Monday, 14 September 2015

Review beauty studio "a priori"

"A priori" - it's an amazing place where you can not just put in order the hair, nails, face, and a massage (in this service, I will focus in more detail, as I consider myself already a professional client of and practically the first movements of the master can identify help Do I massage it or not, but more on that later!).

Apriori Beauty Center - a place where rest the soul, it does not feel like a client, here you feel a loved one because the atmosphere that reigns around you during the procedure, the session is so friendly and caring that words can not describe, it only needs to feel.

 Review beauty studio "a priori"


In the "a priori" are only qualified professionals with extensive experience. For Hair stylists came my mother, as she made an unsuccessful haircut in a nearby barber shop. After consultation with the master of the "a priori" and correcting hairstyle, Mom looked stunning. As for me, I'm wearing long hair, take care of that tell you straight - is not easy.

Haircut hot scissors just do. Once every three or four months crop the tips and master working with my bangs. Of course, the cost of this service is available not for everyone, but if you want to let a long and healthy hair that will not split and break, it is best to do a haircut hot scissors, which have a therapeutic effect. After such a haircut:

  • Visually hair healthy and beautiful.
  • All the moisture in the balance remains there as a hair is sealed by heat.
  • No posechennyh and forked tip, and as a consequence the hair does not break down.
  • The hair becomes manageable.

 Review beauty studio "a priori"

Eyelash Extensions

Unfortunately, I, like many girls, nature cheated thick long eyelashes. But how do you want to have a distinctive and attractive look. Naturally, all festivals, both public and private, do build cilia in the "a priori". In the studio, beauty professionals work fine, they are available in the language of the client, tell us what are the types of capacity, there are some effects. Moreover, it is recommended that the best fit, so the client after the procedure did not look ridiculous.

Materials (cilia, glue) Only the VIP class. Once cilia backfilled, experts will tell how to properly care for the donor lashes so that they last longer. When I master in the "a priori" increasing eyelashes, I have not rented 4 weeks (correction do not do), as they hold great. Of course, everything depends on the materials used specialists, but the experience is very important.

 Review beauty studio "a priori"

Massage - effective way to get rid of migraines

For several years, plagued by severe migraine attack because a pinched nerve, today it is quite urgent problem. As you know, with this illness is recommended held twice a year, special massages, but a skilled masseur hard to find. Believe me, I looked for a long time until after the next cut and migraines that plagued it in that day has not come by accident to the masseur in the "a priori". Already two sessions took place (on 10) at the salon professionals. Of course, this first-class master of his craft, because just a couple of minutes after the beginning of the session the headache began to retreat and the completion of the office I went to a new person.

I like the simple beauty studio client the "a priori" completely unknown as a guide picks experts, because a service I would not have used, the result is always of the highest quality. Thank you very much to all the staff, master!

Inna Malinin

 Review beauty studio "a priori"

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