Saturday, 15 April 2017

Cheer up winter morning

 Cheer up winter morning

New Year's holidays were over, there were good memories, and began gray labor daily eight-hour day and the rise among the dark-gray morning. It remains to wait for Saturday.
It's hard to get up? No desire to even take ourselves in hand and ready to go to the feat? Who would want to get out from under the blanket.

For selection you have proven relatively effective recommendations and female site

We feel our toes during the day

There are no forces to budge? Just get up and move! Let your morning exercise at least similar charge, but it is too early to move. Good stretch - called a banner and is related to the exercise - but still nice. You can dance to your favorite tune, you can lie to wave their feet to the music. Definitely, even after such drygomashestva better. Then take a douche! Start with hot water and heating of, then switch to cold water. Two times the will not get off, you have three to five temperature shifts.

Shower gel take a refreshing citrus scent, well, - or whatever suits your taste. Well rastershis towel after a shower, you activate blood circulation.

We turn to the right breakfast

If you do not want to eat in the morning, probably, have overeaten before bedtime. Whether you eat? You do one, owl or a lark? What is your daily routine? May we recommend vain? Well, nevertheless, - breakfast consists of cereal, yogurt or cheese curds and cheese sandwich. Wash down with a cup of freshly brewed natural breakfast of coffee, but better - a glass of green tea without sugar.

How do we help our protective forces?

His immunity must help, especially from the middle of winter to the middle of spring. While not become green grass, you should take vitamins. This is also in favor of the tone. Look at the pharmacy should be communicated to the side of multivitamins in a beautiful package, and where vitamins are separated. No one has yet proved the effectiveness of the pill with multivitamins, with half of them are not digested. You then need-ascorbic acid, vitamins and a group "B". The rest should come from consumable products. Pay attention to the bottles with ginseng and Siberian ginseng. This wonderful tonic, which is the only contraindication hypertension. They take a few drops in the morning for the duration of the winter and early spring.

Plans for the day

Plan your day the night before and refresh your calendar morning. Part of the case for the primary and secondary, light and sophisticated, sign them in time. What matters is pleased to perform, and what you do not want to perform? It is necessary to look for a secondary benefit in unpleasant matters, then they move. When planning a day you stop to relax, this procedure - certainly invigorates.

 Cheer up winter morning

How to avoid becoming a victim of pickpockets

 How to avoid becoming a victim of pickpockets

At the time, more and more cases of theft. Thieves may confront us everywhere. Remember pickpockets - experts in their field - quietly steal a purse or mobile phone at the unwary passer-by for them there is no difficulty. Any crowded areas are the ideal environment for members of the profession. You can not even see how an outsider's hand reached into your pocket or bag and took out all the valuables and money. In order to avoid becoming a victim of fraud, we suggest you use a few tips allows you to protect your money and belongings safe and sound.

  • Council №1

Remember that very easy prey for pickpockets are large bags in 2011 without a lock or ordinary plastic bags, clean out the contents of such baggage for them will be very easy. The public transport keep the bag on his shoulder, pressing her hand to the body from the front. Valuables, such as cell phone and put the money as far as possible in the bag. Purse and expensive items it is better not to wear a bag, much less put on the floor.

  • Council №2

Do not store your wallet in your back pocket. For storage purse is best suited front pants pocket, it is desirable to be able to close the zipper.

  • Council №3

Do not carry a cell phone on his neck. Unnoticed not drag such an easy prey to the sin of the thief. So try not to carry mobile phones on the ropes and similar devices.

  • Council №4

If you leave valuables in the car, make sure that that they were not visible from the outside. Scammers will never miss the chance to profit by your things - they can distract you and quietly steal money and valuables. Always lock the doors in the car, do not leave it open.

  • Council №5

Remember in queues, especially when based on the box office, next to the ATM you can trap "Shchipachev" try not to show the contents of her purse, otherwise it just will attract their attention and to miss such as your prey stuffed received half an hour ago, the monthly salary, they will not miss. Thieves will notice exactly where you put it, and try to follow you, looking for the right moment to profit your wallet full of money.

  • Council №6

After receiving a large sum in the hands try to sort out the money in his pockets and not carry everything in one place. Leave your purse in only a small amount of money, and the other in a clean safe place, such as in the inside pocket of his jacket.

In conclusion I would like to note, beware. Remember that, in the pickpockets can be anyone - from harmless grannies retired, up to the pregnant women and small children. Be careful and try to stay away from suspicious strangers. Do not forget that the most favorite places for thieves are - transport, shops, markets and other places of mass gatherings. Try to understand that pickpockets use highly sophisticated methods to steal your money, often try to distract the victim inattentive. It can be a variety of tricks - they can pretend that oboznalis and took you for his friend from a friendly clap you on the shoulder, thus distracting your attention or ask for help to collect the scattered belongings, and so on. D.
Stop constantly feeling the secret pocket of clothes or bags. This is too much, especially for those who like movement catches on the fly. Do not make such a gesture attention.

Be careful! Remember, forewarned - is forearmed. We hope our recommendations in the future, will help protect you against such individuals. All the best!

 How to avoid becoming a victim of pickpockets

Dog grooming

 Dog grooming

Caring for pets includes a full range of activities designed to ensure that the animal's skin and coat are healthy, and the ears and eyes - clean. In addition, grooming - is the content in the manner of claws, and some breeds of dog - anal glands. Particularly relevant services groomer for dogs of decorative breeds, especially those with luxurious hair. Pruning, trimming, washing and styling - this is the usual set of procedures for the decorative rocks that involve standard Maltese, Spitz, Yorkshire terriers, and other members of the canine elite.

It is believed that grooming - a privilege of show dogs. Of course, the preparation for the exhibition makes a trip to the salon essential, but more importantly to provide constant care to an animal. It does not matter what the status of your pet. Home dog needs care just like the champion of the breed.

What are the signs of a well-groomed hair? First of all, it must be clean. Some breeds of dog washing should be regular, for others - a periodic, that is, the extent of contamination of wool. For some, quite a special shampoo for the care of others will require additional funds in the form of balms and masks. Professional cosmetics for animal care greatly facilitates care of them, making hair silky, obedient to the installation and, most importantly, healthy.

Increasingly, owners of decorative long-haired dogs are selected for their pet clippers. Pruning can be an exhibition, hygienic and model. Exhibit haircut is the standard for this breed of dog. Run it for a few weeks before the show, and aims to emphasize the dignity of the exterior and, on the contrary, to hide his shortcomings. Exhibit haircut requires great skill and is performed exclusively by professionals.

Hygienic haircut facilitates care of the dog and the animal gives a neat look. In summer, regular grooming helps your pet heat transfer, as well as protection against some trouble, for example, reduce the possibility of a flea infestation. In carrying out the sanitary cut, it should be remembered that the hair of the dog - a kind of "thermal cushion". It not only warms your pet in the winter, but also protects from heat in summer. In this regard, too short haircut can be not only useful but also dangerous to the health of the dog.

Model haircut will make from your pet a real "star"! Let your pet is not the brightest representative of the breed, let exhibitions, titles and medals are not for him, the model will make it a stylish haircut and no less attractive than famous relatives. Competent care for your dog will make living together more enjoyable and pleasurable. Well-groomed dog - is the pride of the owner!

 Dog grooming

The holiday will not be boring with chocolate fountain

 The holiday will not be boring with chocolate fountain

Boring holiday - it's interesting, no one needs and not at all attractive. Why drive yourself in some kind of framework, if you can just relax - fun and tasteful? No wonder lately especially popular area such as FunFood - ie food as entertainment. It is believed that the food created for another? Do not worry - the event everyone will find the best use of it, and all will be able to eat exactly. You just know firsthand what the rent a chocolate fountain? It is time to change the situation.

Today, many companies offer ivent whole range of services for organizing events. Ordering them ideas for activities, you free yourself from unnecessary worries, because everything is included in the cost of the service. You will be transferred to the right place equipment that will make its assembly and disassembly will provide all necessary materials and during the event will monitor his condition. Agree, it is convenient - you have to do it is only a wish and a place to work.

Do you want to surprise your guests, while remaining within a reasonable budget? Believe me - for you ivent modern market offers a lot of options - and for corporate events and exhibitions, and presentations, and for weddings and events for children. The main thing is what you can be sure of is that you will get exactly the service that would be perfect in a particular time and place.

How do you like this idea Rent a chocolate fountain ? It is suitable for absolutely any event, regardless of its format and the audience .  What is a chocolate fountain? In fact, many people have been exposed to such a wonderful device, but still a sufficient number of people yet have no idea what it is .  Chocolate fountain is the setting, similar to the most common fountain, which, however, are not served water and chocolate in molten form .  The design can be perfectly all sizes, but the main thing that she could well be the finishing touch that brings zest to your event .  Fountain of chocolate exactly will become the center around which will revolve all events .  The effect of slowly flowing melted chocolate will add elegance to any holiday .  Belgian chocolate of high quality - white, dark, milk, fruit or additives in combination with desserts for every taste satisfy even the most refined palates .

