- The physical development of the child
- Neuropsychological development
- How to develop a child: the rules for moms
- How to help your child develop the desire?
Age two years - this is one of the most challenging and exciting periods in that time formed the physical and psychological development of the child, he begins to actively learn about the world. Kids two years are very curious, mobile, they turn into these little companions, who have their own opinions, to demonstrate their nascent character. At this age it is necessary to ensure proper development, which will be the basis for further growth and the formation of the baby.
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The physical development of the child
Two years - this is the age when children begin to actively grow and gain weight. For boys, the average height is about 88 cm, weight - 12, 7 kg for girls weight - about 12, 2 kg and height - 86 cm. Kids grow pretty quickly, after only a few months, these figures could rise.
Children under two years are very mobile, they begin to run and jump, happy to play outdoor games. Child strives to 2 years not only running, but also to overcome small obstacles up to 20 cm. It is necessary to encourage the baby to move more but him should be closely monitored, as children aged two years simply unpredictable!
Parents should be encouraged at this time and the independence of the child, he should begin to dress himself partially, for example, wear a hat, shoes without laces, tights. Do not rush the kid, just quietly several times show him yourself, how to do it at the age of two years, the children are very clever.
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Neuropsychological development
Two years - the time when the baby begins to perceive the logic surrounding it. He knows a simple story can express their own thoughts in small sentences of three or four words using nouns and adjectives. Many children in two or three years do tell small poems, sing songs.
It is important to encourage the child's independence, he should begin to hold a spoon, cup, learning to produce a series of logical simple steps. This applies to build pyramids with colored elements, playing dice, drawing. This will properly develop the mentality of children, laying an excellent foundation for further comprehensive development.
Proper diet and daily routine
Child development - it is also an attentive control of his health. It is important in the early years of his life to make the right diet, which should be all you need for a growing body. For the baby is now necessary in the day about a thousand calories. Regardless of appetite, we should strive to give food four or five times a day, so that in between meals takes about three to four hours.
Parents year-old children, it is important to teach children to chew food on their own to hold a spoon, gently eat, drink from a cup. Required for baby fruits and vegetables, cut into manageable pieces, soups, liquid porridge.
It is important to start at the age of two years to teach a child to the daily routine. The kid should gradually get used to sleep and eat at a certain time, which provides a full and proper rest, good appetite. At this age, a child should rest about 12-13 hours, so it should be put to bed in the evening and during the day at certain hours. Happy enough to sleep up to two and a half hours.
Do not try to make a child of 3 years to a regime of force, it is best to make it clear to him in a playful way. Having read the day you need to wash, brushing teeth, combing. Next - breakfast, walks or games and so on. Be sure to teach a child to personal hygiene, show that it is necessary to wash hands before eating, after walking outdoors.
Be sure children are beginning to show the second year of such doctors as a pediatrician and a dentist to monitor the health of the baby.
Skills for a child aged two years
In children two years of age should be certain skills that are gradually developing. Among them, it should be noted as follows:
- the ability to walk, run, jump, balance, kicking the ball;
- the ability to draw the line, cut paper, build a tower out of blocks. At this time already clearly visible, right-handed or left-handed baby. Remember that this is not a disease that you can fix it! Do not try to forcibly re-educate the child, the first time closely watching him try to clarify why he was holding a pencil or a spoon in his left hand, consult the attending pediatrician.
In addition, children aged 2-3 years should respond to music, sing simple tunes, perform simple request to repeat rhymes, know about two hundred words. Kids at this age need to be very active, seek to understand the world around us, which is often expressed in the desire to break down or take apart toys. Do not scold the child, just try to explain to him why it is not necessary to do so.
In 2-3 years, your child should be able to:
- himself to wash their hands, brush your teeth (with the help of a parent or under supervision), potty;
- to hold a spoon, cup, eat, pack;
- mimic the behavior of their parents, trying to help around the house.
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How to develop a child: the rules for moms
To the child's development was correct, it is necessary to clearly define what it is in this age should learn a kid. We offer simple advice to mothers, as much as possible to direct the development of your children, to lay a solid foundation for further development of full-fledged personality.
