Sunday, 29 March 2015

Dieting cottage cheese - Lose Weight with taste

 Dieting cottage cheese - Lose Weight with taste


  • Casserole with bran
  • Baked apples
  • Cottage cheese diet

Cottage cheese - one of the oldest dairy products. The first mentions of it date back to the I century BC. Even then, he was considered "a valuable dish", which should be on the table, and the wealthy and the poor. Modern dietitians fully share this view. The main use of this product is due to a very high content of protein and calcium, which are essential for normal human tooth formation, nails, bones and hair. That is why cheese is very good for children and for pregnant and lactating women.

The unique combination of amino acids, vitamins and minerals make this product practically indispensable for medical and dietetic foods. Very popular with people looking for her figure and leading a healthy lifestyle, cottage cheese diet for weight loss. However, there also needs to know when to stop. Since this product is very concentrated, nutritionists do not recommend to use it more often than two or three times a week. From cottage cheese can be cooked so many delicious and healthy dishes. Cheesecake, cheesecakes, pudding and dumplings - is only a small part of the list. Try, for example, are the recipes:

Casserole with bran

For its preparation will need:

  • 500 gr. low fat cottage cheese
  • three eggs
  • one large spoonful of oat bran and wheat
  • vanilla
  • sweetener
  • lemon
  • baking powder

Separate the yolks from the whites. Yolks pound with sahorozamenitelem, vanilla, baking powder and bran. Protein whisk until stiff peaks, adding a little lemon juice. Gently mix the yolks, whites and cottage cheese, and lay on the shaper. Preparing a casserole in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes.

Baked apples

You will need:

  • 500 gr. curd
  • 150 gr. Hercules
  • egg
  • five apples

Rub the grated apples. Mix all ingredients, adding a little salt and, if desired, sugar. Pour into a mold and sprinkle with a little oatmeal. Put it in the oven. After 30-40 minutes the casserole is ready.

 Dieting cottage cheese - Lose Weight with taste

Cottage cheese diet - Lose Weight with taste

A varied diet based on cheese and there are so many - and express long, hard and soft, with the addition of certain products - just have to pick one that you like best. However, if you liked tough curd diet to lose weight, be sure to consult with your doctor. This is especially true for pregnant women. After all, they are responsible not only for himself but also for the baby.

Cottage cheese and vegetable diet

One of the most popular. The course is designed for a full week. Daily ration consists of 300 grams of cheese, 500 grams of vegetables and herbs, which you can eat in unlimited quantities. Vegetables can take any, except - as you probably guessed - the potato. Of course, perfect to eat them raw. But you can prepare steamed, boiled or put out without oil.

Vegetable salad is best to fill with lemon juice. There should be five to six times a day, alternating cheese with vegetables. Last meal - at six o'clock in the evening. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. Best suited mineral water without gas, green tea without sugar, fresh grapefruit or apple. If you feel that hunger really beat you in the daily diet, you can enter a small piece of cooked lean beef or veal and two small slices of wholemeal bread. Suitable also dietary Casserole - of course, a very small piece. If all the requirements, the result - minus three to six kilograms.

Cottage cheese and fruit

No less popular and cottage cheese and fruit diet. "Works" is not worse. It there are many varieties. You can choose several varieties of fruit, or be limited to one - whichever you prefer. And the duration of the course may vary, depending on the menu. For example, cottage cheese and apple diet is calculated for seven days. During this time, you can get rid of two or three kilograms. If these figures have not "save", then spend this course once a month, until the moment when you reach the desired result. It is legal to use this menu and simple handling days. Diet diversity is no different, and the same for the whole week. Every day you will need:

  • two kilograms of green apples
  • 200 grams of low fat cottage cheese
  • water without gas or green tea

Eat all of the above must be five or six receptions.

Cottage cheese and banana diet

Just four days. Although much more varied menu, the results are about the same - minus two to three kilograms. The first and third days of the diet. Morning and evening - a small grapefruit, and about 120 grams of cheese. For lunch - the same amount of cheese and a slice of melon. The second and fourth days of the diet. In the morning - a glass of skim milk and a banana. Just do not choose the biggest. Day - boiled hard boiled egg and a banana. In the evening - 200 grams of lean meat, and two bananas.

Cottage cheese and yogurt diet

For quite a long and firmly holds one of the first places in the ranking of diets for fast and effective weight loss. A lover of cheese and yogurt, assure that allocated to it six days fly completely unnoticed. Food turns out delicious and hunger hardly visited. The results are quite serious - the day of "go" to 500 grams of extra weight. However, it should be said that professional nutritionists are configured somewhat more skeptical. They believe that the lack of energy value - in the daily diet only about 700 calories - may lead to fainting and dizziness.

This is especially true for pregnant and lactating women - they are from such an experiment is better to abstain. In addition, yogurt and usually contain a lot of sugar and starch, which badly affect skin condition and overall health. Therefore, according to the doctors, this diet should rather be used as fasting days, not to carry out a six-day course. In general, suitable or not cottage cheese and yoghurt diet is right for you - it is difficult to say enough. It all depends on the amount of excess weight and your health. Menu is the same for all days and is very simple.

By the way, for those six days, you will have time to relax from the "kitchen works" - to prepare nothing. On the entire course, you will need three packs of low fat cottage cheese and 30 jars of yogurt. Better to buy natural, without additives. So, for breakfast - two jars of yogurt and three large tablespoons of cottage cheese. In the afternoon the same thing - two or three tablespoons of yogurt and cottage cheese. In the evening you can eat six tablespoons of cottage cheese, yogurt but here you can afford only one. Drinking water is permitted without gas, and green or fruit tea. Of course, it is not necessary to add sugar.

Yogurt and cottage cheese

If you do not like yogurt, but, for example, loves yogurt, it is likely that you will approach another way to lose weight - kefir, cottage cheese diet. Unlike the previous one, it is designed for five days. As a result of its compliance you need to lose four to five kilograms. Every day you can eat no more than 500 grams of 9% curds and drink about a liter of yogurt. Daily allowance should be divided into five or six receptions. In addition to yogurt during the day allowed to drink two cups of herbal tea.

Another important point - after kefir, cottage cheese diet is completed, it is impossible sharply to return to his former diet. Because diet is necessary to leave gradually, or all "lost weight" quickly return to their "legitimate" places. It is believed that this diet is fine for pregnant women, if they have excess weight. However, the number of products and the timing of "abstinence" from other foods, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Egg-curd diet

As if specially invented for the sweet tooth. You do not have to suffer from the lack of the usual taste - it is composed of honey. Calculated this curd diet for 3 days. And, most of all, the feeling of hunger will not torment you. The diet is well balanced and based on high-protein foods - cheese, eggs, low-fat fish. However, there is at this diet, and one very big "minus" - it includes raw eggs. So, there is a chance "to catch" a nasty and dangerous disease like salmonella.

So before you use this technique, you need to properly weigh the "pros" and "cons". And, of course, does not fit this option for pregnant women or nursing mothers. For breakfast, for all three days is necessary to drink a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and eggnog. In order to prepare it is necessary to take two fresh chicken eggs and beat them with a teaspoon of honey.

First day. Day - a small slice of low-fat cheese, and tea without sugar. In the evening - vegetable soup with toast and any fruit. The soup is prepared on water rather than on the broth.

Second day. Lunch - 100 grams of low fat cottage cheese, herbal tea and eggnog. Exactly the same as drinking in the morning. At dinner - 100 grams of lean fish, steamed vegetables and salad without dressing.

Third day. At lunch - vegetable salad, toast and 80 grams of cheese. Before going to bed - steamed vegetables with boiled hard-boiled egg. Another "hard" way to fight obesity - oat cottage cheese diet.

The course lasts for a sufficiently long period - a full two weeks. By the conviction of the supporters of this option, oat curd diet helps to get rid of the 6-8 extra kilos. That, you see, is not enough. Opponents also convinced that a few days after the completion of oat cheese diet weight safely back in place. Apparently, everything is very individual and depends on the characteristics of the organism and of the intensity with which you "pounce" on the sweet and tasty, after its completion.

Menu oat cheese diet is very monotonous. And so it is not suitable for pregnant women. At breakfast - one green apple, oatmeal and herbal or green tea. At lunch - cheese and herb tea. At dinner - vegetable salad and cheese again. In general, if you really set out to lose weight, then choose the "correct" diet - cottage cheese, or any other will not be difficult. Cottage cheese - is not the worst option. The only advice - do not buy it "in reserve". This - a perishable product. And if he lay - even in the refrigerator - there are more than three days, it is not recommended. Although cheesecakes or casserole he is quite amiss. However, perhaps it is you yourself know very well.

 Dieting cottage cheese - Lose Weight with taste

We recommend that read: Banana Diet

Striped diet: a new phase in your life

 Striped diet: a new phase in your life

You urgently need to lose a few kilos, but time is sorely lacking? An important event will take place in a few days, and your favorite dress still does not converge on the plump figure? Do not rush to the store for new clothes. To throw weight will help striped diet. It is designed for 10 days and can get rid of the 5-6 extra kilos. And while you eat three times a day and do not feel hunger. Fantastic? No, the absolute reality, the results of which have repeatedly confirmed.