 The holiday will not be boring with chocolate fountain

On the portrait unforgettable precious metals

 On the portrait unforgettable precious metals

In the best traditions of Tsarist Russia when fashion jewelry has been a demanding and original, and wrist and neck ladies were studded with works of art entirely of precious metals and gems, contemporary style trends dictate silver and other precious metals.

If the court ladies of the 16th century were on the ball today, they would be struck by the length of the bare feet of the invited women candid neckline and bold, bordering on frivolity, speeches that are conducted on these evenings. All this, of course, would not leave them indifferent, and they would be left nothing but our women envy. They were entranced by the jewelry, which not only did not lose its charm, but also acquired new shades of playfulness, playful and bold spice.

Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, our women can be happy that such different standards inherent in all times, is firmly established in the cell, which involves almost complete absence of a dictatorial fashion, when it became possible to choose things based solely on their preferences. Doubly pleased that, despite the democracy of dress, the bulk of the preference given to something real and natural. As you have guessed, we are talking about natural materials, metals and stones.

Indeed, today is not only relevant, but also considered to be in bad taste and gold plated jewelry from artificial materials, its bright and eye-catching appearance dwarfing the real, the natural beauty of the body. Moveton nowadays are lurid and trinkets with massive stones of glass and crystal - where relevant and worthy will look ring with garnets on a thin female fingers and subtle earrings small ears coquette.

The same can be said of other decorations - for example, the elegant women silver bracelets, gently wrapped around a fragile wrist will tell others about peremptory taste of their owner, and a thin chain, playful snake oblipayuschaya neck cause heart admirers hammered three times faster than usual.

Feel like a prom queen, surrounded by fans, who argue whose today's turn to bring the icy champagne or ice cream with fruit liqueur, you will be jewelry silver jewelry, with its modern elegance and pretentiousness are not inferior to those worn by ladies Russian 16th century.

 On the portrait unforgettable precious metals

We recommend that read: gold plated silver

Thursday, 13 April 2017

How to behave with a man - Aquarius

 How to behave with a man - Aquarius


  • How to win the love of a man-of Aquarius
  • How not to behave in a man-Aquarius

Once again disappointed in men, we often tell ourselves that they are all the same - selfish soulless, unable for a serious relationship and do not appreciate us, women. But maybe all the problems kroyatsya just that men are not so similar as we used to think, and each is necessary to select a specific approach? To better understand you liked the guy and find out how best to conduct myself with him, you should ask for help from the stars.

The character of a man depends not only on his education, living conditions and social circle, but also from the constellation under which he was born. So if you have not much believe in astrology, then now is the time to change their attitude. It can give you answers to many questions: what to expect from this or that man, as the right to present themselves, what are the values ​​of life and even what he is in bed.

If you are interested in a male Aquarius, then be prepared for the fact that you may have to make drastic changes in their behavior, to become like him and share his enthusiasm. Plus, you will need to wake up a woman of mystery and unpredictable individuals. But first things first. In this article, we will tell you how to behave with the representatives of this sign of the zodiac, the peculiarities of their character and the points that should be avoided in order not to lose the trust and sympathy of men.

 How to behave with a man - Aquarius

How to win the love of a man-of Aquarius

With Aquarius will not be easy - by nature, he is a loner and has a negative attitude to marriage. However, this does not mean that it is not capable of significant feeling. Fall in love with Aquarius probably the main thing - to know the right approach and be patient. To achieve such an extraordinary representative of the zodiac sign of marriage proposals is also possible. Despite its negative attitude to the institution of marriage, Aquarius can change an opinion when it encounters a single, real and unique woman. Become for him, "the very same", for which he will do anything to help you, our simple tips.

  • Take the initiative

By their nature, Aquarius bit timid and passive, so in most cases did not make the first move, and will take a wait and see position. If you want to be with a guy on a date, it is all right to take the initiative to handle thin women. However, we must act very carefully, without exerting excessive pressure. That man Aquarius acts as a slave in a relationship should be noticeable to you. He must be sure that plays a dominant role, or wounded pride will not allow to continue to meet with you.

  • Be faithful to him and understand others

For Aquarius friendship and passion merge into a single entity, and one inseparable from the other. Before win the love of such a man, you first have to become a sincere, good friend. Of course, the relationship of souls in one day does not appear, so please be patient. Try as much as possible interested in the life of his chosen one, show yourself sincere, gracious and tolerant nature, capable to put up with his eccentricities and weaknesses.

  • Let him feel that you are his most

Aquarius is very generous and always willing to take an active part in the lives of friends and relatives - he did not just listen, but also immersed himself in their problems. Truly he can be happy only if the code feels in need. Otherwise it gets boring. Therefore, if you want to get close to such a man and awaken interest in his person, be sure to share with them any problem. But do not overdo it, do not move on his shoulders the burden of all their troubles and constantly complain about life. Be positive and sometimes let him take part in your life.

  • Separate and respect his passion

Aquarius is constantly interested in something. If it's something really interested, he was ready to dedicate his new passion for most of my free time. To deal with this is meaningless. Jealous of his chosen hobby to you only alienate him from himself, and possibly lose completely. You will be much easier to curry favor with men of Aquarius, if you share his interests and passion for this or that thing.

  • Be interesting to talk

If you want to build a serious relationship with a man who is born under the sign of Aquarius, you must have the ability to hold a conversation on almost any topic. Aquarius appreciates a woman, first of all, not external and internal attractiveness - its intelligence. So do not forget to keep yourself in good shape: the interests of sports events in the world, art, read educational books. You will be able to earn the deep respect of the elect and if this will become a professional in any field.

  • Be financially independent

According to Aquarius, a woman should be independent financially. And it's not that the representatives of this zodiac sign are too greedy to keep his darling. Just for them it is important that the woman was self-realized person. These men can not stand empty-headed young ladies in mind that only some entertainment. They, as the air needs a role model and the object to which they are genuinely and deeply admire.

  • Be a little mysterious

To build a relationship with Aquarius, it is important to be able to always remain a mystery woman. Men like this sign to constantly open to his lady previously unknown side of nature, new facets of talent. I do not share with him all his secrets and do not give all of myself without reserve. Suppose you are some of his hobbies, preferably in the area in which he does not understand. This will spur his interest in you as a person. Always looked communicate with him on abstract themes while ignoring direct questions. Mysterious smile for him at times is better than any answer.

  • Be spontaneous

Life on a strict schedule is not for Aquarius, especially when it comes to sex. To know in advance where, how and when you happen to sexual adventure he is not interested. That is why to behave with fussy need unpredictably. Standing on the diversity you will not need, but "catch Aquarius surprise" when he takes a bath or dinner, or sitting at the computer is sometimes useful. Also, you can engage the intima and outside your home, it brings a certain "spice" in a sexual relationship. Just do not overdo it with the variety, otherwise it will become as commonplace as the evening of sex in the bedroom.

 How to behave with a man - Aquarius

How not to behave in a man-Aquarius

Build a relationship with a man Aquarius is not so simple, so you is important to know not only how to be with him to lead, but it is desirable and what mistakes to avoid. To earn the love and respect of Aquarius is difficult, it will require a lot of time, but to lose all it's all possible in a jiffy.

Do not encroach on their freedom

Freedom for Aquarius - that is all. He appreciates it, and leave it does not want. Therefore, in no case do not limit it in anything. This also applies to his hobbies and friends. At Aquarius, as a rule, many friends, not only among men. If you try to limit it to chat with fellow women, he will perceive this as an attack on their freedom and are likely to prefer to leave you.

Despite the fact that Aquarians are modest and provide a first step, the right of a woman too pushy ladies, they will not be tolerated. Behave naturally, do not impose their own society, when a man Aquarius wants to be alone, do not send him a hundred SMS per day and do not call every half hour. Only the woman who will respect his freedom, would be his life's companion.

Forget about jealousy

Excessive jealousy is able to nullify any relationship, let alone a man the more the constellation Aquarius. In a relationship Aquarius appreciates the trust and sincerity and zeal they perceived as an attempt to restrict his freedom. Of course, to overcome jealousy difficult, and if we have it not, then at least try not to show it openly. Also, do not attempt to cause jealousy and his chosen specifically flirting with men, especially with his friends.

Knowing how to behave with a man constellation Aquarius, you soon will gain his love and respect. Be tolerant to him, to share his interests and still is - the only way you make a man born under this constellation, in love with you. As a reward for your patience and diligence, and you get another, loving and caring man who will appreciate in you not only, but also the spiritual qualities. And that, you see, is very rare.

