Thursday, 10 September 2015

Pregnancy Week 38: signs, symptoms, ultrasound

 Pregnancy Week 38: signs, symptoms, ultrasound

This week, vernix was much smaller. The child lost lanugo. Before birth every day he puts on weight about 30 grams, his intestines completely filled waste of life.

Pregnancy Week 38: uzi. Kid continues intensively to prepare for the birth and life outside the womb. It remains quite a bit of time before his birth.

Now the baby weighs about 3100, at length - about 35 centimeters.

Pregnancy Week 38: symptoms. If you have this second birth, they are likely to begin any day. For longer than that perehazhivaet only 5% of multiparous mothers. Many women over these contractions may feel false. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish between them, they can be as strong as the real contractions. How to distinguish them? Very simple. False contractions usually stop when moving, whereas these are continuing in any position.

Pregnancy Week 38: signs. Many women at this stage of experiencing a feeling as if from the lower abdomen to the feet of an electrical current runs. This is caused by grazing nerve trunks is lowered deeper into the pelvis of the fetus.

 Pregnancy Week 38: signs, symptoms, ultrasound

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