Saturday, 4 February 2017

Glasses for vision correction: what to choose?

 Glasses for vision correction: what to choose?


  • The glass or plastic - which is better?
  • Types of lenses for glasses
  • Is determined by the type of person
  • Pick up points on hair color
  • General rules for the selection of points

Points represent the optical device correcting vision. They consist of frames and eyeglass lenses. When asked how to choose the right glasses, you must consider many factors, including not only the performance of lenses themselves, but also the extent to which glasses are suitable for the shape of the face. It depends on whether they would be comfortable to wear, whether or not tired eyes.

How well you can pick out points, focusing on such factors as the material and the characteristics of spectacle lenses, face shape, hair color? It should be noted that the right must be chosen not only the shape but also the color of frames, lenses.
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The glass or plastic - which is better?

First of all, glasses are designed for vision correction, eye protection from bright light, so when choosing a need to pay attention to the characteristics of spectacle lenses. In order to choose them correctly, you must know these moments:

  • optical indicators (diopters, center distance). To find these values, you must be examined by a doctor. Only after a full, competent inspection ophthalmologist will give eyeglass prescription, and then you can be sure that buying will benefit, not harm. Incorrect glasses are capable of much more visually impaired;
  • refractive index - is one of the main indicators of class lens, it varies depending on the material of manufacture. Outside this range, in practice it means, how your face will be distorted. The higher the index gives less distortion, this lens with an index of 1, 6;
  • material and workmanship. Today, spectacle lenses are manufactured from plastic, characterized by low weight, shatter resistance, reduced thickness, to receive a variety of shades. They are made from traditional glass. The strength of glass lenses have higher (except impact), they can do more flat;
  • antirefleksnoe coating improves optical properties, enabling to increase the transparency of the points by 8-10 per cent. These glasses allow a better view while driving, more comfortable work at the computer.

How to choose a frame? Attention is drawn to the nose pads, which should be soft, movable, do not induce fatigue. Temples should not exert strong pressure on the area behind the ear and whiskey. The frame should be comfortable, non-slip. Cheap frames often cause irritation, fatigue, and headaches. So do not try to save money on glasses, eventually it can lead to unpleasant consequences. It is better to choose the best option, combining reasonable price and good quality.

 Glasses for vision correction: what to choose?
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Types of lenses for glasses

When asked how to choose the right glasses, pay special attention to the lenses. Today, manufacturers offer organic lenses, which are made of plastics, synthetic materials with additions of plasticisers and UV absorbers. Such lenses are different abrasion resistance, they are not afraid to shock, heat.

On the market today can be found Trivex lens and Nxt, which are of the highest quality and durability. These glasses are preferred by those who travel a lot as they scratch or break the very hard.

Issued spectacle lenses and polycarbonate, which are lighter, more resistant to shocks. These glasses are ideal for children, athletes, where safety comes first.

Mineral spectacle lenses made from conventional colorless or colored glass. Such lenses are durable, have excellent characteristics, but poorly withstand shocks, although in recent years have been increasingly produces special tempered glass.

By the action of the optical glasses can be divided into:

  • afocal having no optical power. Such lenses used for sunglasses. They are divided on the prism, not prismatic, izeykonicheskie lens;
  • astigmatic which have one toric surface and one spherical;
  • stigmatic lens with the same refractive index in each meridian section.

The position of the focus eyeglass lenses are divided into positive, which are used for hyperopia, and negative, that are prescribed when myopia.

Eyeglass and distinguished by the number of optical zones:

  • multifocal used to improve the clarity of vision of the surroundings (it advanced to correct presbyopia, chetyrehfokalnye with a step change in refraction, trifocals, bifocal, varifocal with smoothly changing transitions transfocal);
  • monofocal one optical zone.

Refractive index of the lens is divided into:

  • supervysokoprelomlyayuschie with an index of 1, 74;
  • vysokoprelomlyayuschie, 1, 59;
  • with an average value of 1, 52-1, 59;
  • traditional, 1, 5-1, 52.

Depending on the coating, all spectacle lenses can be divided into:

  • AR with several layers of inorganic compounds. They reduce light reflection, increasing light transmission;
  • with a mirror coating, which is created on the basis of metal oxides, which have a refractive index of from 10 to 50 percent. There may be a different color: yellow, green, blue, pink;
  • multifunctional. They have a stain-resistant, antireflective properties;
  • reinforcing. Are resistant to scratches, however, often have a special layer on the surface;
  • Water and dirt-repellent lens.

There are also photochromic, colored and transparent, with spectral filters, polarization, with protection against UV, from chemical and mechanical influences and other ophthalmic lenses.