 How to behave with a man - Aquarius

We strongly recommend to read: How to understand a man of Aquarius

We act with an eye to the stars: how to attract a man - Virgo

 We act with an eye to the stars: how to attract a man - Virgo


  • A few words about the most important
  • When he is in love, then ...
  • Man Deva and marriage
  • How to attract the attention of men of the Virgin
  • All brilliant - just

You got carried away in earnest man, who was born under the sign of Virgo? Your goal now is to call it a mutual sympathy, interest and fascinate? So you just need to learn all about how to attract his attention and which do not strongly necessary, so as not to alienate him from his person. About what the individual characteristics of the character and personality of the man endowed with stars-Virgin, we will try to tell you the most detailed way in this article.

A few words about the most important

Male Virgo are true workaholics. Sometimes it may seem that the whole meaning of life for them is to go to work, to build a career, have a high official status, have demanded specialist. This is not to make hasty conclusions, that the man-Virgin attracted a workflow itself and moral satisfaction from permanent employment and demand.

No of course. They see, and not without reason, the work is also a source of material and ensure their financial independence. Due to the high self-discipline and self-organization, they begin fairly quickly appreciated the guidance and achieve a task, moving up the career ladder.

In addition to the professional field, the manifestation of a sense of duty and responsibility is clearly present in male Dev in other spheres of life. They are characterized by commitment and reliability, which can be called truly udivitelnymi.Soblyudenie arrangements even in small things quite explainable inspires respect from friends, relatives and acquaintances. If you agreed to a date, you can be sure that the guy Deva come upon it in the exact designated time.

The delay on his part is excluded or it is due to such serious reasons that can be explained only by insurmountable external circumstances. Something like natural disasters or political upheavals. As this happens relatively rarely, then rest assured: your start date at the moment, which you have agreed.

The decision taken by men of this sign can not be changed. But, paying tribute, it should be noted that this is usually a very balanced and wise decision taken not in the heat of an emotional impulse; it is always more than a deliberate step. Pragmatic and pedantic people, which rightly considered a male virgin, guided by common sense and composure on his life puti.Oni try to predict the development of the situation a few points ahead, in order to be able to control it. It is not always met with understanding from the people who are able to rely on fate and make decisions based only on intuition and feelings.

Another striking hallmark of knights Virgo is their cleanliness and neatness. It is impossible to imagine such a spectacle, the man Deva, who allowed himself to walk around in a shabby, stale and frankly dirty clothes or shoes. To call them a dandy in this exaggeration, but they give the appearance of great importance.

All of them should be on top and carry the seal of quality: haircut, fitness, hygiene, health, cleanliness of the vestments. From the attitude of others to his own person, one way or another, will equally. In the eyes of men Dev no excuse for sloppiness or unkempt appearance of a beautiful lady. However, the cause and vulgarity of it as strong disapproval and rejection, take note.

Male Virgin developed intellectually. Their mind is rational and very logical. The emotional component in these people, their cases there, but carefully packed, folded and hidden away deep inside. Therefore, seeing ourselves overly sensitive people, actions which govern emotions, they will try to minimize communication or keep their distance. For the ladies, they are more loyal, but all the same - only to a certain extent. Any excessive drama and crazy showdown, tantrums, screams and the scene instantly turn away from their whirlwind romance heroine.

 We act with an eye to the stars: how to attract a man - Virgo

When he is in love, then ...

Head he would not lose, so it works. So do not wait unnecessarily crazy things that are inherent in other lovers. Perhaps for this romantic occasion to upset the ladies, but for those girls who understand that love does not consist of poems and star nights, even light love male Virgo will love. It can be compared to a fire in the fireplace giving warmth and a sense of caring and comfort those who are located next to it in the winter evening. You will always feel his care, you will be surrounded by his attention, but they are rarely expressed in a woman's heart pretty trifles. More often - in a quite solid evidence of a serious attitude to you.

But be aware that, despite the inability to violent manifestations of passion, a man born under the sign of Virgo, however horrible the owner. So - no reason to be jealous, you do not have to give. This will be a one: brave Dev distinguished sincerity and honesty in matters of the heart, you can be sure it is virtually swan fidelity. Your most dangerous opponent is his work, since he lost it all day long.

Sexually, Virgo man can not be compared with a skilled and passionate Casanova, do not impress you ready for the unexpected and impromptu risky experiment. He is gentle, but not passionate, caring, but not zateyliv. Making love interest him, but certainly not more work. But in his physical fidelity you're sure as firmly as that the earth is round. If you yourself possess a temperament closer to the mean, the marriage bed would not be a sad and boring place.

Man Deva and marriage

Clearly understand the love or calculation based on a decision that it is time to legitimize the relationship, beyond the power of any one person. These men created the Dev stars that fall in love with the charming ladies they can, considering all of its quality, and human in general and particularly in the private maiden. Only after that the man Deva comes to the conclusion that she is worthy of the title of his wife and life partner.

Taking it a marriage proposal, you now and forever can claim that in the family you both will have equal rights and duties. Agree, for many women it is an impossible dream. You have an equal right to vote, but the desire to show it to you rarely occur. Responsible and mature approach to the husband of the Virgin solve various family situations will please any wife.

He is a very responsible approach to the role of head of the family, considers it important for myself to act as breadwinner and protector, is committed to take care of his wife and children. All the remaining work on the time he spends with his family, paying attention to the wife and her children. However, because of its nature reserve they will not indulge the child or lisp with them. But properly will drive kindergarten, school clubs and sections.

How to attract the attention of men of the Virgin

You will easily get his attention to yourself if:

  • You have a high intelligence. That's really someone who, as a male Virgo will sincerely rejoice that spending time in the company of an intelligent woman. If you are still successful in their professional occupations, you will be able to secure his apparent respect as a minimum.
  • You are a good housewife. What does it mean for him: pure clean the house, things are in place, in the refrigerator always have food or products from which you can cook a couple of meals in a hurry. Oh, and no debts for utilities. You're a very responsible person, is not it?
  • You akkuratistka. He's probably already started to guess that you do not accidentally appeared in his life, and it is impossible to miss such luck. And now he is absolutely sure that you are his second half. You watch your appearance, your belongings, you always stylishly dressed and look lovely. He begins to be thankful for what she gave him an appointment with you.
  • You are sincere, natural and predictable in the positive sense of the word. Communicating with you, I see you and a gentle female creature, and at the same time - an equal partner, whose reactions are understandable and enjoyable.
  • You are able to resolve issues through negotiation rather than make a scene with the smashing of crockery, oceans of tears and other attributes of the terrible showdown that male Virgo can not stand.
  • You are correct. Faithful in all things, in the smallest sense of the word. Physical faithful to her husband, faithful to the moral, when you both share the same philosophy of life and family views. The unanimity in decisions in actions in everyday situations.
  • You are punctual. Believe me, it is critical for him. If you're constantly late for their assigned date or to keep him waiting, the chance to set a date and time of your wedding with him pulls away faster and faster, until completely dissolved in the air.
  • You admire his career achievements. As often as possible express their respect for his work and success in it. Avoid negative perception that he is too much attention to the service and not enough to you. His attention to yourself you can not, on the contrary, you will only alienate him from himself.

 We act with an eye to the stars: how to attract a man - Virgo

All brilliant - just

We hope that after reading our recommendations on how to attract interest to the person by the men of the Virgin, you have come to the conclusion that the task in front of you is quite doable. Now you know him like the fair sex, and it can push. Moreover, you have learned all the information about your man born under this sign of the zodiac, and seemed familiar with it for many years. So success in its charm you and your unconditional virtues simply guaranteed.

Throw away all your doubts about the fact that you can not afford to match his high standards. This is not true. You probably already have the necessary traits and habits. Those that have not yet been perfected, it can be developed. Start doing it now, not shelving them.

And, in fact, very easy to always come to the meeting at the scheduled time, look nice and neat to be able to cook tasty and constructive dialogue instead of stormy debates. You will find that all your efforts will be appreciated and will not go unnoticed. After some time, you will surely hear the sacred words of their serious and responsible gentleman who wants to hear every girl from his beloved and only. We wish you to hear them as soon as possible!

 We act with an eye to the stars: how to attract a man - Virgo

We strongly recommend to read: How to behave with a guy maid

How to behave with a man - Libra to be happy with him

 How to behave with a man - Libra to be happy with him


  • What will not be tolerated in a relationship male scales
  • How to behave with a representative of the sign of Libra

The balance in its quest for equilibrium behave quite contradictory: always something to me, but at the same time strive towards stability, like sometimes argue, but do not tolerate quarrels and conflicts, they are intellectually developed, but sometimes there are very naive. They are constantly fighting with each other are two completely different nature, so they are often indecisive and doubt everything. But what to do if you fell in love with such a man full of contradictions? We invite you to figure out how to behave in order not just to attract his attention, but also to win his heart.

What will not be tolerated in a relationship male scales

If you want to be with a man Libra, then you have to get as close to his ideal, because it is a creative person and therefore appreciates all perfect and beautiful. Follow a few taboos in behavior with him, and your path to his heart will be much shorter and easier:

  • Under no circumstances did not criticize

Scales are very vulnerable - thrown casually remark, pointing to the lack of them, they can think about for a few days. Criticism brings representatives of this sign of balance and can cause depression. Therefore, try to refrain from critical comments. This applies to both personal and professional life and appearance. This balance can not and do not like to argue and defend their sheer rightness - they just quietly go away, go to the women who will not notice and highlight their shortcomings.

