Sunday, 26 February 2017

Face masks, reduces pores: now your beauty does not require victims

 Face masks, reduces pores: now your beauty does not require victims


  • Why do we have pores?
  • Why do I get enlarged pores?
  • How to deal with this problem?
  • How to make a mask for the face, tightens pores?
  • What pores facials better?
  • The recipes for masks to fix this problem

Every woman dreams of a smooth velvety skin. It is not only an indicator of beauty. Looking at a person's face, you can judge the state of his health. Many women are concerned about dry skin, loss of elasticity, appearance of premature wrinkles. It is believed that one of the most common problems inherent in most of the fairer sex of any age are enlarged pores.

Why do we have pores?

If you do not go into the anatomy and structural features of the human skin and to speak a simple popular language, the pores - this output channels for oil and sweat on the surface of the dermis. Everyone knows that they are there for each person. However, some people pores can be seen only at very close and careful consideration, and others, these tubules are so wide that are visible even on a fairly long distances. Because of this, the face loses its appeal.

Pore ​​width depends on the extent of sebum. When inflated the sebaceous glands are increased and the channels under the influence of external factors such as dust and cosmetics are contaminated. Hence, there are unpleasant black dots, which are often inflamed. In place of the polluted pores pimples.

Do not forget that breathing through the pores of the skin and gets rid of toxins, as well moistened. Through these small tubules occurs and thermoregulation in the dermis. Therefore, healthy pores are very important for the health and beauty of every woman.

It is believed that the owner of fatty skin type rarely face problems of dryness of the face and the appearance of early wrinkles. To some extent this is true. However, it is these women are often seen enlarged pores. Therefore, they face needs special care. Many people think that the problem extended far greater inherent teenage girls. It is in adolescence due to hormonal changes the body's sebaceous glands are working in emergency mode. But this view is mistaken. From expanded pores for various reasons affects women of any age with both a fat and a dry type of skin.

 Face masks, reduces pores: now your beauty does not require victims

Why do I get enlarged pores?

  1. Hereditary predisposition

    Look to those of its close relatives. If the pores they are wide enough and visible, it is possible that a tendency to this problem will be transferred by inheritance.

  2. Effect of ultraviolet

    Avoid excessively long stay under the open sun in the solarium. Even minor burns violate the upper layer of the skin. On it are formed horny particles that linger on the surface of the epidermis and contribute to the violation of the sebaceous glands. Under the action of ultraviolet radiation deteriorates and the production of collagen, a substance that plays a role in controlling healthy state today.

  3. Wrong way of life

    As is known, the consequences of improper functioning of internal organs immediately visible in the human face. Particularly negative impact on the health of smoking and drinking. Eliminate from your diet spicy and fatty food, rasstantes bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle. After a couple of weeks, the skin will look more fresh and attractive.

  4. Hormonal disorders

    The problem extended far familiar to young girls at maturity and menopausal women. At this time, the sebaceous glands is broken. However, hormonal imbalance can occur in women of any age. From this no one is safe.

  5. The weakening of the immune system

    As a result of stress, taking certain medications, as well as for other reasons, often suffer from our immune system. And with its normal activities are also linked the main functions of the skin. The weakening of the immune system is often a problem of over-production of sebum.

  6. Using poor-quality cosmetics

    Buy cosmetics tested only in stores. But note that the value of the goods is not always an indication of quality. Some types of cosmetic products preventing the skin to breathe, clogging pores. This is especially true foundation. Nor should we too often use cosmetics. As it often consists of synthetic components that are not conducive to the normal functioning of the skin and sebaceous glands.

  7. Improper cleansing

    Do not neglect a daily cleansing procedure. During the day, it accumulates in the dust that enters the pores and contaminate them. Do not forget to wash before going to bed foundation and all cosmetics. At night, the skin should relax and get enough oxygen. Regularly use scrubs and masks.

Knowing the main causes of enlarged pores, much easier to deal with this problem. Speaking frankly, may achieve the ideal smoothness of the skin will not turn out. However, to make pores less visible and normalize the sebaceous glands under the power of any woman.

How to deal with this problem?

Many women prefer to conceal such problems as enlarged pores. First, it gives certain results. Expensive creams and powders to successfully hide minor imperfections. However, as mentioned above, the excessive use of cosmetics is not conducive to the health of the dermis, and gives its oxygen supply. Therefore, enlarged pores must be no mask and treat. Improve skin contribute to various procedures that can be carried in the cabin, using the services of a cosmetologist and at home on their own.

  1. Cabin treatments to narrow pores

    Experienced specialists will offer you different ways to improve the appearance of the skin. In the struggle with dilated pores have proven themselves particularly procedures such as cryotherapy and laser facial treatment. However, the most popular method is the salon microdermabrasion. Such a procedure is deeply cleanses the skin and pores of dirt, and also stimulates the production of collagen, which contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands.

  2. Peels and scrubs

    These cosmetic products can be used in the cabin, and in the home. To solve the problem of excessive skin and fat restriction has been successfully used by cosmetic products for deep cleaning on the basis of glycolic and ANA - acids and enzyme peeling, accelerates metabolism in the upper layers of the skin. Cosmetics for peeling procedures can be purchased at shops in the city, and also seek the assistance of specialized Internet resources.

  3. Masks to narrow pores

    Masks are universal remedy for skin care for any problems. Enlarged pores - is no exception. The advantage of masks to narrow pores is that they can be easily done at home, without resorting to the services of specialists. In addition, such procedures, in contrast to the deep cleaning can be carried out once a week. They have almost no contraindications, except allergic reactions to certain components of the mask.

How to make a mask for the face, tightens pores?

Learn how to make a mask to narrow pores can each. Before the procedure is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin of impurities. It is better to use some light scrub, acquired in the store or made yourself. Select it must be in accordance with the type of skin. Due to scrub components of the mask will penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and, consequently, produce a more effective action.

Upon completion of cleaning pat face with a towel and apply a mask to narrow pores. Keep it on the face, in accordance with the recommendations on the package or in the recipe (in this case, if the mask is made by yourself). Rinse cosmetic certainly cool water. Warm water expands pores. After the procedure, wipe the face with a special tonic to narrow pores, suitable for your skin type. You can lubricate the face with a piece of ice from the broth oak bark. This doubles the positive effect of the mask.

What pores facials better?

Pores facials, as well as any other cosmetics, can be easily purchased at any point of sale. You do not need to bother finding suitable components of the composition and preparation. You just go to the store and buy the appropriate requirements of the face mask. However, not everyone can afford expensive cosmetics from world famous manufacturers. A cheap means, often not of good quality. Therefore, we recommend using the pores facial masks made at home. The only way you can be sure of natural and qualitative cosmetic.

 Face masks, reduces pores: now your beauty does not require victims

The recipes for masks to fix this problem

  1. Orange mask for any skin type

    Fruit acids that make up the citrus are quite effective substances that contribute to narrowing the pores. But for making better use of masks is not a lemon, and orange. It acts on the skin and less aggressively while fine pores. So, peeled orange segments chop and mash to a state slurry. If you have oily skin, add the weight of the egg white. Orange mixture was put on face for 20 minutes. The mask is getting enough fluid. Therefore, cover your face with a napkin to citrus juice did not get into the eyes. After you wash away makeup, brush face tonic and nourishing cream.

  2. Honey - oatmeal mask with apple cider vinegar

    The composition of the mask is perfect for combination skin. The main components effectively tightens pores. Honey works as an excellent moisturizer and prevents dryness and flaking of the skin. In the 4 tablespoons of oatmeal, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and a little honey. Stir until smooth. She must get quite thick. Mask put on face for fifteen minutes. Then rinse with cold water and apply to the skin nourishing cream.

  3. Tomato mask for oily skin

    Tomatoes are well proven as a means of struggle with enlarged pores. These vegetables contain substances that have astringent properties. Not by chance, based on tomatoes produced professional mask tightens pores, many world famous manufacturers. We can prepare an effective cosmetic product right in your own kitchen. The recipe is simple. Cut the necessary amount of tomatoes into thin slices and place on the face. Wait 20 minutes, then remove the vegetables and rinse with cool water. Do not forget to use tonic after a mask to narrow pores.

  4. The mask of quince for mature skin

    This mask not only helps to narrow pores, and smoothes fine lines. Pre-peeled quince rub on a small grater. Mix the fruit pulp with the protein. Apply the product to face. After 20 minutes, rinse.

As you can see, recipes, face masks, which helps narrow pores, very simple and accessible. They can prepare any woman. But remember that you must look after your skin regularly. After all, to maintain the beauty of age is becoming more and more difficult. Give yourself a little time, and your beauty will shine in new ways!

 Face masks, reduces pores: now your beauty does not require victims

Mask for face-film: smooth and beautiful skin glow

 Mask for face-film: smooth and beautiful skin glow


  • What are the face masks?
  • The operating principle of the mask film
  • Terms of use of filmic face masks
  • Professional masks - film Face
  • Homemade masks - film Face
  • The results of the application of film face masks
  • The application features a mask film

Preserving beauty and youth - one of the cherished goals of women of all times and peoples. Even in ancient times people started coming up with the funds that would emphasize the dignity of the person and hide flaws, and to prolong youth. In our time, to take care of their appearance must be especially careful. Poor environment, poor quality food, frequent stress - all this affects the condition of the skin, and, of course, for the worse.