The essence of the diet of striped

The name itself suggests that in the power supply system in the present life - white and black stripes alternate. But if the human fate of these changes allow us to estimate all the good that surrounds us, and helps to learn to cherish the gifts of life, the dramatic changes in the menu, striped diet help to lose the maximum number of kilograms, and, most importantly, improve their health. The meaning of this system lies in the alternation of power "protein" and "carbohydrate" days. In addition, you should drink at least two liters of water a day, do not eat after seven o'clock in the evening and completely abandon the use of salt, pepper and spices. The rules are simple. Menu too. And the results amaze even seasoned fans of trendy diets.

Diet Diet

"Protein day"

After sleeping you need to drink a glass of warm boiled or filtered water.

  • Breakfast - a green salad (or any green vegetables to choose from), a boiled egg.
  • For lunch and dinner we prepare boiled chicken.

For this raw meat fill with water, bring to a boil. Then a few minutes boil chicken broth merge, wash the meat and then fill with water. Cook until tender. Food on the "protein day" is ready. In total, you can not eat more than 800 grams of chicken, the meat should be divided into several meals. After all, according to nutritionists, it is better to eat less, but more often, then the results will not accumulate on the hips in the form of extra kilos.

"Carbohydrate Day"

He concludes that for the whole day, you can eat a kilo and a half of various vegetables (excluding potatoes). This vegetable can be both raw and cooked. Ideal for "carbohydrate day" is considered a salad "Blade":

  • raw beetroot - 1 Piece
  • carrots - 1 pc
  • cabbage - a few leaves
  • Apple - 0, 25 pc

All finely chop, mix, season with lemon juice. Vitamin salad for a "day of carbohydrate" is ready. They can eat breakfast on, and during the day. The main thing - to divide the carbohydrate food on the maximum number of tricks and do not forget to drink water often, then the results will not keep you waiting.

 Striped diet: a new phase in your life


Any power system has its contraindications. Striped diet - is no exception. Doctors do not recommend it for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as all the people who are banned hunger strike for health reasons. In addition, do not lose weight on a diet of striped over ten days.

As without motivation?

Someone may frighten rather unusual approach to weight loss, someone just did not have the strength to endure monotonous diet. But if you focus on the positive results, if you are familiar with the new weight loss system is not out of curiosity, but with the firm intention to change something in his life, then striped diet - just for you. And let the new system will be a new power, a streak of light in your life!

 Striped diet: a new phase in your life

We recommend that read: Effective vegetable diet

American Diet: Lose Weight with pleasure

 American Diet: Lose Weight with pleasure


  • The meaning of diet
  • Menu American diet
  • A diet as a lifestyle

There is an opinion that most Americans eat at fast food restaurants and not watching their weight. And the proof of this - the large number of obese residents of America. But as it turned out, the Americans, too, are not indifferent to what the figures show the scale when weighing. And they are sitting on a diet, no less than in other countries. One of the American diet for weight loss even won worldwide fame for its simplicity and effectiveness. And for compliance with it will not need any overseas products no longer exhausting starvation. The American diet is quite loyal to all of losing weight. Furthermore, it allows for some two weeks lose about five kilograms.

The meaning of diet

The essence of the American diet for weight loss lies in the observance of several rules.

  • Nothing there after five pm

The first three days to comply with this rule will be difficult, but for the sake of losing weight can be a little bear. Especially women who have passed the American diet, claim that by the end of the first week, they almost did not feel hunger. When the clock ran far beyond the mark of 17.00, but there is still desirable, stop the hunger hot cup of tea without sugar.

  • Drink plenty of fluids

Someone could surprise this condition. After all, usually at losing weight get rid of excess fluid in the body. But the American diet is not aimed at the rapid loss of kilograms, and to stabilize the weight and improve health. Therefore, in two weeks you can lose weight slightly, but it will feel ease and increased efficiency. The exception under the American diet are coffee, sodas, sweet tea - they need to limit or exclude.

  • Refuse fatty foods

Here the inhabitants of distant American diet is very loyal. She admits that you can afford a few slices of fried potatoes or a couple of spoonfuls of harmful salad with mayonnaise. I am eating something fat? Nothing wrong. The main thing - to seize all of this a few slices of pineapple or grapefruit, can break down fats.

  • The most serious contraindications

Within two weeks it is prohibited to eat salt, pepper, oil, grease, alcohol and vinegar. With regard to products, the American doctors offer its own version of power that they consider useful for the correct process of losing weight.

 American Diet: Lose Weight with pleasure

Menu American diet

Among all the other American diets - not the long-term: it lasts for two weeks. Nutritionists have decided to simplify the task of losing weight and make a single breakfast for all 14 days of the diet. Every morning you should start with a cup of coffee with milk, two apples (or one orange), slices of bread (or toast) and a soft-boiled eggs. But lunch and dinner during the diet are quite diverse.

The first day

  • Lunch - fish (fried or boiled) in an amount of 200 grams; celery, seasoned with lemon juice (100 grams); unsweetened coffee or tea.
  • Dinner - one hundred grams of boiled meat, seasoned with a teaspoon of onion and one egg yolk; a piece of toast or plain bread; an apple or a glass of low-fat milk.

Second day

  • Dinner - 200 grams of spinach stew; 150 grams of lightly roasted veal liver; two boiled potatoes; coffee or tea without milk and sugar.
  • Dinner - salad of beets, carrots, tomatoes and cabbage (finely chopped), seasoned with a tablespoon of refined vegetable oil; cup low-fat yogurt; one egg, cooked boiled, a simple piece of toast or bread; a slice of lean ham.

Day Three

  • Dinner - 200 grams of lean roasted meats; lettuce, dressed with lemon juice; A glass of tomato juice; orange, apple and grapefruit on a choice; coffee or tea without sugar.
  • Dinner - a cup of low-fat yogurt; 2 boiled eggs; two tomatoes without salt; two slices of bread; apple or pear to choose from.

Day Four

  • Dinner - 200 grams of fried or boiled chicken; 150 grams of cabbage (you can with lemon juice); a simple piece of bread or toast; a cup of unsweetened coffee or tea.
  • Dinner - 50 grams of cheese, which can be supplemented if desired bell pepper, green onion and raw egg yolk; 6 radishes stuff; glass of milk with low-fat; a piece of bread or toast.

Day Five

  • Dinner - 250 grams of grated carrots; 150 grams of lean boiled meat; two potatoes, cooked "in uniform"; one cup of coffee or tea without sugar and milk.
  • Dinner - fried eggs from two eggs with vegetables (any choice); tomato salad with green onions, seasoned with lemon juice; an Apple.

Day Six

  • Dinner - 200 grams of boiled fish; 150 grams of salad (you can fill with lemon juice); a piece of bread or toast; a cup of coffee or tea.
  • Dinner - 150 grams of cooked lean beef with grated on a fine grater horseradish; 100 grams of lettuce (available both in pure form and with the addition of lemon juice); glass of milk with low-fat; an Apple.

The seventh day

  • Dinner - 200 grams of boiled chicken; 100 grams of cooked rice (no salt); 100 grams of green salad, seasoned with fresh lemon juice; one Apple; one glass of milk with low percentage of fat.
  • Dinner - a cup of yogurt; two small patties (preferably steamed); an Apple; a piece of bread or toast.

 American Diet: Lose Weight with pleasure

A diet as a lifestyle

Menu is designed for seven days. However, such a power supply system should be followed for at least two weeks. Only then will the American diet to be effective, and scales will delight at the weigh-in. This system of weight loss gives excellent results, providing a systematic weight loss and preservation of good health. The effect of the diet is not Momental, but it is easy to keep, observing the rules of supply.

The American diet is quite simple. Stick within seven days of the designated menu, and in the beginning of the second week go back to the first day and again proposed power system. Do you want to fix the slimming effect? Make American diet part of your life, then you will please not only your weight, but also health.

 American Diet: Lose Weight with pleasure

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Diet "Rollercoaster" - a weapon against obesity

 Diet "Rollercoaster" - a weapon against obesity

How subtly noticed a Polish artist and writer Janina Ipohorskaya: "Sight of one woman to another reminds monitoring baggage at customs." She's right ... slim, trim figure - the dream of almost every woman. Even the one that will assure you that feels very comfortable in its solid weight, and quote "folk wisdom": "man - not a dog, do not rush to the bone." Rather, it is - just self-defense and the recognition that the war was lost.

Perhaps most important in the battle against excess weight - the right choice of weapons. One of the weapons - the diet. There just is not thought up diets! And every promise "miraculous escape" from the hated kilograms. However, not all fulfill this promise. But some, after all, can be trusted. Today we will speak about one of them - a diet "roller coaster."

This diet was developed over 30 years ago, an American psychologist and nutritionist Martin Catania. What makes it different? His principle. Despite the fact that the diet developed man, it is intended primarily for women. The problem is that the female body is prone to "hoarding." So we arranged nature. Whether we like it or not, our body tends to create a certain "emergency reserve", which is in an emergency situation to help us survive. With this, the margin we are fighting all their lives. But the body - there is a very tricky and easily adapts to almost any environment.

