Each of us wants to be slim and beautiful, but it happens that in the exercise have neither the time nor the energy, compliance with strict diets complicated schedule of life and a craving for good food, but we still want to make your body perfect. To help in such cases comes to cellulite massage of the abdomen and other parts of the body, which tighten the skin and removes unevenness of adipose tissue.
Doing it yourself is possible, it does not require any sophisticated equipment, also simple to perform. Of course, in pure form, it will not be a panacea for fat accumulation, exercise and diet revision is still needed. But, as often happens, the first action for myself may entail a full range of changes.
How do anti-cellulite massage
Note that the most impressive results can be achieved if you do a massage on an empty stomach, then you get a deep study of the muscles. Be careful, the habit after the first treatment area may be ill treated, also may have small bruises. Do not worry, it shows the quality of the massage, but in this case it is necessary to carefully regulate the pressure.
Before the study of the techniques, you must do several things. First of all it is necessary to clean and heat the skin, perfectly suited to this dry grinding. Ideally, they should be done with a special bristle brush or massage glove. The skin should be massaged in a circle, always in a clockwise direction until a little red. This procedure should not pay more than five minutes, because you can damage the surface of the skin. If the intended massage have sores, burns or other violations of the integrity of the cover, rubbing contraindicated for these places.
Prepare your skin, you can begin. It is best to use special massage oils or creams, but you can replace them with talcum powder. Note that, as in the case of heating the skin, all the movements necessary to make clockwise. Keep hands were "soft" and "quiet", because, in spite of the opportunity to buy a variety of special tools, our hands - the best possible tools.
If we talk about the basic techniques without the use of honey or cans, not so much. To begin with talk about the pinch technique, this massage should be done in a supine position; applying anti-cellulite cream will enhance the effect, but you can use regular massage oil. Relax and grab the fat fold with your fingers, then how would it move in a circle, quickly grabbing a fold, increasing the pressure with each new round. This procedure should be conducted for ten to fifteen minutes, increasing with time during the session. This seemingly simple form of massage is very effective, it helps for a short time to achieve amazing results.
Even more simple, but very effective motion - circular motion open hand with outstretched fingers, the principle is the same - repetitive movements, with each round increasing the pressure. But do not overdo it with him. You can make a fist and knuckles led stomach. If alternate and combine this method with an open hand massage, the results of a couple of weeks you will be surprised.
It is also extremely effective anti-cellulite massage honey - this technique was invented a long time ago and is, in fact, vacuum massage. It requires a small amount of honey, if you wish, you can add a little essential oil. Palms, which are applied medical, made a slap on the stomach. Honey due to its properties as it sticks to the skin of the palm, and when you come off them, create the same vacuum effect.
If in the process of your skin to give off a white substance from the pores, do not worry - it is a natural and healthy process of selection of slag. Duration of treatment - about half an hour; in the most effective massage alternate pat and strokes. Upon completion, take a warm, but not hot, shower.
It is possible, combining business with pleasure, used for anti-cellulite massage ordinary shower. Water massage will make your skin smooth and supple, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In the performance it is as simple as honey and plucked. Before starting the procedure to adjust the temperature of the water - it should be warm or cool. Aim the stream of water on her stomach and lead it in a circle in a clockwise direction, while changing temperature and water pressure.
This massage is easier to do on a regular basis than other types. It can be difficult to force myself to get to the store and buy honey, or find time in the morning, on an empty stomach to how to pinch myself; but the shower takes each of us, so give yourself ten minutes while hygienic water treatment is always possible. The results of regular massage, you'll do with the water, will be shown in a week and you'll be pleasantly surprised. However, keep in mind: this massage is contraindicated during pregnancy.
Of course, anti-cellulite massage in the area of the abdomen should be done quite carefully. Too deep study may adversely affect the function of internal organs, which in this area are many. Therefore, significant results will take longer than, for example, for zone breeches. But do not lose patience and do not throw it up.
If you do any of the three variants of the massage fairly regularly, your figure will change, especially if you alternate or combine them. Of course, if you are even slightly will correct diet and bring to life a little sport, dance or yoga, the results will not keep you waiting too long.
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