Because of these hazards appear premature wrinkles, skin loses moisture. A sebaceous gland is disrupted. However, in the arsenal of modern women have a great many kinds of cosmetics. On the shelves of specialty stores, you can find everything you need for cleansing, nutrition, hydration, bleaching and toning. In addition, many recipes home makeup left us by our ancestors. Any means of skin care, we can cook in your own kitchen of the products that have in the fridge.

Skin Care - is a daily work. If 25 years is enough to regularly clean the skin of impurities, then with age to preserve youth and beauty have to exert more and more effort. Collagen is gradually reduced, the skin loses moisture and becomes less elastic, sometimes there are dark spots. Therefore, older women need to look after your skin carefully. In addition to daily cleansing, must be periodically moisturize and nourish the skin. Good helper in this may be a different face masks.

What are the face masks?

Modern cosmetology offers a wide variety of face masks. Cleans, tightens pores, lightening, toning, nourishing, helps rejuvenate ... Based on their staff, you can choose the product in accordance with the requirements of the age and skin type.

By way of applying the mask are different. Pick the most convenient means for themselves. The most common mask as a homogeneous mass, which applied to the skin for a certain time, and then washed off. Some cosmetics require a three-phase application, that is, after drying the first layer added to the second, then the third.

More popular now becoming mask cloth. They are a cloth moistened with special cosmetics, which is applied to the face. After the required time necessary to remove the tissue mask and rinse face with water. These masks are very easy to use, but rather uneconomical. A good alternative to the cosmetic products are mask - a film having a number of advantages and benefits. It is this kind of face masks should pay special attention.

 Mask for face-film: smooth and beautiful skin glow

The operating principle of the mask film

Mask film for its consistency is similar to the liquid transparent gel. It is a thin layer applied to the skin. As the mask dries on the face forms a thin film that can be easily removed. These cosmetics have different properties. Due to the components included in them, they nourish the skin with nutrients. A method of use allows you to smooth wrinkles and well clean the skin and pores of dirt.

Terms of use of filmic face masks

On how exactly followed rules of mask - a film depends on the final result. Before applying it you must clean the face of dirt, accumulated on the skin. You can use the scrub to improve the effect of the mask or lightly steam the face. Useful substances is much better absorbed by the skin, free from dust and particles keratinized.

The peculiarity of the application of the mask - a film for the face is the fact that, before applying it on the face, the skin should be sure to grease the way - or oil, slightly warmed beforehand. For this purpose, any suitable cosmetic oils: apricot, almond, grape, wheat germ oil and the like. D. This step is necessary in this procedure. Oil not only serve as an additional source of nutrition and hydration of the dermis. Thanks to him, the mask is removed easily, which protects the skin from microdamages. Thus, the mask - film deposited on the oil-based, operates more sparing and efficient.

The next step - directly applying the mask. Squeeze a small amount of gel on the fingertips and light movements thin sloёm apply the mask to the face from the bottom up. Avoid the eye area. There's skin is very thin and sensitive. No need to put a mask and around the lips. In this area, there is a light fuzz, which will be pulled out with the film. Therefore, to remove the mask from this place quite unpleasant.

After applying the mask take a comfortable position. It is better to lie down and relax. Try not to talk and not to strain the muscles of facial expression. The dwell time of such masks, as any other, usually about 20 minutes. But it can vary depending on temperature and humidity. The mask should completely dry out, to her it was easy to remove the solid film.

However, it is and not to overdo cosmetic face. Otherwise, the film is difficult to be removed. In order not to miss the moment when it's time to take off the mask, periodically touch the face with his fingertips. The film must not stick. So you can easily determine the time when you need to release the person from the mask.

Once the mask is dry enough, carefully remove it from the bottom up, prihvatyvaya edge of the film under his chin. Careful washing after using the mask - the film is not required. It is enough to wipe the face with a cotton pad or swab dipped in a little warm water. Upon completion of the procedure, lubricate and face tonic favorite cream, which is constantly in use.

Professional masks - film Face

Professional masks - film for the face, you can buy in any store. They offer a variety of concerns producing means to care for face and body. In accordance with needs and, of course, you may be able to choose an appropriate mask - film. However, do not forget that makeup should be used only quality. Be careful! Check the ingredients that make up the mask. Perhaps some of the components are not suitable to your skin.

A good indicator of high quality masks - film face is how well it is removed from the face. This procedure should not cause discomfort. Also, on the reverse side of the film is removed after a good cosmetic product reviewed all traces of contamination.

After reviewing product label, you'll see that in the majority of masks - films have alcohol, which is known to dry the skin. Without it, it is impossible to make such a mask, as it contributes to the alcohol, the mask hardens into a kind of film. However, high-quality cosmetics its content is not so great as to damage the skin.

Recently appeared on the market of cosmetics and mask - a film whose composition does not include alcohol. This new invention of modern cosmetology. Such masks are made on the basis of latex, which after drying forms a soft, dense film. These cosmetics are more popular as a sparing effect on the skin. However, the mask - a film for the person on the basis of latex will cost you a pretty cheap.

It is worth noting that the stores are presented whole sets of masks for use of film. Such kits consist of three funds: a warming cream, mask and tonic directly to narrow pores. These cosmetic kits are very easy to use and effective. Warming cream well prepares the skin for the application of the mask, and tonic pores gives the face a fresh and attractive look.

 Mask for face-film: smooth and beautiful skin glow

Homemade masks - film Face

Many women can not afford to buy a very expensive means to maintain youth and beauty. A good alternative to professional cosmetics are masks made at home. So you can not only save money, but also to pick up as ingredients in the most appropriate components.

Mask - Facial film to prepare yourself is not a problem. The main advantage of the home of cosmetics - is that it does not contain alcohol. As the mask - a film for the face we use gelatin. He must be found in the home of each family. Additional components shall be selected in accordance with what is expected to receive the result.

  • Mask - film for pore cleansing facial for activated carbon.

Surely on the shelves you do not just met strips for pore cleansing with activated carbon. However, few people know that this mask you can prepare yourself a simple set of products. So, we need a half a teaspoon of gelatin, 1 teaspoon of milk or plain water, a half tablet of activated charcoal. If necessary, you can increase the mass of ingredients twice.

Crush activated carbon, mixed with gelatin. Ready powder cover with cold water and mix thoroughly. It is not necessary to achieve a smooth consistency. For complete dissolution of the components send mass-heat in the microwave or over low heat. Cool the finished composition. Apply the mask on the pre-steamed problem areas, which are especially visible pores. Leave until cool. Carefully remove the resulting plyonochku. Rinse your face with cool water.

  • Fruit - vegetable foil mask.

For the manufacture of such masks need the juice of fruits and vegetables, which must be adjusted according to skin type. Cabbage, peaches and carrots are good moisturizers. Juice them suitable for dry skin. Owners of oily skin is recommended to use a citrus fresh juices and tomato juice and currants. Apricot, cranberry and watermelon are recommended as a basis for the manufacture of masks designed for normal and combination skin.

Proceed directly to the preparation of the mask. Take 100 ml of fresh juice. Stir in 1 teaspoon of liquid gelatin and put on a slow fire to warm up. Gelatin must be completely dissolved. Ready to send mass in the refrigerator until the status light thickens. It must be sufficiently fluid to be easily applied to the skin, and thick, so as not to run off the face. Apply a thin layer on the mask 20 minutes. The dry plyonochku gently remove the face from the bottom up.

  • Rejuvenating Mask - Face film based on chamomile and green tea.

Brew green tea and dried chamomile flowers pharmacy. Pour one third cup of broth plants in a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of gelatin. Heat the mixture until it dissolves over a slow fire. In the chilled mass pour pre-prepared juice from a cucumber and 2 tablespoons of aloe juice. The finished mask apply to the face and neck. After 15 - 20 minutes, remove the foil, rinse your face with cool water and brush with anti-aging creams - lifting.

The results of the application of film face masks

  1. The skin looks smooth and refreshed.
  2. Decreases or disappears slight inflammation.
  3. The skin is cleansed of keratinized particles.
  4. Cleans and narrows enlarged pores.
  5. There is a lifting effect. The skin is tightened, it becomes elastic.
  6. Normalizes the sebaceous glands, resulting in fading shine.

The application features a mask film

Foil Facial Mask is very economical and easy to use. It can be used twice a week. However, and this seems to be a universal means there are a number of contraindications. Due to the presence of alcohol as part of their masks is not recommended for women with dry skin. I do not advise beauticians foil mask and, if present on the face wrinkles. When taking pictures of film-leather stretched, because of which increases the depth of wrinkles.

Already after the first procedure, the mask film you will see positive results. Applying it regularly, after 2 - 3 weeks your skin will look perfectly smooth and radiant. These versatile masks are not only efficient, but also provide a long-lasting effect. See for yourself!