Probably all know the situation - you will continue to comply with all the limitations of a particular diet, and weight stops falling. Stubborn cock all points to the same division. Why so? Just because of this ability to "adapt". The body adapts and begins to "save". Well, when the period ends with a diet, he eagerly catching up and, having learned from bitter experience, trying to "set aside in reserve" more Zhirkov. Suddenly you again come to mind to starve him to death?

The result is known to all - dumped kgs with surprising speed back into place. Diet Martin Katana - it is a way to outsmart nature. What is the essence? The fact that throughout the diet you will change the number of calories consumed. Thus, the body does not have time to adjust and will spend as many as possible. This means that you will lose weight. Tempting, is not it?

But before you go to the menu "Rollercoaster", it is necessary to tell about all the difficulties you will encounter. Firstly, this diet is hard enough. And before you try it for yourself, it is best to consult a doctor. Of course, thin waist - is very good. But, provided that this is achieved without the loss of health. Second. "Sit" on this diet is difficult. Especially the first three days.

Here you will need all the strength of will - will be hungry all the time. Third, the diet recommends that virtually eliminate from the diet of fats. On the one hand, of course, correct - why eat something from which you want to get rid of. On the other hand, the absence of fats may lead to problems with the skin and hair. They need some fat! So the main thing here - do not overdo it. You should not completely exclude fats from the menu - simply reduce their number.

And the last time. If you want to achieve impressive results, you can not do without regular and fairly intensive exercise. After all, the essence of the diet? The fact that the body spends more calories than it receives. And he spend calories, if you will sit all day on the couch? Of course, even without training, you will be able to throw three or four kilos. But such an outcome is unlikely to meet you after three weeks of "hardship." With loads of effect will be more noticeable - you can lose up to 7 kg per week.

 Diet "Rollercoaster" - a weapon against obesity

How it works?

The program is designed to supply three weeks. Well-designed menu for this diet does not exist - and this is certainly a big plus. There can be anything you want, but in a strictly defined amount, meticulously counting every calorie. The scheme is simple. The first three days - the most "hard". At night you can afford no more than 600 calories. The following four days a little easier - 900 kcal. Then seven days - 1200 kcal per day. And then again three days at 600, and four - 900 kcal. Then you can gradually return to your normal diet.

Despite the fact that there are no restrictions on food there, do not "recruit" these same kilocalories due buns and Coke. The menu may look approximately like that. 600 kcal diet:

  • In the morning - unsweetened tea and a small piece of rye bread.
  • Day - about 100 grams of beef and boiled rice. Salad of cucumbers and radishes without refueling.
  • At night - an egg and a glass of low-fat yogurt.

900 kcal diet:

  • In the morning - a green apple, black tea and corn bread. With tea, you can take a piece of sugar.
  • At lunch - fish, steamed. By her side dish - vegetable salad and pasta. No more than 100 grams. Tea with a piece of sugar.
  • Before going to bed - a boiled egg, 100 grams of low fat cottage cheese and a small banana.

Sample menu for 1,200 kcal:

  • At breakfast - 200 grams of oatmeal, cooked in water, rye bread, a cup of tea with a spoon of sugar.
  • Dinner - 200 grams of boiled chicken, 100 grams of buckwheat cereal. You can add a small piece of butter.
  • Dinner - fruit salad - grapes, pineapples, apples, bananas. These days, between meals, you can "bite" - fit a cup of yogurt or a banana.

 Diet "Rollercoaster" - a weapon against obesity

These are the "roller coaster" - down - up. The main advantage of this diet is that the conviction of the author, would have to come back to it very, very long time. After all, the result is stored permanently. Lose weight and never gain weight - that still need to be happy?

 Diet "Rollercoaster" - a weapon against obesity

We recommend that read: Diet English: the menu for the day

Monodiet - "one is a warrior?"

 Monodiet - "one is a warrior?"


  • Pros and cons monodiets
  • What are monodiets

Do what you like and still lose weight ... I think it is - a dream of many women. And, at first glance, mono-diet is very similar to that dream. You eat a few days only what you love and, as a result, get - from two to four "dropped" kilograms, as well as a sense of legitimate pride and deep satisfaction. The most interesting - products may be almost arbitrary. She loves porridge? Excellent. Potatoes? Perfectly. You can not live a day without chocolate? Well, it is not necessary! What to say about the traditional diet products such as cottage cheese, yogurt, fruits and vegetables? Agree, all this sounds too good ... So I want to ask, what's the catch? Let's deal, if such effective monodiets ?.

"Mono" in Latin - "one." Therefore, as you might guess, the basis of this system is the use of a single product in two or three - days. At least it was originally. At the moment, the situation has changed. In addition to traditional mono-diet, nutritionists have developed many different variations. Now some of them include two or three basic product, alternating them. This made it possible to go beyond three days and increase the duration of the course. Good or bad - judge for yourself.

In any case, monodiets are categorized as hard, and any of them have a lot of contraindications. Therefore, if you do decide on such an experiment, the pre consult a doctor. Otherwise, instead of the desired result, you can cause serious complications and health problems. People suffering from any chronic diseases, vascular dystonia, diabetes or anemia, adhere to such a diet is contraindicated. And, of course, is not suitable mono-diet for pregnant and lactating women.

With great care should be taken to the choice of suitable product. Of course, first of all, he must like you. And these days become for you an ordeal. But that's not all. The main thing that the state of health allows you to use it in sufficient quantities.

For example, almost everyone loves chocolate and oranges - but many of them cause allergies. Or for those who have kidney problems, hardly suitable protein diet. And one more thing - during the diet should be closely monitored for their health. If you noticed that it began to deteriorate, the course should be discontinued. Simply put, in order not to hurt yourself, you must go to all very serious and reasonable.

"Pros" and "cons" monodiets

In mono-diet has its advantages and disadvantages. And before you rush "in the pool with his head," you must all be carefully weighed. Let's start with the good. The main advantage of this method is that it really helps to lose 2-4 kilos in a few days. Effective monodiets allow you to actually lose kilos eyes. The second is a definite plus is that you can choose your favorite product.

This can be almost anything - from meat and eggs to sausage and chocolate. The third important advantage - these days you'll be spared the long and tedious preparation of dietary dishes. Especially it should be happy working women. Well, and now - "fly in the ointment."

Unfortunately, this system has drawbacks, too, quite a lot. The first and most important thing is that on some days you're really "cut" and impoverish their diet. This means that your body does not get all the necessary vitamins and minerals it. Therefore, if, together with the hated kilograms of these days will begin to fade vigor and energy, and to replace them will come weakness, fatigue and bad moods - do not be surprised. Quite often it worsens the condition of hair, nails and skin. Yes, and problems with the digestive system - not a rarity.

The second drawback. After such hard constraints are very few who manage to "control himself" and did not attack the contents of the refrigerator as soon as the diet is over allotted time. Especially as a result of your efforts - on the face. Really do not you deserve a little holiday? Thus, or nearly so, says the vast majority. The result is known - "expelled" kilos happily returned to its rightful place.

Therefore, if you want to save your achievements, no matter how difficult, to leave the mono-diet should be gradual. Well, and the third - even the most favorite product, if there are three consecutive days, will start to cause disgust. On the other hand, it's better than eating six times a day is what you hate ...

 Monodiet - "one is a warrior?"

What are the mono-diet?

Today, there are a lot of variety of diets. It seems that anyone with the desire to be able to pick up a mono-diet "to taste." However, before the details of some of them, need to be reminded about another important condition. Dietitians consider absolutely unacceptable sharp reduction in food intake.

It may cause serious harm to your body. Therefore, before "sit" on any of the selected mono-diet, it should be within two or three days to conduct pre-deployment training. These days should gradually reduce the amount of calories consumed. Here you go. And now several different mono-diet.

Perhaps the most popular - a rice diet. And this is understandable. Besides the fact that rice contains a lot of useful minerals and vitamins, it has the ability to remove toxins, salts and other, it is not useful substances. So, on this diet, you can expect a double effect - getting rid of the extra kilos and cleanse the body. It is best suited for a diet of brown rice.

The duration of the diet - no more than three days. Repeat the course can be no earlier than two months. Such limitations relate to the fact that, along with others, are also derived from the organism potassium salts, necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The principle is very simple rice diet. In the morning boil cup of rice and eat it all day long, is divided into six portions. You can wash down with apple juice. If you sustain such a diet is not possible, it is allowed to use two or three small green apples.

  • Protein diet

    This option is for those who can not imagine my life without meat or fish. The problem is that you have to opt for any one product. The ideal way of cooking - boiled without salt. You can add herbs. Calculate the daily ration such that the daily rate does not exceed 1500 calories. Diet is designed for three days.

    These days you need to drink as much as possible zhidkosti.Prekrasno approach still mineral water, green or herbal tea. Coffee is contraindicated. It must be remembered that the protein diet is not suitable for those who have too much excess weight. At certain stages of obesity a diet increases the likelihood of blood clots.

  • Chocolate Diet

    Duration - three days. To her suit dark chocolate without sugar. This, as you know - a very high-calorie product. Therefore, the daily rate is not high. Allowed to eat just one tile. It will have to stretch for a few meals. True, most likely, it will not spoil your mood - because chocolate helps produce endorphins.