  • Do not be aggressive and scandalous

Understanding - this is one of the components of happy relationship with a difficult guy. The slightest aggressive attacks on your part can make him withdraw into himself and move away from you. And if they are repeated often enough - it just may at any time flee from you.

Balance sometimes like to argue, but the debate is not scandalous, with the rapid clarification of relations, but rather a secular, surface to make the conversation more lively and interesting. You can argue with a man about something in a joking manner, but do not overdo it in the arguments and tone, arguing their case, because the representatives of this sign is his only true, in their view, the point of view of change do not like, and usually always stay at his opinion.

  • Do not allow yourself to ridicule in his address

Respect the individuality of her lover - do not be harsh and evil in relation to its features of behavior. With weights often have a hard time - they even work and rest a little peculiar. Today, it can carefully and work hard, tomorrow is completely surrender to laziness - it is normal for him.

In addition, for it allows frequent tardiness - he might be late for work and on a date. And your taunts about this woman's habits only cause him confusion. Just take it for what it really is, and evil and ironic remarks leave with him, of course, if you want to save your relationship.

  • Do not force him to make decisions

This is one of the most important points of the list of how not to deal with a representative of the sign of Libra. Such a man would never consider the role of the companion of a woman's life, which is also full of doubts, as he - timid and indecisive ladies he is not interested. If you decide to make him love me and build him a strong relationship, you learn to take the initiative in their fragile handle and take most of the decisions alone.

 How to behave with a man - Libra to be happy with him

How to behave with a representative of the sign of Libra

If you are carried away by a man of the zodiac sign, then you need to stand out from the crowd of fans, which he has done. The fact that he has an innate art of flirting and can ease to behave with women. The fair sex is definitely like, so you're not the only one who fell under his charm.

For the heart of this seducer will have to fight - you should be his ideal. Even if it has already responded to reciprocate your feelings, you still can not relax - otherwise he will find his ideal in another woman. We will tell you how to be lead to ever conquer this man full of contradictions.

  • Be sweet, gentle, caring

Woman with bitchiness character may not be ideal for Libra. They prefer the lovely ladies who will treat them with tenderness. Even if you like the guy takes everything lightly, with a condescending smile, it does not mean that he does not pay attention to your behavior. On the contrary, it is important to every detail - for example, it would be very nice if you always congratulate him even minor achievements and events.

Be interested in her man, in particular its problems, help solve them, if you can. Libra is very important to support a loved one. Most call him a gentle word ("favorites", "cute", "dear", etc.), which in this case will not belittle his manhood. Do not hesitate to be the first tender.

  • Always agree with him

With a guy Libra should always agree, even when you completely disagree with him. He was used to it and does not accept that behavior. Your attempts to openly contradict him will lead to the next change of mood, so characteristic of Libra, and the mood you just do not like it. No one does not require you to give up their opinions and to disregard their own interests for the sake of man. You can accept it for the view. The phrase "Yes, dear, of course" can be used just for the sake of appearances. This will calm the man and to satisfy his ego. And to achieve his possible without public debate - it is wiser and behave kept.

  • Be gourmet

Wear a fine thing, profitable emphasize all the many advantages of your figure and masking its shortcomings. Do not allow yourself to look untidy, even at home, because of the scale appearance of a woman is not in last place. With this guy, you can be yourself, because he appreciates the natural beauty and an abundance of makeup does not approve. Do not overdo it with decorative cosmetics - it should only slightly to emphasize your natural facial features, not hide them.

  • Separate his interests

If your beloved likes, for example, to visit the exhibition and performances (for Libra innate need for cultural development) is pleased to join it. Try to behave naturally - he will appreciate your efforts, if only understand what your interests really coincide, and pretending it will open very quickly. If he is interested in any area of ​​science, sports or anything else, at least try to understand this a little bit. The more common interests you have, the stronger your relationship will.

  • Organize your joint leisure

He would appreciate if you organize your own leisure and invite him to some concerts, exhibitions and sporting events. Buy a pair of tickets to a game of his favorite team or invite in a sports bar. With a guy you never will be bored.

  • Keep it the instinct of a hunter

If you want to build a lasting relationship with a guy, Libra, do not disclose to them immediately. Do it gradually, while remaining a bit mysterious. Do not show him that he has already conquered you - it will weaken his interest. With its charming man Libra no shortage of attention on the part of the fair sex, so excessive persistence conquer their heart is unlikely.

  • Conquer its delicious and beautifully prepared dishes

Pave the way through the stomach to the heart may seem trivial, but the men of the zodiac sign of this technique is very effective. They appreciate in a woman's ability to prepare a delicious and beautiful they serve. But do not overdo it - to turn into a housewife who does not depart from the plate, too, do not. From time to time arrange for a loved romantic dinners with the appropriate setting. Do not forget to wear exquisite and, of course, high heel shoes - a dinner will not leave him indifferent.

We tell you how to behave with a man, if he is on the zodiac sign Libra, what he values ​​in women, and that he, on the contrary, pushes. However, fall in love with this man - this is only half the story. You will need it again and hold. Be more active and initiative, including in terms of building a family, full of doubts because Libra rarely decide on such a serious step - sometimes they need to push.

With this guy will definitely be difficult. In your relationship you have to be a leader, but he does not have to guess about it. Using her feminine wisdom, suggesting to him that he is the chief, and themselves unobtrusively and gently help him make decisions. The main thing in a relationship to be respect and harmony.

 How to behave with a man - Libra to be happy with him

How to behave with a man - Taurus, to charm him?

 How to behave with a man - Taurus, to charm him?


  • Do not test his patience
  • Be sincere, decent and honest
  • Calm, just calm
  • Golden calf
  • The marriage bond and the family idyll

Male Taurus deserved demand in the market of the marital relationship. After all, they consolidated their excellent reputation just as spouses, making them a desirable target for any woman. To attract the attention of such a valuable specimen for the role of husband and father, you must know how to behave with him as to be his one and only nepovtorimoy.My try as much as possible to tell you more about what qualities gave the stars and planets of the enviable groom. Then you will easily find a common language with a male Taurus and discreetly entangle him with love networks.

Do not test his patience

If you ever before had to deal with a guy, Taurus, it is quite possible, you have paid special attention to the way he is calm, size and patient. It is a distinct feature of the representatives of this zodiac sign zodiac other men sozvezdiy.Telets very benevolent by temperament, good-natured and peaceful set. His condescension to others' shortcomings can last for a very long time. It is long enough to be restrained in expressing his displeasure, but feel the strength of his patience should not be. At the very moment when you are overwhelmed him the cup, you doom yourself to unpleasant encounter with a man who may very stringent terms to explain to you that you have crossed the brink of what is permitted.

At such times, the best thing you can do - keep quiet and let him release all the steam. Talking with a male Taurus and argue with him - it is useless in any situation, and if the conflict is also unwise. Behave in such a hot time to be calm, but without defending their point of view. This could be tackled when your angry Taurus will calm down and regain lost composure. Most importantly, such a wise and far-sighted your behavior, he is required to notice and appreciate very highly.

Be sincere, decent and honest

For male Taurus naturally behave so that people around the choir will sing the praises of his responsibility and decency. But on the environment it will require a similar attitude. He acts sincerely and in the working team, and in the narrow family circle and in the company of friends-friends. If he feels that you are holding a stone in his bosom, using his honesty, trying to get some benefit from your communication with him or try to manipulate it, it will draw a line under such relations.

Behave with him naturally and openly from the very first minutes of acquaintance, and then you have every chance to just communicate you to the friendly chat, which in turn will gradually spill over into a love relationship. Men of this sign is played out openly: he will not fool your head and try to make you a brief affair. If he behaves with you as a fan, it has obvious signs of attention, so you can be sure of the seriousness of his feelings. I do not doubt that it will not be an easy affair, but a long and lasting relationship.

 How to behave with a man - Taurus, to charm him?

Calm, just calm

Male Taurus impression is very smooth people. Indeed, their temperament is different impetuosity and sharpness, change of moods. They do not tend to behave unpredictably or contradictory. At the fair sex, they also appreciate the evenness of temper and would not be happy if you are inconsistent, unstable or hysterical. Although we often hear the opinion that opposites attract, this rule is not working. Calm and balanced inherently Taurus not approve unbalanced and uneven reactions, even in the most charming lady.

You will be more likely to attract the attention of Taurus unflappable, even if in moments of stress you keep calm, common sense and the ability to calmly talk. Importantly, do not forget to show it to him. He'll appreciate your behavior as the most advantageous and finds enjoyable for themselves to communicate with such a balanced person. And to you the prospect of communicating with a person, from which comes a wave of calm and confidence, certainly satisfied more than a personality, which may ruffle a minor incident.