The development of children under the age of two years - is primarily a memory improvement, development of logic, perception of the world. Do not just give your child challenges, start small, gradually drawing attention to the more serious and difficult tasks. Learn by heart poems, songs, engaged in light physical activity, teach the baby to draw and read.
In two years, the baby is very active, he likes to run, crawl, jump, and he needs the help. Proper physical development should include the games with the ball, learning to keep balance squats, jumping, swimming. The child is very susceptible to such pursuits, taking them for the usual games. And it allows you to strengthen the body, to make it tougher.
Already at this time is important to the development of the spine, arms and legs of the child, it is recommended to gradually teach him to do in the morning gymnastics. Engage with him running, go to the children's pool, in the park, where you can frolic, combining it with exciting games.
Artistic development and articulation: Challenges and successes
For parents, when the child is 2-3 years, it is important to begin to develop the kids in art direction. This does not mean that we should just expect him to tremendous results, but to learn to draw, to perceive music, to be able to sculpt very important. It not only develops motor skills, but also teaches the child to do the assessment. In 2-3 years, the child must be able to understand what is funny or sad music, sounds, which publishes the birds and animals, feel the rhythm.
At this time, the musical development includes basic dance movements that teach baby coordination.
More walk with the child, children begin to learn about the world, answer questions, display and call the names of objects and plants around them. For a child of 2-3 years are interested in everything from a simple flower and ending road markings. Therefore it is necessary to orient it correctly, tell how to behave correctly on the road, why should not break and tear just like plants.
In relation to the surrounding objects, teach your child the concepts of "high-low", "near-far" color recognition. Age 2-3 years - this is the most exciting time when children have a wide, eventful world, show it to the kids with the right hand!
The proper development of children's speech in two years includes constant communication, it is not just storytelling and conversation while walking, but also to discuss the same tales after reading, guessing riddles, learning of new words and concepts. Do not forget to walk and during the game to give the kid a new information, enabling the child to asking questions, but be prepared for the answer!
To develop the articulation of 2-3 years, begin to play with the baby in different educational games, teaching him blow out the candles, make bubbles in the water. Do not hesitate to build a child faces, teach him onomatopoeia.
General and fine motor skills, sensory
For children two years, it is important to already have basic skills motility. Development should already include the ability to keep things to draw, to engage in molding, finger gymnastics to catch small objects out of the water, turn on and off the faucet. It is necessary to gradually accustom children to more complex movements, which engaged them in painting, various games with small items, applique.
Video games learn to tie shoelaces in various nodes, shifting beads, omit items in the narrow bottle, under the supervision of an adult to cut vegetables, cut paper figures difficult. At the same time recommended on the sensory exercises, that is, recognition of invoices subject, its recognition, for example, the game is pulled out of the bag and guessing things. In 2-3 years the child is interested.
Communication with peers, child domestic skills
At the age of 2-3 years is necessary socialization of the child, instilling his domestic skills. During this period, children learn to care for themselves, thus not only to wash and brush the hair, but also to clear the table, dress, close to three years - independently put their clothes start to help around the house (as far as possible to water the plants, feed pet, dust, wash the fruit or vegetables).
Now it is necessary to teach the child to communicate with their peers, which is very important. For children three years, the ability to speak normally, play with their peers helps in future to communicate with people around him. Children learn to empathize, to regret, to rejoice. For the mental development is very important, you can not keep the child in a vacuum from the other children on the grounds that it might fall, get hurt - all this, on the contrary, is essential for its development.
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How to help your child develop the desire?
Child development at age two can not pass by itself, require proper support and direction of their parents. Do not blame the kid for his constant blunders or praise. Stimulate his interest, but do not encourage laziness. Strive to do what the kid interested. If he does not like painting, try to take his modeling, something else, but do not throw it.
Educational games and training should be at the age of two years, to present in the form of an entertaining game to the children themselves wanted it. Be sure to engage in the development of motor skills, correct articulation, to accustom the baby to the daily routine hygiene. Remember that children at this age already have their own opinion, they should not be "break to pieces", learn to listen to your child, too.
Two or three years - this is the period when the mother and the child begin to learn each other's baby at the same time also perceives the world, he learns to navigate it, to communicate with others. Learn with your child and learn the world through his eyes, be considerate and patient!
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