    Instead of tiles, you can use chocolate bars. You should know that this food is not recommended for gastritis and other gastrointestinal disease. In general, this diet is not the best - doctors consider it one of the most harmful. And it is - despite the fact that it can effectively get rid of the extra kilos.

  • Watermelon monodiet

    This option is very good for the fall. Watermelon normalizes metabolism and clears the body of toxins, toxins and salts. A diet designed for five days. Varnish at any time of day or night, but not less than six times a day. At 10 kg of your body weight should fall one kilogram of watermelon pulp. If you really want to have, in the daily diet can include two slices of black bread.

  •   Coffee monodiet

    It is just to say that this diet is quite "aggressive" and has a lot of contraindications. So it is not suitable for everyone. At the same time, it is sufficiently effective. Coffee has a diuretic effect, accelerates the body's metabolism and reduces appetite. Course duration - three days.

    I drink a cup of black coffee, no sugar, no more frequently than once every two hours. It is also allowed the use of a small amount of black chocolate. Mineral water without gas - anytime you want.

  • Winter diet

    Unlike previous, this mono-diet - a week. And she built a little differently. Every day you eat any one product. The first day - boiled potatoes. You can eat five large tubers. The second - one kilogram of raw carrots or boiled beets. Recommended grate. The third - a liter of yogurt or sour.

    If desired, you can use drinking yoghurt, but then the amount should be cut to 500 ml. The fourth day - two plates lean vegetable soup without salt. Fifth - half cooked chicken or 300 grams of cooked lean myasa.Esli chose chicken - do not forget to take off her skin. Sixth - one liter of fresh juice. Better apple. The seventh and final day - 500 grammes of any cereal. It must boil water, sugar and salt. Yes, barley is not suitable.

About this method of struggle against excess weight can even tell a very long time. Fairly simple monodiets gaining more and more fans around the world. And, if health allows, but "on the nose" some important event where you have to appear in all its splendor - why not try a mono-diet effective?

 Monodiet - "one is a warrior?"

We recommend that read: mono-diet for 10 days

Rice diet to cleanse the body of salt - fast and easy

 Rice diet to cleanse the body of salt - fast and easy


  • Types of rice
  • Rice Diet
  • Other ways

"One who offers rice, offering life itself" - so said the great Buddha. Well, or at least the Buddhists really believe in what he was saying so. Perhaps that is why rice is the basis of the national cuisine of almost all Asian countries. And judging by the results, the Buddha was not far from the truth. Asians are much less likely than the rest of the nation, suffering from cardio-vascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and joints. And the "problem of the century" - obesity - bypasses the country side. Agree, is not so common to see thick Japanese or Chinese.

As it turns out, all of this - thanks to the national rice diet. Cleansing the body contributes to this particular product. What is the figure and what is its beneficial properties? Rice is one of the oldest crops. His "domestication" happened a long time ago. According to some sources, in Central Asia, rice is cultivated since II century BC. Even then, it was a staple food. Of course, Russia's figure appeared much later - around the XV century. Interesting fact - despite the fact that this culture was already known, the word "rice" appeared only in the XIX century. It came to us from England. Prior to that figure called "Saracen grain" or "Saracen wheat."

Types of rice

Today we know a lot of different kinds of rice. But even the same variety may have a different flavor, color and nutritional value. All depends on the processing method. Figure can be divided into three types: parboiled, white and brown. The most common - it is white rice. Its grains are all stages of polishing and as a result becomes smooth and snowy white. Unfortunately, along with the "skin" is removed and a portion of mineral substances for the organism. Therefore it loses steamed white rice and brown on indicators such as the content of vitamins and minerals.

Parboiled rice undergoes special treatment that improves its performance. First, it is soaked briefly in water, then treated with steam, which is fed under high pressure. After that, the grain is dried and sanded. As a result of this process, rice becomes translucent and becomes a beautiful amber color.

Probably the least common, but most useful for the organism kind of rice - is brown. By the way, in the Asian countries it is used in cooking for the elderly and children. This is no accident. After all, most of the nutrients contained in the shell is grains. And why brown rice has the color that the sheath is maintained during processing. It is this kind of rice doctors recommend the use of healthy food and a variety of diets.

However, its price is slightly higher than usual - polished. This is understood. After all, once you buy "two in one" - himself rice and rice bran, which, in fact, are a separate product. "Rind" brown rice contains folic acid, minerals, B vitamins and fiber. Through this shell, grains acquire a light nutty flavor. However, because it is the shelf life of brown rice is lower than that of the steamed or polished.

The benefits of this product for the human body can tell a very long time. The high content of lecithin helps to activate the brain activity, the B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system and is very useful for hair and nails. Figure lowers cholesterol and its regular consumption helps to normalize blood sugar. Moreover, the use of this cereal reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and even cancer. And, of course, absolutely indispensable figure for those who are struggling with being overweight or want to cleanse your body of toxins.

However, despite all the "miraculous" properties of this product, it must be said that the rice diet approach is not for everyone. Before you start experimenting, you should consult your doctor. Otherwise, instead of the expected benefits, you can seriously hurt yourself. After all, what good are these diets and why they actually work? Rice - a fine absorbent. He's like a sponge, absorbs toxins, salt and water from your body. Due to this, and is cleansed.

But along with harmful substances and it takes part of the useful - for example, potassium, necessary for the maintenance of normal heart activity. That is why the need to adhere strictly to the terms of the recommended diets. For example, a strict diet should not last more than three days. And with less severe but more prolonged advised to take special drugs. In general, if your goal - to rid the body of excess salts and toxins, not laid up with a heart attack, then everything should be approached intelligently guided by the principle of "do no harm".

 Rice diet to cleanse the body of salt - fast and easy

Rice Diet

In recent years, won immense popularity rice diet to cleanse the body. Strictly speaking, the diet - in the full sense of the word - to name the proposed method of purification is impossible. Rather, it is certain rules of supply. However, like any normal diet, she held the course. Purification process is designed for two weeks. Before the start of the course need a little preparation. Preliminary days "are not considered" - that is not included in the diet reserved for two weeks. You will need four glasses or glass jars, and, of course, rice. As they say, better to take the brown.

The preparatory process. Take two large spoons of rice and thoroughly - just water - wash it. Then pour the rice into a clean glass and fill it with drinking water. Take a marker and draw on the glass figure "1", so as not to confuse them. Cover with a lid and store in the refrigerator. The next day, remove the soaked rice, rinse and fill with fresh water. Take another glass, draw the number "2", and put a new batch of rice, repeat the procedure by analogy. On the third day you need to wash the rice had two glasses and pour in the third the next portion.

By the fourth day you will have the last empty glass. I guess what to do with it? That's right, all the same - nothing new. The main thing - do not confuse them. To do this, get the free space in the fridge and set the jars in a number of strictly observing the sequence. Yes, and his household is prevented. And then, taking something tasty, they can break your system. Well - training ended. It remains to wait for the next morning - the fifth - the day and you can begin to cleanse.

By the way, you know what you need so long to soak rice? Everything is very simple. During these four days of it disappears substances that form in the body of mucus. The grains of the void there - in them and will "settle" all the slag and salt. Thus, the preparation is completed. You can start. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a cup of green tea or a glass of water. Take the figure of the first cup, rinse again and cook. However, you can not cook - just pour boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. It is enough to soften and so - because he "soak" for four days. All. Bon Appetit! It seems superfluous to say that the salt, sugar and butter to add is not necessary, right?

After breakfast, do not forget to fill up a new batch of rice in empty glass and place it at the very end of your "system." The most important thing - after this lunch do not eat or drink for four hours. Otherwise the rice will not withdraw salt from your body, and one of those foods that you eat. As you can imagine, this is no good. Four hours later for lunch. Strictly speaking, no other restrictions exist. Although, of course, try not to abuse the salty, spicy and sour. Well, alcohol is excluded.

If you do not want to bother with all these cups and jars, rice can be prepared in a simpler way. However, such training takes about a week. Open the bag of rice, place it in a saucepan and cover with water. Daily wash it for at least twenty minutes. After about seven days, you will notice that the water became totally transparent - so your rice is ready. Thoroughly dry it, put it in a paper bag and store in a cool dark place. Next - all under the same scheme. Take a small portion and cook without salt. If you can not buy brown rice, try to find at least rice bran. In one large spoonful of rice should take a little bran. Cook, stirring occasionally. If you do not want to cook - just pour boiling water for 15-20 minutes.

Other ways

There are other ways to cleanse the body by means of rice. For example, if you want to not only bring harmful substances, but also to lose weight, you can try this method. Getting up in the morning, take a few grains of rice and rinse thoroughly. Number risinok should match your age. Then, on an empty stomach, eat them raw. The most unpleasant that even water to wash down this "delicacy" is impossible. After this "meal" is also advised not to eat or drink for at least three hours. Then you can eat as usual, but before seven o'clock in the evening. However, for the best effect, it is better to eliminate starchy foods - such as pasta and potatoes - and animal fats. After seven - are allowed to eat vegetables and drink tea or weak coffee. Of course, without sugar. Raw rice perfectly cleanses the body of toxins.

