Thursday, 17 November 2016

Eldredge Knot - a way to tie a tie really elegant

 Eldredge Knot - a way to tie a tie really elegant


  • Node Eldridge: whom he will approach
  • Step by step instruction execution

If you like to wear ties, and at the same time refined and elegant look, try to tie a tie is not the traditional way, and the node Eldridge.

This method is one of the most chic, elegant and original, so always attracts the attention of others. That is why it is suitable for people bold, stylish and seeking to stand out from the crowd, but in any situation and the situation look well-groomed and elegant. It is also noteworthy that the way to tie a tie will suit both men and women. For detailed instructions on how to tie a tie knot Eldridge, you will find below.

 Eldredge Knot - a way to tie a tie really elegant
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Node Eldridge: whom he will approach

This type of assembly is one of the most elegant and beautiful. Outwardly, it resembles a Christmas tree. Apply it is possible and in business style, but provided that you have at work is not too strict dress code. It is also ideal for those people who work hard to dress code, but it does not apply to accessories. Blindfolded so that the accessory will bring zest and variety of image business person, as business suits are usually sewn from fabric restrained colors.

If the office style does not allow such delights, the node Eldridge - great for a corporate party or any celebration, including your own wedding! If you are going to a celebration, do not forget that it is the main "highlight" of your outfits and try not to overload the image of other items, the ability to "kill" it. Thus tying a tie is better monotonous and preferably made of natural silk. The bright colors will distract attention from the node itself, and after all it was chic in it.

As mentioned, this option is perfect for both men and women. Moreover, it will give a chic woman, emphasize the graceful long neck and soften the image of the strict business woman, emphasizing femininity. Women can also experiment using for this purpose not tie a silk scarf: too can get quite exquisitely.

 Eldredge Knot - a way to tie a tie really elegant
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Step by step instruction execution

At first glance it may seem that to tie a tie knot Eldridge difficult, but if you follow the steps below, be sure you will succeed! The main thing - do not rush and precisely follow the recommendations. If suddenly you have something does not work, do not worry, it's an art.

Detailed instructions:

  1. Choose the right tie: monochromatic colors and made of natural silk. This color can be calm and bright: most importantly, that there is no pattern.
  2. Hang it on the neck as usual.
  3. Place the wide end of the tie at the height you need.
  4. Cross your wide and narrow ends.
  5. Pass the narrow part downwards behind the general. You should get a loop.
  6. Pass through a narrow part of the loop and tighten the knot so that the end of the tie "looked" in the direction.
  7. Now the narrow end of the scratch with the primary node in a horizontal position and pass through the loop in the direction away from you.
  8. Again tighten the knot, and the narrow part should be downward and to the side.
  9. Around the wide end of the tie another knot, tightened towards the side and up.
  10. Spend a narrow part around the "neck".
  11. Circle tie around the "neck". This again is to form a loop.
  12. Thread the tie in the loop in the direction of the opposite side and down.
  13. Now hold the narrow end of the front and thread into a loop.
  14. Tighten the knot and hide the narrow end.

Step by step instructions will allow you to quickly master this method. Even better, you will be if you will follow two rules. First, tie, you want to engage in this way, to be quite long. And secondly, the most important thing - immediately align the length of the wide end, so how you wear it. Since all the manipulations you spend with a narrow part of the length of the wide portion will remain unchanged. So you do not have to redo it all over again, if you suddenly notice that the main length of the tie you end up not satisfied.

 Eldredge Knot - a way to tie a tie really elegant

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