 Glasses for vision correction: what to choose?
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Is determined by the type of person

Points on the face can not be overlooked, it is a very important accessory, which is able to completely transform the appearance. Therefore, the approach to the selection of points must be very careful, as much as possible taking into account all factors.

Before ordering eyeglasses themselves, is to determine not only with the material and manufacture of the lens type, but with the color of the hair, the face shape. From this it depends on how points will look if they can mask some deficiencies, stressing all winning lines of the face?

Before buying please read my face in the mirror, oval shapes are considered ideal, but there are not all. Therefore, when try to pick up a form that will hide all the flaws as much as possible by making attractive face and bright.

The oval face is considered ideal, as its smooth and beautiful proportions. Points are easy to pick up, suitable rectangular, oval, square frames, aviators and droplets. The very frame may be thin or solid, have a variety of decorative items or not.

The triangular face is called "heart", it is characterized by a narrow chin and broad forehead. Here you can pick up points with a light oval rim or rims and a half, even without them. Suitable and rectangular glasses, but with rounded edges, the width of which must be less than the height of the forehead. Massive, overwrought rims are not suitable as the face of them will simply be lost.

Pear-shaped face has an unusual shape of an inverted triangle. Pick up points are quite difficult, but not impossible! Too broad bottom of the best to take the rectangular frame, visually expand a person who is too narrowed in temples. The width of the frame should be at the same time equal to the width of the jaw, which will balance the proportions.

When the rectangular shape of the face, which has a high forehead, a square, a little massive chin, are ideal frame "cat's eye", and large oval frames, aviators. Rectangular, square glasses better not to take, because the face is too large, asymmetrical.

For owners of a round face, which is characterized by a round chin, a low forehead, full cheeks are perfect sunglasses square and rectangular shape, big and large. Round glasses are not suitable, since they only emphasize the shape of the face to make it even rounder, and this attention should, on the contrary, divert.
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Pick up points on hair color

Many people mistakenly believe that the selection of glasses is not related to hair color and the main thing - to choose the form of the rim, and the rest "will come by itself." But this is fundamentally wrong: it is often very beautiful setting that is perfect for your face shape, it is not combined with the hair color that contributes to the appearance of an element of disharmony. Therefore, when selecting Always use the simple but effective rules of selection of such points on hair color!

For owners of luxurious blond hair, light skin, light eyes and light blush best to choose glasses with plastic frame light palette: beige, light brown, peach, pink shades. Also suitable sunglasses ivory, coffee with milk, just transparent. Do not buy intense, bright rim of blue, green, black. Metallic glasses can be made in gold, tin or silver.

If you are the owner of blond hair, attractive gray eyes, somewhat dark skin, then you need to pick up points in muted, cool tones. Excellent will look greenish marble, purple, dark red. Points may be selected and combined with color, e.g., transparent at the bottom and a silvery green, gray silver - at the top. From metal frames suit sunglasses silver, gold-plated with a bit of a reddish tint.

For owners of red, brown hair, dark eyes and dark skin are ideal rimmed glasses with brown, terra cotta, plastic with a tiger pattern, for Amber. Metallic glasses are best taken with a gold rim with any shade, copper and bronze. Avoid: cool tones, as they will be too hard to stand out, do not fit the color of the skin and hair.

For brunettes who have pale porcelain skin, brown eyes, it is best to choose rims dark, cold, saturated colors. Perfect moderately gray, pewter, blue-green, blue-black, purple. If you pick up the metal frame, then preference should be given bronze, matt gold, copper shades. Perfect and silver metallic, but not very bright.

 Glasses for vision correction: what to choose?
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General rules for the selection of points

Properly chosen sunglasses can not only decorate their owner, but also to return excellent eyesight, relieve eyestrain and fatigue, so the choice should be approached very seriously. We offer simple but effective rules for the selection of points:

  • pass examination by an ophthalmologist to obtain a prescription. In this case, the vision that you check on the modern equipment, which will allow it to buy those lenses that are specifically suited to you;
  • Decide on the type of lenses themselves (covering, presence of filter);
  • Decide on the size and shape of the rim.

As you can see, choose glasses among the widest current range is not as hard as it seems. You just need to pay attention to factors such as hair color, face shape that you selected frames and lenses are not only excellent eyesight returned, but did your image a unique, refined. Important points when selecting it is necessary to draw on the type of lens, the material of manufacture, the optical effect. If you can not decide yourself, consult an ophthalmologist, who will tell you what kind of spectacle lenses are optimal in your case.

 Glasses for vision correction: what to choose?

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