Sunday, 26 February 2017

Dry skin of hands

 Dry skin of hands


  • Causes and solutions of dry skin
  • Masks for the treatment and prevention of dry hands
  • Baths for the treatment of flaking and dryness of hands

Your skin, like the neck, can not "lie" - it immediately gives the age of the owner, its state of health and the attitude to itself. In the hands of paying attention not only to women but also by men - soft smooth skin and beautiful manicure will not leave anyone indifferent man. That is why in such a beautiful but naughty part of the body is necessary to ensure a regular and proper care. The most common problem, which is probably familiar to every girl and woman - is a dry skin of hands.

On this site, because of the small number of sebaceous glands, our skin is most susceptible to dryness and, accordingly, irritation, itching, flaking, cracks. All these unpleasant phenomena are observed in the case of natural skin loses moisture source. It is not always the problem can be solved only cream, sometimes need a more serious approach, and in some cases even a doctor's help. Before we talk about how to care for dry skin of hands, suggest you familiarize yourself with the possible causes of this nuisance.

Causes and solutions of dry skin

To date, difficulties with the choice of beauty products for hands, of course not - the various creams, oils, masks, scrubs presented on the shelves in large quantities. In addition, we know many popular recipes to combat dry skin. But the problem is that all these agents compete with only the feedback or other factors, rather than eliminate the cause. So as soon as you stop using them, dry again return. To develop a proper plan of action, we suggest you to begin to understand why dry skin on the hands.

  • Air dry

Very often xeroderma hands arises due to insufficient humidity. In cold weather, the air is dry due to heating devices, and in the summer the culprit is almost always working air conditioners. Dry air adversely affect not only the appearance of the skin, but also the general state of health.

So try as much as possible to provide additional humidification. You can buy a special moisturizer that perfectly cope with this task, or use another method of our grandmothers and place in a room filled with liquids. It is also possible to spray water from a spray bottle, and during the heating season - the battery cover with a damp cloth.

  • Allergic reaction

Cracks and peeling the skin may be caused by an allergic reaction to any food and cosmetic products. If there is suspicion of allergy consult a doctor immediately. He will prescribe the right treatment, and soon this problem will disappear.

  • Surrounding our natural environment

Frost and cold wind, too rapid changes in temperature leads to the appearance of cracks, peeling and irritation, and exposure to UV light causes dehydration, dryness and accelerate the aging process. Dry skin of hands in the summer months and during their stay in tropical countries can help prevent sunscreen - do not neglect them when go out, because your skin is always open, so it is very vulnerable. In cold weather, be sure to wear warm mittens or gloves.

  • Bad water

Harm of water, which is treated with chlorine, no doubt - you probably do not just get the feeling of tightness after contact with her. Completely eliminate the influence of this factor, unfortunately, it is impossible, but you can reduce the negative effects. In particular, the skin does not become dry and rough, try not to include too hot water after each hand washing, lubricate them with a suitable cream you. For example, at the famous Italian Sophia Loren in her purse there will always be a favorite hand cream, but at home it means she stands next to each sink. That's why her hands to preserve the beauty, in spite of the already advanced age of the actress.

  • Effect of household chemicals

Daily contact with detergents deprives the skin of its natural natural defenses and leads to a gradual destruction of the layer of the epidermis. What to do in this case, when household chemicals after us, unfortunately, everywhere? First, do not use for cleaning hands with soap alkali content - give preference to handmade soap with natural oils and herbal concoctions. Secondly, when washing dishes with detergent, hand-washing and cleaning, wear rubber gloves, pre-lubricated hand skin nourishing cream or oil.

  • Incorrect or defective Care

How to get rid of the dryness of hands - after washing her hands, be sure to carefully wipe them, after remaining on the skin surface moisture evaporates, it is very dry. Hand care is considered to be defective if the addition of cream you do not nourishing masks and hydrating bath. A little later, we will share with you useful folk recipes that will keep your pens in perfect condition and prolong their youth.