 Mask for face-film: smooth and beautiful skin glow

Dry skin of hands

 Dry skin of hands


  • Causes and solutions of dry skin
  • Masks for the treatment and prevention of dry hands
  • Baths for the treatment of flaking and dryness of hands

Your skin, like the neck, can not "lie" - it immediately gives the age of the owner, its state of health and the attitude to itself. In the hands of paying attention not only to women but also by men - soft smooth skin and beautiful manicure will not leave anyone indifferent man. That is why in such a beautiful but naughty part of the body is necessary to ensure a regular and proper care. The most common problem, which is probably familiar to every girl and woman - is a dry skin of hands.

On this site, because of the small number of sebaceous glands, our skin is most susceptible to dryness and, accordingly, irritation, itching, flaking, cracks. All these unpleasant phenomena are observed in the case of natural skin loses moisture source. It is not always the problem can be solved only cream, sometimes need a more serious approach, and in some cases even a doctor's help. Before we talk about how to care for dry skin of hands, suggest you familiarize yourself with the possible causes of this nuisance.

Causes and solutions of dry skin

To date, difficulties with the choice of beauty products for hands, of course not - the various creams, oils, masks, scrubs presented on the shelves in large quantities. In addition, we know many popular recipes to combat dry skin. But the problem is that all these agents compete with only the feedback or other factors, rather than eliminate the cause. So as soon as you stop using them, dry again return. To develop a proper plan of action, we suggest you to begin to understand why dry skin on the hands.

  • Air dry

Very often xeroderma hands arises due to insufficient humidity. In cold weather, the air is dry due to heating devices, and in the summer the culprit is almost always working air conditioners. Dry air adversely affect not only the appearance of the skin, but also the general state of health.

So try as much as possible to provide additional humidification. You can buy a special moisturizer that perfectly cope with this task, or use another method of our grandmothers and place in a room filled with liquids. It is also possible to spray water from a spray bottle, and during the heating season - the battery cover with a damp cloth.

  • Allergic reaction

Cracks and peeling the skin may be caused by an allergic reaction to any food and cosmetic products. If there is suspicion of allergy consult a doctor immediately. He will prescribe the right treatment, and soon this problem will disappear.

  • Surrounding our natural environment

Frost and cold wind, too rapid changes in temperature leads to the appearance of cracks, peeling and irritation, and exposure to UV light causes dehydration, dryness and accelerate the aging process. Dry skin of hands in the summer months and during their stay in tropical countries can help prevent sunscreen - do not neglect them when go out, because your skin is always open, so it is very vulnerable. In cold weather, be sure to wear warm mittens or gloves.

  • Bad water

Harm of water, which is treated with chlorine, no doubt - you probably do not just get the feeling of tightness after contact with her. Completely eliminate the influence of this factor, unfortunately, it is impossible, but you can reduce the negative effects. In particular, the skin does not become dry and rough, try not to include too hot water after each hand washing, lubricate them with a suitable cream you. For example, at the famous Italian Sophia Loren in her purse there will always be a favorite hand cream, but at home it means she stands next to each sink. That's why her hands to preserve the beauty, in spite of the already advanced age of the actress.

  • Effect of household chemicals

Daily contact with detergents deprives the skin of its natural natural defenses and leads to a gradual destruction of the layer of the epidermis. What to do in this case, when household chemicals after us, unfortunately, everywhere? First, do not use for cleaning hands with soap alkali content - give preference to handmade soap with natural oils and herbal concoctions. Secondly, when washing dishes with detergent, hand-washing and cleaning, wear rubber gloves, pre-lubricated hand skin nourishing cream or oil.

  • Incorrect or defective Care

How to get rid of the dryness of hands - after washing her hands, be sure to carefully wipe them, after remaining on the skin surface moisture evaporates, it is very dry. Hand care is considered to be defective if the addition of cream you do not nourishing masks and hydrating bath. A little later, we will share with you useful folk recipes that will keep your pens in perfect condition and prolong their youth.

  • Improper diet, inadequate fluid intake, vitamin deficiency

These are the main cause of all the troubles and dryness of hands in particular. Therefore, daily drink the recommended amount (not less than one and a half liters) of pure non-carbonated water and try to diversify your diet. Your menu should be the possibility of fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, ie vitamins in pure form, are particularly important in this case, vitamins B, C, E and A. Be sure to take care of the diversity of the diet in the spring, it must be filled with a variety of vitamins - the lack of them can also cause problems with the skin hands.

  • Diseases

Some diseases, such as diabetes and dermatitis, accompanied by side effects such as dryness, redness, peeling skin cover often cracks. In this case, deal with the problem with the help of external influence is pointless, as it only temporarily disguise it, but will not solve. The only way out - to treat the disease itself.

  • Heredity

Very dry your skin, and you can get your hands on the inheritance. If you have a genetic predisposition to dry skin, there can only accept and enter into the habit of regularly able to take care of their pens: apply the cream, make nourishing rejuvenating mask, etc.

  • Natural aging

With age, the skin, unfortunately, is changing for the worse - becomes drier and less elastic. This is a result of natural changes in the body, so the impact on the fact you are, unfortunately, can not. But in your power to slow down the signs of aging by providing competent complete care for dry skin hands.

 Dry skin of hands

Masks for the treatment and prevention of dry hands

To combat dry skin, when the problem is not the result of disease or an allergic reaction, it is very useful to do the people's hand treatment mask. They are simple in composition and method of preparation, so you can easily repeat them yourself. With regular use of cracks, peeling and reddening will leave you forever.

  • Mask based on rye bread

Ingredients: egg yolk, Borodino rye bread, vegetable oil, starch, milk. Pour the boiling milk a piece of bread, leave it in milk for 5 minutes, then remove, press and mash with a fork. Add a couple of hours. Spoonfuls of starch, pour in the egg yolk and h. Spoon of oil. Put the resulting mass, wear gloves (polyethylene) and a half hour dip pen in a container of hot water. Do this procedure is recommended every other day for three weeks.

  • Mask based on boiled potatoes

Ingredients: a pair of boiled potatoes (boiled in their skins), a little warm milk or a couple of hours. Tablespoons of juice (or lemon cucumber). As you can see, the mask from potatoes can be prepared in three versions. It is applied to the hands in the form of heat, the top is covered with cotton cloth or gauze. Washed off with water after a quarter of an hour. Perfectly removes cracks and peeling. After plenty of hands is recommended to grease nourishing cream.

  • The mask for hands with honey and egg yolk

Ingredients: Separate the yolk, connect it to a pair of Art. tablespoons of vegetable oil and one item. spoon of honey. If your skin is dry on the impact of external factors, the mask quickly "erase" all left their traces. Keep it should be one-third of an hour, rinse with warm (preferably boiling) water.

  • Softening mask with banana

Ingredients: Art. unsalted melted butter mixed with mashed banana and one item. spoon of honey. This mass need to start carefully rub into your hands, and then lay still on top of the dense layer. After a quarter of an hour to remove it with a sponge or cotton cloth. Will you do this procedure every other day for a couple of weeks, and the skin is visibly transformed: away flaking, cracks and discomfort.

  • Mask-compress with the oil

Ingredients: any nutrient emollient oil of your choice (Vegetable, linseed, olive, peach, almond, etc.), a few drops of lemon juice squeezed. Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water. Soak in a slightly warmed oil, cotton cloth and wrap his hands. And on top put plastic bags do not accidentally dirty clothes or furniture oil. Treatment with such compress very useful for chapped skin of hands. It softens and removes peeling. Half an hour later the mask can be removed - excess oil removed dry with a paper towel (do not rinse with water).

  • Hand Mask of oatmeal

Ingredients: a few spoonfuls of boiled milk porridge mixed with a small amount of olive or vegetable oil and put on a warm state prone to dryness and irritation of the skin. Do this procedure preferably at bedtime. For convenience and enhance the effect of the hand wrap cling film. After a delicious nourishing mask cracks and dryness will leave you forever.

  • Mask-compress-based cream

Ingredients: 15% sour cream (half a cup), mix with lemon juice (just 1 tbsp. Spoon) and beaten egg yolk. Wrap your hands first with gauze soaked in the composition, and then cling film. After 1/3 hour a compress can be removed, the excess mask is removed with cotton pad. To do this it is desirable to compress regular basis - once every two days for three weeks.

 Dry skin of hands

Baths for the treatment of flaking and dryness of hands

Treatment of dry hands with the power of baths - a proven and very effective way. We will share with you a simple to prepare recipes, the ingredients for which you will find in any drugstore. Donate quite a bit of your time, you will get a stunning and fast results. Before cooking trays do not forget to thoroughly clean ruchkipri soap and scrub.

Paraffin hand bath

This procedure is very useful for hands - it helps normalize water balance, eliminating dryness and flaking, cracked heals. Already after the first time you will see the result - the skin is slightly smoothed, it becomes more elastic and soft. Paraffin baths are particularly relevant in the early spring and winter, when most of our pens are exposed to cold winds and low temperatures.