Proponents of this diet claim that swallow the rice grains is very difficult only in the first two days. And then - as if by magic - rice will become sweet taste in the mouth, and, literally, he "slip" in the stomach. Sticking to this scheme is recommended no more than 10 days. It is believed that after this period will begin rice output is not extra salt and slag, and the most that neither is a useful and vital for the body elements. If desired, repeat the "therapy" can be at 1, 5-2 months.

As the Japanese say the wise: "Moonlight and cooked rice are always the way." Perhaps their words worth considering. Rice cleansing diet - of course, provided that you do not overdo it - will help bring the body in order to adjust work intestine and normalize metabolism. Carrying out such a course once a year, you are a long time to maintain health and good shape. What else is necessary for happiness?

 Rice diet to cleanse the body of salt - fast and easy

We recommend that read: Rice Diet Recipes

Friday, 27 March 2015

Why exfoliate fingernails and how to fight it?

 Why exfoliate fingernails and how to fight it?


  • Why can exfoliate nails
  • Methods for treating the bundle of nails

Shiny nails with a natural pink tint every woman is a clear indication of good health and careful attention to their appearance. In this manicured nails only beneficial to emphasize the beauty of femininity and handles their beautiful owners.

But today, among the numerous complaints, there was a women about the state of the nails, increasingly heard: nails break, crumble, change color and do not grow. If you are wondering why exfoliate fingernails at a constant and proper care of them, we are glad to try to help you understand this.

This problem is called, without exaggeration, a disease of civilization. On the outer surface of the nail, as if in a mirror, it is shown the slightest change, what is happening inside our body. Disadvantaged surrounding environment, the lack of essential vitamins and unsystematic unhealthy food - all this immediately influences the state of nails and indicates mistress on the need for treatment.

Before you take up consideration of this issue and the search for effective treatments, it is necessary to find the cause of this phenomenon. After failing to find the root of evil, from the bundle of nails you will not get rid ever. In each case, an individual can be a source of nuisance, is not the same as others. Finding and determining the cause of the foliation nail you best should begin with a detailed analysis of their lifestyle.

 Why exfoliate fingernails and how to fight it?

Why can exfoliate nails

So, what are the possible causes of the foliation of nails?

  1. The very first and rather banal reason for lamination nails can become banal lack of certain vitamins and trace elements. It is important to know that the nails, as well as any other part of the human body requires a constant supply of substances necessary for health. Identifying lack of micronutrients such as iron, calcium, vitamins A, E and ascorbic acid, may give an answer to the question why exfoliate nails.

    Compensate for a deficiency of vitamins and minerals is easy enough. They can be found in calcium-containing dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods, as well as in multivitamin preparations with iron. Remember that in the body to maintain the right balance of important substances necessary for every woman in general, and those who exfoliate nails, it is necessary in the first place.

  2. Continuous application of the nail plate invisible injuries, which could result in a problem foliation nails. This process can occur quite easily and painlessly for the woman. And even a simple "knock" on the computer keyboard is an excellent opportunity for the emergence of problems with the nails.

    Or purely female habit when the nail is used instead of a tool, if you need something podkovyrnut or scrape the surface of the object - it is also capable of causing great harm to the structure of the nail. To sloilis nails are not, you should make sure that the keys on the keyboard are a low-slung, and try to get rid of the bad habit of using nails in all kinds of cleaning surfaces.

  3. The third reason - a chemical effect on the nail plate. Throughout his life, every day, every woman washes dishes, washes linen mountain constantly gets polish nails, and then remove it with various chemical compositions. Numerous dishwashing detergent powders, paints and liquid aggressive in their chemical composition, they quickly eats and harmful to the nail surface.

    Therefore, engaging in economic affairs, we must try to avoid direct exposure to the chemistry and getting used to do all the household chores with rubber gloves. Also do not forget polish remover after each preventative treatment of nails.

  4. Improper care, expressed in nail cutting scissors are not special and still wet after filing trays of nails - the most common cause of their separation. In this case, the board will is simple: use a special and desirable individual manicure sets and steaming wet nails allow to dry well, and only then proceed to their treatment.
  5. Use a metal nail files is strictly to be avoided. This quality scratch nail file nail plate, forming small cracks in them, eventually nails grow more slowly, become brittle and start to exfoliate. Not wishing to get rid of a nail file and get a new - with a special coating, which almost does not hurt nails. Most importantly, podpilivaya nails, nail file follow the movement in one direction.
  6. The appearance of fungus on the nails or the violation of proper metabolism in the body becomes a major obstacle in obtaining the necessary nutrients required for the growth of beautiful and strong nails. At the slightest suspicion of the appearance of the fungus should promptly seek professional medical advice, carry out the treatment as prescribed, as well as fully fed and take a multivitamin regularly needed.
  7. It is also to blame for the bundle of nails may be some medications that other women have to be taken continuously because of serious health problems. For example, drugs to control the condition of diabetes, high blood pressure or thyroid disease. In this case, you must consult your doctor, who will choose for you another way of treatment.

 Why exfoliate fingernails and how to fight it?

Methods for treating the bundle of nails

How to help your nails so that they ceased to exfoliate? We offer you a few masks and baths, which can make your nails healthy and shiny. And if you spend such procedures regularly, you will notice very soon that became strong nails are smooth and shiny and grow faster than before treatment.

  • One of the proven and popular methods of treatment is the use of lamination nail natural olive oil, as a part of which is a set of useful substances. The desired effect is observed when making the mask twice a week. This will require a mix a few drops of olive oil and lemon juice. The resulting mixture is a thin layer should be applied to the nails and the area around the nail, then it is necessary to wear cotton gloves. This mask is recommended to do before going to bed to hold it long enough so without undue inconvenience to itself.
  • Good help in the fight against nail wrap lamination, which consists of 35-40 grams of water (or about two tablespoons), five grams of alum and one spoon of glycerin. It should be a good stir these ingredients in the composition of the resulting wet the cotton pads, then lay on nails and discs hold so for twenty minutes.
  • Excellent help in the bundle nail baths with sea salt. Despite the fact that the treatment should be carried out every other day, to do that you will be quite difficult. This will require about twenty minutes to hold your hands in warm water with dissolved in it a teaspoon of sea salt. The positive effect will be noticeable if the procedure carried out for two weeks, then give a hand to rest a month, and then to repeat the treatment. In the future, to maintain the nail plate in good shape it is recommended to do such a salt bath once a week. If desired, the water for the bath, you can add a few drops of lemon juice and olive oil.
  • There are special oils for cosmetic nail care and prevention of diseases. These oils, it is desirable to use every day, at the same time to lubricate not only the surface of the nail, but the cuticle, and a place in the regrown nail. Single-layer coating the nails normal iodine as well to the women in the struggle with the foliation. Do not be afraid of yellow that iodine leaves nails when exposed to light he quickly disappears. And so you get another version of low-cost but highly effective for action and useful procedure for nail.

Manicure nail in the bundle is not prohibited, but it is necessary in this case to comply with the only rule. It is important to take a break between manicure, giving your nails a chance to rest and "take a breath". During the break, can be applied to patients in several layers of nail "Smart enamel", which is also recommended to apply before each nail polishing. When choosing a cosmetic manicure tools and new nail polishes do not be tempted to shop for cheap goods from unknown manufacturers. A nail polish remover, use a special liquid, because acetone is very dries nails.

Podpilivaya nails, try to give them a rectangular shape with slightly rounded edges, but in any case it is not necessary to sharpen them. After removing the varnish do not be lazy to make a salt bath, lubricating then nails in medical cosmetic purposes or olive oil, and only the next day, apply new varnish on the surface of the nails rested.

Following these simple tips, you ensure that you will always be beautiful nails and hands. Remember that healthy nails manicured with a neat, even if your hands do not have any decorations, always accentuate your grooming and tell others about what you are - a woman who knows her worth!

 Why exfoliate fingernails and how to fight it?

Anti-cellulite massage of the abdomen: how to do it yourself?

 Anti-cellulite massage of the abdomen: how to do it yourself?

Each of us wants to be slim and beautiful, but it happens that in the exercise have neither the time nor the energy, compliance with strict diets complicated schedule of life and a craving for good food, but we still want to make your body perfect. To help in such cases comes to cellulite massage of the abdomen and other parts of the body, which tighten the skin and removes unevenness of adipose tissue.

Doing it yourself is possible, it does not require any sophisticated equipment, also simple to perform. Of course, in pure form, it will not be a panacea for fat accumulation, exercise and diet revision is still needed. But, as often happens, the first action for myself may entail a full range of changes.

 Anti-cellulite massage of the abdomen: how to do it yourself?

How do anti-cellulite massage

Note that the most impressive results can be achieved if you do a massage on an empty stomach, then you get a deep study of the muscles. Be careful, the habit after the first treatment area may be ill treated, also may have small bruises. Do not worry, it shows the quality of the massage, but in this case it is necessary to carefully regulate the pressure.

Before the study of the techniques, you must do several things. First of all it is necessary to clean and heat the skin, perfectly suited to this dry grinding. Ideally, they should be done with a special bristle brush or massage glove. The skin should be massaged in a circle, always in a clockwise direction until a little red. This procedure should not pay more than five minutes, because you can damage the surface of the skin. If the intended massage have sores, burns or other violations of the integrity of the cover, rubbing contraindicated for these places.