  • Improper diet, inadequate fluid intake, vitamin deficiency

These are the main cause of all the troubles and dryness of hands in particular. Therefore, daily drink the recommended amount (not less than one and a half liters) of pure non-carbonated water and try to diversify your diet. Your menu should be the possibility of fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, ie vitamins in pure form, are particularly important in this case, vitamins B, C, E and A. Be sure to take care of the diversity of the diet in the spring, it must be filled with a variety of vitamins - the lack of them can also cause problems with the skin hands.

  • Diseases

Some diseases, such as diabetes and dermatitis, accompanied by side effects such as dryness, redness, peeling skin cover often cracks. In this case, deal with the problem with the help of external influence is pointless, as it only temporarily disguise it, but will not solve. The only way out - to treat the disease itself.

  • Heredity

Very dry your skin, and you can get your hands on the inheritance. If you have a genetic predisposition to dry skin, there can only accept and enter into the habit of regularly able to take care of their pens: apply the cream, make nourishing rejuvenating mask, etc.

  • Natural aging

With age, the skin, unfortunately, is changing for the worse - becomes drier and less elastic. This is a result of natural changes in the body, so the impact on the fact you are, unfortunately, can not. But in your power to slow down the signs of aging by providing competent complete care for dry skin hands.

 Dry skin of hands

Masks for the treatment and prevention of dry hands

To combat dry skin, when the problem is not the result of disease or an allergic reaction, it is very useful to do the people's hand treatment mask. They are simple in composition and method of preparation, so you can easily repeat them yourself. With regular use of cracks, peeling and reddening will leave you forever.

  • Mask based on rye bread

Ingredients: egg yolk, Borodino rye bread, vegetable oil, starch, milk. Pour the boiling milk a piece of bread, leave it in milk for 5 minutes, then remove, press and mash with a fork. Add a couple of hours. Spoonfuls of starch, pour in the egg yolk and h. Spoon of oil. Put the resulting mass, wear gloves (polyethylene) and a half hour dip pen in a container of hot water. Do this procedure is recommended every other day for three weeks.

  • Mask based on boiled potatoes

Ingredients: a pair of boiled potatoes (boiled in their skins), a little warm milk or a couple of hours. Tablespoons of juice (or lemon cucumber). As you can see, the mask from potatoes can be prepared in three versions. It is applied to the hands in the form of heat, the top is covered with cotton cloth or gauze. Washed off with water after a quarter of an hour. Perfectly removes cracks and peeling. After plenty of hands is recommended to grease nourishing cream.

  • The mask for hands with honey and egg yolk

Ingredients: Separate the yolk, connect it to a pair of Art. tablespoons of vegetable oil and one item. spoon of honey. If your skin is dry on the impact of external factors, the mask quickly "erase" all left their traces. Keep it should be one-third of an hour, rinse with warm (preferably boiling) water.

  • Softening mask with banana

Ingredients: Art. unsalted melted butter mixed with mashed banana and one item. spoon of honey. This mass need to start carefully rub into your hands, and then lay still on top of the dense layer. After a quarter of an hour to remove it with a sponge or cotton cloth. Will you do this procedure every other day for a couple of weeks, and the skin is visibly transformed: away flaking, cracks and discomfort.

  • Mask-compress with the oil

Ingredients: any nutrient emollient oil of your choice (Vegetable, linseed, olive, peach, almond, etc.), a few drops of lemon juice squeezed. Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water. Soak in a slightly warmed oil, cotton cloth and wrap his hands. And on top put plastic bags do not accidentally dirty clothes or furniture oil. Treatment with such compress very useful for chapped skin of hands. It softens and removes peeling. Half an hour later the mask can be removed - excess oil removed dry with a paper towel (do not rinse with water).

  • Hand Mask of oatmeal

Ingredients: a few spoonfuls of boiled milk porridge mixed with a small amount of olive or vegetable oil and put on a warm state prone to dryness and irritation of the skin. Do this procedure preferably at bedtime. For convenience and enhance the effect of the hand wrap cling film. After a delicious nourishing mask cracks and dryness will leave you forever.

