Friday, 11 November 2016



The first 6-8 weeks after birth - a period of physical and emotional adjustment. Work completed 9 months long, you see his wonderful kid, a feeling of elation and a blissful lightness has replaced the severity of recent days. But soon the euphoria passes, and you feel tired and weak light. You need a good rest. After birth, your body undergoes rapid physical and hormonal changes. These changes are normal, but may be accompanied by fatigue, which undermines your health and confidence in the ability to cope with a newborn, and changes in lifestyle.

Your family adapts to the appearance of a baby in the house, change the responsibilities of each member of the family, all the efforts are aimed at meeting their needs. Help close relatives or friends during this time is especially needed.

The relationship in each family is unique and one of a kind. Some families gain a comfortable balance within a few weeks after birth, and the other takes months longer. In the experience of the family is affected by many factors, including the nature of the child's medical complications in the mother or child, the amount of aid, economic resources, experience in feeding and care of the child, as well as the situation: whether it is necessary to count the parents only on themselves or help available close lone motherhood, family heterogeneity and, finally, the ability to adapt, flexibility parents. If you understand the basic problems associated with the postpartum period, you can estimate the load and in the future and plan for support that you need.

Physiological characteristics

The beginning of the postpartum period is considered the time of exile, from that moment in a woman's body goes through changes that mostly end in just 8 weeks. These changes are varied, taking place at different speeds. You can feel them, not noticing at all - but anyway after 2 months of operation of your body will be a little different from what it was before pregnancy. Some manifestations of the ongoing restructuring may disturb you, even though they are normal.

In the first 2 hours after birth the uterus is greatly reduced, bleeding from her gaping vessels stops - they close clotted blood clots. If you deviate from the normal course of the early postpartum period, the bleeding can not only stay, but also increase. Therefore, for women in childbirth in those first few hours and watched the doctor and the midwife.

Subsequently, the uterus is more reduced in size, its walls become thicker from 0, 5 to 3 cm, cervical lumen narrows. Immediately after delivery through the inner mouth of the cervix can introduce arm, a day later - two fingers, on the 3rd day passes barely one. By the 10th day of the cervical canal has already been formed, but the outer mouth still missing fingertip. On the third week of the outer mouth closed.

The recovery process (involution) genitals proceeds differently - its intensity depends on many factors: the individual characteristics of the body, nutrition, the body's resistance, lifestyle and so on. D.

There may be complaints of minor and non-permanent pain in the external genitals and perineum. A few days later the pain will disappear. After a day or two after birth there is pain in the breast; it is a sign that the glands to activate the process of formation of milk. When young mother feeds her baby, she can feel the pain in the abdomen - the minor pain are cramping in nature; Pain suggest that the uterus contracts. In order to influence the process of uterine contractions and make it more intense nature of the reflex mechanism is activated - the child irritating nerve endings, embedded in the mother's nipples, and the mother's body responds to this stimulation of uterine contraction.

The doctor regularly monitors the status of women in travail: measuring blood pressure, said pulse, check breathing. Blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate in women in the postpartum period should be the same as they were before pregnancy. If there are no complications, - within the normal body temperature. When activated by the process of lactation and will be pain in the breasts, body temperature will rise a few, but it does not hold for long.

Your physical condition during this period depends on what you were genera (difficult or easy) and a number of individual factors.

In addition to restoring the genitals, there are changes in other systems:

  • Breast Cancer: swell, become painful, under the action of the hormone prolactin pituitary gland begins the process of lactation - milk production; Milk appears within 1-2 days after birth.
  • Skin: gradually increasing the tone of the abdominal muscles; He fully recovered after about six weeks after birth.
  • Mochevyvedeniya system: the tone of the bladder for some time after birth reduced, resulting in the need to urinate less often than before; within a few days after giving birth may experience pain when urinating as the urine irritate the mucous membrane of the external genitalia, the integrity of which is broken during delivery.
  • Intestine: as a result of sedentary lifestyles in the early days after birth, due to a decrease in muscle tone abdominals, can clearly marked tendency to constipation.