To do this procedure, you can both beauty salons and at home. At home, it is easy to repeat, besides it will save you a very good idea - is not the reason to do it yourself ?. The easiest option - to buy a special device for these trays. But it's not necessarily because you can get exactly the same result with a conventional enamel bowl.

Put in a bowl cosmetic wax in an amount of 2 kg and melt it in a water bath. As long as it melts, treat the skin scrub and lotion, apply moisturizer. Hands immersed in a bowl of paraffin to the wrist in the first 5-7 seconds, remove and then dipped again, but this time for 10 seconds. It should be 6-8 reps to wax your hands covered with a thick layer thick. Wear gloves (polyethylene) and winter mittens, to enhance the effect.

Paraffin is removed with it after 25 minutes. Clean hands with a soft damp cloth, apply a nourishing cream. If you do not have sores on the skin and unhealed wounds, the data is sufficient to make the bath a couple of times a month. Check the temperature of the wax before immersing your hands - it should not be very hot.

Baths for hands on grasses and berries

There are many different recipes at home and berry herbal baths, we will introduce you to the most simple of them. You can strictly follow the recipes below or experiment a bit and add the other ingredients, if you are not allergic to them. Do these trays is very useful, and thanks to the delicious aroma of berries and herbs is also nice.

  1. Art. spoon pharmacy cranberries (need and berries, and leaves), connect with 2 Art. tablespoons of St. John's wort, put in a thermos and pour a couple of cups of boiling water. After half an hour, strain. St. John's Wort is very useful to use as part of trays in the excessive drying of the skin. It has protivospolitelnym action so quickly heals wounds and fractures. Leaves and fruits cranberries have excellent moisturizing properties and quickly bring your hands to the normal state.
  2. Connect Art. spoon pharmacy horsetail, 4 tbsp. spoon inflorescence hawthorn, 2 tablespoons. spoon desirable fresh peppermint and St. John's wort. One item. spoon the resulting mixture pour a couple of cups of boiling water. Mint perfectly removes irritation and dry skin tones. Horsetail is useful to its anti-inflammatory action. A hawthorn promotes rapid cell renewal.
  3. Per liter of water required by Article 2. spoons (can be frozen) blackberries and blueberries or wild rose and stone bramble. In the first case, the berries brewed with boiling water in a thermos, and give the brew for about a day, while the second - fill with water and boil for half an hour on low heat. If you have an allergy to any of these berries, it is best to use a different recipe.

Regular and proper care for very dry skin of the hands is very important, because you can quickly run the situation and to restore the former beauty will have to make much more effort and time. Follow the simple recipe, which we shared with you, and enjoy the beauty of your soft and smooth handles. But in any case it is important to start to establish the causes roughness and dryness of the skin, because with the help of baths and masks can not always solve the problem.

 Dry skin of hands

The mask of coffee for the person: the secret of your irresistibility

 The mask of coffee for the person: the secret of your irresistibility


  • Purifying mask scrub of coffee and cheese
  • Coffee mask with olive oil and cinnamon
  • Mask of coffee with cream and grape seed oil
  • Coffee and kefir mask with walnuts
  • Fruit Scrub Mask of coffee and sea buckthorn oil
  • Mask with rejuvenating effect
  • The mask of coffee and yogurt
  • Orange coffee-cosmetic clay mask
  • The mask of coffee and oatmeal
  • Alternative tanning

Every woman dreams of having a beautiful and healthy skin. It is well known that the well-groomed face and body are one of the main components of feminine beauty, together with the charm, wit and "highlight". The secret of the perfect appearance of the skin is the careful and constant care.

Modern cosmetic market offers a huge selection of tools for the integrated care of any skin type. But not everyone can afford high quality and often expensive ways to maintain the beauty of the world famous manufacturers. Therefore fashion masks, scrubs and bath foam homemade grows more and more. It is not surprising, because the means of making their own hands, you will be assured of its quality and safety of the ingredients for your skin.

Everyone knows about the beneficial effects of coffee on our body, but few know about the miraculous beauty properties of coffee and coffee grounds. People cosmetology replete with recipes of masks and scrubs funds from coffee products. It is proved that cosmetics based on coffee has not only cleans, but also softening, toning effect on the skin and even gives it a light shade of tan. What is very handy in the summer.

The best basis for the creation of masks at home - ground coffee from green beans. But failing that, you can use the usual coffee grounds. In combination with different products homemade beauty products for their effectiveness not inferior to expensive medications and the same salon procedures.

Purifying mask scrub of coffee and cheese

It is perfect for normal and dry skin types. The purpose of this mask in removing the peeling, dryness and tightness of skin. This tool has a moisturizing and nourishing effect. To make a mask, scrub, mix equal amount of coffee grounds and fat cottage cheese. Before applying the resulting mass is necessary to steam the face, then apply a small amount to the skin. After 15-20 minutes we wash thoroughly with warm water.

Despite its simplicity, the recipe is very effective and useful. The combination of coffee and cheese provides a deep cleansing of the skin and its food. The mask nourishes the skin with vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and nourishes it due to the content of cottage cheese in calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Vitamins A and C contribute to the production of collagen in the skin, slow the aging process and minimize the appearance of small wrinkles.

Coffee mask with olive oil and cinnamon

On the beneficial properties of olive oil all know for a long time. It is widely used in cosmetics, because it is - a treasure trove of vitamins and an excellent antioxidant.

To make a mask, you need to take equal amounts of olive oil and coffee grounds. Add the mixture to half teaspoon cinnamon and salt. All the ingredients you need to mix well and put on a clean, well-heated face and neck. Leave for 20-30 minutes to take effect, then rinse with warm water.

The mask causes the face and neck in tone. It also makes an excellent anti-aging effect. Coffee grounds will provide facial cleansing. Olive oil takes vitamins into the deepest layers of the skin, prevents aging and wrinkles. Cinnamon saturate energy will give it healthy and radiant.

Mask of coffee with cream and grape seed oil

You will need: a little coffee grounds, 1 teaspoon of sour cream and how much warmed grape seed oil. All the components necessary to mix well and put on a heated face massaged. The mask should remain on the face of about 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water means you need. After applying Apply moisturizer. Regular use of funds provides improved skin respiration, improves blood circulation and creates the effect of light tan.

This mask has a number of advantages due to its components. Grape seed oil is very convenient to use, it is light and does not leave an unpleasant feeling fat face. Grape seeds - a unique source of vitamin E, which helps to remove free radicals and slow the aging process. A coffee grounds, part of the mask, perfectly cleanses the face and prepares the skin to the saturation of vitamins.

 The mask of coffee for the person: the secret of your irresistibility

Coffee and kefir mask with walnuts

For the preparation of this unusual mask, you must add 1 tablespoon of yogurt and how much chopped walnuts to the remains thick after drinking coffee. Apply the resulting slurry to the cleaned and steamed face. After half an hour you need to withdraw funds from his face. The advantage of this recipe in a rapid effect. This mask instantly cleans, nourishes, moisturizes the skin and results in tone.

Kefir - very useful and necessary for the body product, and its combination with coffee and walnut enhance its beneficial effects on the body. Walnut restores skin cells and has anti-aging properties.

Fruit Scrub Mask of coffee and sea buckthorn oil

To make a mask, mix some fresh coffee grounds, 1 teaspoon of warmed sea buckthorn oil and a little apple, grated on a fine tŃ‘rochke. The tool must be applied with a thin layer on the face, neck and dĂ©colletĂ©. It is recommended to gently massage the area of ​​application masks and after half an hour wash with warm water. This mask is ideal for sensitive skin. It is at the same time gently cleanses, moisturizes, nourishes and soothes. Cooking is a tool, and can be supplemented with any vegetables and fruits. It is also possible to use different oils.

Mask with rejuvenating effect

For the preparation of lifting the mask you need a fresh coffee grounds, 1 teaspoon of sour cream and honey, and 1 beaten egg. All components need to be mixed thoroughly and apply a thin layer to cleansed face, neck and chest area. After applying gently massage the skin and soak for 20-30 minutes. Wash thoroughly and use any moisturizer. Means perfectly tightens, smoothes and cleanses the skin.

The mask of coffee and yogurt

This mask is prepared on the basis of pre-ground coffee and low-fat yogurt (or unsweetened yogurt). We connect the ingredients and massage put on deep cleansing and steaming skin. After 20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature all.

Orange coffee-cosmetic clay mask

Take the same amount of ground coffee, orange peel and clay. Mix all ingredients, pour boiling water over them to get a thick creamy mass. Then you need to add to the mixture of 1 teaspoon of hydrated soda and again mix thoroughly. The resulting product is placed on the skin of face, neck and décolleté. After 10-15 minutes, wash off the mask with water. By increasing the proportion of funds, you can get a great product for anti-cellulite body.

 The mask of coffee for the person: the secret of your irresistibility

The mask of coffee and oatmeal

This mask is made easy and simple. For it is necessary to grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder and connect them with coffee grounds. There are two versions of this tool preparation - for dry and oily skin. For the first type as an additional ingredient, use sour cream, and the second - yogurt. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and put on the face, neck and décolleté for half an hour. Thereafter, warm water wash off means.

