Saturday, 23 January 2016

Music Brain

 Music Brain

Did you know that the brain of musicians working harmoniously than other people? It turns out that those who have mastered a musical instrument, a special form of thinking skills. If you are far from the music, do not be upset: learn how harmonious thinking everyone can. Just imagine that your brain - a piano, which has only eight keys. And to them, you can play any tune.

  1. Key № 1. Thought. From your thoughts depends more than you think. They affect the feelings, mood, and as a result of success or failure. Musicians are able to turn off the internal dialogue or change it so that it helps to adjust for a good performance. Shot down during the game, a good musician will not be tormented, and try to finish the melody correctly. The next time, when I started self-abasement, try to look at the situation detached. Yes, you made a mistake. But what to think about their blunders? Much more useful to focus on the outside world and to be fully involved in the process of the game.
  2. № 2. Key Values. If we draw an analogy with music, it is the mood of the whole piece of music. The main thing for a musician - to convey a certain feeling. Similarly, the values ​​- the main motive of human life, its meaning and mood. Try to understand what matters most to you. Throw away everything unnecessary. And most importantly, act in accordance with their values. This is the way to harmony.
  3. Key № 3. Body. Professional musicians know how to cope with anxiety before the concert. And the body - a great help in this case. After your condition depends on whether you go straight or bent posture, breathe deeply or often, smile or frown. By controlling the body, you will control the thoughts and moods. In addition, the musicians know that fingers "remember" the location of the notes. Similarly, your body will remember and automatically plays efficiencies.
  4. Key № 4. Perception. We see what we want to see. For example, if a musician is confident in the public unfavorably, he will see in the audience a lot of evidence of this: dissatisfied and bored faces, empty eyes, yawns. It should initially be adjusted to objectivity. Will this simple exercise: try to see the situation not only with my own eyes, but the eyes of the other participants, and then - through the eyes of an outside observer. Musicians know how to do very well. After all, they are constantly switching from one product to another and speak different musical languages.
  5. Key № 5. «Vi'denie." How do you see your future? You can concentrate on the dream? If you represent a clear picture, it is likely to achieve the desired. The fact is that the brain imagine action and do it in fact - is the same. So, you're already halfway to the target. Of course, in order to draw a picture, you need to think not in words and images. Do not hesitate, creative thinking - fad any musician.
  6. № 6. Key Objectives. People often think about what they do not want. But this is the wrong approach. To achieve something, you need to set themselves positive goals. Musicians to whom the task is always to improve their skills, give a lot of effort to succeed. They regularly practice and achieve their goals, and this is the path to the big dream.
  7. Key № 7. Emotions. Playing various musical works, the musicians easily switch from the emotions on the emotion. This skill can be mastered by everyone, but not everyone is trying. Man is able at any time to focus on any emotion. Imagine how nice to be able to turn off unconstructive feelings? For example, in a moment of irritation to switch from calm. The secret is simple: just click on the other "key": thoughts, body values.
  8. № 8. Key success. Musicians, achieving success, do not forget about it. They know that in the previous experiment, you can seek inspiration over and over again. But most people do not think about the past achievements when taking up a new business. But it is these memories help to tune in the desired way, to believe in themselves and apply the strategy that had once worked.

Scientific studies in recent years suggest that the human brain is very malleable and can change. So, it can be trained. You want to make it work as perfectly as the brain of the musician? Then boldly proceed with the exercises.

Based on the book "Brain Music" publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber".

 Music Brain

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