Saturday, 5 September 2015

Feeding habits of young children

 Feeding habits of young children


  • Errors in the diet of children
  • The basic principles of supply
  • What is the child's varied diet?
  • Diet child after a year

Due to the fact that children are quite fast growing and developing, young mothers have to adapt all the time. And in diet the child as he matures, changes occur. Every month the baby's digestive system is improved, increased enzymatic activity, improved mouthfeel, increased capacity of the stomach (to reduce the number of feedings at the same time increasing the single dose).

By the end of the first year of life in children already have, as a rule, 6-8 teeth, which allows not only to swallow, and chew. These factors make it possible to diversify the child's diet after a year. And to bring the baby food to taste, texture and composition of food adults.
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Errors in the diet of children

Often when feeding children, crossed the one-year mark, the typical adult admit mistakes. Some moms year-old kid immediately begin to feed them with food intended for adults. Others continue to puree food to feed the children of 2-3 years of age. Both in one and in another case the power will be inferior. The transition from breast-feeding and mushy food to a full-fledged adult food should be gradual and include a "transitional meal."

Since ages 1 to 2 years masticatory apparatus are not yet fully developed (at this age, typically only start to appear posterior teeth), the food should be soft, not hard and dry, but at the same time not be pyurirovannoy . Meat of children from 1 to 1, 5 years give ground in the form of pudding, steam cutlets. Vegetables and fruits are finely grated. Older children (when they start to sprout molars) already have the meaning given food that requires chewing active.

 Feeding habits of young children
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The basic principles of supply

For the full power of the child is necessary to observe the following principles. Food should be of high quality, meet the calorie needs and to ensure the daily supply of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts.

Protein - basic building material. At this age, insufficient intake of proteins adversely affects the growth and development of the child. The daily collection rate of proteins in the age of 1-3 years is 30-40 g per day. At the same time 2/3 of protein should be of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products), and a third protein to be of plant origin (nuts, legumes).

Fats - one of the energy sources. With them come (and better absorbed) vitamins A, D, E and K. easily digestible sources of fats are fish oils, fats found in egg yolk, milk fat (butter, dairy products).

Carbohydrates - are involved in the metabolism of proteins and fats, are easily absorbed by the child's body. The daily rate of carbohydrates in the age of 1-3 years leaves about 130-200 of the main sources of carbohydrates at this age should be grains, fruits, vegetables, bread. Precautions must be treated to sugar, t. To. Its overabundance of negative impact on the health of the child.

Vitamins - regulate metabolic processes in the body. Due to the enormous influence they have on the health of the child, you must pay special attention to the quantity and quality of fruit and vegetables consumed daily child (because fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins). And should seek to ensure that the child on the table there were vegetables and fruits grown in the area where the child lives, and the relevant season.

Minerals - building element of cells and tissue fluids, and at the same time they regulate metabolism. Minerals found in plant and animal foods, so it is necessary to diversify the child's diet these products.

Water. The body of the child after a year to 85% water. The daily need of the child in the water is about 90 ml. 1 kg weight. In addition to water at this age can be eaten stewed, broth hips, tea, after a year and a half - cocoa.

 Feeding habits of young children
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What is the child's varied diet?

It can be concluded that the child needs to provide rich and varied diet. Scientifically proven that by eating a combination of a variety of products, some nutrients are absorbed better. The daily menu of the child need to be of the products included in the 7 major groups: 1. Milk and milk products. 2. Meat and meat products, fish, eggs. 3. Vegetable and dairy fats. 4.Hleb, flour, cereals. 5. Legumes. 6.Ovoschi. 7.Frukty.

For the health of the child requires that the daily diet consisted of foods from all seven groups. But do not assume that every day should be consumed all of the products. For example, two times a week, the meat should be excluded. It can be replaced by other products containing animal proteins: eggs, dairy products, fish. This is considered to be a varied diet.

A child at an early age to get used to a variety of foods and flavors to taste preferences were not only to a limited number of products, t. To. It entails the danger of one-sided and monotonous food.
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Diet child after a year

The most complete absorption of nutrients contained in the food is only possible in compliance with a rational diet . It provides a physiologically reasonable number of feedings during the day, the intervals between them. Special research we identified - the most optimal for the child's body intervals between feedings at least 4 hours. If this interval children are still some food (sweets, biscuits, sweets, milk), the excitability of the alimentary center braked, and the next feeding a child loses appetite.

The stomach is also exempt from food for at least 4 hours. With smaller intervals between feedings food adopted in the previous and the new feeding, it fills the stomach, which is very bad for the digestion. Young children recommend to comply with the 4-hkratny feeding regime, combining this with other moments of the regime's (sleep, play, walks).

The most appropriate diet for infants mode is 4 times the power at 4-hchasovom interval between feedings and uniform distribution of food between feedings, both in quantity and ratio of essential nutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates).

Organisational aspects

When feeding young children need to ensure a calm environment, directing the attention of the child to eat. You can not distract him by talking, singing, games and violently forced him to eat the amount of food that you think best for him. At this age, a child should be taught hygiene and cultural skills, to teach him to eat on their own.

Food is a little child shall be made of high-quality products. Meals should be varied, palatable and have an attractive, warm, must be submitted in a beautiful children's instruments. All this stimulates the appetite of the child. And all that is eaten with gusto and assimilated much better.

 Feeding habits of young children

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