- The consequences of a lack of vitamin B9 during pregnancy
- Which contains and how to take B9
- For more information about vitamin B9
- Contraindications B9
- Medications containing B9
Today the number of people who are deficient in vitamin B9, is not precisely defined. Some scientists believe that there are about 20% of the total population, while others voiced figure of 100%. Meanwhile, B9, also called folic acid is essential for the development and functioning of the body.
Folic acid is especially important during pregnancy.
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The consequences of a lack of vitamin B9 during pregnancy
The absence or lack of B9 can lead to serious violations of the fetus, such as:
- the absence of a brain;
- hydrocephalus;
- delay physical and mental development;
- defects of the spine;
- the premature termination of pregnancy;
- encephalocele;
- stillbirth.
It might seem like a lack of vitamin A can lead to such disastrous consequences, because the bowels of a healthy person produces a small amount of self-B9? Yes it is. But the pregnancy - is a kind of stress on the body, during which the need for folic acid increases significantly.
The role of vitamin A in this case is difficult to overestimate it actively participates in the formation of the placenta, affects cell division fruit promotes the formation of nucleic acids, from which in turn depends on the transmission of hereditary traits. The use of folic acid is directly related to the normalization of blood formation and the formation of the important components of the blood - platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells. If a pregnant woman feels pain in the legs, suffering from depression, anemia and toxemia - there is a lack of B9.
With slight deficiency of vitamin may disturb the mother-fainting, irritability, hair loss and loss of appetite. Regular is a lack of folic acid, leading to severe forms of the deficit threatens to diarrhea, severe problems with immunity, the appearance of sores in the mouth.
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Which contains and how to take B9
At the first appearance of these signs every pregnant woman should consult a specialist. Perhaps the doctor receiving the recommended tools eliminate the unpleasant symptoms and will reduce the risk of fetal abnormalities to zero. But you can not forget about folic acid and in everyday life. Often women do not realize for a long time about her pregnancy, and learn about the appearance of the baby at the time when the internal organs of the fetus tab occurred.
As established scientists, the process begins with 16 days after conception. Mortgaging the neural tube, from which the correct development depends entirely on the psychological and physical health of the child. And to the formation of the neural tube is proceeding normally, you need folic acid. Experts recommend starting the drug is still in the planning conception. In such a case, and the time of conception and during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother will be fully provided B9.
In order to maintain the necessary level of folic acid during pregnancy, except for complex vitamins need to eat foods that contain this important component. The very name of vitamin speaks for itself - "folium" is translated from Latin as a "sheet". So, and B9 contained in plant foods. Most of it in Brussels sprouts, flour, meal, green peas, broccoli and avocado. Marked by a high percentage of folic acid in leafy greens - lettuce, onions, spinach and parsley, in the pulp and juice of citrus fruits, asparagus, melons, apricots, beans and pumpkins. Taking drugs on the basis of yeast, you can make up for a lack of vitamin B9.
People who use herbal products in small quantities, often are deficient in folic acid. This is due to the fact that animal products, it almost does not occur. The largest amount of vitamin noted in the liver, and meat, fish, poultry and cheese its content is negligible. Therefore, if you are not a follower of vegetarian cuisine, and the emphasis is on meat food, you must observe certain rules and to take additional vitamin preparations.
If we talk about what the rate of folic acid during pregnancy, everything here depends on the health of the expectant mother. If you need child-bearing organism increases by 2 times. If a pregnant woman there are different kinds of problems or a lack of the vitamin, the daily dose can grow in 2 more times.
In any case, the right amount prescribed by a doctor. We should not be afraid of such large numbers - an overdose during pregnancy can occur only when a person takes more than 25 vitamin pills a day. Even if you accidentally drink and a few tablets more than recommended by your doctor, the entire surplus safely bring the body naturally.
In some cases, folic acid during pregnancy should be taken in high doses? These are factors such as:
- diseases that prevent absorption of acid during pregnancy, or enhancing its elimination;
- the risk of the formation of the neural tube abnormalities of the fetus in pregnant women with diabetes and epilepsy;
- the presence of genetic diseases and pathologies;
- toxicosis;
- gastrointestinal disease.
The above reasons are responsible for the increase in the daily requirement of vitamin B9 2-3 tablets.
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For more information about vitamin B9
During pregnancy, the need as carefully monitor your health, paying attention not only consumed the food, but also to take the drug. So do not be superfluous information about folic acid during pregnancy. You should know that:
- During gestation baby excretion of vitamin from the body much faster as a result of hard work of the urinary system.
- Drinking strong tea promotes the excretion of folic acid.
- The number to use vitamins should be increased when taking the following medications: antacids "Fosfalyugel" and "Almagel" estrogens, zinc supplements, anticonvulsants "phenytoin" and "carbamazepine".
- In addition to the formation of internal organs and cells of the fetus during pregnancy folic acid is consumed in the maintenance and restoration of nearly 70 trillion cells in the body of the future mother.
- Since the baby is transferred to acid during pregnancy and then when feeding breast milk, its deficiency in the mother can lead to a deficiency in the body of the child.
- For the dosage of folic acid in fruits and vegetables preserved to the maximum extent, they should be eaten raw or steamed.
- When planning the conception complex with vitamin B9 should take not only the woman. Folic acid has a positive effect on sperm, greatly increasing their activity. Therefore, vitamin man greatly increase the chance of rapid and healthy conception.
- Prior to the time of pregnancy the dosage B9 is totally dependent on the habits and lifestyle of the couple. Of great importance are the following factors: what food and what amount of alcohol consumed man and a woman take any medicines or contraceptives have any digestive problems.
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Contraindications B9
Speaking about the benefits of folic acid, it is impossible not to mention its shortcomings. Just as with all drugs, B9 has contraindications. They are:
- allergic diseases and asthma (non-compliance with certain rules vitamin can lead to life-threatening bronchospasm);
- folic acid may enhance the growth of cancer cells, so it is strictly forbidden to use in oncology;
- B9 is the proliferation of renal tubular epithelium, so its intake is contraindicated in patients with pyelonephritis and renal failure;
- in some cases, individual reactions occur on administration of drugs with Q9: nausea, vomiting, insomnia, abdominal pain and cramps, and diarrhea. In this case, the need and dosage determined by the physician;
- not recommended intake of vitamin B9 deficiency of vitamin B12, as folic acid neutralizes the absorption of B12, thereby worsening the condition of the body.
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Medications containing B9
Today, many products produced, including in its membership folic acid. The most convenient form for the application considered pure acid tablets, each tablet containing 1 mg of substance. In order to maintain the normal functioning of the body, it is sufficient to take such pills daily. Also, drugs are presented in pharmacies "Folacin" and "Folio". The concentration of vitamin B9 in the first very large, so its use is indicated only during pregnancy with severe deficiency of acid, and the second drug can also be used for prevention.
Also folic acid is found in such medicines as "Eleven", "Materna" Pregnavit "," Multi-tabs perinatal "" Vitrum prenatal forte "and other multi-vitamin complexes for pregnant women. The dose of vitamin is low, so it is usually recommended for the prevention of B9 deficiency.
If you are planning to conceive or are already expecting the birth of a baby during pregnancy, do not neglect the intake of vitamin B9. Folic acid - an important component of both your health and the health of the unborn child. Follow expert advice and your pregnancy will take place in joy expectations of a new member of the family, without causing discomfort and anxiety.
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