Prepare your skin, you can begin. It is best to use special massage oils or creams, but you can replace them with talcum powder. Note that, as in the case of heating the skin, all the movements necessary to make clockwise. Keep hands were "soft" and "quiet", because, in spite of the opportunity to buy a variety of special tools, our hands - the best possible tools.

If we talk about the basic techniques without the use of honey or cans, not so much. To begin with talk about the pinch technique, this massage should be done in a supine position; applying anti-cellulite cream will enhance the effect, but you can use regular massage oil. Relax and grab the fat fold with your fingers, then how would it move in a circle, quickly grabbing a fold, increasing the pressure with each new round. This procedure should be conducted for ten to fifteen minutes, increasing with time during the session. This seemingly simple form of massage is very effective, it helps for a short time to achieve amazing results.

Even more simple, but very effective motion - circular motion open hand with outstretched fingers, the principle is the same - repetitive movements, with each round increasing the pressure. But do not overdo it with him. You can make a fist and knuckles led stomach. If alternate and combine this method with an open hand massage, the results of a couple of weeks you will be surprised.

It is also extremely effective anti-cellulite massage honey - this technique was invented a long time ago and is, in fact, vacuum massage. It requires a small amount of honey, if you wish, you can add a little essential oil. Palms, which are applied medical, made a slap on the stomach. Honey due to its properties as it sticks to the skin of the palm, and when you come off them, create the same vacuum effect.

If in the process of your skin to give off a white substance from the pores, do not worry - it is a natural and healthy process of selection of slag. Duration of treatment - about half an hour; in the most effective massage alternate pat and strokes. Upon completion, take a warm, but not hot, shower.

It is possible, combining business with pleasure, used for anti-cellulite massage ordinary shower. Water massage will make your skin smooth and supple, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In the performance it is as simple as honey and plucked. Before starting the procedure to adjust the temperature of the water - it should be warm or cool. Aim the stream of water on her stomach and lead it in a circle in a clockwise direction, while changing temperature and water pressure.

This massage is easier to do on a regular basis than other types. It can be difficult to force myself to get to the store and buy honey, or find time in the morning, on an empty stomach to how to pinch myself; but the shower takes each of us, so give yourself ten minutes while hygienic water treatment is always possible. The results of regular massage, you'll do with the water, will be shown in a week and you'll be pleasantly surprised. However, keep in mind: this massage is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Of course, anti-cellulite massage in the area of ​​the abdomen should be done quite carefully. Too deep study may adversely affect the function of internal organs, which in this area are many. Therefore, significant results will take longer than, for example, for zone breeches. But do not lose patience and do not throw it up.

If you do any of the three variants of the massage fairly regularly, your figure will change, especially if you alternate or combine them. Of course, if you are even slightly will correct diet and bring to life a little sport, dance or yoga, the results will not keep you waiting too long.

 Anti-cellulite massage of the abdomen: how to do it yourself?

Why exfoliate toenails: how to deal with this problem?

 Why exfoliate toenails: how to deal with this problem?


  • Reasons bundle toenails
  • Treating the layer of nails

Women's beauty - an object of worship of poets and artists of all time. An important role in creating the image of an attractive woman playing well maintained and beautiful legs. However, often we do not pay them enough time. We are constantly caring for the face, body, hair, and that's about the legs, and even more so about the nails, and did forget. Often we do not even notice that we exfoliate toenails. This approach is completely wrong.

On the feet we spend most of the day. They take on a huge workload. Moreover, very few women can present themselves without heels. Often enough, we even wear comfortable shoes for themselves, justifying their actions well-known proverb: "Beauty requires sacrifice." But here comes the summer time from closed shoes, we go into open sandals - and what do we see? Rough skin of the feet, corns and often delaminated yellowed nails. How to be in this situation?

It is necessary to take urgent measures to rehabilitate beauty legs. Let not fully, but to what extent they will correct the situation. And to this problem did not arise in the future, it is better to learn the proper foot care and know the basic causes that can lead to a deterioration of their appearance. After taking care of the feet it is important not only for beauty but for health. A special attention should be paid to the issue of separation of nails with which many women face - someone less who - more often.

Many people think that nails exfoliate more often on the hands. Yes, indeed, we do everything hands during the day. Of particular cause harm to the skin and nails of various household chemicals. After all, by hook or cleaning dishes and faces almost every woman. However, delaminated toenails also quite common disease. There are many reasons for it. The state of toenails affected by both external factors and overall health.

 Why exfoliate toenails: how to deal with this problem?

Reasons bundle toenails

  1. Substandard cosmetics

    Most women paint toenails. But many feel that the need to buy for this purpose an expensive coat. So often we save on this cosmetics. And nail polish remover we buy mostly cheap. But such low-quality cosmetics has a detrimental impact on the nail plate. Do not spare money for expensive paints. Otherwise, you'll have to spend much more time and money to restore the toenails.

  2. Uncomfortable shoes close

    Very often, women buy shoes, guided in its choice of appearance. Seeing the store beautiful shoes in the color of your favorite clothes, we can be said to lose his head. Very few people in this situation is concerned, as far as it is convenient. Big deal, you might say, it is worth to suffer a couple of hours in cramped, but very beautiful shoes. However, it is worth considering to some unpleasant consequences can lead the couple of hours.

    This can lead to the fact that the nails will exfoliate. Choose only comfortable shoes in which your feet feel comfortable. It's the most important. In addition, choose not only comfortable, but also beautiful shoes is not a problem. Perhaps this will cost a pleasure and not very cheap. But is it worth risking health and beauty legs to save a couple of rubles?

  3. Nail Fungus - rather common disease that affects both men and women

    Fungus - very resistant parasite that infects all parts of the nail and a challenge to other nails and skin in case of improper maintenance and untimely treatment. It can detect with the naked eye. Nail plate changes color, becomes opaque. Nail fungus infection in the event can purchase gray, yellow and even a greenish tint. Over time, they are sealed and start to flake off. To combat the fungus on his feet is best to see a doctor - a specialist who will prescribe the necessary medication. At home, get rid of this problem is very difficult.

  4. Poor circulation in the lower extremities

    Circulatory failure may be due to many factors: varicose veins, sedentary lifestyle, etc. It can also lead to delamination of nails. For prevention it is recommended to do daily exercises for the feet. Do not be difficult, for example, to do this exercise. Pull the toes away from you, stay in this position for 15-20 seconds, socks, spread apart in hand - delay, pull over - delay. And so on. Well established in the struggle with inadequate circulation and rotational motion of the feet. You can also force to bend the toes, then straighten, repeating the exercise 15-20 times. Such exercises can be done at any time of the day sitting in the workplace or at home.

  5. As is the case with the nails on the hands, legs nails exfoliate at the wrong pruning and sawing

    It is very difficult to give any specific recommendations. It plays an important role in the shape of nails. But in any event, cutting the nails do not need to round them. Make straight cut, leaving at least 1 mm of the free edge. Regularly cut the toenails. Use this only for your personal instruments. They must be well sharpened and clean.

    To not sloilis nails, avoid using a metal nail file. This "irreplaceable helper" leaves on the nail surface a plurality of microparticles, which are the cause of further separation. Buy a ceramic or glass nail file with optimum abrasive. The thinner the nail plate, the smaller should be sprayed on the tool. In no case do not grind the damaged nails or pluck exfoliated slices. So you cause even greater harm to his marigolds.

  6. Diets and unbalanced diet

    Many women in recent years too keen on the diets. However, in the pursuit of harmony, many people forget that poor diet adversely affects the appearance. Especially dangerous are all sorts of express - and mono-diet. In this case, the body does not receive the required amount of vitamins and minerals.

A special role in maintaining the health and beauty of hair and nails plays protein. It is the building of the body tissue of the human body. Grade animal protein for humans must be at least 1-1, 5 g per kg of body weight. This trace mineral is contained in red meat, chicken, turkey, eggs. But the best source is oily sea fish: salmon, mackerel and trout.

Especially strongly undermines the health of nails lack of magnesium and calcium. And this is a very common problem, especially among the female population, which is the fans of various diets. Magnesium deficiency is seen in the majority of women, and he played an important role for the production of cell energy. Not enough magnesium - suffer the processes of cell growth, which depends on the condition of nails. The required daily rate of 300 milligrams of magnesium. And if you trim itself in power for any reason, the addition of magnesium to take the drug.

And do not forget about calcium. Everyone knows the role it plays in maintaining the health of hair and nails. However, it is these two trace elements not bring much benefit individually. Take them need to work together in a ratio of 2: 1. For the absorption of calcium and magnesium is also important the presence of vitamin D. However, keep in mind that too much zeal here to anything. Excessive amounts of calcium can lead to the opposite effect, and a negative impact on the state of the nail plate.

Deficit another important trace element in the human body, silicon also causes separation of the nail plate. To make the contents of the trace element, it is necessary to make in your diet green beans, lettuce, bananas, currants and parsley.

The bundle of nails sometimes "hint" that the body simply does not have enough iron. For women, the problem is particularly acute, as every month, we are losing a considerable part of the blood. To make up for iron deficiency in the body need to eat beef liver, lean meat, egg yolks, dried fruits, all kinds of beans and, of course, green. It is also recommended to take a decoction of dandelion, sorrel, and burdock.

