Monday, 22 June 2015

Description diet Kim Protasov

 Description diet Kim Protasov


  • Recommendations on diet
  • An important addition

For the first time an Israeli doctor about diet Kim Protasov learned in the late 90s. Its popularity is due to the high efficiency and simplicity.

Protasov's diet is varied products that can be consumed in any quantity, and without complying with the particular mode. It is ideal for those who are hard to tolerate hunger, the inevitable subject of most diets. Constitute the main food dairy products with a fat content of not more than 5% and raw vegetables.

Kima Protasov's diet is not designed for rapid weight loss. Observe it is necessary for 5 weeks, and the same time is required for a gradual exit. This method allows you to save the results achieved for a long time and forget about the extra pounds. Action diet based on reducing caloric intake by avoiding foods containing starch and sugar. In such a situation, the body is forced to seek additional power to provide themselves with energy, and begins to actively consume fat reserves. Unlike other low-carbohydrate diets, food for the system more balanced and therefore safe.

Eating raw vegetables provides the intake of fiber, which helps to remove waste products and to establish the bowels. Dairy products are a natural source of protein and lactose, and calcium, which promote fat burning in the cells. Besides it allowed to use small amounts of fats, without which affects many body systems. Numerous reviews of women who had experienced the effects of diet confirm its effectiveness. The results are impressive: 5 weeks manage to lose up to 15-20 kg. Some manage to keep the weight in for many years.

 Description diet Kim Protasov
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Recommendations on diet

The diet consists of several stages. A detailed description of the diet include the distribution of products authorized for use for weeks. The first 14 days of the diet Kim Protasov offers only eat vegetables and dairy products. In the future, it added more high-calorie diet food. Necessarily it is necessary to drink clean water - at least 2 liters per day. Permission is granted to tea and coffee without sugar. Every day is recommended to eat three green apples and 1 egg. At this time, useful to engage in sports and take vitamins.

1 and 2 weeks of diet

This is the first phase of the diet, during which the normal metabolism in the body and recover the normal pancreas. You can have:

  • raw vegetables (except potatoes and maize) in any amount;
  • sour-milk products (yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt, natural sugar, cottage cheese, cheese);
  • salt is allowed, but just a little.

The daily menu might look like this:

  • For breakfast, eggs, carrot salad, seasoned with natural yogurt, tea without sugar.
  • Lunch consists of cheese, salad from fresh cucumbers and a glass of fresh juice.
  • At lunch - green apple
  • At dinner - beet salad with cheese, yogurt, apple or tea.

You can vary the menu and make a salad of various vegetables with the addition of chopped eggs and grated cheese. Allowed omelette with herbs, baked steamed or fried without oil. It is necessary to prepare an unusual dish - peppers stuffed with cottage cheese. For dinner, well suited raw vegetable soup on kefir or yogurt (hash).

At this stage, due to the lack of "fast" carbohydrates in the diet, lost craving for sweets and swelling disappear. The first results will be observed in the second week, the weight loss will be about 3 kg. It may also occur before. It all depends on the individual. Do not forget about sports, which help to quickly cope with fatty deposits.

3-5 weeks diet

The next period of fixing when there is intense shedding weight. The food is stored all the previous diet, allowed to add 300 grams of lean meat, fish, poultry. They have to prepare without oil, they can cook, stew and fry. Including meat in the diet is better for breakfast or lunch. Seafood can be used for salads with different ingredients.

Below is a list of foods that the diet Kim Protasov prohibits use:

  • All groats (buckwheat, semolina, rice, millet, barley, oats, couscous) and legumes (peas, beans, soybeans, corn);
  • potatoes, flour, sugar;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • sausage, ham, sausages, various meats;
  • meat and vegetable broths;
  • sweet fruit, packaged juices;
  • alcohol.

After 5 weeks of diet ends, but at this time there are significant changes in the body. To avoid the stress load, the transition to a normal diet must be gradual. The following describes the output period of the diet.

 Description diet Kim Protasov
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An important addition

The basic principle of output - is the gradual addition of new products. Gradually introduce carbohydrates and fats. Care must be taken that when the number of calories is not increased. The main diet remains the same, only dairy food must be low-fat. Instead of animal fat is added to the plant (no more than 3-5 teaspoons). Some of the apples is replaced by other fruits (except bananas, dates and grapes). For breakfast, instead of used vegetable porridge (best buckwheat, oats, millet). Dairy ingredients are replaced with lean meat and other protein products, then add boiled vegetables, soups and other familiar food.

After the diet is recommended for several months to avoid eating sweets, pasta, bread, cakes and fat intake control. It will consolidate the results for many years. It is contraindicated in people who are allergic to the recommended products, as well as diseases of the digestive system. It can be used once a year. In addition, the diet is good for cleansing the body of toxins.

 Description diet Kim Protasov

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