Golden calf

Men of this sign love and know how to make money. Money gives them a sense of stability, security and peace of mind. Spending them either prefer not to all sorts of entertainment, and in serious cases. Here they include, for example, home improvement, creating in him comfort. House for those conservatives, and the owners and is the embodiment of the embodiment of harmony, where no unexpected changes and shakes will not touch any of his or his family. If you have to talk with a guy, Taurus own future nest, then rely on his opinion on how it should be. You will not regret it.

For the ladies, which is planning to link their future life with the representative of the sign should be thoroughly understand the following thing: Taurus waiting for his lady that she is the mistress of this in their joint home. He will make every effort to ensure your family a comfortable existence, but disapproved treat wasting. You will live in prosperity, but without unnecessary luxury. Therefore, from the very beginning of your acquaintance let him know that you know the value of money and know how to spend it wisely. Ozvuchte sure that you put in the admiration of the men who are able to earn money for the benefit of his family. From these words the man Taurus will be in seventh heaven - because he met so understands the ladies, which it is difficult not to fall in love.

 How to behave with a man - Taurus, to charm him?

The marriage bond and the family idyll

Taurus is a very responsible approach to the issue of marriage. For them, the idyll of family happiness looks like this: he - the husband, the head of the family breadwinner and protector; She - a charming hostess, for which the priority of family values, and not the top of the quarry; child and better at least a couple. When he looks at you, he wants to see in front of a woman who is not only able to attract the attention of his appearance. You must have an attractive addition to the outer shell comprise a whole set of personal qualities that will convince him that you are for him the perfect wife and mother of his future children. In fact, this is not such an impossible task.

If you are a good housewife, dreaming of becoming a wife and mother, you want to take care of her husband and realize that the family - it's not only your right but also the responsibility, then you really make a good couple of Man-Taurus. Chat with him on topics far removed from building his career and visit entertainment venues. Tell us about what your mother taught you all the subtleties of cooking and housekeeping, and Dad always takes care of its ladies. Do not be afraid to seem boring - it's a grateful listener. He soon lose interest if you are told about how to spend all received a salary for Sunday shopping, than the story of how you were doing with their parents repair in your apartment.

Taurus with interest relates to all the girls, but for a serious relationship chooses not fond of idle entertainment and not a girl, career-oriented feats. So you just need to convince him of the impression itself is about a girl whose family is a priority. Then your dream is to charm and become its darling become a reality.

 How to behave with a man - Taurus, to charm him?

Effective Tips: how to behave with a man - Sagittarius

 Effective Tips: how to behave with a man - Sagittarius

Sagittarius is one of the most controversial characters of the Zodiac. Because of this, women sometimes very difficult to know how to behave with such men. We will help you to understand this difficult question: tell about their views on the relationship, the requirements that they impose to their sweethearts, and life priorities.

The representatives of this zodiac sign are usually inclined to creativity. If their profession gives them creative satisfaction, then they try to realize themselves through a hobby. They love to travel and often addicted to extreme sports. For them, it is important to always be passionate about something.

Your alliance with the Sagittarius man will be harmonious and long, if you're just like him, most of independence and freedom. Before you gain the attention of the representative of that mark, answer to your question is - are you ready to give him a free hand, and accept the fact that you can not be with him in the first place? After all, you can not change the character of Sagittarius, with him can only accept.

How to build a harmonious relationship with a male Sagittarius

Sagittarians are freedom-loving and feature great vitality. Perhaps, therefore, the representatives of this sign is so like the ladies. To win their love, it is important to behave properly, because if something goes wrong, they quickly disappear from your life. Just be prepared for the fact that Sagittarians love is not seen as a serious relationship, but as an exciting journey that brings new sensations and emotions.

Shares his views and interests

Male Sagittarius more appreciative of a woman thinking similarities than visual appeal. Lifemate must necessarily share his views and interests. If your partner loves computer games, then I am happy to play with him if interested in some kind of sport, try to understand its intricacies and join if possible. But all this must be done not through the "do not want", and with enthusiasm and sincerity.

Get a good housewife

Sagittarius is very important for the comfort of home. And it is not only the maintenance of cleanliness and cooking, but also the creation of psychologically comfortable atmosphere at home - the representatives of this sign is extremely negative attitude to quarrels, so try not to start a relationship with the scandalous women. The ability of women to be a good housewife can be a useful asset in the fight for the heart of this man.

However, it would be a mistake to win sympathy alone cooking and homey feel. Yes, these qualities are important, and they appreciate the archer, but do not become a woman home, which in addition to domestic problems do not care. Keep yourself relaxed, demonstrate their willingness to adventure and travel with him.

Allows him to be free

Behave with a guy should be so that you became for him both a lover and a good friend. Even being next to him, never limit it - let him be free. Sagittarians are usually not looking for strong relationships - are more enticing light burdensome relationships.

Trying to tie it to yourself, you will achieve just the opposite effect - it liking to you quickly pass, as he once see through your intentions. Stay a little mysterious and surprises him, so that he can continually admire you. Emotional recovery in the relationship for Sagittarius is very important. Trying to change his habits, too, to anything good will not. Change you can only their attitude towards him - behave more leniently, be tolerant (within reason, of course).

Sagittarius just need the freedom he needs personal space and everything that allows him to feel independent. Therefore, carefully watch your behavior. If you are going too often to ask him what he was doing, where he was, he plans to do, it will cause only the aggression on the part of Sagittarius. No need to eavesdrop on his conversations secretly read messages - otherwise you will not be able to build a relationship with this man. Justified and unjustified demonstration of jealousy as it is unnerving.

 Effective Tips: how to behave with a man - Sagittarius

Earn his trust

For serious relationship, such men choose women who can fully trust. But the meeting only on one night they are not afraid. The woman he loved, they are willing to give more. About sex for them plays an important role. With Sagittarius is undesirable to use sex as a manipulation - such behavior is not exactly like him.

Be sociable, curious and humorous

The image of the ideal woman in representatives of this sign looks like this: curious, humorous, sociable and notorious. Suspicious, jealous, limited and boring person with such a man can not be - they're just not attracted to him. If you like to develop, discover a new face, to travel and are willing to experiment, then it can claim the role of his feminine ideal.

External appeal to Sagittarius, of course, important, but first and foremost attracts their intelligence. Lifemate representatives of this sign is chosen, as a rule, from his circle of friends. To attract the attention of Sagittarius, you have to behave with dignity, to be able to support the intelligent conversation. This quality for Sagittarius is even more important economic and sexuality. For him it is important that the spouse shared his beliefs and interests could easily find a common language with his family and friends. His life partner he considers more like a friend than the mother of his children, or hostess.

Surpasses it in something

Wed Sagittarius on itself - not an easy task. First you need to learn to live with him in the same rhythm, to share his aspirations. No need to underestimate their abilities in order not to hurt the ego lover - with Sagittarius, everything is different. He even flattered when his beloved woman in something superior, because as his life partner he wants to see the best and beautiful woman in the world.

Being with Sagittarius, of course, is not easy. If you decide to conquer the representative of the zodiac sign, you probably are not a supporter of a quiet measured life. Adventure, travel, excitement, adrenaline, the unpredictability - that it takes such a restless man. If you are willing to share it all with him, then take it into service offered by us advice on how to behave, and start to act.

 Effective Tips: how to behave with a man - Sagittarius

What women like men - CAPRICORN: build ideal relations

 What women like men - CAPRICORN: build ideal relations


  • Capricorn - a modest and shy
  • How to tell Capricorn's feelings?
  • Beloved Capricorn - what is it?
  • How to keep a Capricorn?

Capricorn - male ambitious, fundamental, hard and strong, value stability. How to behave, if your choice is to this sign of the zodiac? How do you know any girls they prefer and what qualities they value? Let's start in more detail describe the portrait of a man of Capricorn, and examine what he likes in women and what they are - the ideal relationship with Capricorn.

Capricorn - a modest and shy

Capricorns are the type of people that are very difficult to "see through" - a treasure hidden in the trunk. That is why many girls are trying to open that same trunk, made a lot of mistakes. Usually Capricorns are trying to carefully hide the feeling of equanimity, composure and inaccessibility. It enters into a stupor and women, to which they themselves Capricorns nourish affection.

In this case, it can be called one of the methods of self-defense - so Capricorns limit yourself from unnecessary relationship and love that they simply do not need. Men of this sign tend to prudence and practicality - feelings should not be an obstacle to achieving their initial goals in life.

Only after Capricorn weigh all the pros and cons, he will be able to see if he needed these relationships, and just in case take a positive decision, he will be able to you to really open up. But not all women are able to become companions male Capricorn, which needs only a true and sincere feelings of love and does not want to waste your time on and fleeting affair novels.

Capricorns need a girl so that one for life, one that is able to share his life's aspirations and principles, will support it and thus to create a home atmosphere of calm and comfort - however, like all men. It was such in their presentation and are real women.