Alternative tanning

Coffee grounds - a good and safe solution for fans of solariums and tanning. If you use it every day, it will give your skin an even golden hue. Doing this is very simple - just make a few spoonfuls of the drink and carefully apply slurry on the face. After 15-20 minutes, wash or take a shower.

Take a mental note coffee mask. Due to their ingredients, they will give your skin a healthy, freshness, youth and beauty. Many of the fair sex love them for the long-term effect and speed of preparation. Try it and see for yourself. A radiant skin will tell you "thank you" and will delight you with its freshness for many years.

 The mask of coffee for the person: the secret of your irresistibility

Homemade face masks: to be pretty easy!

 Homemade face masks: to be pretty easy!


  • Miracle homemade mask "in haste"
  • Masks for dry skin
  • Masks for normal skin types
  • Masks for oily skin
  • Mask for Combination Skin
  • The mask of freckles
  • Mask of black points
  • Masks for aging skin
  • What is useful to know when using home masks?

At all times women tried to give the appearance, especially skin, maximum attention. Mankind has long since come up with a variety of beauty recipes with the aim of care and treatment of skin diseases, as well as the correction of its possible defects. Many of them today are very popular. Today, everyone wants to look good, but only a few have the opportunity to visit beauty salons and to buy expensive cosmetics. Other women come to the rescue of the recipes for facial masks, cooked at home.

Even the world famous Estheticians confirm the fact that no cosmetic salon compares to homemade mask. Therefore, all women who care about how they look and who try to be well-groomed and attractive perceive home facial masks as a perceived need. This explains why these recipes home cosmetics are very popular recently.

Every day, facial skin is exposed to the influence of harmful factors: wind, rain, snow, dust mask ... and is able to restore the damaged skin due to its izmuchal nutrients. In addition, any high-quality make-up requires the prior use of the mask. This unique and useful tool for the care of skin can be done independently. And as the most simple and quite exotic. But we should remember that each case is different. You have to pre-define the problem and the type of your skin.

Homemade facials are popular also because of their allergic reactions occur rarely. This is due to the fact that such masks are alive cosmetics. These recipes contain only natural ingredients that may not even have to specifically buy. After all, they are always available in the household. These include representatives of the fruit and vegetable crops, dairy products, all kinds of berries, herbs, oil, honey and eggs. Note that this list is not exhaustive.

No cream is not able so to enrich the skin with oxygen and nutrients, as masks. It homemade facial masks very quickly tonic, refreshing, clean, dried, moisturize, relieve skin from fine wrinkles, acne and other defects. In addition, they are very affordable and can significantly save.

With regular use, facial masks, you can give your skin extra decade ideal state. But some nuances in this business are also present. Recipes home masks are astonishingly varied. And you only need to choose the right part of the mask that would fit exactly to your individual case at issue and the type of skin. Another important point - the sequence of procedures. For stunning results, you need to be able to recognize when the skin needs moisture, and when the power or toning.

Every woman who is trying to monitor and care for themselves, should have information about what action to have those or other ingredients for different skin types. Thus, holders of dry skin should pay attention to bananas, raw zucchini, grapes, raspberries, cranberries, different kinds of currants and cherries. To help tired skin will cucumbers, apricots and peaches. Oily skin requires the intervention of tomatoes. But apples and carrots perfectly suited for all skin types. Furthermore, they can be purchased in the store at any time of the year.

Miracle homemade mask "in haste"

Protein mask has established itself with the best hand for a long time. To her for help often turn the stars of cinema, theater, show business and television journalists to produce dramatic anti-aging effect. For this whipped protein with the addition of lemon juice drops applied to the face and allowed to dry completely. After the mask to gently rinse with warm water.

For quick elimination from the surface of the skin of small damage or defects (eg, acne), use a mask of calendula tincture. Preparing it is very simple. 1 tablespoon calendula juice mixed with 100 grams of cool boiled water. Wipes impregnated with this solution to put on the face for 30 minutes. During this time, the skin will be held decontamination procedure. This mask does not require rinsing.

 Homemade face masks: to be pretty easy!

Masks for dry skin

Dry skin indicates poor performance of the sebaceous glands. Consequently, this type of skin is shown additional nutrition and hydration. The easiest and fastest way to do this - to apply the oil a face mask. To do this, slightly warmed vegetable oil soaked cotton pads and put on the surface of the face. The mask is maintained for 20 minutes. The remains of the mask removed soaked in hot water with a cotton swab.

The effect of softening and supply has oil and cottage cheese and homemade facial mask. For its production a mixture of 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil should be put on face and after 15 minutes remove the above method.

It is known that dry skin is covered very early wrinkles. To avoid this trouble as long as possible, try to regularly use homemade mask, prepared with 2 tablespoons flour, 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey. This mask is maintained for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Masks for normal skin types

Owners of normal skin can only envy kindness. Their faces always shining purity and elasticity. But this beauty also requires support. For this will be enough to use the simplest masks homemade vegetable or fruit. The recipe is not complicated. A mixture of 1 rastёrtogo egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of any FRESH apply to the face and after 20 minutes rinse with water contrast.

An excellent nourishing and anti-aging effect has a mask made from 1 tomato, 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of starch. This homogenous mass is kept on the face for 20 minutes and washed by the above method.

Masks for oily skin

The main objective of the masks for the skin of this type is to eliminate greasy, narrowing the pores and reducing acne. Before applying the mask, the skin should be carefully peeling. Well-proven yeast mask, which is capable of solving most of the problems of oily skin. Thus, a mixture of 10 grams of yeast, yogurt and berry juice (any) must be put on the most problematic part of the face, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Complete the washing water should be cold.

Similarly, the classic mask for which you want to take the 1 beaten egg white, 1 teaspoon honey, milk and lemon juice. To this mixture still need to add a handful of bran, and then stir thoroughly and put on face. After 20 minutes, the mask is removed by using warm compresses and rinsing the face.

Mask for Combination Skin

For this type of skin is ideal mask 1 egg white, 2 teaspoons of night cream, 1 small finely grated carrots. Soaking it takes about 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

The mask of freckles

Most of the "solar" girls dream to get rid of freckles. In doing so, they can help a special mask that requires frequent use (several times a day). In preparing this composition it is very simple. We need to take 2 tablespoons of carrot juice and mixed with 20 drops of lemon juice. The resulting mixture to wipe your face and wash with warm water.

Mask of black points

Not rare to find teenage girls with delicate and beautiful skin. But it spoils the charm of the type of black dots. Most are trying to get rid of them by squeezing than only exacerbate the problem. There is a useful and effective way to combat this scourge. We need to mix 2 tablespoons of white clay, 10 drops of lemon juice and 20 grams of alcohol. The resulting composition applied to the face for 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. This mask should be used every day.

 Homemade face masks: to be pretty easy!

Masks for aging skin

All we ever get old, and there's not hide. For women, this process starts with the 30 years. The most asked question in these cases - "how to stop skin aging? ". The answer is simple: regular hydration and nutrition. This can be done by applying masks on the basis of home fruit. Here is a simple recipe for this purpose.

Take a ripe peach, chop the flesh and mix with cream or sour cream. The resulting composition apply to the face and kept for 15 minutes. After a rinse with warm water. Freshness, velvety texture and elasticity of the skin will be visible on the same day.

In the same rejuvenating effect it has the mask of crushed pulp of figs, which is kept on the skin for about 15 minutes and wash off with warm water.

What is useful to know when using home masks?

  1. An important point in the use of masks for skin care -regularity. For tangible effect on the actions of any particular mask to do it several times a week during the quarter.
  2. These cosmetics are applied solely on clean skin or steamed.
  3. The area of ​​the lips and skin around the eyes should not be exposed to the masks.
  4. The mask is applied on the basic massage lines skin with a brush, brushes and hands.
  5. Immediately after applying the mask is necessary to try to relax and keep still face.
  6. To remove the mask must be very careful not to damage or stretch the skin.
  7. Maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. This will help the body to naturally get rid of toxins, which has beneficial effects on the general condition of the skin.
  8. After removing the mask and washing should not wipe the face with a towel. Allow the skin to dry out and absorb the most moisture.
  9. Down with the bad mood! Smiling enhance the natural beauty of your skin.

This home maskoterapiya should be fixed daily fifteen minutes facial massage. If everything is done correctly, taking into account our recommendations and proposed recipes home masks for the face, it is quite possible to stop the aging process, achieve better structure and get rid of small imperfections such as wrinkles, acne, pimples and freckles. In addition, the contour of your face will always be tightened. And remember that the long-term care for their skin leads to its youth, health and your good mood. But these are the main aspects that make women beautiful, attractive and, as a result, ensure yourself. Love yourself, give care and attention to your skin!

 Homemade face masks: to be pretty easy!

Face mask, refreshing your skin: how to choose a suitable for yourself?

 Face mask, refreshing your skin: how to choose a suitable for yourself?