  • Mask-compress-based cream

Ingredients: 15% sour cream (half a cup), mix with lemon juice (just 1 tbsp. Spoon) and beaten egg yolk. Wrap your hands first with gauze soaked in the composition, and then cling film. After 1/3 hour a compress can be removed, the excess mask is removed with cotton pad. To do this it is desirable to compress regular basis - once every two days for three weeks.

 Dry skin of hands

Baths for the treatment of flaking and dryness of hands

Treatment of dry hands with the power of baths - a proven and very effective way. We will share with you a simple to prepare recipes, the ingredients for which you will find in any drugstore. Donate quite a bit of your time, you will get a stunning and fast results. Before cooking trays do not forget to thoroughly clean ruchkipri soap and scrub.

Paraffin hand bath

This procedure is very useful for hands - it helps normalize water balance, eliminating dryness and flaking, cracked heals. Already after the first time you will see the result - the skin is slightly smoothed, it becomes more elastic and soft. Paraffin baths are particularly relevant in the early spring and winter, when most of our pens are exposed to cold winds and low temperatures.

To do this procedure, you can both beauty salons and at home. At home, it is easy to repeat, besides it will save you a very good idea - is not the reason to do it yourself ?. The easiest option - to buy a special device for these trays. But it's not necessarily because you can get exactly the same result with a conventional enamel bowl.

Put in a bowl cosmetic wax in an amount of 2 kg and melt it in a water bath. As long as it melts, treat the skin scrub and lotion, apply moisturizer. Hands immersed in a bowl of paraffin to the wrist in the first 5-7 seconds, remove and then dipped again, but this time for 10 seconds. It should be 6-8 reps to wax your hands covered with a thick layer thick. Wear gloves (polyethylene) and winter mittens, to enhance the effect.

Paraffin is removed with it after 25 minutes. Clean hands with a soft damp cloth, apply a nourishing cream. If you do not have sores on the skin and unhealed wounds, the data is sufficient to make the bath a couple of times a month. Check the temperature of the wax before immersing your hands - it should not be very hot.

Baths for hands on grasses and berries

There are many different recipes at home and berry herbal baths, we will introduce you to the most simple of them. You can strictly follow the recipes below or experiment a bit and add the other ingredients, if you are not allergic to them. Do these trays is very useful, and thanks to the delicious aroma of berries and herbs is also nice.

  1. Art. spoon pharmacy cranberries (need and berries, and leaves), connect with 2 Art. tablespoons of St. John's wort, put in a thermos and pour a couple of cups of boiling water. After half an hour, strain. St. John's Wort is very useful to use as part of trays in the excessive drying of the skin. It has protivospolitelnym action so quickly heals wounds and fractures. Leaves and fruits cranberries have excellent moisturizing properties and quickly bring your hands to the normal state.
  2. Connect Art. spoon pharmacy horsetail, 4 tbsp. spoon inflorescence hawthorn, 2 tablespoons. spoon desirable fresh peppermint and St. John's wort. One item. spoon the resulting mixture pour a couple of cups of boiling water. Mint perfectly removes irritation and dry skin tones. Horsetail is useful to its anti-inflammatory action. A hawthorn promotes rapid cell renewal.
  3. Per liter of water required by Article 2. spoons (can be frozen) blackberries and blueberries or wild rose and stone bramble. In the first case, the berries brewed with boiling water in a thermos, and give the brew for about a day, while the second - fill with water and boil for half an hour on low heat. If you have an allergy to any of these berries, it is best to use a different recipe.

Regular and proper care for very dry skin of the hands is very important, because you can quickly run the situation and to restore the former beauty will have to make much more effort and time. Follow the simple recipe, which we shared with you, and enjoy the beauty of your soft and smooth handles. But in any case it is important to start to establish the causes roughness and dryness of the skin, because with the help of baths and masks can not always solve the problem.

 Dry skin of hands

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