Monday, 9 March 2015

The royal ear: prescriptions Fisherman

 The royal ear: prescriptions Fisherman


  • Necessary ingredients
  • Useful tips

Aromatic ear. In this phrase all the taste of a memorable dinner at the stake prepared even in the pioneer camp. Tasty ear associated with a cauldron, campfire and songs with a guitar, but this fish dish can be cooked at home, if you follow the recipe and the necessary ingredients to stock up.

So: how to cook soup from a pike, if proved, and the fire in the house, but there are a great desire to create a true culinary delights? Everything is very simple!

 The royal ear: prescriptions Fisherman
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Necessary ingredients:

  • Meat pike - 1 kg
  • Potato average - about 5 pieces
  • Carrots - 2 pieces
  • Onions - 2-3 pc
  • Of rice - ½ cup
  • Green - 1 bunch (parsley - sure, dill - to taste)
  • Bay leaves - 4-5 pc
  • Lemon - 2-3 slices
  • Salt, pepper, ginger - on personal preferences

How to cook soup from pike so that all the refined taste and aroma are combined in a spicy, very tasty and memorable song? Memorize!

  1. The fish is cleaned of scale, gut, remove the gills (if used in the preparation of fish heads). Fillet cut into pieces about 2 cm thick. The fish is put in a pot, cover with water (3, 5 l).
  2. Vegetables Peel. 1 whole onion in a saucepan put the water to boil. Add half of the green, bay leaves, ginger.
  3. For convenience, proceed as follows: after the fish boil - give it boil for 10 minutes. Remove the pike, let it cool down, to separate the meat from the bones. (fish heads and tails left in the pan).
  4. Potatoes and carrots cut into slices, onion - diced. Fry all in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  5. Roasted vegetables and add the washed rice entrée. Cook for 10-15 minutes.
  6. The meat separated from the bones, put them into a pot, add salt, pepper, green residues. Cook a few more minutes until done.
  7. Remove from heat, add the lemon, cover and let stand 10 minutes, then remove the lemon, otherwise it will give bitterness.
  8. Serve hot, seasoned sour cream and chopped parsley.

This is the recipe of soup, following that, you get a real culinary masterpiece.

Ear - incredibly easy, dietary dishes and freshwater fish - just a storehouse of essential amino acids and proteins.

 The royal ear: prescriptions Fisherman

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Useful tips

Cooking fish soup - a delicate matter, and know a couple of tricks you just need to:

  1. It is better to take 2-3 small pike, rather than one big one. Youngsters do not have another taste of river silt, which is inherent in the adult fish.
  2. Fish head - not mandatory, but desirable attribute of any soup. If the ear boiled fish heads - it will have a bright golden color, the required percentage of fat and dense, full-bodied flavor.
  3. Better use of pepper - it gives greater spicy notes of the dish.
  4. Parsley goes well with fish dishes, smoothing the "haunting" fishy aftertaste.
  5. If the ear is calculated only for adults, it is advisable to add to the pot 50 grams of vodka - will not affect on the flavor, but it will give rich flavor tint each ingredient.
  6. Potatoes should be taken for as long as consumers and the amount of water for the soup is easy to calculate: 0, 5 liters per 1 person. Note and the percentage of water that is boiled out. "Shortage" will need to be replenished, adding water.

Ear pike - a perfect diet meal that is not only perfectly nourishes, but does not have a negative impact on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, and the meat of pike does not bear the load on the liver and pancreas. People who care about their health, should not indulge in such tasty and, most importantly, healthy dishes.

Ear - dish "field" and cook it in the nature does not take much. Avid fishermen often do not cook fish soup with rice and millet with. The taste of this soup can not be forgotten, because the wheat gives the dish a gentle tone. Who, if not the fisherman to know how to cook a delicious and hearty soup?

And you follow this simple recipe, and all of your guests, friends and relatives do not get tired of praising your culinary skills and even asked a second plate-additives. Bon Appetit!

 The royal ear: prescriptions Fisherman

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