  • Tonic mask for all skin types
  • Refreshing mask for all skin types
  • Masks, makes skin glow
  • "Lifesaver" for dry skin
  • Effective mask for oily skin types
  • Excellent mask for the skin of the combined type

Many of the fair sex know that refreshing face mask - it's always a quick and economical way of regular skin care. With their constant use of your face gets healthy and radiant. Refreshing facial masks homemade based on popular recipes are an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetics and salon treatments. Moreover, it should be noted here that the choice of ingredients is not limited. Use everything you can, starting with fruits and vegetables and finishing with the yeast. There are many popular recipes of masks that can improve the condition of tired skin. This is what we tell you in this article.

Tonic mask for all skin types

With the onset of heat suffer from lack of moisture, not only we, but also our skin. But at the same time, summer - a great opportunity to treat yourself to a mask of fresh fruits and vegetables. Thus you will not only satiate your skin beneficial vitamins, but also rest from preservatives, which are abundant contained in creams and masks factory production.

  1. Mask of parsley

    Take a small amount of green, cut and fill it with boiling water. Strain and reserve broth mush. Distribute weight of gauze and gently spread on the skin for 30 minutes. To achieve the desired effect, use the recipe several times a week. By adding to the broth of parsley a little honey and 1 egg yolk, you can make this mask is even more useful. The ingredients are mixed and spread on the skin. The mixture is allowed to act for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

  2. Try to make a mask of lettuce

    To this end, finely chopped greens need to add a couple of spoonfuls of sour cream or yogurt. For additional moisture can be poured to a mixture of a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. After applying the mask leave act for half an hour. This tool is recommended about 3 times a week.

  3. Mask beet

    Fresh beets small rub on a small tёrochke. To the resulting slurry add 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of sour cream. You can replace the latter ingredient is yogurt or kefir. All mix thoroughly and spread on the face. After 25-30 minutes we wash with warm water. Use several times a week.

  4. "Mint cool" for your face

    Indispensable recipe for hot summer days. With the mixer or blender, mix 1 cup of green mint with 1 cup of water. Then remove the resulting mass in the freezer for 10 minutes, after which the mixture was spread on the gauze or cloth and leave for 10 minutes on the skin. After said time, we wash with warm water.

  5. Mask of raspberries and milk

    Mix a couple of tablespoons of warm milk, and the same amount of raspberries. Thoroughly mash the berries with a fork to form a slurry. Spread the mixture on your face for 20 minutes. After the procedure, wash with warm water.

  6. Refreshing eggplant, squash mask

    It has not only a tonic, but the cleaning properties. For their production, you will need 1 small piece of zucchini and eggplant, which must be rubbed on a fine tёrochke and mix with 1 egg yolk. Apply weight should be ready to face and neck. After 20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

  7. Carrot-apple facial mask. Good tool for toning and combating fine wrinkles. We need to take an apple and 1 small carrot, finely grate them and get mush gently put on the face. After 20-25 minutes, the mask can be washed off with water at room temperature. After that, let the skin to dry yourself.
  8. Cranberry Mask

    It is not only invigorating, but the bleaching action. For its preparation you need to cook the juice from the berries carefully their frayed. The resulting mixture dip gauze or cloth and evenly put on the face and neck for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure is recommended to wash with warm water and use a nourishing cream.

  9. Rowan honey-toning mask

    Grind the berries of mountain ash and add to the mass of 1 teaspoon of liquid honey. Apply the mask must be thick and left on the face for 15 minutes, then thoroughly wash it with water at room temperature.

  10. Face mask of the radish

    You'll need 2 tablespoons grated radish, 1 tablespoon of warmed milk and 1 teaspoon of lemon pulp. The ingredients are mixed and spread on the face. Duration of the mask - 20 minutes. When we wash with warm water and leave to dry out the skin yourself.

  11. The mask of yeast

    Try refreshing agent, in which the basic ingredients are the yeast and grated horseradish. You will need 10 grams of yeast, 2 tablespoons milk 2 small root of horseradish. You mix the ingredients and apply for 15 minutes on the skin. After a specified time, rinse your face with warm, then cold water.

  12. Option refreshing masks to deal with cosmetic flaws

    For it, you will need 1 small banana, 1 kiwi. Finely chop the vegetables and mix with 1 egg white, beaten pre-mixer. Apply the finished slurry for 20 minutes, then washed off the mask with warm water.

 Face mask, refreshing your skin: how to choose a suitable for yourself?

Refreshing mask for all skin types

  1. The mask for the skin of potatoes and milk

    She is not only very refreshing face, but also to cope with skin problems that arise because of the bad weather, wind and frost. Means cooked very quickly and easily than really like women who painted the day minute by minute. It is necessary to boil in the skin 1 small potato, boil 150 ml of milk and whisk 1 egg yolk. Once the milk and potatoes have cooled, combine all ingredients, stir and put on cleansed face for half an hour. Then wash off the mask with warm water.

  2. Face mask with coffee

    Often, lack of sleep or incorrect posture during sleep can cause poor appearance. Coffee mask easily help you overcome this problem. After all, it has excellent tonic properties. For its preparation you need: natural ground coffee, vegetable oil, honey and hot milk, and crushed flour (oat or barley). The required quantity of each component - 1 teaspoon. All thoroughly and put on face for 25-30 minutes. Then gently remove the mask using a cotton swab that you want to heat the milk to moisten. Enjoy your skin: it just shines!

  3. Mask of honey and curd

    We suggest to try the following recipe. This mask has a positive impact on the overall condition of the skin, evens the complexion, softens and moisturizes the skin. For its preparation is necessary to grind 100 grams of cottage cheese through a sieve, add 1chaynuyu spoonful of warm honey and the same amount of sour cream. We reserve the mask to act for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with water at room temperature.

  4. The mask of curd herbal

    It rubbed curd add 1 tablespoon of the decoction of medicinal herbs, which consists of the roots of dandelion, hawthorn, and shepherd's purse. Natural broth is very simple to prepare. A small amount of herbs pour boiling water and infuse according to the instruction of 20 to 30 minutes. The resulting infusion is necessary to drain the curd and add to. Refreshing means ready. The resulting mixture is desirably applied by brush and rinse after 15-20 minutes.

  5. The mask of tea and mayonnaise

    For its preparation is recommended to use freshly brewed green tea. As you know, he has excellent tonic, refreshing and healing properties. Green tea is also rich in antioxidants, which have a regenerating and rejuvenating effect. So, we proceed to the preparation of our masks. This will require strong brewed green tea and mayonnaise. It is necessary to take a number of products to a thick mass. Apply for 15 minutes, after which washes away with warm water. After this procedure, it is recommended to wipe the face tonic, not containing alcohol.

Masks, makes skin glow

  1. You will need 1 large carrot and a little oatmeal. Grate the vegetables and mix it with crushed flakes. Leave for 20 minutes to act. After a specified time, wash with warm water.
  2. Another unusual recipe mask. Ingredients: 100 grams of fresh or dried leaves of nettles, 1 large carrot and a slice of rye bread. Fill with boiling water nettles, "tormented" for 10-15 minutes on low heat, then add to the broth grated carrots and slices of bread. Apply the mask should be on a carefully cleansed face and wash off after 20 minutes. After application, use a nourishing mask or deep moisturizing cream.

A little more time will be paid to dry, oily and combination skin types.

"Lifesaver" for dry skin

Especially useful it is for the skin in the autumn. Because it has moisturizing and nourishing properties, helps fight the feeling of tightness and peeling. Take half a banana and apply pounded very thin layer of the mask on the face and neck. It has an instant toning effect, so it can be used in "emergency situations".

Effective mask for oily skin types

Bold type is considered one of the most problematic types of skin that need special attention and care. People cosmetology recipes rich in natural masks to overcome minor cosmetic defects of this type. We will talk about the most popular of them.

  1. Cabbage Mask

    For its preparation you need to grind into a puree 1 leaf of cabbage, add to the weight of 2 tablespoons cheese and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and honey preheated. If the paste is too thick, it can be diluted with a little water. It is recommended to apply the mask on your face, neck and chest area. The result you will see at once. Clean, fresh and matte skin is guaranteed. The face is not a trace of fat shine and enlarged pores.

  2. The problem of enlarged pores and comedones also perfectly copes mask on the basis of flour and egg white

    The recipe is incredibly simple: combine equal amounts of components and ingredients are thoroughly stir them. Gently impose a mask for 20-30 minutes and wash off with water at room temperature.

  3. Toning, nourishing and therapeutic herbal mask

    For its production need to prepare in equal amounts powdered chamomile, St. John's wort, mother and stepmother and wormwood. All components need to pour 1 cup boiling water and infuse the broth a couple of minutes. The resulting strain the infusion, and the mass, which remained, spread a thin layer on the face. After 20 minutes, withdraw funds from the face. The same principle is prepared and used the mask of linden flowers. Only for her flowers need to pour boiling water and "simmer" on low heat until a thick mass. Gruel cool and spread on the skin, after 15-20 minutes remove the mask.

