Thursday, 10 September 2015

Pregnancy Week 34: signs, symptoms, ultrasound

 Pregnancy Week 34: signs, symptoms, ultrasound

At this stage of pregnancy layer vernix is ​​even more abundant. Placental hormones continue to strengthen maternal breast milk production. To build their bones baby continues to have calcium.

If deliveries came in this period, the child would not have considered premature and born prematurely. The difference lies in the lung tissue and the overall maturity of the fruit. Unlike premature infants prematurely born babies are breathing on their own and do not require any intensive care.

Pregnancy Week 34: uzi. Fat layer becomes thicker, it is now energy-intensive white fat is about 8% of the weight of the fetus, making the skin become more baby pink and smooth. For the thirty-fourth week, he had dropped almost the entire embryo guns, and the hair on the head have become more dense.

Your child is a little older, and by this time weighs about 2, 250 g Its length from crown to rump is approximately 32 centimeters.

Pregnancy Week 34: symptoms. Braxton Hicks contractions for the thirty-fourth week becomes more regular. A woman's body continues to prepare for childbirth. Women are increasingly experiencing cramping sensations that first appear in the upper part of the uterus is then distributed down and calm down. Do not confuse these cuts to these prenatal contractions. Afraid is only in the case if at this period water broke. Then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pregnancy Week 34: signs. At this stage of pregnancy, many women experience an irresistible urge to sleep. Now the main thing for you - safeguard yourself from excessive irritability and stress, maintain a positive emotional background and positive mood.

 Pregnancy Week 34: signs, symptoms, ultrasound

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