Thursday, 10 September 2015

Pregnancy Week 35: signs, symptoms, ultrasound

 Pregnancy Week 35: signs, symptoms, ultrasound

In this period the walls of a water room begin to embarrass the kid, very soon it will start to fall. In the meantime, continued development and improvement of all its internal organs. Still continue leaving fatty tissue, notably in the area of ​​okoloplechevoy.

Pregnancy Week 35: uzi. This week the baby's fingernails have grown to the tips. His shoulders are more round and soft. Starting this week, your baby will gain about 220 grams each week. Lanugo winding down with him.

For the thirty-fifth week the baby weighs about 2550g. Length - about 33 centimeters.

Pregnancy Week 35: symptoms. In this period it is time to think about leaving on maternity leave. Woman becomes difficult to breathe and eat. The reason for this - crushing chest stomach. Therefore, we recommend split meals: slowly and with few interruptions.

As often as possible rest, to avoid edema, do not stand or sit for long periods in one position. Now is the time to attend courses for women in childbirth.

Pregnancy Week 35: signs. This week may be some difficulty with sleep. Many women in this period starts to bother as the frequent urge to urinate, and pain in the back. It is the nature thus prepares you for the future of sleepless nights. To cope with insomnia, try to drink less fluid before bed and during the day - do not bother hard work.

 Pregnancy Week 35: signs, symptoms, ultrasound

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