Possible anxiety

Uterine discharge (lochia)

Spotting can last 3-6 weeks, the composition of their complex: blood clots, mucus (lymph, serum), the remnants of tissue elements of the uterus (the decidua). There is no cause for alarm.

During the first three days postpartum lochia sometimes as abundant (and sometimes more), as well as during menstruation. Although spotting seem to be very abundant, the total amount of not more than 500 ml, from the first moment until the complete cessation. Sudden bleeding from the vagina getting out of bed for the first few days - it's a natural phenomenon, which is not a cause for concern. Due to the fact that the separation directly after birth mainly consist of a small amount of blood and clots, during the first 2-3 days, they are red, then gradually transformed into sukrovichny color, and for 1-2 weeks become light yellow. In order to observe good personal hygiene should use sanitary napkins, and the use of tampons is not recommended.

Giving birth to a child, you have worked probably harder than most of the boxers in the ring, so that there is nothing unexpected in the fact that after the strong contractions and exhausting attempts at delivery you feel like a boxer after a couple of rounds in the ring. Many women say that the birth was long and / or difficult. And The following features are not anything special after childbirth:

  • blue circles under the eyes and bloodshot eyeballs;
  • bruises from small spots on his cheeks to large bruises and dark blue spots on the face and upper chest;
  • Pain in the incision site (perineal incisions, caesarean section), pain in places sutures;
  • difficulties with deep breathing due to fatigue.

We have already talked about how to restore the uterus earlier (massage, oxytocin, and so on. D.). If necessary, you will have medical care in the postpartum ward, but if signs of uterine bleeding persists after discharge, an urgent need to see a doctor, preferably in the same hospital where the birth took place.

The state of health

After hard work, and after childbirth can be presented and thus, being poor. On the physical restoration we will say later, and with some unpleasant moments, you can try to deal in the near future:

  • get rid of the blue circles under his eyes bloodshot eyeballs and help cool the 10-minute compresses;
  • pain and tenderness in the area of ​​the coccyx may be caused by damage to the pelvic muscles can help relieve the pain massage supplies;
  • painful manifestations in the chest can reduce warm compress if there are no contraindications, you can take a hot bath or pouring.

Pain in the perineum

Pain in promezhnostipri any natural childbirth with tears or cuts. Like any wound stitched, tears or cuts take time to healing (7-10 days). During this period especially important to observe the rules of hygiene:

  • follow cleanliness pads, change them every 4-6 hours; be careful that they did not move forward or backward;
  • remove the backing movement from front to back to prevent microorganisms from the anus to the threshold of the uterus;
  • Rinse with warm water (or antiseptic liquid, if the doctor will prescribe) the crotch area every time a natural need;
  • Try not to touch the hands of the perineum, until you heal ruptures (cuts);
  • crotch carefully wipe with a dry cloth (paper can be used), bearing in mind that you need to wipe from front to back motion.

You can ease the pain by using warm compresses, you may appoint a special warming lamps, local anesthesia using sprays, creams or irrigation. Good results give cold packs, as well as exercises to increase circulation.

In the post-natal period should avoid prolonged sitting or standing to avoid voltage perineal tissues. Sit on a pillow better (can be inflatable), and while sitting squeeze buttocks.


Difficulty with urination

Difficulty urinating quite normal during the first days after birth. Some women did not feel the pressure in the bladder, but often feels the urge, but can not urinate. Some women urinate, but at the same time feel pain and burning. Causes of bladder dysfunction in the postpartum period are many:

  • increase bladder capacity because postpartum sharply increased space for its expansion; For this reason, there is no need for frequent emptying;
  • during labor the bladder can be injured during the passage of the fetus. As a result, even a full bladder can not give signals about the need to drain urine;
  • anesthetics may reduce the sensitivity of the uterus to the signals coming from the bladder;
  • pain in the perineum may be the cause of spasmodic contraction of the urethra, obstructing urine diversion. Edema (swelling) of the perineum may also have an impact on urination;
  • the bladder may deter certain psychological factors such as fear of pain that appears with an empty bladder, discomfort when urinating, difficulty vessel use, the need for outside help to use the toilet;
  • Hypersensitivity seams imposed on the incision or tear can be the cause of pain during urination (in this case, we can recommend to urinate standing, legs apart, and the urine stream, head down, will not touch the painful parts of the wall of the urethra).

