Friday, 15 January 2016

Forms of viral hepatitis

 Forms of viral hepatitis


  • Viral diseases HEPATITIS VIROSA
  • Viral hepatitis B and C

Viral hepatitis (HEPATITIS VIROSA) - an infectious disease causing damage and inflammation of the liver. The most common causative viruses - A, B, C.

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Different types of hepatitis have a similar clinical picture, but different sources of contamination, distribution, as well as the consequences of the disease. One of the symptoms of the disease is yellowing of the sclera eyes and skin, so the disease is sometimes called jaundice.

Hepatitis A is transmitted by fecal-household: raw water from contaminated sources, unwashed fruits and vegetables, contact with a person infected with hepatitis B, sharing a toilet and cooking utensils. Symptoms: malaise, weakness, nausea, vomiting, fever. After a few days the disease becomes latent phase and in the future are asymptomatic. The disease is widespread with the universal susceptibility, but the statistics of the disease greatly underestimated due to difficulties in diagnosis (disease often occurs in anicteric form).

Epidemics of hepatitis A occur, usually in groups of people united in one institution: a school, kindergarten, hospital. Severe damage to the liver cells, hepatitis A does not cause a qualitative and timely treatment comes a full recovery. Personal hygiene - the best prevention of hepatitis A, called "disease of dirty hands".

 Forms of viral hepatitis
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Viral hepatitis B and C

The disease is caused by a virus, the causative agent of type B is characterized by severe lesions of the liver cells. Because inflammatory cells are replaced by scar tissue, fibrosis begins to develop, which in turn leads to cirrhosis. The virus is transmitted sexually or through blood. Sexual transmission occurs through contact broken skin or mucous membranes of the body fluids of an infected person is a virus.

Infection via the blood can happen when using a common manicure tools, razors, needles, syringes. If you decide to get a tattoo or manicure, we must be sure that the master thoroughly disinfect all tools used. Possible infection with hepatitis B through blood transfusions. Domestic mode of transmission of the virus in the (common utensils, towels, kissing) is still possible, but if in the saliva of an infected person, an admixture of blood, in which case there is the risk of infection.

Hepatitis C, or "tender murderer" - the most insidious and serious form of viral hepatitis. Typically, the process of developing the disease goes unnoticed, and for many years a person may not even be aware that he was sick, yet dreaded virus does not manifest itself. The disease becomes apparent only at the time of occurrence of liver cancer or cirrhosis. Infection occurs through blood (approximately 2% of blood donors are carriers of the hepatitis C virus), through unprotected sex, sharing needles when using (a lot of patients with hepatitis among drug addicts). Infection can occur during a session of piercing, manicure or dentist.

In many cases, viral hepatitis prevention is better than cure. To prevent the disease is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, avoid contact with the blood of an infected person, sexual intercourse with untested partners should take place only with the use of a condom.

 Forms of viral hepatitis

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