Capricorns are able to faithfully love and know what ardor and passion. It is in their face, you can find a caring father and husband, and a good lover - a great combination for men agree! Therefore, they want to see all the same in his beloved - a girl who likes Capricorn, have to combine all the best traits.

After reading all this, many women may think that a man born under the sign of Capricorn, they simply unattainable. But that does not mean in any way that you can not win his heart - you can always find the right way! Perhaps the man will feel your thoughts and intentions and will put to you in this way the sea traps, while telling herself that the girl who would be able to overcome them to become his lover. Perhaps he walketh you seriously, but still further will continue to hide their feelings. Let it you, girl, do not worry - in time the ice thaws.

 What women like men - CAPRICORN: build ideal relations

How to tell Capricorn's feelings?

If you want to make it clear to her lover that you are not indifferent to him and he's really interested in you, do not try to pursue his constant calls, sms and endless, even worse, do not try to watch him at the institute / work / club, but anywhere. Male Capricorns like unobtrusive woman, who with all his modesty, confident and knows his own worth - traits of Capricorns themselves.

By the way, we must make it clear to the man that you are fully appreciated those of his traits. Try to subtly hint to him that it was his you find an extraordinary and original; just do not overdo it, so it did not look like a frank grovel. Show that you are interested in what he says, in his enthusiasm, work and hobbies - Capricorns like to talk about it and it's always nice when people genuinely care about it.

Let him stay with you a strong, brave man - let him show his qualities as much as possible. In an interview with Capricorn is aware of the tact, discretion and intelligence. These men do not like idle chatter. Even just intonation or gesture may play against you, if they come not to the liking of your man. What can we do - this is the whole Capricorn!

One of the drawbacks of this sign - resentment. Capricorn can be weeks, if not more, to pout at you because of the sheer nonsense. It is only important to understand this and do not inflate the even greater challenge of trivia; try to avoid sharp corners with Capricorn. In addition, these men very vulnerable, because in a conversation with them, try to be sensitive. Does not affect patients or sensitive issues that could cause him embarrassment.

Even if the person is male Capricorn does not express at the time of the conversation absolutely no particular emotion in his soul such a storm can rage that you never dreamed of - he just try to hide it. By the way, it's pretty manly - Capricorns are not one of those who will be constantly whining about their problems and experiences; they try to overcome their own, and it's usually like all women.

Beloved Capricorn - what is it?

Earlier we said that Capricorns like women, confident. Two qualities that a man of this sign appreciate in girls - is calm and practicality. They do not like hysterics, who do not know how to cope with their emotions. In women, they appreciate not only the quality, but pay attention to her hobbies, interest in the work and career. It is important for them and how she behaves in everyday life - whether it can create comfort, or household chores she had a special interest. All of this is extremely important for the Capricorn.

Do not discuss with Capricorn gossip and news from the world of public people - is of little interest to them. It is better to talk to him about the latest economic and political developments. If a man understands that you understand this and you can keep the conversation going, it to you will be a big plus. If it is - not yours, you can just ask his opinion on any matter, because these people love to show their knowledge and long talk on the topic of interest to them.

The man Capricorn never will be interesting girl butterfly, which "flutters" in life, had an affair with that one, then with another man, they fool head for their own benefit. It is known that Capricorn is not life without stability. That's why he needs the right lady, who will share his views on the relationship.

Capricorns appreciate the initiative of girls. He will certainly like it if you try to make the first step toward him. Exactly how to do it - you decide. The main thing - do not get lost with such a man as, alas, lost a lot of women. Try to outsmart him. Become a mystery to him, in you have to present a feature highlight - that could be interested omnipotent man Capricorn. After all, such people are very purposeful - it is pleasant not only to reach new heights in your career, but also in his personal life. That is why it is so interesting to solve the riddle of your personality.

Nobody says that you all should be perfect, perfect and special. No matter what your eyes - blue or green, and what hair color. What is more important. Try to encourage your Capricorn, that he tends to make for you unimaginable feats - believe me, they are the power of even the most incredible things! It is important to remember about their appearance - do not need to look too loudly and defiantly - dress simply but thoughtfully and tastefully, with a natural make-up do that will be beneficial to emphasize your attractive features. And remember - the men of this sign enjoy stylish young ladies.

 What women like men - CAPRICORN: build ideal relations

How to keep a Capricorn?

If you have finally managed to win a Capricorn, I do not think that you can now relax because it - your forever. It is important to know how to keep a number of the strong man, as your relaxation can result in the fact that once you find your chosen next to another woman.

In general, keep the Capricorn is not too difficult, though not entirely easy. A man of this sign will always need to close the day it was purposeful and active woman, and in the evening that it was transformed into a caring mother, a housewife, and homemakers. At night, from the Capricorn woman wants a violent passion and ardor. If you can skillfully transform and play different roles, then certainly your man next to you will be comfortable and he is unlikely to let go of a girl. And in his loyalty and can do in this case is not in doubt. If it is more than his beloved sure to pay attention to the other women he does not.

Capricorns inherent in such quality as thrift. And it's not just business life - prudence manifested in a love relationship. Capricorn will not spend time on the girl who can not be supported, and the assistant life support. You must have a strong rear for his men. Both of you must be a union, not two individuals, walking alone through life.

Many people think that because of the extreme practicality, thrift, and self-interest of some delicacy Capricorn life with him can not be sufficiently intense and too boring. This is a very wrong opinion! Capricorn difference from other men is that his beloved would never hear empty promises, unnecessary words, or just meaningless talk. According Capricorn prefers things that, as you know, for him to have a far greater significance. Family is very important to them, so do not worry, you'll always be surrounded by love and care on the part of a spouse.

Of course, to build a relationship with Capricorn is not so very simple - you both have to work thoroughly on it. But if you take your chosen one, with all its flaws and go out to meet him, then very soon you will see in front of you will begin to open up a completely different person: a gentle, caring and vulnerable, in need of support and affection female and able to appreciate them.

 What women like men - CAPRICORN: build ideal relations

Monday, 10 April 2017

Great Caesar salad

 Great Caesar salad


  • Who came up with the salad "Caesar"?
  • The original salad recipe
  • Recipe salad "Caesar" with smoked chicken

Salad "Caesar" is named after its creator - the chef, not in honor of Julius Caesar - the famous general of the Roman Empire. Salad was invented by a man named Caesar Cardini 4 iyulya1924 year. Caesar Cardini was born around near Lake Maggiore (Italy) in 1896; he and his brother Alex emigrated to the United States after the First World War. Cardini ran a restaurant in Tijuana.
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Who came up with the salad "Caesar"?

The history of the "Caesar" is as follows: food delivery to the restaurant Cardini was late and not to disappoint the customer, he decided to make a meal in a hurry from the available ingredients.

Among them were romaine lettuce, garlic croutons, parmesan, olive oil, eggs and Worcestershire sauce. Visitors were more than pleasantly surprised by the combination of such products and enthusiastically greeted the new dish. Soon the "Caesar" was a hit, and people started coming from all over the country just to try a new salad. By the way, the original name was "Caesar salad" rather than a salad "Caesar".

Spread salad "Caesar" in Europe associated with Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson, who was the mistress and eventually became the wife of Prince Edward VIII of Wales. Simpson frequented the restaurant Cardini, when she was in Tijuana, and during his travels began to instruct other chefs how to make "Caesar". Thanks to her, we found the recipe for this wonderful, unusual salad, which was loved by all.

 Great Caesar salad
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The original salad recipe


  • 1 head romaine lettuce,
  • 1 egg,
  • 3 tbsp. l. red wine vinegar,
  • 2 large garlic cloves,
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil,
  • 1 lemon,
  • 1 h. L. Worcestershire sauce,
  • 1/4 Art. l. ground mustard
  • 1/2 Art. grated Parmesan cheese,
  • 150-200 grams of toast,
  • 50 g anchovy fillets,
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Instructions for preparation:

  1. Wash the romaine carefully and wrap it in a paper towel so that it absorbed moisture. Then put in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour or more.
  2. In a bowl pour the olive oil, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, salt, mustard, garlic and lemon juice. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Heat the water to a boil, drop your back raw egg and let stand for 1 minute. Then remove the egg from the water and let cool. After cooling, add the egg into the sauce and whisk together.
  4. Mash the desired number of anchovies and add them to refuel. If you wish to leave a certain amount for garnish.
  5. Place the torn romaine leaves in a large bowl. Pour the dressing on top and toss lightly. Add the grated parmesan, garlic croutons and freshly ground pepper and stir. Serve immediately!

 Great Caesar salad

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Recipe salad "Caesar" with smoked chicken


For the croutons:

  • 100 grams of bread, cut into cubes of 2.5 cm,
  • olive oil,
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper.

For the sauce:

  • 1 egg yolk,
  • ½ lemon (juice only)
  • 50 ml of cream
  • 50 ml unsweetened yogurt or sour cream,
  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped anchovies,
  • 25 g parmesan (grated)
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper.

