- Proper cleansing
- General recommendations
- Acne Treatment folk remedies
Adolescence is considered to be a complex age - hormonal changes, emotional instability. Speaking of instability - in adolescence requirements for their appearance too high. And the slightest flaw can cause a teenager now despair.
And we must train was naturally make in this age active teenage acne! For the child, it becomes a real tragedy. But do not give up - to cope with teenage acne is quite real. The main thing - to know how to do it. This is what will today's conversation.
Proper cleansing
The first step is to teach the teen proper skin cleansing. If you do not, get rid of acne would be virtually impossible. So:
- Daily cleansing
The skin should be cleaned at least twice a day - morning and evening. And in the morning, to work out for the night to remove the sebum, simply washing with warm water. But in the evening the skin should be cleaned using a special gel for washing, or folk remedies.
By the way, remember one simple rule - it is necessary to wash with hot water, which is slightly expands the pores and cleans them thoroughly. But to finish the washing should be cool - cold water instantly narrows the pores, thus preventing pollution. Yes, and the skin will look more attractive.
- Scrubs
Twice a week, you need a deep cleansing pores and removing dead skin particles. The easiest way to do it with a scrub - either homemade or purchased. Too much is not necessary to get involved in scrubs - teenage skin is very easy to damage.
Remember that before applying the scrub is very important to steam the face. You can use either chamomile steam baths, or chamomile compresses. To make a bath, prepare a decoction of chamomile - fill five tablespoons of chamomile liter of water and bring to a boil. Boil for about three minutes and then cool to a temperature such that the steam is not burned face. Pour the broth into a convenient bowl, and on which should lean teenager. Cover his head with a towel. The average bath should last about 15 minutes.
If a child suffers from any of the cardiovascular and neurological diseases, or simply can not breathe hot steam bath can be replaced by hot compress. A decoction of chamomile is also preparing, as well as for steam baths. When the broth has cooled slightly, soak it washcloth and apply to the face for 10 minutes. Napkins cool down very quickly, so they are constantly changing.
- Deep cleansing
Once a month you need to take the teenager to the beautician, who will produce a deep cleansing facial. Please note - there are several varieties of such a cleaning, but suitable only for teenagers manual. Beautician steam your face and using fingers and special tools to clean the pores of the face and remove the rash, if any.
General recommendations
In addition to proper cleansing teenager must observe a number of simple but very important rules:
- Diet
If your child wants to clean skin, ask them to review your diet. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of fatty, spicy and smoked products, artificial colors or preservatives, sweets and soda. But cereals, herbs, fruits and vegetables, dairy products very welcome! Teenage acne can not stand them! And indeed for growing healthy food it is very, very important.
- General hygiene
Be sure to explain to his son or daughter, which is extremely undesirable unnecessarily touch the face with his hands - they are a very large number of bacteria. By the way, this is another reason to wash your hands often. In addition, it is important to monitor the cleanliness of hair - acne can occur from contact with dirty hair skin.
- Decorative cosmetics
Cosmetics very adverse effect on teenage skin. Especially when it comes to the foundation and powder - they clog pores and trigger the formation of acne and pimples. But how often abused young girls makeup and apply it on the face with a thick layer, like putty on the wall.
Acne Treatment folk remedies
We have already mentioned that there are many effective popular recipes to eliminate teenage acne. The only thing you should pay attention - this is the possibility of an allergic reaction to a particular component. Therefore, before using any chosen means perform an allergic test - put on the wrist or knee for a small amount of money and leave for 30 minutes.
Carefully observe the reaction - on the skin should be no redness or rash, the child should not feel any burning or itching. If all goes well, you can start the treatment of acne.
- The mask of aloe
Aloe - the surest remedy for all inflammatory processes, including acne. To prepare the masks you need one tablespoon of honey and two leaves of aloe, after five days, matured in the freezer.
Aloe peel and crush with a fork to puree the state, mixed with honey, to get monotonous consistency. Apply the mask on well cleansed face, paying special attention to areas with rashes. Time exposure mask - 15 minutes. Then rinse with cool water. To cure teenage acne, you need to do this mask every other day.
- Camomile Mask
Prepare a decoction of chamomile: Place in a saucepan three tablespoons of inflorescences, pour a glass of water and bring to a boil. When the broth comes to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until half the water is not boiled out. Then the broth cool, strain using a strainer. Take three tablespoons of flour and knead very chamomile broth batter as thin pancakes.
This is the most dough and have medical mask - put it on the problem areas of the skin and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with water. This mask can be done every night. You will see amazing results after the first application. And just two weeks the skin condition improved significantly.
- Oatmeal Scrub
If you do not want to use a ready-made scrubs, you can cook them yourself. For example, oatmeal scrub - it damages the skin very effectively, with virtually without damaging it. Red-hot frying pan and fry until golden brown two tablespoons of oatmeal, grind them using a coffee grinder.
Mix the resulting oatmeal with yogurt so that you have turned creamy mass. Apply scrub on your face steamed and how to massage, leave on for 10 minutes and then rinse with water.
- Coffee Scrub
Of course, coffee for a teenager - not the best idea. But the coffee scrub certainly can be very useful. Mix one teaspoon of sour cream and half a teaspoon of coffee grounds, put on clean steamed and skin. Massage and wash immediately and then apply any moisturizer.
- Cucumber Lotion
Peel one medium-sized cucumber and rub it on a small grater. Place the cucumber weight in a glass bowl and pour 50 grams of cold boiled water, stir well, add a tablespoon of vodka and stir again thoroughly. The lotion should be left to infuse in the refrigerator for a day. Then use a cotton swab to wipe the skin of the child must face this lotion at least twice a sutki- morning and evening after washing.
- Chamomile Lotion
If the skin is very oily, you can prepare a chamomile lotion. To do this, place in a glass bowl two tablespoons of chamomile and pour 50 grams of vodka. Leave to infuse for a week, and then filter lotion. This lotion should be cleaned skin morning and evening.
In that case, if the teenager will be a feeling of tightness of the skin, or the skin will begin to peel off, lotion should be diluted with clean boiled water in a ratio of one to one.
In the event that after a month of treatment no improvement occurs, it is wise to consult a doctor-dermatologist. Perhaps the causes of acne are much deeper! And these causes must be sought in order not to make a lot of problems.
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