Despite the difficulties, it is necessary to empty the bladder after 6-8 hours after birth, so as to protect the urethral system from possible infection. If within 8 hours after giving birth alone you could not empty the bladder, you may be offered use of a catheter.

You can help your body:

  • as soon as possible after birth stand out of bed and walk, and it stimulates the bladder and intestines;
  • if you are too weak to walk to the toilet on their own, and have to use the boat, ask (if possible) to recover without foreign;
  • Use ship sitting and not lying;
  • Try warming the crotch warm compresses or a hot water bottle with ice cooling, select the way that stimulates urination.

One day, you may receive another problem - excessive urination. As the output from the body hormones of pregnancy after childbirth urination becomes more and more abundant. If after a few days following the conclusion of urine is still small or difficult, it is quite possible that this is the result of infection in the urinary system. Inflammation of the bladder is accompanied by a burning sensation in the urethra, frequent and small volume of urine, mild fever. Symptoms of kidney infection more distinct - can sharply increase the temperature (up to 38-40 °), pain in the lumbar region on both sides, is usually accompanied by symptoms of inflammation of the bladder. In this case, treatment with antibiotics.

After delivery, many women notice that it is difficult to hold urine, especially when you sneeze, cough or laugh. That is, if during childbirth overly stretched obturator muscle - the sphincter of the bladder. Assist such exercises:

  • tighten the vagina and 10 seconds, relax it; while strengthening muscles and walls of the vagina;
  • Empty your bladder is not full at once, but gradually, alternating deflation small amounts of urine with the compression of the vagina.

After regular exercise to strengthen the muscle and the obturator is to hold urine.

The functioning of the intestine

Generally, the tone of the intestine after birth reduced, slowed digestion, the chair is absent. To postpartum bowels began to function normally, we must interact several physiological factors: the feeble postpartum abdominal muscles, possible damage to the intestines, and finally psychological factors: an unreasonable fear of divergence of joints, natural concern because of the lack of intimate terms in the House as well as the excessive focus on what needs to be done. Restore the normal functioning of the intestines help diet (grain dishes, fresh fruits and vegetables); fluid intake to a greater extent (water, juices), physical activity, and stress relief.

Sometimes puerperas swollen and inflamed hemorrhoids, in this case helps chamomile lotion, warm and cold compresses, rectal suppositories, analgesic gels and ointments, and so on. D.

Warning Signs of postpartum period

In the first 6 weeks after delivery may occur post-natal complications. The table below describes some of the symptoms, in the event that it is necessary to contact a doctor.

The transient increase in temperature (38 ° C) with the appearance of the milk (1-3 day) is not a cause for concern.


Recovery of motor activity

In the absence of contraindications (heavy labor, cesarean section) no later than the day you need to get out of bed, some doctors allow up after 8-10 hours. The faster you rise, the more likely will be adjusted independent of urination and stool, restore the function of sexual organs, tighten the abdominal wall. In addition, it is a good prevention of thromboembolic complications.

Already on the first day in the morning you can do light exercise. Follow them lying on your back and try not to overwork.

  1. Dilute the arms to the side, then lift them up and drop along the body. Tighten and relax the abdominal muscles.
  2. Tighten the legs bent at the knees to the abdomen and straighten them up to the starting position. Spreads his legs apart and mix them together.
  3. Bend your knees, pull your feet to the pelvis, lift your pelvis, back to the starting position.
  4. From the prone position to sit down, bend over, hands touch the toes, lie down again.
  5. Bending your knees alternately tighten foot to the pelvis.
  6. Make a circular motion legs as if riding a bicycle.
  7. Lying on his stomach turn to bend your knees, lifting his head and upper torso.

We recommend to check out: the uterus in shape during pregnancy

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