To get the most effective results, you must use a specially designed set of vitamins and minerals. For example, a well established drug "Perfectil", which in addition to vitamins and minerals, contains the amino acid cysteine. It is specifically designed to compensate for a deficiency of microelements, prevent delamination of the nail plate, strengthen nails and give them food.

 Why exfoliate toenails: how to deal with this problem?

Treating the layer of nails

Few know why exfoliate nails. Sometimes the problem is not possible to avoid. In this case it is necessary to take urgent measures to restore the nail plate. There are different ways to treat the nails. So, which one to choose depends on the situation of neglect.

  1. Medical cosmetics

    Regularly strengthen damaged nails special cosmetics, creams and oils. They can easily be purchased at any pharmacy. Such cosmetics usually contain, panthenol, allatonin, liposomes, and other nutrients which accelerate the growth of the nail plate. Useful as cosmetics, which include proteins and vitamin C. These elements contribute to the resilience of the negative environmental impact.

  2. Massage

    Few people know that you can strengthen the exfoliating nails with the help of massage. Technique it is quite simple. Prepare a bath of sea salt. It can be used and oceanic but without aromatic supplementation. Why salt? And because it contains large amounts of iodine, which is beneficial for the state of the nail plate. A few minutes soak your feet in the bath, then massage the cuticle area nonrigid massage brush, on which a child or glycerine soap. This massage is recommended at least three times a week.

  3. Paraffin

    When the layer of nails greatly help such a procedure as paraffin, which can be carried out not only in the beauty salon, but also independently in the home.

    Technique paraffin consists of several stages. First of all, the foot must be prepared for the procedure. The surface of the skin, wash in cold water with soap and glycerin-based and apply disinfectant. The next step - just the procedure of paraffin.

    It consists of several steps. To perform the test at the beginning of the reaction of the skin in the paraffin. For this small amount of melted wax to put on an open area of ​​the skin. Once you're sure that this substance does not have a negative impact on the skin, start the procedure. Dip feet ankle-deep in the warm melted wax with regularity in 10 seconds 3 - 5 times. Thus, on your feet consolidates several layers of wax. Wait a couple of minutes. When the wax becomes solid and forms on the feet and nails of the crust, put a foot on the plastic bags. But that is not all.

    On top, wear warm socks and more. In this state, you need to keep your feet about half an hour. Then remove the socks and bags, carefully remove the layer of wax and grease nails and skin firming cosmetic products. To improve the effect of gently massage the cuticle area. Paraffin can be used several times. If the technology of the procedure seems too complex, please refer to a specialist in a beauty salon.

  4. Packs and masks

    Ingredients for compresses and masks can be purchased at any cosmetic store or pharmacy. Reasonably good way to restore the nail plate can be prepared independently. Mix 70 grams of water, 25 grams of glycerol, and 5 grams of alum. The resulting composition, moisten a cloth and apply to damaged nails, the top cover with plastic wrap and put on socks. Such leave a compress on your feet for 30 - 40 minutes.

    It is useful to put on nails olive oil, wear cotton socks and so go to sleep. This simple recommendation will not help cure exfoliating nails. However, it will be a good preventive measure.

  5. Sealing

    In order to strengthen the nail plate popular this procedure as "sealing" which is the layering of drugs containing essential trace elements and vitamins. Most of the means for sealing includes a so-called "crystal material", an indispensable tool in the fight against exfoliate nails. Treatment components are rubbed into the nail plate in a special way and stay there for two weeks. On top of the protective coating is applied, and, at the request of the client, a decorative lacquer.

Carefully follow the condition of their feet and nails, and the appearance of even the slightest minor problems immediately take action. The problem of stratified nails must begin to fight the disease at an early stage. Otherwise, you will be hard to get rid of it.

 Why exfoliate toenails: how to deal with this problem?

Freckles, sunburn, age spots? Whitens the face of natural resources

 Freckles, sunburn, age spots? Whitens the face of natural resources


  • Recipes masks to lighten the skin
  • Folk mask whitening

After a long winter, we often look forward to the hot days. What could be better than the sun and the sea ?! However, not all and not always the sun gives a beautiful tan and brings a lot of joy. Freckled ocharovashka for various objective and subjective reasons, trying to hide her face from the sun, and once and for all get rid of the pesky stains. And the ugly pigmentation, acting on his face so out of place? Or are you overdo with a tan? And then you direct route to the beauty salon.

But not everyone can afford a visit to the beauty salon, the more that person will require repeated bleaching procedure. And remembering and using his grandmother's advice, we can once again make sure that the skin whitening folk remedies as effective as accessible and easy to use.

To prepare the masks and infusions, has a bleaching effect, folk cosmetology offers the following natural ingredients:

  • Bearberry - has a bleaching effect due to the content of hydroquinone, which is often used as a component of many preparations for skin whitening.
  • Yarrow - is rich in flavonoids, which holds most of the ultraviolet radiation.
  • Licorice - rich in organic acids, which are perfectly clean the horny layer of the skin.
  • Parsley - a very popular product that is often used to lighten the skin. Essential oils, which contain parsley, allow gently and painlessly brighten problem areas.
  • Lemon and cucumber - contain vitamin C and organic acids are the basic ingredients for the preparation of most whitening masks.

All of the recommended natural elements you can use in various combinations, as well as independent components for whitening masks.

 Freckles, sunburn, age spots? Whitens the face of natural resources

Recipes masks to lighten the skin

Next we present some recipes of masks and infusions, you just have to select the appropriate option. When you select the mask necessarily consider features of your skin!

  • Rice-water

The recipe, which used to enjoy and will benefit many generations of women. To prepare the broth of rice you need to boil a spoon (tablespoon) rice, but make sure that the seeds do not seethe. Then, you must drain the broth, cool and pour it into a container for ice container was then placed in the freezer of your refrigerator. For a gradual lightening of skin color should be daily wipe face with ice cubes of rice.

  • Decoction of parsley and lemon juice

Lovely whitening effect will give you a decoction of parsley with the addition of lemon juice. A cotton swab, apply a decoction on the spots and leave it there for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water and use their usual means to nourish the skin. This infusion has a strong drying effect, so add to the infusion of nourishing cream, if you are the owner of the skin prone to dryness.

  • Spoiled milk

This recipe is still very popular with our grandmothers. The gauze is necessary to drench sour milk and apply on face, to endure such a mask for twenty minutes. Especially the milk wash with water is not necessary, you can just wipe with a damp face wet disk. After weeks of your skin has cleared considerably and freckles blackness.

  • Mask of hydrogen peroxide

For this mask you need to mix pharmaceutical solution of hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice. The resulting mixture is thoroughly wipe the face, and then impose a mask of sour cream. Sour cream is recommended to use varying degrees of fat content: for dry skin should be taken fat sour cream, and for oily skin - diet.

Hydrogen peroxide can be joined with a mixture consisting of fifty one grams of cheese and raw egg yolk. Use mask conventional manner. If the composition and add a spoonful of honey, you can get a wonderful nourishing mask.

Another option: a spoonful of natural Komkova yeast dissolved in hydrogen peroxide, achieving a creamy consistency, and apply on face as a normal mask.

  • Cucumber

The easiest and most proven way to whiten the skin - use a mask out of the ordinary cucumber. By the grated cucumber, add a little chopped parsley. The prepared slurry was spread on the face and hold it for twenty minutes.

At the same time solve the problem of oily skin by using the following recipe: juice obtained from cucumber, mixed with the same volume of the vodka and push at least a day. Two or three times a week to impose on the face with gauze bandages, soaked in the finished nastoe.Esli you have dry skin, it is necessary to this infusion add fat sour cream or cream for dry skin.

  • Parsley

Chopped parsley need to pour boiling water in a thermos, give it a worn out in ten minutes. Then allow to cool; wipe the cooled infusion of pigmented skin areas twice a day.

  • Honey and lemon

One tablespoon of honey nezasaharennogo and as much lemon juice mix, the resulting mask used for other purposes. And in order to melt the thick honey, the amount required to heat it on a steam bath.

  • Raw egg

Very interesting way of bleaching freckles. We need to take a film covering a raw egg inside, lay it on the nose and wait for the complete drying. Repeat this procedure every day for a week, you can get rid of freckles.

  • The protein raw egg

A common variant, with which you can successfully whiten chloasma (dark spots) - a mix of crude protein with lemon juice and add sugar in the amount of a quarter of a spoon; all pour half a glass of water. Next - apply to face and endure fifteen to twenty minutes.

 Freckles, sunburn, age spots? Whitens the face of natural resources

Folk mask whitening

Has a bleaching effect and berries such as black currant and elderberry, strawberry and strawberry. You can use them both individually and in various combinations with milk, sour cream, cream. It is also recommended during the course of bleaching take vitamin C - to enhance the effect.