  4. Flour Mask Calendula

    A very simple and efficient recipe for cooking which need 2 tablespoons of flour (oat or wheat), and 1 teaspoon of tincture of calendula pour warm water. All thoroughly mixed to a thick consistency and distribute a thick layer mask. Leave for 30 minutes, after which wash the face with warm water.

  5. The mask of cabbage and cheese

    The juice of this vegetable - very useful ingredient to eliminate cosmetic defects. It contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, and cleanses pores, removes shine and prevents its formation. So, for the mask you will need 2 tablespoons of pre-squeezed cabbage juice and the same amount of rubbed cheese. If you can not make the juice from the cabbage, it can simply be cut into small pieces, and then connect to the curd. For better effect, a means should be added a little honey and lemon juice. Keep the resulting mass is necessary to half an hour.

 Face mask, refreshing your skin: how to choose a suitable for yourself?

Excellent mask for the skin of the combined type

Many would agree that the combined skin type requires very careful care. Behind it the most difficult to care for, because you need to use different tactics for different areas of the skin. How to do everything well and quickly, not really bothered? Try these masks!

  1. Carrot-egg mask copes with the problems of combination skin

    For its preparation grate 1 medium sized carrot on a fine grater and mix it with 1 egg yolk. Evenly apply a small quantity of masks, wash it off after half an hour in warm water with a cotton pad. For optimum results, apply the remedy 2-3 times a week.

  2. The mask on the basis of the pumpkin is also preparing with egg yolk

    Add 100 grams of pumpkin and 2 egg yolks 1 teaspoon of warm vegetable oil and mix all thoroughly. Use the tools in the same way as the previous one.

  3. Apple mask with honey and oatmeal - an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to get not just a tonic, and a light anti-aging effect

    The recipe is very simple. By 1 grated apple add some flakes and 1 teaspoon of warmed honey. Duration of the mask - 15-20 minutes.

  4. Good refreshing effect on combination skin has this mask

    To prepare, take 2 tablespoons of water, oatmeal, strong brewed black tea and honey. Mix the ingredients and put them "languish" in the steam bath to heat for 10 minutes. After the mass has cooled, apply a thin layer of the mask on the face and keep on the skin for 20 minutes. After a specified time, it is recommended to wash with cold water.

Many women often ask the question of the usefulness of the home facial masks of popular recipes. Because of the beautiful half of humanity suffers from allergic reactions to different, even the most innocent-looking products. In this situation, dermatologists recommend the use of the principle of power. Remember, if your body does not perceive or poorly absorbs any product, it may be the risk of allergies when using masks containing these products. Be especially careful with the use of different exotic foods.

There is a simple way to insure and protect yourself from the annoying redness and itching. It is necessary to conduct a small sample test. To do this, the inside of the elbow, apply a bit of product about which you have doubts. After 15 minutes, check the reaction. If the condition of the skin at the site has not changed (no redness and itching), you can safely use the preparation of an agent.

Simple Secrets of care will give your skin a healthy glow and radiance, making it a source of pride and admiration. To achieve this, you need only to give myself a little time and often smiling. And the world is at your feet! After all, you'll just luchitsya of health and happiness. Take care of yourself and be beautiful!

 Face mask, refreshing your skin: how to choose a suitable for yourself?

Face Mask for skin elasticity: the impossible is possible

 Face Mask for skin elasticity: the impossible is possible


  • What prevents the skin to be resilient?
  • All in your hands!
  • What are the face masks?
  • What kind of mask can be done quickly and easily?

Among the majority of women are of the opinion that only youth can guarantee the health of the skin, elasticity and beauty. It is also believed that when the fairer sex cross the threshold of forty, about all these qualities can not even dream of. You see, from the age can not escape. But the number of years is not the main indicator for assessing the state of a woman's skin. In all ages, it can shine youth.

Another question - how it relates to the woman herself. After all, often on city streets you can meet still very young girls who, because of their unhealthy lifestyle or regular laziness did not monitor the condition of the skin. How not cool, but care is far can not be called a waste of time. And the earlier a woman begins to do it, the better, as the skin tends to fade. This process is necessary to try to hold up, or better yet a complete stop.

What prevents the skin to be resilient?

All the beautiful half of humanity just wants to maintain the elastic skin for years to come. But few are endowed with the privilege of nature. The rest have to constantly fight with all kinds of external and internal factors influence the condition of the skin. These include voting age, poor environmental conditions, unbalanced diet, stress, abuse of alcohol and nicotine.

The same negative number can be attributed to excessive care of his face, as well as the use is not appropriate for the type of skin cosmetics. Remember that the rule "the more the better" in this case can only do harm. But it is worth just a little to try and elastic facial skin can become your business card and will testify that you are confident, interesting and full of vitality woman.

 Face Mask for skin elasticity: the impossible is possible

All in your hands!

Should I say that today, with all the abundance of expensive cosmetic procedures and newfangled drugs to help women respond very Mother Nature? She generously gives us the most incredible natural and wholesome ingredients. Masks for skin elasticity often included in its composition products which are in the kitchen of every housewife, which is very convenient for those girls and women who lead an active lifestyle. As a rule, such masks have astringent, nourishing and protecting it from external influences effect.

The only thing you need to worry in advance, so it's about establishing your individual skin type. This procedure can also be performed manually using conventional napkins. A little bit more complicated is the evaluation of elasticity and skin tone. In this case, it is best to help cosmetologist. But it is possible to do and few simple tests that really hold their own.

To do this, thumbs slightly push the skin near the nose and take them aside in a clockwise direction. With a positive result of this rotary compression test on your skin will noticeable wrinkles, and with a negative - it will resist the pressure and shear.

Another test will help determine the degree of exposure of the skin to wrinkle. To do this, just on the side of the face area with two fingers by squeezing light forms folds. If this had some difficulty, and reminded the rubber skin, congratulations - your test is negative. Otherwise, you can not much upset. After all, the issue of restoring its former beauty, elasticity and help us solve a mask for the face.

What are the face masks?

Beauticians subdivide all the masks for the face into several types: nourishing, moisturizing, toning, softening, bleaching and vitaminized. Thus, the move may seem like a bit much. But it is not necessary to use all of them. It is enough to determine the most accessible types and use them by alternation. After a certain period of time, and you can try other kinds of masks, as they are all in their own unique and useful.

You will be able to experience for yourself the usefulness of masks, if you cook them just before use. Remember that just cleared the skin will respond positively to such procedures. Until the removal of the mask, try to keep relaxed and stillness of the face. To achieve a stronger effect as a result of deep absorption, try to strengthen the pre-circulation and reveal the pores in the skin by washing or hot compresses contrast water.

Fruit masks will help to enrich, tone and smooth the skin. Only in the event that it is prone to dryness and rashes, should abandon the use of acid fruits and berries. If there are no problems, the elasticity and velvety skin with regular use of such masks are guaranteed. The feature is such cosmetics is that they can be prepared from any local ripened fruits.

To achieve the effect of smoothness and freshness of the skin, use a mask made of vegetables. Moreover, they can be prepared from both the raw and cooked fruits of vegetables.

Owners of dry skin can be added to the cooked weight oil or butter. This will make more and softening mask. Oily skin "loves" the addition of a mask of lemon juice, flour or bran.

According to cosmetologists, most nutritious and rejuvenating, considered honey and milk mask. But in the case of problematic skin honey is best mixed with aloe juice, and dry - with the egg yolk. Again, add the lemon honey mask, if you observed increased oiliness of the skin. Allergy honey masks are contraindicated.

If your skin tone is lowered, and she looks tired, try to heal it through the egg mask, the main ingredient of which is the yolk. That it concentrated all biologically active substances iron and sulfur, which gives the skin elasticity and beauty. Such masks are almost always blended with curd, vegetable oil or milk.

Oil mask made from crude plant material, are also nutritious and do not require rinsing. Simply soak the skin tissue.

Do not be afraid of using inaccurate proportions in the preparation of masks. No harm will not do, as the skin will absorb as much nutrients as it needs.

 Face Mask for skin elasticity: the impossible is possible

What kind of mask can be done quickly and easily?

In order to more fully disclose the above information, we present some simple examples of making masks of those components that have any hostess is always at hand.

  1. Dairy

    With the help of the usual fat cottage cheese can significantly improve the elasticity of skin, giving it a healthy appearance and a pleasant smoothness. To do this, simply rub 3 tablespoons of this product with 1 tablespoon of honey. The resulting mass is put on the face (except around the eyes) and after 20 minutes, simply remove the whole mixture with a cotton swab soaked in cold milk. This mask working form a protective thin layer prevents loss of moisture of the skin surface. In addition, the facial skin after application of such means noticeably smoothed.

  2. Rolled oats

    This recipe has given us generous Switzerland. As you know, oatmeal is very rich in B vitamins and folic acid, which helps to purify the sebaceous gland and relieves irritation, causing the skin to become opaque. For the preparation of such a mask, a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal poured unpasteurized milk or else natural yogurt. The resulting mixture should be spread on the face and let stand 20 minutes. After removal of the mask holders of dry skin will appreciate its beauty and smoothness. Those who are struggling with fat content of the skin, so a mask, simply replace the milk with lemon juice and beaten egg whites.