For the salad:

  • 1 romaine lettuce (chopped or torn hands)
  • 100-150 g smoked chicken (minced)
  • 25 g parmesan (grated)
  • 1 h. L. chopped mint
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. To make the croutons in a large bowl, mix the bread and butter until completely absorbed well and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Fry the bread cubes until golden brown and crisp, then place on a kitchen towel to excess oil glass.
  2. To make the sauce, in a large bowl, whisk together all the dressing ingredients and then season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  3. Toss romaine and smoked chicken with the sauce, then put in a large dish.
  4. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese, croutons and mint and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
  5. Serve "Caesar" with smoked Kurets immediately to the table. Bon Appetit!
 Great Caesar salad

Top choices Caesar salad with chicken and crackers

 Top choices Caesar salad with chicken and crackers


  • The recipe for a traditional "Caesar"
  • The recipe for a hearty "Caesar" for a big company
  • Recipe salad "Caesar salad with spicy sauce"
  • Recipe custom "Caesar"
  • Quick "Caesar" as a main dish for dinner

Christmas holidays are approaching, and every woman reflects on the way in which it will be a festive table. The traditional "Olivier", "Herring under a fur coat" and a salad of crab sticks with corn already rather tired. I would like to make a variety of festive menu. As one of the options we offer you cook no less popular and beloved Russians Caesar salad.

The main charm of this salad is that he prepares very simple, does not require a lot of ingredients, but the taste is very original and enjoyable.

Its name was due to the salad Caesar Cardini Italian chefs, who in the early 20th century, owned a couple of restaurants in the US city of Tijuana. The exact date of the birth of a new salad called the July 4, 1924. On this day, Americans celebrated Independence Day and before the close of the restaurant came a group of young musicians who are very hungry. Young chef Caesar could not refuse visitors and decided to make a meal just from the remnants of the products that were in the kitchen.

Thus was born a new dish, which consisted of lettuce, eggs, Parmesan cheese, garlic croutons, olive oil and Worcestershire sauce unusual. Contrary to popular belief, Caesar did not add to his invention anchovies, they have appeared in the dish later. The resulting masterpiece liked guests, and they went away happy. Later lettuce became so popular that in 1953 he was awarded the prize "the best recipe that appeared in America in the last 50 years."

Nowadays there are so many recipes for Caesar salad: smoked salmon, salmon, shrimp, turkey. We offer you the most familiar version of the salad, which can be prepared both in classical and in a nontraditional performance - "Caesar" with chicken and croutons.

 Top choices Caesar salad with chicken and crackers
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The recipe for a traditional "Caesar"

For the preparation we need 4-5 servings of half loaf, 300-350 g chicken, 1 large package of salad, 50-70 grams of parmesan cheese, garlic clove, olive oil for frying. For the filling: 2 boiled egg yolks, 2 teaspoons hot mustard, garlic clove, a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice, a teaspoon of vinegar (6%), 100 ml of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Start cooking with refueling. Triturated yolks with mustard, add the vinegar, lemon juice and olive oil. Good mix, salt and pepper to taste. Prepare salad: In a small bowl of finely cut or extruded through a press garlic, add 5 tablespoons olive oil, mix well and pour into the pan.

Baton cut into small pieces and fry in butter with garlic toast to the color. Chicken fillet cut into pieces of about 2x2 cm and fry in olive oil until tender. During cooking fillets with salt and pepper. At the bottom of the dish Put the lettuce leaves, torn hands, they put the chicken and pour sauce on top rub on a small grater Parmesan. Crackers is desirable to pour just before eating, otherwise they lose meal melted and crisp flavor.
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The recipe for a hearty "Caesar" for a big company

This recipe is useful if you going to a big company. The output is approximately 6-7 servings of calorie salad that will satisfy all guests.

Ingredients: 10 quail eggs, 4 pieces of white bread, 300 grams of chicken, cherry tomatoes - 10, 1 bunch of lettuce, 100 g of cheese, vegetable oil for frying, salt and pepper to taste. For the sauce: a glass of mayonnaise, a teaspoon of turmeric, garlic clove, a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice, a couple of tablespoons of mustard (amount can be adjusted depending on the desired sharpness of the sauce).

Prepare the sauce: mix thoroughly mayonnaise, turmeric, lemon juice, crushed through a press garlic and mustard. Prepare salad: chicken cut into small cubes, fry in vegetable oil. White bread cut into small pieces, fry until golden brown. Quail eggs boil, clean and cut in half.

Cherry tomatoes cut in half. Mix in a large bowl fillets, halved cherry tomatoes and eggs. We spread the resulting mass on torn lettuce. Top rub the cheese and pour sauce. Crackers add before serving.

 Top choices Caesar salad with chicken and crackers
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Recipe salad "Caesar salad with spicy sauce"

This recipe is different from the previous ones, suggesting an original sauce for salads, and chicken meat should be smoked. Gourmets will appreciate the unique flavor, which will give the dish sauce with anchovies. The components are designed for 5-6 large servings.
To prepare the salad ready to take 2 smoked chicken breasts weighing about 400-500 g (if you did not find a chicken breast or a whole chicken in the shop fit and grilled chicken, 100 g of hard cheese, whole leaves of lettuce, 100 g cooked peeled shrimp, bell pepper medium size, 4-5 slices of white bread, garlic clove. For the sauce use a clove of garlic, 1 egg, 200 ml of olive oil, a teaspoon of mustard, anchovy fillets 6, the juice of half a lemon.

Prepare the sauce: mix in a blender egg, garlic, lemon juice, mustard and anchovies. Carefully add during mixing olive oil. Continue whisking about another minute. The sauce is ready! To rub salad with garlic bread, then cut it into strips and bake in the oven at 180 degrees until golden brown. Cut thin strips of chicken breast, bell pepper, add the shrimp and grated cheese. Mix salad with dressing and lay in a deep dish on the whole leaves of lettuce.
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Recipe custom "Caesar"

This recipe is good for when guests are on the threshold, and to treat them nothing. The ingredients are usually always have in the fridge a good housewife. The recipe is simple and takes only a few minutes. Of the proposed amount of products obtained approximately 4-5 servings.

The composition of the salad: 100 g of any hard cheese, 300 grams of chicken, 200 g of Chinese cabbage, 40-50 grams of pine nuts, wheat (store) crunches. Filling: 50 g of mayonnaise, 50 g sour cream, lemon juice to taste, fresh (can be dried) herbs to taste: parsley, dill, cilantro, a couple cloves of garlic.

Preparation: The entire breast broil until cooked and cut into cubes. While breast fried, cut into cubes the cheese, coarsely chopped bok choy or tear (avoid solid parts). In a salad bowl cheese spread, Chinese cabbage and chicken, add the pine nuts. Thoroughly mix the mayonnaise, sour cream and fresh herbs, add the garlic sagging. Greenery is desirable to use as much as possible, whatever the sauce has turned green. The resulting sauce dressed with lettuce, sprinkle with croutons.

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Quick "Caesar" as a main dish for dinner

We came home from work tired and hungry? Children need food, the husband waiting for a delicious dinner, and strength and desire to cook for a long time there? Then we offer you the most simplified version of cooking Caesar salad with chicken and croutons, for which you only need to fry chicken and chop peppers.

Ingredients (4 servings): ready sauce to prepare Caesar salad (eg Calve), ready-made salad dressing "Caesar" (eg company Kotanyi), 3 chicken, cherry tomatoes - 20 pcs., Pepper, herbs - salad or Chinese cabbage, oil for frying.

So, put on a frying pan the pieces of chicken, cut into thin rectangles. Fry until cooked about 5-7 minutes on each side. During this time, tear lettuce into a bowl or Chinese cabbage, cherry tomatoes, chopped bell pepper strips and pour the finished dressing, as well as squeezing the prepared sauce. All mix thoroughly and spread in a la carte dish. Top of the mix put fried chicken. In this case, the dish can be considered and as a salad, and the second with greens and fresh vegetables for garnish.

We will offer you several options for preparing the popular Caesar salad with chicken and croutons. Each of the proposed recipes simple to perform and does not require a search of complex ingredients.   "Caesar" - a universal dish, its components can be replaced and complement to your liking. For example, you can replace pine nuts walnuts, cherry tomatoes - just tomatoes and quail eggs - chicken. Fans can add raspberries or plums and gourmets - capers and arugula salad instead of the usual.

Undoubtedly, the great merit of this dish in the fact that he did not "heavy" for the digestive tract, even though that is not inferior to the traditional "Olivier" nutritionally. Do not forget that the long New Year's holidays, feast and fun are organized every day, and the figure continues to require a balanced diet. Suggested recipes (except make "Caesar" with the addition of mayonnaise) are not high in calories and, if necessary, can be adapted to many diet and system of proper nutrition. We wish you bon appetit and happy holidays!