A good result will give you a stable and herbs, but masks are needed to apply for a longer time. That's what plants to help you in the fight with freckles and pigment spots:

  • Milfoil

You will need fresh or dried blossoms yarrow (one spoon dining room), whey (also one tablespoon), one teaspoon cloves (spicy clove, which is commonly used as a condiment), one teaspoon of citrus juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit) . All the ingredients are crushed and mixed. The resulting mask used for its intended purpose, to bear its twenty minutes. Perhaps a slight tingling; do not worry, this is normal. After removing the mask, instead of nourishing cream, use olive oil.

  • Rosehip

From freckles will help you as a mask based on the sour cream with the addition of rose hips. Hips grind in a mortar and mix with sour cream. Then use the mixture as a normal mask.

  • Rowan

You can try to whiten the problem spots by using the following mix: the leaves of mountain ash, wild rose, sorrel in equal volumes to mix and add to them cream. Next, use the usual way. Rinse off the mask is recommended to diluted milk to bear it on the face for twenty minutes.

  • Black radish

Mask of black radish is also considered an effective means to lighten excessively tanned skin. Take the average radish cut a hole and spoon. The resulting deepening put a spoonful of honey. Eye-catching and radish juice will be a lotion for skin whitening.

  • Tea mushroom

Insisting month the composition of the two spoonfuls of tea fungus and one of the same spoon of onion juice, you get a tool to lighten pigmented skin. The resulting infusion wipe the face during an evening dress, leaving it on the skin until the morning.

  • Horseradish and apple

Horseradish in combination with an apple also has a whitening effect. To prepare mask grate on fine grater apple and horseradish, apply the resulting slurry on the face. Rinse off the mask is recommended with a weak solution of chamomile or plantain.

  • Calendula

Rubbing daily face lotion, made from equal proportions of lemon juice, red currant and has already prepared a decoction of the leaves of marigold, you lighten freckles and age spots as soon as possible.

  • Elderberries

Whitening decoction of elder prepared as follows: Stir in a thermos in a couple of big spoons of inflorescences elderberry and pour boiling water (300-400 g). Let sit for thirty minutes, strain and cool. Regularly wiping face obtained broth, you permanently get rid of age spots and freckles annoying.

  • Celandine

Wipe pigmented skin squeeze of celandine in the morning and in the evening or prepare an infusion of dried celandine vodka (in the ratio 1: 5). Dipped in the infusion discs cover the face for twenty minutes, then wash off necessarily infusion with skin and put a cream.

  • Taraxacum

But this mask is not only whitens, but also treats inflammation of the skin. Finely chop-dandelion leaves and mix it with warm milk. Ten minutes later, insisting add raw egg yolk mixture. The mask is ready to use!

Finally I would like to keep you from making mistakes. By using a mask, make sure whether you have an allergy to a particular component, and check how comfortable do you feel afterwards. Do not risk the well-being of the skin, even out of season to spot or too tanned. After all, it is important to be not only beautiful, but also healthy. We sincerely wish you and that, and another!

 Freckles, sunburn, age spots? Whitens the face of natural resources

Available shugaring deep bikini Home

 Available shugaring deep bikini Home


  • Contraindications shugaring
  • Recipe for pasta at home
  • Deep hair removal bikini

Undoubtedly, every woman wants to be beautiful, seductive and attractive. It so happened that for several thousand years (according to archaeologists), from the times of ancient Egypt, the concept of attraction include smooth skin without hair; Of course, we're not talking about the head. For the sake of smooth leather women are willing to endure a lot. Today we'll talk about what shugaring deep bikini how to do it at home, and even about what is good or bad, this, as it is sometimes called "Persian hair removal."

As you can guess, the concept of "shugaring" comes from the English word «sugar», meaning "sugar." The operating principle of this procedure is similar to waxing. Because sugar is boiled thick paste, applied to the skin and then removed together with the hairs. But there are differences:

  1. Availability and low cost ingredients: agree, in any house you can find water and sugar.
  2. Absence of allergic reactions. It's all about natural ingredients, without chemical additives, dyes and perfumes.
  3. Less trauma to the skin. Sugar paste just can not catch a layer of skin, as does a wax, it acts only on the hair, the hair should be very short (no more than 5mm) or very thin. That is why it is so well suited for hair removal in the bikini area where the skin is very delicate.
  4. No heating, the procedure does without him, so the likelihood of burns and vasodilatation extremely small.
  5. Practically not grow hair after shugaring. Knowledgeable people say that the skin will be smooth ten to twenty days, with inflammation and other problems will be absent.

Only the allergenic component - lemon juice or citric acid. Therefore, before making shugaring, check yourself for allergies. For this small amount of lemon juice, apply on the inner surface of the elbow hands and wait for a while. If irritation, itching or redness in the treated area will better play it safe. Please note that food allergies in the lemon and derivatives does not guarantee an allergic skin reaction. It is important to remember that after the procedure should not immediately go to the sauna or pool.

 Available shugaring deep bikini Home

Contraindications shugaring

First, run the same contraindications as for wax depilation - on the surface of the skin area to which you want to work, there should be no sores, wounds, redness, inflammation, irritation, and other skin diseases. Second, a very serious reason not to do shugaring is varicose veins - if present in the area of ​​skin that you are going to handle, tread on the surface veins and blood vessels even hair removal wax or sugar is not allowed.

Recipe for pasta at home

Ingredients: a kilogram of sugar, the juice of half a lemon, half a cup of water. All components of the mix and heat over high heat, carefully interfere with two or three minutes, and reduce the heat to stop, cover and cook for another ten minutes. Then remove the lid, to prevent two or three minutes, again, close the lid and continue to cook for ten minutes. If the mixture is too liquid, the end of cooking remove the lid to evaporate excess moisture. Pour the mixture into a plastic container and allowed to cool. The paste should not be hard, rough texture of her - like a frozen caramel.

Please note that you may not be able to do everything right the first time. In the preparation process has its tricks, and may have to do it two or three times before you get an acceptable result. Properly cooked pasta should be golden brown and smell like caramel. If the paste is dark and sharply odd smell, the cooking process, alas, have to start from the beginning.

There are variations of the above recipe for the production of a small amount of toothpaste, not to postpone it for future use. Ingredients: ten large spoons of sugar, lemon juice of one-third, one big spoon of water. Cover up all in a glass bowl, put on two and a half minutes on low mode in the microwave. The mixture should begin to bubble, then mix it and put on the most powerful mode for about a minute. Pasta cools down about seven or eight minutes, the crust on the surface to be plastic. When the paste cools so that it can not capture, you can put it back in the microwave for ten seconds literally. Be careful in the work, not to burn the fingertips. Balls of the resulting mass is necessary to stretch and fold until they acquire a white color.

This recipe is good speed of production, however, there are nuances - this pasta does not catch the hair shorter than 3 mm, but do not try to remove the hairs are too long - it is painful, and in the case of a conventional paste. Remove the mixture only after complete drying, otherwise it just does not make sense.

Hair removal in general is as follows: take the paste into small pieces, knead about the state of gum, this mass gently spread over the intended against the hair growth, then it is possible to cover these places for the convenience of strips of cloth. After complete solidification vibrant, smooth motion remove hairline.

 Available shugaring deep bikini Home

Deep hair removal bikini

Not very clear why shugaring deep bikini area is not very popular, because, as was said above, it warrants burns and vasodilatation, besides actually available at home. Of course, you can go to the salon, but it turned out that not all our compatriots feel relaxed enough to do it regularly. In addition, stores are biting decent price, and so intimate hair removal salon in a poor hardly ever someone seems a good idea, it is better and easier to do it at home. But of course, before moving to independent Shugaring bikini, it is necessary to work out the arms and legs, even if you believe in your strength.

It's best home hair removal bikini is as follows:

  1. Before you begin, prepare a good pain reliever, this gentle epilation zones are not in vain considered to be the most painful; with the right approach shugaring reduces discomfort, but does not remove them altogether. So make sure that you have at hand is ice cubes, anesthetic ointment or conventional tablets - in the extreme case, they, too, will work.
  2. If the hairs in the treatment longer than 5 mm, it is best to cut them to the desired length. This is due to the fact that for too long hair, hair removal is very painful, and too short hairs sugar paste can not grab.
  3. Sit in the bath, it is the most comfortable position for self shugaring. If you do not trust your ability to do everything to the touch, prepare in advance a convenient mirror. If you use ice cubes as an analgesic, clean the area of ​​hair removal, clean towel (if you do not, the water will prevent the sugar weight normally grab) and immediately, while the effect lasts, apply a paste. Please note, you need to apply it against the hair growth, and shoot at him.
  4. After the procedure, take a shower and put on a normal skin cream after epilyatsii.Esli chance after the sugar hair removal on the skin, redness and / or irritation, do not worry, maybe it's individual reaction to your skin. Normally such effects disappear within a few hours. To accelerate this process can cause a healing cream.

If after shugaring you still appear ingrown hairs, to deal with them you can not only special creams and folk remedies - rubbing a small amount of salt on the surface of the skin moisturized works as peeling and disinfection. This procedure can be done as a regular exfoliation.

Generally, the skin has to get used to Shugaring, usually above the negative effects occur after the first procedure, the third or fourth sugar hair removal must already pass easily and less painfully. In addition, after several applications of this technique in the hair regularly cultivated areas are thinner and lighter, which is much easier to work with them.

 Available shugaring deep bikini Home