  3. Healing Honey

    It's no secret that honey has healing antioxidant effect on the human body (except for allergies). No special recipe for a mask no. It is easy to smear honey on your skin and a little massage. For a variety of honey can be mixed with milk. This fructose, glucose, minerals and vitamins contained in honey, will make your good work. And you instantly noted the positive results.

  4. Potatoes

    A favorite with all our jacket potatoes can not only satisfy the stomach, but pretty to work on improving the elasticity of skin. Simply boiled potato mash thoroughly and apply on face. This polysaccharide molecules and vitamin C will smooth and clear up your skin. After 20 minutes, remove the weight from the skin and wash with warm water.

  5. Egg

    More our grandmothers used a simple but very useful for the face mask on the basis of eggs. Note suited as chicken and quail. Beat eggs should be spread on the face, leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. The eggs can be added to milk and honey. Long-term use of such a mask will certainly revive even the weakened skin.

  6. Yeast

    Every self-respecting hostess knows that the yeast will not only help to bake delicious cakes, but also do wonders with the skin. Simply mix 20 grams of yeast with a small amount of warm milk. The resulting mixture was put on the skin and soak 15 minutes. When the mask cools down a bit, try to rub the skin soft, circular movements of its remnants. After a good wash, and look in the mirror. There you will see the freshness and radiance.

  7. Citrus fruit

    Masks of grapefruits, oranges and lemons are perfect for the prevention of early wrinkles and smoothing for a long time already formed. Mix a couple of tablespoons of any representative of citrus pulp with 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 50 grams of fine rice flour. Apply the mixture on your face and kept for 20 minutes. After all rinse with warm water. From fine lines will evaporate.

  8. Oils

    There are many essential oils, which are very helpful to maintain and restore skin elasticity. But we should remember that each type of oil works differently. So, anise oil is an excellent antiseptic and promotes skin elasticity. Oils of mandarin, orange and grapefruit are working on wrinkles, moisturizing and skin renewal, tone and tighten it. Frankincense, myrrh, clove and help rejuvenate the skin quickly. Olive oil can replace all the most nutritious cream. You only need to make a choice.

Traditional medicine has a great many recipes for masks for skin elasticity, and to enumerate them all would Spend countless hours. But it should be remembered that the effect of any mask can be enhanced with the help of facial massage. These simple steps you will be able to overcome its laxity and achieve radiance and elasticity. Reward your skin for those tests, which it is exposed every day. Be beautiful and healthy!

 Face Mask for skin elasticity: the impossible is possible

Beauty Recipes: facial mask of kiwi

 Beauty Recipes: facial mask of kiwi


  • Masks of kiwi
  • Masks of kiwi for dry skin
  • Care oily skin
  • Masks Acne
  • Reducing and whitening mask

Pets masks from fruits and vegetables are essential for any woman watching over her appearance and makes great efforts to preserve youth, beauty and attractiveness. Of course, these tools gives a professional looking after cosmetics, and their use should take into account factors such as skin type and purpose of the mask. Dry skin needs moisturizing composition, suitable for oily pores, tired skin requires toning options. And it is pretty easy to make at home.

Masks of kiwi

Since recipes nourishing masks very, very much, all kinds of ingredients on all occasions and not list, is, perhaps, concentrate on one thing. Today, our focus facial mask of kiwi. This wonderful fruit not only has a pleasant taste and color, but also contains a lot of vitamins and organic acids, including an impressive amount of vitamin C. Kiwis are extremely useful, whether you consume it in food or use it topically. He gets rid of acne, it gives elasticity to the skin, whitens and smoothes it.

In addition, the kiwi - a dietary and accelerates fat burning product that is to eat everyone who wants to lose weight. However, it should be remembered that it is not necessary to lean on the fruit: a day is desirable to use no more than three fruit as kiwi fruit acidity and its laxative effect can play a bad joke even with the owners of a very strong stomach. It is important to remember that this fruit is contraindicated in people with allergies, patients with gastritis or have stomach ulcers.

Before using the recipes below, make sure you are not allergic to the main ingredient. To do this, apply a little elbow bend pulp kiwi and wait a few minutes. If there was a reddening of the skin or a rash, the mask of the fruit, alas, you will not fit.

Masks of kiwi for dry skin

  1. Ingredients: one and a half tablespoons of kiwi juice, a half tablespoons of olive, linseed or other vegetable oil and egg yolk

    Mix the ingredients, put on fifteen to twenty minutes, remove the mask with a damp cloth. This recipe is not only significantly improves the complexion, but also, and tones the skin.

  2. Ingredients: a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese and kiwi juice

    Mix both components strike, hold for twenty minutes and rinse with cold water too. It can also be used for very dry and normal skin.

  3. Ingredients: One kiwi, stuff a few almonds, a tablespoon of orange or grapefruit juice, sour cream and vegetable oil, half tablespoon of honey

    Grind to puree the state of kiwi fruit, add-ground in a coffee grinder almonds, add the remaining ingredients and stir. At five minutes to put on the face, constantly massaging, then rinse with a cotton disc. This mask exfoliates gently scrub your skin cells obsolete.

 Beauty Recipes: facial mask of kiwi

Care oily skin

  1. Ingredients: kiwi and lemon in equal amounts, grated horseradish

    Grind and mix the ingredients, spread the massage of the face, after ten minutes, rinse with warm or cold water.

  2. Ingredients: half a ripe kiwi fruit, a tablespoon of cottage cheese (or yogurt with no additives)

    Mix the cottage cheese and kiwi, distribute weight on the face, after cleaning the skin, wait fifteen minutes and gently rinse.

  3. Ingredients: kiwi, white, two tablespoons of cosmetic green clay, a teaspoon of olive oil, mustard or any other vegetable oil

    The flesh of the fruit mix thoroughly with beaten egg whites and add remaining ingredients. Apply for ten or fifteen minutes, clean the skin with a cotton swab.

  4. Ingredients: Kiwi

    Mash kiwi with a spoon, put on the face for about ten minutes and then immediately rinse with warm water mass .. If you suddenly will be a little pinch, do not worry, as it should be. This simple mask can replace easy peeling.

Masks Acne

  1. Ingredients: half a kiwi, half a banana, a teaspoon of natural yogurta.Razmyat into mush, both the fetus, add yogurt and mix well. Apply, wait twenty minutes, then rinse with water is not too cold, treat the skin with lotion.
  2. Ingredients: Half kiwi fruit maka.Rasteret teaspoon and add the poppy seeds. Apply weight, rubbing the skin for three or four minutes, leave for another fifteen, rinse with warm water.

 Beauty Recipes: facial mask of kiwi

Reducing and whitening mask

  1. Ingredients: kiwi, two teaspoons of honey

    Mix all of the ingredients, spread on the face for twenty -Twenty five minutes. Carefully remove with a cotton swab.

  2. Composition: two tablespoons of pulp kiwi, two teaspoons of sour cream or yogurt with no additives

    Mix all the ingredients and spread on the pre-treated skin tonic, mass leave for about fifteen minut.Eta mask saturate the skin with nutrients, removes spots, moreover, it could easily replace easy peeling.

  3. Ingredients: One kiwi, five strawberries, half a large cucumber

    Mix all the ingredients; If the mask is too much liquid, add a little oatmeal. Apply on face and neck and leave for ten to fifteen minutes, you can massage the skin a little. Remove the mask with warm water, a soft handle skin moisturizer. The recipe is very well whitens and cleanses the skin.

  4. Ingredients: half a kiwi, three teaspoons of plain yogurt, a teaspoon of low-fat milk, honey and oatmeal milled, a drop of essential oil of lavender and orange

    Beat with a mixer all the ingredients until smooth, and then in a circular motion to massage the skin of the neck and face with a cotton pad. After five minutes, rinse with cold water, process and apply a moisturizing tonic krem.Eta express mask gives tangible results, and quickly leads to skin tone.

  5. Ingredients: a teaspoon of persimmon pulp, ripe kiwi, apple and pear soft

    Mix the ingredients. A few minutes spread over the skin of the neck and face. Remove the moist cotton swab.

  6. Ingredients: Two kiwis, juice of half a lemon

    Mash the peeled fruit, add the juice, stir well. Carefully avoiding the area around the eyes, to distribute weight on the face and leave for a few minutes. Rinse the face not too cool water and apply moisturizer.

Making a mask of kiwi fruit, it is worth remembering that this fruit is quite caustic, so avoid contact with eyes. And if the kiwi juice still got the mucous need to immediately flush eyes with a very large amount of cold water. It is not necessary in the hope of any miraculous results leave the mask on your face longer than twenty minutes, even if you do not have an allergic reaction, it is sometimes better to be safe. By the way, ripe kiwi fruit acid is less than unripe. If you are afraid for one reason or another allergic reaction, try to make a mask of a softer fruit.

 Beauty Recipes: facial mask of kiwi