even 200 grams of sour cream, 20% fat. The oil should be soft, at room temperature, and the cooled cream.   In a deep bowl, first whisk the butter and milk. It should get a shiny homogeneous mass. To it add the cream gradually, continuing to whisk. Ready cream cool slightly and coat with them cakes.

It remains the most simple thing - fluff cakes. On a large flat dish placed first cake, well lubricated cream. On top of the cake is placed second, again a layer of cream - and so all the cakes. The remaining scraps of cakes kneaded into crumbs and sprinkle on top. Cakes should be given time for impregnation. To this end, it tied for a few hours in a cool place.

The honey cake can be used in addition to the above products, and others. For example, to speed up the impregnation cakes in the finished cake is added between the layers of fruit. In addition to the above ingredients, you will need several pieces of kiwi and 2 bananas. The first cake smeared cream with condensed milk, laid on top of sliced ​​bananas circles. On fruit cake again put on a cream, mugs Kiwi again cake, cream, banana circles - and so to the end.

The cake can be used honey and nuts. Roasted walnuts and ground in a blender with honey added in-oil mass which was kneaded on a water bath. Next on the basic recipe. All of these recipes will differ only by additional products that set off the taste of the main honey cake.

 Honey cake with cream of condensed milk

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