 Top choices Caesar salad with chicken and crackers

Delicious "Caesar" with shrimp: detailed recipe and cooking tips

 Delicious "Caesar" with shrimp: detailed recipe and cooking tips


  • For the preparation of "Caesar's" prescription we need these ingredients
  • Preparation of salad

The highlight of any holiday table with a delicious Caesar salad with shrimp. This dish is a masterpiece of Italian cooking and variation has long been beloved by all Caesar salad. Thanks recipe using shrimp salad this option enchants tenderness and richness of its taste. Each hostess has its recipes, secrets and peculiarities of preparation of this dish. We offer a recipe Caesar salad with shrimp, which requires a minimum of effort and time. This article provides useful tips on cooking Caesar salad.

 Delicious "Caesar" with shrimp: detailed recipe and cooking tips
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For the preparation of "Caesar's" prescription we need these ingredients

  • large unpeeled shrimp - 700 grams.
  • fresh loaf or baguette - 200 gr. (can be replaced by a pack of crackers)
  • Quail eggs - 10 pcs., or 3-4 eggs,
  • cherry tomatoes - 9-10 pc., or 2-3 medium tomatoes,
  • half a lemon,
  • a bunch of green salad or mixed salad,
  • Parmesan or any other cheese varieties - 200 grams.
  • refined sunflower oil - 150 ml.,
  • Olive oil - 50 ml.,
  • 1 clove of garlic (for the preparation of crackers)
  • mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, salt, spices, herbs (for sauce).

 Delicious "Caesar" with shrimp: detailed recipe and cooking tips

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Preparation of salad

  1. Baton cut into small cubes (not thicker than 1, 5 cm) and uniformly spread out in a single layer on a baking sheet. Lightly sprinkle with sunflower oil and sprinkled with chopped garlic. Put everything in a preheated oven, do not forget from time to time to stir toast. Bake in the oven at medium heat for 10-15 minutes, until lightly browned croutons and crispy.

    The main thing - keep an eye on toast, that they are not scorched. We are pulling the pan and set aside aside to cool. Also crackers can be fried in oil and garlic in a conventional pan. Fry over medium heat should be about 3-5 minutes until golden brown, stirring constantly. If you do not have time to cook the toast, you can buy in stores are usually white crackers flavored sour cream or garlic. As we prepare not the usual "Caesar", and with the addition of shrimp, it is advisable to add the croutons flavored seafood or shrimp.

  2. For the preparation of dishes on the recipe, it is desirable to use a royal or tiger prawns, smaller species are less juicy and rich taste. Shrimps must first thaw completely. Next, fry the shrimp in sunflower oil on a strongly heated frying pan for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly.

    Very tasty they are also obtained if the cook them on the grill. Pulling out of shrimp oil, cool, clean and pickle in lemon juice with spices, salt, pepper and other spices to taste. Set aside half an hour to shrimp marinated properly.

  3. Good wash and boil quail eggs in salted water until cooked and allowed to cool. Clean and cut them in half. If necessary, quail eggs, you can easily replace conventional chicken (3-4 pcs.). In this case, more aesthetically pleasing to share them cut into slices.
  4. Lettuce leaves soaked in cold water for 15-20 minutes, it will allow him to keep longer crisp taste, fresh and attractive appearance. Then gently leaves get wet paper towel and tear into small pieces. It is very important is to tear the lettuce as a knife when cutting the leaves lose their flavor and quickly lose appearance.
  5. Prepare the sauce. Take 100 grams. mayonnaise and 50g. sweet (Dijon) mustard, add 100 ml of sunflower or olive oil, pepper, salt, seasoning and whisk in a blender until a thick homogenous. You can also add to the sauce chopped herbs (dill or parsley). Of course, if time and ability, mayonnaise, it is desirable to prepare, the recipe of which is a snap (Beat egg yolk, mustard, sunflower oil and lemon juice).
  6. Prepare the tomatoes. According to the recipe for a more delicate taste they must be scalded with boiling water and remove the skin. Cherry tomatoes can be replaced with conventional red tomatoes, diced.
  7. Take a nice big meal to feed our masterpiece and spread it torn lettuce leaves. Top the salad evenly pour half the sauce prepared in advance. Cut the tomatoes into 2 or 4 pieces and spread on the sauce with salad. Then lay the shrimp, sprinkling them on top of the marinade in which they were marinated. Sprinkle all the crackers and spread quail eggs.

    Pour all the remaining half of the prepared sauce. Sprinkle everything with grated parmesan cheese on a fine grater or any other hard cheese.

According to the recipe, Caesar salad can serve as a tiled layers and mix just before serving.

If guests a little, you can lay out a salad personally to each guest in a separate bowl. The dish turns out delicate, unusual and very tasty. Moreover, in addition to palatability, lettuce has bright and colorful appearance.

The ingredients for the sauce and Caesar salad can be prepared in advance and stored separately in a refrigerator . Spread the constituent layers is desirable immediately before the presentation of the guests as crackers soak after a while, become nehrustyaschimi and lettuce loses its taste.

 Delicious "Caesar" with shrimp: detailed recipe and cooking tips

Unusual dishes prawns

 Unusual dishes prawns


  • History prawns
  • Recipe fried shrimp with morels and curry
  • Recipe prawns with avocado sauce

Shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can cook them on the barbecue, cook, fry, bake ... If you've ever seen the whole shrimp and live, you know what it looks scary at first sight; but as soon as you remove it, "armor", you will find a delightful small pieces for culinary inspiration. The most remarkable quality - this is their versatility. One of the reasons why the shrimp have become so popular in the world - is that they are easy to replace in dishes other crustaceans.
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History prawns

Soft, sweet taste of shrimp goes well with almost all food, and they are so easy to prepare - no need to wait a long time until they Extinguishes, fry or boil.

Numerous sources inform that the ancient Greeks and Romans were very fond of "pink" sea inhabitants, preferring their lobsters and other types of shellfish. Most of the recipes shrimp originates from cookbooks IV-th or V-th century BC. The Greeks had a popular following recipe: they loved to cook prawns wrapped in fig leaves, and the Romans usually fried them, and sometimes eaten with honey glaze. The popularity of shrimp has only grown since ancient times, and today the recipes of these sea creatures are known worldwide.

 Unusual dishes prawns
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Recipe fried shrimp with morels and curry


  • 300 grams of fresh mushrooms (morels desirable)
  • 10 Art. l. butter (at room temperature),
  • ½ st. l. red curry paste,
  • 24 pcs. raw prawns,
  • 1 medium onion (chopped)
  • 1 tbsp. l. fresh parsley (chopped)
  • salt and pepper to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the morels. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add red curry paste and morels. Cook 1 minute. Increase the heat and simmer the mixture until almost all the liquid has evaporated (about 3 minutes). Put the resulting mushroom mixture into a small bowl and let cool completely. Add the remaining 6 tablespoons. l. Smorchkova oil mixture. Slightly prisolit and pepper.
  2. Using scissors, make a cut along the back of the shrimp and carefully, moving from head to tail, remove one by one chitin plates. You should also remove the intestinal vein and head.
  3. Preheat the roasting pan. Dip each shrimp in a morel sauce and curry and cook until it is translucent in the center (about 5-7 minutes). Coat evenly each shrimp curry paste and place in the microwave for a few seconds to melt a little curry.
  4. While preparing seafood, melt 2 tablespoons of the remaining oil and fry in a little oil, whole morels with onion until soft. Season with salt and pepper.
  5. Place the shrimp on heated plates and fried in oil, add the morels here also. Dishes prepared according to this recipe, decorate your table.

 Unusual dishes prawns

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Recipe prawns with avocado sauce

Creamy texture of ripe avocado creates the perfect icing for coconut rum marinated prawns. Follow the advice of this delicious recipe!


  • 500g prawns (peeled).

For the marinade:

  • ½ st. coconut rum,
  • 1 tbsp. l. sesame oil
  • 3 tbsp. l. coconut milk,
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey
  • 1 tbsp. l. chili sauce,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

For the cream of avocado:

  • 1 ripe avocado,
  • 3 tbsp. l. coconut milk,
  • 1/8 Art. powdered sugar,
  • ¼ Art. sour cream
  • 2 tbsp. l. fresh lime juice,
  • ½ st. toasted coconut (for garnish).

Cooking method:

  1. Mix well all the ingredients for the marinade. Pour the marinade in a shallow dish and add the shrimp. Make sure that each of them covered with the marinade. Place in the refrigerator and let them pomarinovatsya 30 minutes.
  2. Place the avocado and other ingredients for the cream in a food processor and blend until smooth. Let sit.
  3. Heat a dry skillet to medium size medium temperature. Add coconut and fry it until golden brown. Remove from heat and place in a shallow dish to cool it.
  4. Preheat oven roasting pan or grill. Remove the prawns from the marinade and spread on skewers. Do not pour the marinade. He needs to be watered during frying shrimp. Cook the shrimp for about 4 minutes on each side or until they porozoveyut.
  5. Remove the prawns ready to shpazhek, dip each in the cream of avocado, and then sprinkle with toasted coconut. Enjoy refined recipe of their loved ones!
 Unusual dishes prawns