Sunday, 10 January 2016

How to remove the scum in a teapot, using folk remedies

 How to remove the scum in a teapot, using folk remedies


  • Use vinegar
  • Additional measures

Scale - a plaque from the salts, minerals, metal particles which are dissolved in hard water. Depending on whether you water, scum is accumulated on the dishes is faster or slower. Here, even the most expensive and good filters are not saved. Over time, more and more every woman sees white flakes in water, rusty or whitish coating on the electric kettle and even a spiral can be covered with a layer of stone plaque. This means that it is time to clean the kettle.

Remove scum teapot can be tools that are produced by the chemical industry - a lot of them. But there are also traditional methods based on the use of available tools and products.

Use vinegar

How to remove limescale in the kettle using vinegar? Memorable way:

  • Pour the vinegar into the kettle, diluted with water - stick to a ratio of 1: 1. Turn on the kettle and let the mixture boil. Once cooled, it can be discharged. Be sure to thoroughly wash and rinse kettle after this procedure;
  • Clear kettle from scale and can make a mixture, which contains vinegar and baking soda. These products have in every kitchen. So, you need to fill the kettle with vinegar and pour a tablespoon of baking soda. Will effervescent fluid. Once the reaction is complete, you can include a kettle and boil the liquid. Very well, this method operates on a rusty plaque;
  • Vinegar can be used in pure form, but this applies only to steel pots - plastic spoiled by acid. By the way, with metal pots easiest way to remove scale. Early enough to wipe the inside of a cloth soaked in vinegar.

Knowing how to clean the scum in a teapot with the help of vinegar, you can not buy any questionable products of the chemical industry. The main thing is not to start the process, but at least once a week to carry out a general cleaning.

 How to remove the scum in a teapot, using folk remedies

Additional measures

But vinegar - this is not the only option descaling. For example, citric acid - a great product that is able to clean the coil in an electric kettle. It just pour a glass of water, pour it in a bag of acid and give the mixture to boil. Citric acid will help remove the stone plaque.

Descaling help and soda - you can just clean the surface with a sponge. Clean the kettle should be careful, do not use metal brushes - they can damage the surface. By the way, soda and remove plaque and conduct disinfection of the walls. And soda can be used with the potato peelings. This method has been known for a long time and tested by several generations. Brushing this way tea is perfectly safe for health - no chemicals. Remove scum in a teapot help isolated from scrapings starch. It should do the following:

  • Rinse thoroughly with clean;
  • Finely chop them - for example, cubes;
  • Fold in the kettle - they should take full;
  • Pour water to cover the cleaning;
  • Add two tablespoons of baking soda;
  • Including tea and let boil;
  • This is followed by all the drain, running water to clean the surface of the walls and rinse thoroughly;
  • Now we pour clean water and boil again. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times, so that the water did not have the taste of soda and starch;
  • By the way, soda helps remove rust and, in the event that it quite a bit.

Of course, it is better to use purified water for drinking. But even the most modern filter can not rule out the emergence of scale. After all, the water contains various impurities, the filter simply "does not notice." If the question is how to remove the scum in a teapot has disappeared, and now have only the choice of the people's resources, the efficiency can distribute them like this:

  • Soda and Vinegar - even remove rust and clean the walls of the stone deposits;
  • Citric acid - it is good to clean the coil at the bottom of the kettle;
  • Clean the inside of the kettle from scale and light rust soda helps with potato peelings.

Stick regularity. Clean the kettle once a week, then the process will not take much time and effort. It is much easier just to rinse the dishes under running water and a little baking soda to clean it, than to suffer, stuffy removing scum.

 How to remove the scum in a teapot, using folk remedies

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